How to clean the microwave with lemon?

The microwave oven today is a very popular household appliance, especially in families with small children. After all, thanks to her, any dish or drink can be warmed up in a matter of moments. At the time of purchasing this device, few people thought about how he would take care of it during use. However, the daily use of the device leads to the thought that it is time to clean the technician.

What is the best way to clean?
If you are faced with the task of tidying up the microwave oven, then you probably thought of buying special products in the store to remove dirt from the microwave oven. Do not forget that all these chemicals contain many hazardous substances, which are not very good for our health.
In modern models of microwave ovens, the inner part is enameled, it reflects microwave waves, therefore it is undesirable to use chemicals so as not to damage the inside of the oven.

You can use safer and more effective methods than chemical methods to remove dirt and unpleasant odors in the microwave.
Home cleaning requirements
When cleaning the microwave from greasy stains and various traces of food, observe these simple requirements:
- To prevent damage to the inner walls of the device, do not use coarse scouring pads or strong cleaning agents.
- To prevent moisture-sensitive parts of the appliance from flooding, clean it with a slightly dampened sponge.
- In a situation where food “explodes” during cooking (heating), immediately remove food residues and traces of fat formed on the inner surfaces of the oven.Get a specialized plastic cover, with its help you will not face such difficulties.

- You should start cleaning from the top wall and grate of the oven, first remove the glass plate from it. Next, clean the bottom and side surfaces of the inside of the device from stains. Finally, wipe the door with a damp sponge.
- Unplug the appliance from the mains to avoid electric shock.

Quick way
To keep your appliance clean, you do not need to use the designated equipment. For those who want to reduce unnecessary costs, we suggest using the following recommendations:
- Apply a couple of drops of any dishwashing liquid to a damp, soft sponge. Then squeeze it several times until it forms a thick foam and place it inside on a glass stand.
- Set the oven to minimum power, run time 30 seconds and close the door. You can extend the work up to one minute if necessary, but be careful as the sponge may melt.
- When the appliance is finished, open it and gently wipe the entire inside of the oven with a sponge.

By following these steps, you can quickly and efficiently remove any dirt that has formed while using the device.
Lemon peel
This most effective method will help you easily tidy up your household appliances. In addition, you can easily eliminate unpleasant odors resulting from the accumulation of food debris on the surface.
After completing this operation, the microwave will have a pleasant smell:
- Pour 350 ml of hot water into a small container;
- cut 2 lemons into halves and squeeze them;
- add the leftover lemon to the same container with the resulting solution and put it in the microwave;

- turn on the microwave for 4-16 minutes (heating time depends on the type of stains). Set the oven to the strongest power;
- after the end of the procedure, wait another 5 minutes and then wipe it inside with a soft cloth or sponge. If suddenly there are traces of dirt that are difficult to remove, moisten a rag in the resulting solution and treat them;
- Finally, wipe the inside of the oven with a clean cloth.

There is another effective method for removing dirt in the oven:
- take any container and fill it with more than half with water;
- add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the water and stir well;
- cut a lemon into 2 parts and squeeze one half into a container, and crush the second and throw into the resulting solution;
- put the dishes with liquid in the microwave for 10-15 minutes. When finished, remove the container carefully, as it will probably be hot, and wipe the inside of the oven with a soft sponge.

The result is a superbly cleaned microwave with a fresh lemon scent.
How to remove greasy stains?
When the microwave is a little dirty, you can use the following method:
- fill any container with water;
- put it in the oven chamber;
- set the program to maximum strength and program it for 16 minutes. After the end of the programmed time, do not open the microwave for about five minutes;
- remove the container from the oven and wipe the humidified chamber of the device from accumulated grease with a dry and clean cloth.

The result of the work done will improve significantly if you use such tools as:
- Baking soda. Pour 500 ml of water into a large container and add one scoop of baking soda. Program the device for ten minutes. Allow the steam generated in the microwave to moisten the stained areas for easier sponge removal.
- Vinegar. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to 500 ml of water, if it is 70%, and if it is 9%, then add two tablespoons. We put the finished liquid in the oven for half an hour at the highest power. After half an hour, you do not need to immediately open the device, leave it to cool for another 30 minutes. Under the pressure of steam, all dirt and grease particles will dissolve, making them easy to remove.
- Soap.Take a grater and rub the bar of soap directly into a container of hot water. The solution should be saturated, but not very thick. Then pour it into a spray bottle and distribute the liquid over the surface of the oven. Wait half an hour and then wipe the inside of the microwave with a rag.

An excellent result will be from the use of citric acid:
- pour one sachet of citric acid into one liter of warm water and stir well until dissolved;
- put the container with the composition in the microwave for 15 minutes at full strength;
- after 15 minutes, do not immediately open the oven door, let the steam work, and only then wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth or sponge.

This method is good, but it will not please you with the pleasant scent of lemon.
Household chemicals
Today in stores there is a very large selection of different chemicals, thanks to which you can easily put in order an irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen. These funds are both liquid and in the form of pastes. The main thing is to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations before use, so that the process is efficient and correct.
There is nothing complicated in this method:
- We apply liquid or paste to the entire inner surface of the oven, not forgetting about the door. The main thing is not to get the agent on the gratings that cover the magnetron.
- Wait for the agent to work (a couple of minutes), and then remove grease, smudges and food debris with a damp cloth.
- Then wipe with a dry towel.

Often, after using detergents, a very strong odor appears in the chamber itself. To eliminate it, it is recommended to open the device for a couple of minutes so that it is ventilated. Since the chemicals are very strong, it is advisable to carry out the procedure with gloves.
These cleaning methods are possible due to moisturizing and dissolving greasy dirt, as well as hot steam. Lemon in this case gives a pleasant fresh scent. Finally, a couple more tips:
- The microwave oven glass dish is best removed during the cleaning process. Thus, it will not bother you, plus you can wash and dry it.
- To give the appliance a shining bright shine, use a special oven cleaner.
- The solution that remains can be used for another purpose as well. For example, they can wash the refrigerator and subsequently find the same wonderful smell.
- Be careful when removing the container with the hot solution from the oven: in order not to burn yourself, it is better to wait a few minutes for the device to cool down.

Now you know how easy and simple it is to clean the microwave in a few minutes. Follow these tips and keep your favorite technique clean.
For visual instructions on how to clean the microwave with lemon, see the following video.