Bathroom cleaning

As you know, cleanliness is considered a guarantee of health. This rule applies to every room, especially the bathroom. Bathtub, sink and other surfaces of the room are often dirty, bacteria and germs accumulate on them. Therefore, many people want to know how to clean the bathroom correctly and without high costs.

Cleaning the bathroom is an important and very responsible job. Maintaining cleanliness in it is often difficult, which cannot be said about the rest of the rooms. There are certain procedures that you need to do every day.
This is necessary so that pathogenic microbes that can harm human health do not multiply.
Bathroom cleaning has a number of features.
- Mandatory performance of daily manipulations, namely: cleaning the toilet, drain, sink. Such activities help to save time in the future.
- Using toilet blocks. Constant drainage of water neutralizes all kinds of harmful microorganisms.
- Regular disinfection of the toilet rim and lid.
- Cleansing sink and bath drain.
- The use of the bath is strictly for its intended purpose. It is recommended to drain dirty water after cleaning into the toilet.
- Regular pipe cleaning.

Devices and means
In order for bathroom cleaning to be effective and at the same time easy, it is necessary not only to follow certain rules, but also to apply high-quality and suitable attributes and chemicals.
Good professional detergents should be suitable for the type of surface of the plumbing. Thus, they not only clean taps, sinks, tiles, toilet, but also do not harm them.
To clean the tiles, you can use products such as Shining Tiles, Amway LOC, HG For Glossy Tiles. Dust from the surface can be easily eliminated with soap solutions, and rubber accessories can be disinfected with Ecocide. A consumers also use Oak-Y Dokey Wood Cleaner, Natural Shine Furniture Cleaner to clean the bathtub. A rechargeable electric brush and a steam generator will help to clean the bathroom qualitatively.

In order for the bathroom to always be clean, mold does not accumulate, it is worth observing the sequence of events. If you divide the care procedures, then it will be quite simple to keep the room in optimal condition.
Daily bathroom cleaning procedures include the following:
- elimination of splashes from the mixer and mirror;
- cleaning the metal mesh of the drain;
- wiping door handles and switches with a special disinfectant;
- drying towels and bathrobes;
- rinsing children's toys at the end of the bath;
- maintaining order on the shelf in the bathroom;
- wiping the rim on the toilet;
- cleaning the sink and bathtub with a soft sponge;
- once a day or two, it is worth wiping the floor in the room.
If all of the above procedures are performed daily, then the general cleaning will be much faster.

Other jobs are worth doing weekly.
- Clean tiles in areas that are frequently used. It is recommended to wipe the area near the sink, toilet and above the bath with soapy water. It is in these areas that a large number of bacteria and microorganisms accumulate.
- Wash the sink, bathtub, shower stall and watering can. With the help of a gel and a soft sponge, you can remove soap deposits.
- Clean rugs, curtains, rags, brushes and sponges. It is recommended to wash towels twice a week.
- Wash the floor thoroughly. It is recommended that you pay attention to cleaning the seams, corners and joints of the wall and tiles.
- Disinfect toys for children.
- Treat mirrors and mixers with special substances. For mirrored surfaces, glass spray is recommended.
- Wash shelves and countertops to remove soapy deposits on smooth surfaces.
- Wipe dust on shades, doors.
In addition, it is worth washing the thresholds, towel racks.

Cleaning once a month should be done in the bathroom as follows:
- cleaning the siphon under the sink;
- flushing pipes using a special liquid or powder;
- wiping metal objects in order to prevent the formation of rust on them;
- cleaning of wooden interior elements;
- destruction of mold at joints and seams;
- cleaning the drum in the washing machine;
- sorting of personal hygiene products.

General cleaning of bathrooms is worth doing once every six months. In addition to the above procedures, it is worth performing the following activities:
- clean ventilation from cobwebs and dust;
- wash shades;
- wash floors, including hard-to-reach places;
- flush the inside of the toilet cistern;
- change curtains and rubber rugs.

Life hacks and tips
Life hacks are often used for cleaning the house and bathroom. Let's list the most effective ones.
- Wipe the surface with microfiber. After the surface has been washed with detergent, it is wiped dry. Next, it is recommended to wipe the item with a microfiber cloth. This material has the ability to collect dust without leaving lint.
- Using a vacuum cleaner, and then performing wet cleaning.
- Using a polishing unit to eliminate the ingrained dirt.
- Coating shower doors with a hydrophobic solution to prevent plaque build-up.
- Installing a removable toilet seat.

To ensure that the bathroom is always clean, it is worth regularly cleaning the room.Only if there are cleanliness measures, space optimization, and the correct selection of detergents can you achieve the desired result.