How to remove an unpleasant odor in the house?

Often, residents of private houses or apartments begin to be bothered by various unpleasant odors. Read about why they can arise and how you can get rid of them, read below.

Causes of unpleasant odors
There can be many reasons due to which an unpleasant odor appeared in the house. In order to pinpoint the source of the stench, it is first of all recommended to start with the kitchen, since it is this kitchen that to a large extent exudes a variety of flavors, pleasant and not very pleasant. So, during cooking, curtains, which periodically need to be washed, and wallpaper can absorb the smell, especially if the hood does not work in the kitchen or you forgot to turn it on. Spoiled foods can also be a source of unpleasant odors. The next room on the list that can be a source of unpleasant odors is the bathroom or toilet. Most often, in this case, the reason lies in problems with the wiring, which exudes a stench.
However, sometimes the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in such places is increased dampness, due to which mold subsequently appears in the house. In addition, a pet that likes to mark territory can also be a source of bad smell. An unpleasant odor can also arise from dirty clothes that cannot wait in the wings and are lying around with other things, because of street scents that arise from an unclosed window, because of garbage that they forgot to throw out, because of undried rags for cleaning floors or from tobacco. Either way, having identified the cause of the stench, you can move on to the next step, that is, to combat the smell.

What folk methods can you use?
To get rid of the unpleasant odor in the house, you can resort to using traditional methods. The great advantage of such methods is that they practically do not require large financial costs. Most often, you already have all the necessary ingredients at home. For example, you can purchase several scented candles, but you can use simple ones as well. Candles need to be placed in the room and lit. After that, the bad smell should go away.
Orange peel, which contains a fairly large amount of oils responsible for aroma, can also help eliminate the fetid aroma. When in a room, these oils evaporate, which makes the air in the room fresher and more pleasant.
However, this process is not so fast. To speed it up, you can place the orange zest in a skillet and heat it up well.

Natural coffee will be no less effective in the fight against bad aromas, instant coffee will not help here. To eliminate the odor, you can use both coffee beans and ground coffee, however, it is believed that the latter option is somewhat more effective. So, coffee needs to be poured into several small bowls and placed throughout the room. After a while, if the smell has not disappeared, the coffee should be replaced with a new one. Baking soda and activated charcoal are also good helpers in combating unpleasant odors. To get rid of the smell, you will need to put powdered coal and soda into several containers, after which these containers should be placed around the room.
Essential oils, which have a strong and persistent scent, can also overpower an unpleasant scent. Most often, oils with the smell of pine needles or citrus are chosen to combat stenchs. There are several options for using these tools. So, you can dilute a couple of drops of oil in water, pour all this into a spray bottle, shake well and spray in the room in which there is an unpleasant odor. Another option is to moisten a piece of cloth, for example, an ordinary handkerchief, with the same oil and place it in the room on a radiator.
Alternatively, you can also use a regular scented lamp to get rid of the stench to fill your home with pleasant scents.

Special means
Special products, that is, household chemicals, help get rid of the unpleasant odor quickly and effectively. This is a more expensive way to eliminate odor, but the result will be noticeable almost immediately. Most of these tools are universal. They deal equally well with different odors, be it sweat, rot, tobacco or animal odors. Almost any surface can be processed with them - from cabinet furniture to fleecy carpet or textiles.
Household chemicals are mostly presented in the form of sprays with a dispenser, which makes the use of such products more comfortable and convenient. If we talk about specific brands of such sprays, then at the moment such funds as SmellOff universal and Odorgone Professional are especially distinguished.

These products are versatile and can fight even the most difficult odors. However, their price is appropriate. For 500 milliliters of funds, you will have to pay about 800 rubles.
Helmetex is no less popular with consumers. It is a neutralizer that can eliminate unpleasant odors and bacteria, as well as make the air in the room fresher. This product does not require rinsing; to get rid of the stench, you just need to apply the product to the desired surface. The cost of such a neutralizer starts from 600 rubles per 400 milliliters.

Household appliances can also help freshen the air in a room and eliminate unpleasant odors. These devices include an ionizer, fan, ozonizer, air purifier and air conditioner. Among them, the ozonizer proved to be the most effective in the fight against unpleasant odors. It disinfects the air, which has a beneficial effect on health. The only drawback of such a device is its high cost.
If we talk about an air conditioner, then such a device is effective only if its functionality includes the purification of air masses. Otherwise, you can not expect good results from the operation of the air conditioner without this function.

Among the listed devices, an air purifier also has a high efficiency. Such devices can carry out wet and dry filtration of air masses. The effectiveness of such a device depends only on the capabilities of the filter. If we talk about the disadvantages of the purifier, then this is a high price tag, as well as the noise that comes from the device during its operation.
The fan on this list is the most economical option. This device can also help get rid of unpleasant odors in an apartment or house, but for a visible effect it is necessary to close windows and doors, otherwise you will not see the result. If we talk about an ionizer, then this device, like the ozonizer, is intended for disinfection of air masses in a room. However, in terms of efficiency, it is inferior to both the ozonizer and the purifier.

Removal Tips for Specific Odors
If there is a strong burning smell in the room after cooking, during which something is accidentally burnt, then the room must first of all be ventilated, after which you can use one of the folk methods if the smell still remains. If a fire with smoke occurs in the apartment, then the situation is somewhat more complicated. This is a rather strong smell that eats into furniture. And it's good if it is old and you can throw it away, but if the furniture is new, then the situation is different. In any case, you can get rid of the smell.
First of all, the room must be ventilated after a fire. Next, it is worth moving on to cleaning. If the room has a tiled floor, then it needs to be rubbed with bleach or soda. This must be done carefully, as there is a risk of harm to the coating. If we are talking about textiles and carpets, then they must be generously sprinkled with soda and left so for the whole night. Next, the soda must be removed with a vacuum cleaner, and if it has gotten into the carpet fibers, then the carpet will have to be knocked out. You can smell burning from windows with glass cleaner.
By the way, the glass cleaner is also suitable for cleaning many other surfaces.

If you want to remove the smell from the oven or microwave, then it is recommended to place a saucer with coffee beans or citrus zest inside these devices. After that, the door of the device is tightly closed. You can remove the saucer after a few hours, by which time the smell should have disappeared.
Besides, you can also purchase special chemicals that are used to eliminate the effects of fire. They should be used only if other ways to overcome the smell are not able to. It is necessary to work with such substances strictly according to the instructions, while observing safety precautions so as not to harm your own health.

Smell in the toilet
The smell in the toilet or bathroom can be caused by the fact that these rooms tend to have a high level of humidity. As a result, these rooms become ideal places for fungi, bacteria and other living creatures to breed there. Due to the fact that their number is increasing, an unpleasant odor may appear in the house, which is quite difficult to remove.
To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you must first find its source and eliminate it. After that, tablets of activated carbon should be laid out in the room, which will absorb the unpleasant aroma. Likewise, you can temporarily neutralize odors caused by problems with drains and sewers. However, soon the "aroma" will make itself felt again, and therefore the problem still has to be dealt with.

Tobacco smoke
The smoke from tobacco is corrosive enough, it is especially actively absorbed into textiles. Ideally, in a room where people are often going to smoke, it would be best to put a hood or a special filter. Otherwise, you can get rid of the smell by using citrus peels and cleaning surfaces using ammonia. Alternatively, you can also light a bay leaf in an ashtray, or place wet terry towels in the room to absorb the smell.

If you need to get rid of the smell of cat litter, then in this case, you can purchase specialized products that are sold in pet stores. Besides, you can also make your own solution to remove odor at home. To do this, you will need to mix peroxide, baking soda and citric acid. If you are worried about the smell left after a recent renovation, then you can limit yourself to airing the room or use neutralizers. For these purposes, orange peel, candles and coffee are perfect.
Another unpleasant smell that may be present in the apartment is the so-called senile. It is quite difficult to clean it; ventilation is indispensable here. At best, you will have to arrange a full-fledged general cleaning, which will include a thorough cleaning of all surfaces, from floors to carpets. In the worst case, cosmetic repairs will be required.