Choosing a bucket for cleaning

The choice of a bucket for cleaning the room must be approached thoroughly, despite the fact that this accessory at first glance does not seem so important. There is a wide variety of buckets on the market today. When buying, you need to take into account several important nuances at once.

Advantages and disadvantages
Regardless of the type of cleaning bucket, the accessory has many advantages and disadvantages. You should start with the positives:
as a rule, buckets for cleaning are made of high-quality materials (plastic), so they will last more than one year;
low cost - a little higher in the price of a bucket of well-known brands, as well as with a self-wringing mechanism;
variety of colors;
ease of use.

There are also disadvantages, although there are significantly fewer of them. The disadvantages include the following:
with careless use, floor cleaning products very often break down, it is impractical to repair a burst plastic bucket;
models on wheels are not always convenient to move along the floor during cleaning, since dirt gets into the mechanism;
manufacturers give unreasonable high prices for some models.
But all these shortcomings can be safely considered insignificant. The main thing is to make the right choice during the buying process.

Species overview
There are many types of cleaning buckets. They differ from each other by several criteria at once.
To size. The product can hold from 3 to 30 liters of water. But buckets with a volume of 10 liters are in high demand. There is a separate category - folding or sliding buckets. Due to a special mechanism, their volume can decrease or increase.
By form. The most popular are round and square, but oval, rectangular and triangular options can be found on the shelves in the store.
By color. The most common is the black version. But colored people are also willing to buy.
And also the products can be equipped with an automatic rag wringing system. Professional buckets often come with other cleaning accessories.

Selection Tips
In order to choose a really high-quality and comfortable model, it is recommended to take into account many nuances.
If you plan to use a regular mop or, in general, to wash the surfaces with a simple rag, it is better to give preference to a round or oval shape. If you need to use a mop with a self-wringing mechanism, then it is better to switch your attention to products of round and square shapes.
The choice of color is highly individual. If you want to make the bucket inconspicuous, then it is better to dwell on a dark color scheme: black, blue, dark green. When you want to emphasize your individuality even with the help of such an accessory, you can buy an orange, yellow or pink bucket. It is noteworthy that bright options will cost more.
Experts recommend buying not a separate bucket, and immediately a set of accessories that match each other.
When choosing, it is imperative to check the quality and thickness of the plastic. An accessory with too thin or, conversely, with too thick walls should not be bought, as it will quickly break.
If you want to purchase the option on wheels, then when buying, it is imperative to check the integrity of the mechanism, as well as test its working condition.

It is recommended to purchase buckets for cleaning in trusted hardware stores. Popular and well-established manufacturers are: Hausmann, SVIP, Polymerbyt, York and some others.