How to clean the house properly?

A clean house, where the order is at first glance, always makes a winning impression on visitors. More importantly, such a house is much more comfortable and pleasant to live in for all family members. Health and comfort of residents depend on cleanliness. However, cleaning can be depressing for most people. How to clean quickly, but efficiently, how to carry out the perfect general cleaning, plan an event without spending too much time, we will tell you in our article.
How to do a general cleaning?
Complex cleaning is often postponed indefinitely, because it is a pity to spend the whole day on it. If a quarter of an hour is enough for daily cleaning, then the general one takes much more time. It must be done at least once every six months. The appearance of the home after such cleaning becomes more attractive, and it is easier to breathe, because all possible dust and dirt in the house is removed.
It doesn't matter what you have to progenerate - a country house or an apartment, it can be done easily and naturally.
The preparation stage - you need to start with it. You need to draw up a plan, prepare everything you need: it can be equipment, inventory, washing devices. At the same stage, we try to recharge ourselves with the positive, because a lot depends on this. To make cleaning the house easier, make sure that you have mops, brooms, basins, buckets, gloves, garbage bags in stock. And also come in handy powders, glass, tile, floor, carpet cleaners. As for technology, it is a classic vacuum cleaner, steamer, steam mop, washing vacuum cleaner.

As for the mood, pleasant music and aromatic devices will help to tune in a positive mood.Cleaning planning is an equally important part, it allows you to correctly correlate all the necessary procedures and not forget anything. After preparation, include in your plan:
- getting rid of unnecessary things - clothes, papers, other junk;
- knocking out dust from blankets, pillows, carpets;
- dusting;
- washing windows;
- wiping lighting fixtures;
- high-quality cleaning of floors, including under furniture, in hard-to-reach places.
Do not knock out the dust in the house, do not be too lazy to take carpets and pillows outside, otherwise all the dust will settle in the room. Do everything related to parsing things and dust before wet cleaning, always wash the floors last. A country house or apartments of a large area require division into zones. One zone follows another, or you can distribute them for each family member.

Quick cleaning steps
One-time do-it-yourself cleaning in an apartment or a private house is also an important component of order. Rooms have their own characteristics, so the approach to cleaning should be different.
You can start by sending your dirty dishes to the sink. Pour in some detergent, warm water. Do the same with the stove and take care of the countertops, facades. As long as you wipe them, the dirt on the stove and utensils will come off and rinse off much faster. You can use soda for the stove, but you should be careful with abrasive aggressive agents.
Assess the condition of the shelves in the cabinets, if not too much time has passed since the general cleaning, there may be order. The facades and shelves are wiped with soft damp rags, then wiped as dry as possible. Put everything unnecessary on the tables in place so that the visual order becomes obvious. Check cereals and foods for expiration dates, and get rid of empty packages. If the expiration date of the products is already close, they need to be positioned so that they can be used faster.

To keep this part of the cleaning process as fast as possible, get some nice, handy storage containers. To use the products conveniently, create your own system and group them. Check the salt shaker, pepper shaker for contents, top up if necessary. Analyze the bread bin and its contents, shake out the crumbs, and remove dried and moldy crusts.
You can quickly conduct an audit of the refrigerator according to the same principles: getting rid of the delay, highlighting what will quickly deteriorate. Pay special attention to the fruit and vegetable compartments. For the refrigerator, you also need to take care of the storage containers.
While you were putting things in order, the detergent had a profound effect on the stove and dishes, you can start washing. With a quick cleanup, the oven won't be able to wash, but schedule it in the general office.
If you have a dishwasher, cleaning time will be significantly reduced. Don't forget to wipe down the appliances and rinse the sink.

You need to start cleaning by removing everything unnecessary. Send clothes to the closet, books to shelves, cosmetics to organizers, jewelry to boxes. After that, there is already a feeling that it has become much freer. If necessary, you can change the linen, if you don’t need to, just make the bed nicely. Walk with the brush, collecting cobwebs at the top, in the corners. After that, you can start dusting, vacuum and clean the floors. Flush the mirrored surfaces before mopping.

Bathroom and toilet
The bathroom, although small, takes a lot of time during general cleaning. But for a quick tidy, 15-20 minutes is enough. First, cleaning agents are applied to the surface of the bath, shower, toilet, bidet. After that, you need to put things in order, put everything in place, and wipe the dust. Wipe the tiles, revise the lockers, there may already be a lot of things to be discarded there. The shelves can be wiped down if a lot of time has passed since the general. Then proceed to wash the toilet, first the outer areas are cleaned.
Wash all mirrors, cabinet fronts, shower walls. Then take a walk inside the bath or shower, toilet and bidet. Cleaning ends by wiping the floor.

Living room
Here, too, it is important to first put all things in place, the room will immediately take on a different look. This applies to cushions, books, magazines, and other little things. Go over the curtains with a damp cloth (wash them for general cleaning). After that, you need to wipe the dust from all accessible surfaces, wash the windowsills, if there is lacquered furniture, use special polishes. Mirror and glass surfaces also need to be wiped with a special cleaner. After that, it remains to vacuum the available places and wash the floor.

This is one of the most dusty rooms in the house, in which, as a rule, a lot of excess accumulates. Wipe down rubber mats and shoe trays first, and fabric rugs should be shaken out. For general cleaning, the rugs must be washed. Wipe off the dust and process the mirrors, along the way, remove all things that should not be in the hallway, especially in a conspicuous place. Check the contents of the closet and put it in a quick order. All that remains is to vacuum and clean the floors.
In the hallway, it is better not to be too lazy to change the water, and be sure to add anti-microbial agents to it.

How to remove the Mari Kondo system?
Premises can be cleaned not only according to a standard plan, but also according to a specially designed system. A Japanese fan of order in the house, Mari Kondo, invented such a system. Using her method, you can clean the house much faster and easier. Its essence is to observe the following principles:
- all things are divided into categories and stored in a dedicated place;
- not only unnecessary items are removed from the house without fail, but also those that cause negativity;
- obligatory disposal on time from any delay;
- no division of things for a special occasion and everyday life - everything beautiful is used daily;
- cleaning should be daily, but local - in one selected area.

Useful Tips
As practice shows, the main thing in cleaning is to have a clear plan, follow it without being distracted, devote a certain period of time to each zone. On average, it will take about half an hour for each residential-type room, a quarter of an hour for the kitchen and bathroom, the same amount for the hallway. Being distracted while cleaning by watching social networks, TV is a bad idea, increasing the total cleaning time. Ideally, you could even set a timer while cleaning each room. This does not mean that you have to give up everything as soon as you hear the signal, but planning for the future will be easier for you.
Always take a trash bag with you to your rooms - this will prevent you from running around every time throwing out unnecessary things or trash. First, the living quarters are cleaned, then the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, the last is the corridor. In order not to run to the bathroom to rinse rags, take a small bucket with you. The water should be changed after each room. During cleaning, act in a downward direction: first remove what is above, then go down.
Be sure to ventilate the room and wipe the curtains - many people forget about this stage, and after all, a huge amount of dust settles on the fabric. Always vacuum before cleaning floors. Buy quality cleaning supplies that are comfortable to use.
Microfiber and eco-suede cloths are great for a variety of surfaces. But discard the old rags from clothes and towels.

To make it easier to clean, it is optimal to maintain order permanently:
- it is better to spend a quarter of an hour a day on cleaning than to give it a whole day off once a week;
- always put clothes in the closet, do not scatter, do not fold on chairs;
- if there is no dishwasher, wash cups and plates immediately after eating;
- sometimes it takes no more than 5 minutes to disassemble a blockage on a coffee table or to put things in order in medicines, do not postpone small tasks;
- in place, you need to fold not only clothes, but also things, in principle, take a couple of steps to the closet to put the book on the shelf;
- try to combine chores around the house - while cooking, clean the sink or wipe the refrigerator;
- garbage must be taken out every day - no options;
- during cleaning, do not be distracted, but first tune in psychologically.

There are special tricks from psychologists that will help you tune in to the performance of an unpleasant duty, in which case the brain will resist less. Try them:
- turn on the music that you like;
- great for cleaning audiobooks, if, of course, you practice it;
- delegate authority and distribute responsibilities, if any;
- always come up with something pleasant to please you after cleaning.
There are also a number of life hacks that will help you organize the space correctly, optimize the cleaning process and shorten it in time.
- Try putting a basket for dirty clothes in the bedroom instead of in the bathroom. In this case, things will not need to be collected throughout the room before washing. There will be more order.
- Don't forget about the beds in the house. From time to time it is necessary to lift the mattress, ventilate, vacuum. If you do this regularly, the item will last longer, and harmful organisms in the bed will not multiply.
- Place special felt napkins on the shelves in the refrigerator. Then you will rarely have to wash it from the inside. And change napkins periodically - that's the whole secret.
- Do not be too lazy to sprinkle an antiseptic on the door handles, also disinfect the remotes from the TV, air conditioner.