How do I clean my washing machine?

Today, almost every city dweller has an automatic washing machine. It is a convenient helper for both women and men. In times of crisis, it is very important that the washing machine lasts as long as possible, because the prices for new appliances in stores bite. What activities need to be performed for this - we will consider in this article.

Contamination reasons
According to experts, the main cause of pollution is water. It's no secret that in terms of its physical characteristics, it is tough. It may contain elements that are deposited inside the washing machine during the washing process. This leads to premature deterioration of the product.
But the things themselves, or rather, their particles can be harmful. At high speeds during washing, the material is destroyed, its fibers, almost invisible to the eye, settle in the filter grids, they become clogged, due to which water cannot freely leave.
If you do not carry out preventive measures, such as cleaning the tray and processing rubberized parts, then this leads to various troubles, one of which is an unpleasant smell.
When using cheap and low-quality washing powders, the drum can be damaged, as a white coating remains on it. By the way, this Soap deposits can start to rot - and this, again, is the source of the unpleasant odor.

In this regard, there are three types of contamination that an automatic washing machine faces:
- Scale. This also includes limescale.These two misfortunes are due to the poor quality of running water and the salts of trace elements such as calcium and magnesium. Limescale negatively affects the operation of the product and increases energy consumption. If you do not look inside the washing machine for a long time, then you can say goodbye to it. Household chemicals and folk remedies cope with these problems.
- Mold. Dirt and small debris clog into the inside of the washing machine, which is why there is an unpleasant smell and minor breakdowns.
- Contamination of the housing, including the glass door. Detergents will help to cope with contamination of plastic or glass.

What can be washed?
As noted earlier, you can wash the washing machine inside and out with household chemicals or folk remedies. In any hardware store you can find a special series of detergents for automatic machines. They differ in cost and composition.
Whiteness must be used with great care. It is a strong chlorine based chemical that can adversely affect the product.
If, according to the instructions, the manufacturer categorically prohibits the use of chlorine-based bleaches, then it follows that the washing machine drum and tubes are made of fragile components.

With baking soda, you can get rid of the mold yourself. Mold usually appears on the drum and in the tray where the detergent is poured. There are frequent cases of mold appearing under the rubber band, which is located in the area where the glass door fits.
The automatic machine helps to clear the plaque lemon acid... A bag of acid, unlike household chemicals, is always at hand for any housewife. Provided that household electric kettles are also descaled with citric acid, we can conclude that it is safe for human health.
Black mold can be used vinegar... But at the same time, it should be remembered that vinegar essence has a specific smell, which may not disappear for a long time, and the smell may remain on things.

It is capable of wiping the car from mold copper sulfate... It can be found in any gardening store. Summer residents treat trees and shrubs with this blue powder every spring and autumn against fungal diseases.
You can remove dirt from the plastic case using soap solution. To do this, just take laundry soap and grate it. The resulting remnants are filled with warm water.

We wash inside
Almost any automatic washing machine has weak points that most often get dirty. This is due to the technical features of the product. But household chemicals, with the help of which washing takes place, can have a negative effect. These are the most "suffering" places include.
Sealing rubber
At one point, household members may feel a specific smell, somewhat reminiscent of a swamp. This is the smell of black mold, which forms if the hostess washes her clothes at a low temperature, as a rule, about 40 degrees and below.
If the heating process does not occur, then the microorganisms do not die, which means that the spores of fungi and microbes that are not visible to the eye "take" free places. One of these places is the sealing gum.
Plaque, somewhat reminiscent of mucus, settles on the rubber. And if you also tightly close the glass door, without thereby ventilating the drum, then this is the most favorable environment for mold.
If plaque is invisible without a magnifying glass, then it does not follow that there is no mold. In order to accurately answer this question, it is enough to take a clean cloth or napkin and walk along the inner wall of the seal, there should be nothing suspicious on the material.

Suppose that black plaque has already formed, but, perhaps, it still does not make itself felt - there is no pungent unpleasant odor.In this case it is necessary to prepare a cleaning agent - it can be household chemicals or folk remedies.
The rubber in the drum can be effectively cleaned with advertised and well-known products such as Whiteness and Domestos or any other chlorine-based sanitary ware cleaner. To do this, you need to use the instructions and an ordinary toothbrush. After applying a chemical agent to the rubber pad, all that remains is to brush it clockwise or counterclockwise. In advanced cases, "Bathe" the rubberized part in bleach, then wait a while until the spots disappear. This procedure usually takes up to two hours. If these funds are not available at home, then from folk remedies the hostesses recommend copper sulfate or soda.

Copper sulfate is sold in stores in packs of 100 grams. 1/3 of the fungicide package and four glasses of water are poured into a small container. The powder must completely dissolve in the water. The rubberized parts of the automatic washing machine are treated with a solution.
Experts recommend leaving the automatic machine alone after processing, and check the result in a day. After the expiration of the period, it is enough to run the car idle several times, and the residues of the chemical will disappear from the walls of household appliances by themselves.

Soda is diluted in a special container. To do this, 125 ml of water is poured into it and the same amount of soda is poured. If translated into a well-known language, then this is about half a glass. The resulting consistency is processed by the sealant, the substance is washed off in the rinsing mode.
By the way, you can wash the car yourself at home with a nail polish remover. Most importantly, remember that chemical residues must be thoroughly washed off and dried dry.

Powder tray
The powder tray, or, as it is also called by the masters, the dispenser hopper, also gets dirty from time to time. First of all, mold can form in it. After all, it is from this compartment that the powder is washed away, which means that humidity in this place is high. And for moldy mushrooms, no other happiness is needed.
You should not shift the responsibility to someone else, unfortunately, the household members themselves are to blame for the appearance of mold. Indeed, for the appearance of a fungus, only certain circumstances are enough, such as a cold wash, neglect of bleaching ingredients, improper rinsing and dampness.
Almost everyone washed at a low temperature for a short period at least once in their life. This allows you to finish your wash in a short time and go about your business. Without knowing it, people do not start the disinfectant regime.
Remember that mildew will only die if you wash it over 60 degrees.

Cheap powders may be missing required ingredients, including whitening particles. They act both on things and on fungal colonies. The desire to save money, of course, is understandable, but if you use an ordinary powder, and not a universal one, then you need to buy a special tool, in this case it is not always possible to win for money. Otherwise, you will have to clean the tray and other parts from mold.
It is very important not to forget that when using rinse aid, you must turn on a special mode. Without this, the fabric softener remains on the parts of the automatic washing machine in the form of not washed off mucus. And if you don't wipe the tray after that, then the mold is guaranteed.
Mold isn't just dirt that has adhered to a sealant, tray, or drum. If there are allergy sufferers or small children in the family, then this attack can adversely affect their health. After all, mold can be ignored for many years and periodically go to sick leave.Allergy is still a flower, and if it is not treated, you can "achieve" diseases of the respiratory tract or throat, weaken the immune system.
Remember, if the smell has already appeared, then it will be transferred to things during washing. Some of them will even have to say goodbye, so it is not worth starting, it is better to start the fight against fungal colonies in advance.

If the automatic machine is not of "pre-retirement age", then you can try to pour it into the bunker for cleaning vinegar and soda in proportions 2: 1... A pound of soda will require about a liter of vinegar. It will remain to run a dry wash, but remember that this can negatively affect the machine itself and its parts.
Knowing the reasons why mold appears, you need to act in a complex way, and then the result will be one hundred percent. Of the gentle methods, you can offer to pour a bottle of whiteness into the tray, set the maximum temperature and start a long wash. After half of the wash has passed, the machine must be stopped. The rest should last about two hours. Then you need to continue washing.
Before rinsing, pour half a liter of vinegar essence into the tray and finish what you started. After all the procedures, it remains to process all visible parts of the washing machine with a dry cloth. Ventilation takes place with the glass door open. Experts recommend keep it open for at least two days, but for many it becomes a habit and they no longer close it.
This procedure should be enough to get the mold out of its place. If you follow preventive advice, then it will no longer make itself felt.

If mold is not visible under the cuff, but there is already a smell, then citric acid helps in getting rid of the swamp smell. It is advisable to wash with it at least twice a year. To do this, thoroughly rinse and dry the metering hopper. Considering that there are usually about 30 grams of citric acid in a package, then you will need to pour seven packs. You need to set the maximum temperature and the longest wash cycle. After completion, it should be dried and ventilated.

If the fungus has already appeared as black spots, you can use baking soda. The recipe for its breeding has already been presented earlier, the same solution can be used to process not only the seals, but also the tray and drum.
By the way, the substances that make up the soda are able to "muffle" all kinds of odors.
Unfortunately, folk remedies do not always help to clean the parts of an automatic washing machine. To save money, you can use a toilet cleaner. It's not a secret for anyone that in the composition of household chemicals, as a rule, the same substances, they differ only in dyes and fragrances. And from this it follows that spending your hard-earned money is inappropriate.
You do not need to wash with this product; it is enough to apply the substance with a dishwashing sponge to places where fungal colonies are suspected. Do not forget about personal protective equipment - gloves and respirators. The active substance will cope with the task in ten minutes. Then you need to remove the remnants of the substance and start a blank wash. Do not forget to turn on the rinse to fix the result. remember, that The baking soda can dissolve the remaining particles of the harsh cleaning agent.

Drain pump
It would seem that an automatic washing machine was specially designed in order to clean things from dirt, and at the same time it itself needs to be cleaned periodically. Often during washing, housewives are faced with such a situation that the water does not drain at the right time. A suspicious sound is heard, which is unusual for an automatic machine. These are the first signs that the drain pump is either clogged or broken.
The drain pump is cleaned with a wrench and screwdrivers.Do not be afraid, because there will be no repairs as such, the whole point is that the pump is inside the washing machine, so you need to get to it.
Depending on the manufacturer and model, the drain pump may be located in a non-standard place, therefore, before cleaning, you should read the instructions that came with your washing machine.
In most cases, this part is located at the bottom of the product. It is protected either by a small door or by a special cover that can be opened with a regular screwdriver. The door can be opened by simply lowering, lifting or turning, depending on the model.
The part is held on a self-tapping screw, you can "release" it by unscrewing the hardware. To do this, you need to use a Phillips screwdriver. remember, that the self-tapping screw can rust, which means that it must be unscrewed carefully so as not to disrupt the thread.

Very important at this moment put unnecessary rags under the washing machine, towels or sheets and prepare a special container for water. It is desirable that it be wide, not high. It doesn't matter what material it will be made of - plastic, metal or glass.
The automatic machine must be tilted and the container must be placed under it. It is better to carry out this operation together, the second person at this time must unscrew the lid. The accumulated water should start flowing out unhindered.
Having laid the washing machine on its side, unscrew the pump directly in the same way. Then we unscrew the wires and remove the holders with the tubes.
Now you can clean the drain from the blockage. Any household chemicals can cope with this task. From cheap means, you can recommend a soap solution, it is prepared from laundry soap, or rather, from remnants. They are filled with water. By applying the cleaning agent to a cloth, the sump is carefully cleaned.

In some models of washing machines, access to the drain pump is difficult. First of all, you need to pull out the tray, a self-tapping screw will appear, which must be unscrewed. After that, the lower part is removed and the next screw is unscrewed. This will release the panel to be removed. The remaining screws will be located under it. Further actions will be aimed at dismantling the clamp and cuff. After going through all these stages, it will be possible to remove the front part of the case, and already under it there will be a compartment with a drain pump.
There are washing machines with a drain pump in the back. So, you should remove the drain hose and unscrew the back cover. Such products also have to disconnect the terminals. The drain pump is unscrewed with an ordinary wrench, all that remains is to disconnect the tubes and clean.
They clean the impeller directly - a part that somewhat resembles a fan. The part is reliably protected by two halves of the case, which are fixed to each other with self-tapping screws, and then they have to be unscrewed. After that, access to the impeller will appear. Hair, pet hair can be wound on it. There are frequent cases of winding synthetic or natural threads. All these surpluses must be carefully removed; do not forget about cleaning the snail.

Now you need to install the pump in its original place and connect the part according to the instructions. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no extraneous noise. The water will naturally go down the drain. Otherwise, replace the drain pump.
The drain pump is clogged by hard water, when using non-recommended household chemicals, hair and wool on clothes.
To avoid damage, you should replace the detergent and clean the filter regularly. In addition, you can use a special net for washing things, install additional filters for water purification.

Streaks or various contaminants can also remain on the glass door of an automatic washing machine.And if we take into account the fact that an automatic machine can be installed in the kitchen, then the hatch is the front part. And this front part, of course, must always be clean.
To clean the glass part and the plastic frame, it is sufficient to use a non-aggressive cleaning agent. Small amounts of mild household chemicals are applied to a clean cloth.
If, according to the instructions, the manufacturer recommends diluting the concentrate before use, you should use this advice. After applying the cleaning agent to the dirt, it is enough to subsequently remove the remnants of the chemical with a clean cloth. The product will shine like new.
As for the remaining parts, they are cleaned in most cases automatically. It is enough to add the previously mentioned detergents and cleaning agents to the water intake and start a dry wash. When water gets into the cuvette, it will spread - in the good sense of the word - all cleaning substances in all details. And all the debris and pollution will go straight into the chimney.

Vertical drum
A vertical washing machine, like a horizontal automatic machine, is "infected" with the same "diseases". Limescale can build up on the heating element and if you do not ventilate the inside of the machine, then mold and an unpleasant odor will appear.
In order to clean all the parts at once and cope with all the "diseases", you will need to pour half a liter of vinegar essence into water. In this case, the temperature regime should be maximum. Within a few minutes, the water will completely mix the vinegar, after which you will need to add a few tablespoons of baking soda. Three level spoons are enough. Alkali will react with acid. For the process to end safely, turn off the washing machine. This stage usually takes about an hour.
In order not to waste time while cleaning the insides, you can clean the product outside. To do this, you need to combine water with vinegar in equal proportions and process the plastic with this solution. The tray also needs to be processed.
After an hour, you need to resume washing, wait until the water is drained and wipe the inside of the washing machine with a cloth or sponge.

Eliminate the smell
First of all, you need to understand that there can be several reasons for the smell. Bad odor can come from mold, blockages, or dirt. Often there are cases when the smell appeared from stagnant water and residues of washing powder.
But before you carry out cleaning measures, you need to carefully inspect the sewer. It may well be that the unpleasant odor comes from the pipes and not from the washing machine. This hypothesis can be confirmed or disproved by the smell from the sinks and sinks, if it is not there, then the point is in the car.
Mold smells like damp and vice versa. In the washing machine, almost all parts are washed with water, and if drying is not performed, then a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and molds appears. By washing it at least once a week, dirt and powder residues get to mold as food. Mushrooms populate the powder hopper, drum, compactor, pump and drain.
To get rid of a mushroom colony, it is enough to empty the car using whiteness or using folk advice.

If there is a clogging of the drains, then the smell of the sewer will certainly appear. Dirt, particles of things, powder residues, gathering together, begin to fade. In addition, they contribute to the occurrence of stagnant water. To get rid of this smell, you need cleaning hoses either mechanically or using household chemicals.
Often fabric particles, dirt and detergents remain on the drum itself. After the next wash, they interact with water, and if you close the glass door tightly, then the decay process will begin. After a while, the smell will appear.If households practice storing dirty things in the washing machine, then this smell will automatically transfer to clothes. It will be difficult to get rid of it.
As a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat the drum with cleaning agents, and leave the door slightly ajar after each wash. Airing will protect both things and the product itself.

An unpleasant odor may appear only when the water is drained. This indicates that the blockage has touched either the drain filter or the drain hose. Dirt, lint, mucus from the powder - all this eventually settles on the walls of the hose and in the filter compartments. For prevention purposes, experts recommend clean these parts at least twice a year.
The reasons for the unpleasant smell can be not only breakdowns, but also low-quality washing powder. Cheap tools spoil the heating element, leaving behind scale, and various parts - a seal, a powder tray or a drum. On auxiliary parts, they settle in the form of a deposit. This plaque builds up and becomes a favorable environment for microorganisms and fungi. And they, in turn, begin to "feed" on these residues, as a result of which an unpleasant smell arises. It is necessary to select washing powder and conditioner until the optimal option is found, which will not lead to the release of odors and will be affordable for the consumer.
Remember to wipe and dry the tray thoroughly. If this is not done, then the mold will not keep itself waiting long. And along with it, an unpleasant smell will appear. In advanced cases, this can lead to a complete replacement of the part.

If the mold has already appeared in the tray, with a high degree of probability, it has begun to spread into the depths. Pull out the tray and check if there is mold in the feed duct. If this is not done, then the smell will not disappear anywhere. A plunger or brush may be required to clean the canal.
All models of automatic washing machines are equipped with a protective filter. It is designed to filter water when draining into the sewer. It is not surprising that a part that takes all the contamination onto itself may eventually fail completely.
To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically check the filter, clean it or replace it with a new one. If this is not done, then the water will begin to stagnate, due to which a foreign smell will appear.
The hose at the washing machine can become clogged, as can the corrugation at the sink. Dirt, powder residues, mucus are attached to its wall - an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms. This leads to unpleasant odors. Periodic dry washing can correct the situation.if this does not happen, then you will have to replace the drain hose.

Bleach yellowed plastic
It is not uncommon for plastic to turn yellow under the influence of dust and dirt particles. It is very important that dirt does not interact with the plastic housing. In this case, it can be removed using household chemicals and a sponge. But if the plastic is cheap, then mechanical action on its surface can lead to deep scratches.
The outside of the washing machine can be cleaned with ethyl or methyl alcohol. But remember that methyl is a poison that can incapacitate even a healthy adult man. Therefore, the process must be carried out in protective equipment, and the room must be ventilated.
Experts recommend performing a test cleaning - a solution is applied to less noticeable places, and if the result is satisfactory, then you can continue cleaning.
Special wipes can be found at home appliance stores. They contain bleaching ingredients. And in stores that sell auto parts, you can find special sprays. If you buy a cleaner, then you can not only clean it, but also apply a protective layer.

Yellowed plastic is processed with acetone in the most advanced cases.In addition to the fact that acetone has an unpleasant smell, it can also spoil the appearance of household appliances. It is enough to apply this agent in a small amount on a cotton pad and carry out a test cleaning. When a satisfactory result is achieved, the entire surface should be cleaned.
In hardware stores you can find self-adhesive wallpaper white, usually they restore the surface of plastic window sills, but they can also be used for washing machines.
Another way to get rid of yellowness is spray paint. But it should be applied last, since there is a high probability of paint particles getting into the inside of the washing machine, which can ultimately lead to damage to household appliances.

Prevention and recommendations
Remember to wipe down the inside of the machine after every wash. First of all, the sealant, because this is where black mold appears. Powder particles and dirt can remain on the drum, which can eventually lead to unpleasant odors.
The dispenser tray must be dry and thoroughly treated with detergents. The glass door must be open for at least two days - airing excludes the likelihood of the appearance of amber.
The drum should ideally be empty. remember, that it is undesirable to store dirty things in it, after washing, it is required to free the washing machine from things as soon as possible and let it dry.

It is necessary to add detergent and rinse aid according to the instructions, the "more is better" option does not work in this case. Excess powder is not washed out, but deposited on the walls of the product.
At least once every two months, you need to run a dry wash, and a run using citric acid - twice a year. This helps to clean the washing machine not only from scale, but also from moldy fungi.

Following these simple recommendations, the washing machine will serve faithfully for more than one year.
For information on how to clean the washing machine from mold, see the next video.