Broom and scoop: cleaning kit options

Everything ingenious is simple, and in the world of cleaning there is nothing more familiar, more traditional and uncomplicated than a broom with a scoop. Tied with rope bundles of twigs or synthetic brushes with dense rows of plastic rods, each of these tools is incredibly useful aids in cleaning. But if the broom has at least a century of history, the scoop was invented for it not so long ago - in 1858. Over the years, the device of each tool has changed and improved, so now on the market you can find a wide variety of types of cleaning devices.

Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the fact that technologies are very firmly intertwined in human everyday life, and especially when it comes to cleaning, they cannot compete with the old, time-tested methods. A broom and a scoop are what everyone has known since childhood, and such dedication is due to the fact that this device has a lot of advantages.
For example, a broom is ideal for a quick little cleaning. If cereals spilled on the floor or, perhaps, the husks from vegetables, then it immediately becomes noticeable: a bunch of small particles and parts lying underfoot turn the rest of the room into a barn. The feeling of coziness and comfort disappears from the dirt, so it is necessary to immediately solve this problem. The broom will very quickly deal with any dry dirt, effectively collecting it.

No effort is needed, no need to get the device out of a special niche, no need to connect the device to the network. Just a couple of minutes and the floor is clean.
The scoop in this regard works in the same way: simply, quickly and efficiently. It looks like a concave plate in which there is a "sill" so that the finest dust accumulates next to it and does not return to the floor.

Many modern vacuum cleaners need constant cleaning and rinsing, and you don't even have to worry about a scoop and a broom: all the dirt that remains on the structure can be removed with plain water - and this does not have to be done immediately as soon as the device becomes clogged.
The set is absolutely independent of the state of electricity in the house and is not limited to any wire. A significant advantage of this kit for cleaning up the rooms is its mobility: no complicated mathematical calculations about whether the cord is long enough to remove dirt from all corners of the room. This device will easily go after the owner to the second and third floors, it will be able to penetrate even the smallest gaps between the floor and the sofa body, it will effectively collect dirt particles, but, the only thing, it will not carry out wet cleaning.

Of course, there is a common method among housewives who pay attention to cleaning carpets in their home: if the litter has a low pile, it can be treated with a broom moistened with water. Then you can capture not only small particles of something, but also the dust that accumulates between the hairs.
Of course, this will not work if the pile of the carpet is high enough - here you should already resort to the services of a vacuum cleaner.

For the most part, the creation of brooms (now we are talking about traditional options that are very common in Eastern Europe) is an environmentally friendly process. Therefore, if we are not talking about plastic models, it practically does not harm the environment, because it is created by hand. With their direct task, a broom and a scoop cope better than other devices, which is why they are still an important element in every person's life.

Species overview
Many beliefs were associated with brooms, including even those that called it a magical container for a little house. Previously, they were created only from natural materials, so this attitude towards a sheaf of herbs was understandable. Now a standard broom, woven only from environmentally friendly raw materials, has synthetic inclusions in the form of a rope, with which the base of the device is tied. Traditional materials for such a model are:
- stalks of herbaceous plants (the most popular are sorghum, nettle, wormwood);
- tree and shrub branches (birch, oak or willow are used as raw materials);
- plastic or polyvinyl chloride;
- rubber mass (the rarest, but most effective material for brooms).

An electric broom is another version of a well-known device, but it is bad in that it can only work from the mains.
Brooms made of grass stems do not have a long service life: with active use, they become unusable after 12 months. Due to the fact that they are woven from dry herbs and branches, they tend to break off with frequent use, so the feeling of cleaning will be ruined, because one garbage will be replaced by another. Brooms stitched along the base collapse faster than those whose beams are tied separately.

Plastic options win in this regard. To make their work as easy as possible for housewives and to reduce the overall load on the lower back, brooms were created with a long handle, which is often also adjustable.
The bristles on these brushes are colored black, so the debris can be very easily seen against its background if the broom is suddenly clogged up too much. In the set of such specimens, there are often various attachments that can be used to improve cleaning efficiency.

However, it is very difficult to fit hundreds of thousands of functions performed at once in one device, therefore, depending on the purpose, housewives should choose different rigidity of branches or plastic pile.
A classification follows from this question, according to which all brooms are divided into:
- multifunctional or universal (with a pile that can reach 7 cm, with a convenient plastic handle);
- specialized (they have a special shape and pile, they are suitable only for certain functions).

A separate plus in the address of synthetic brooms is also the fact that they are quite easy to clean. They can be washed with soapy water and treated with various cleaning agents, which will not work with a specimen made from natural materials. Thanks to its sliding properties, unnatural pile is able to collect dirt better than natural fibers. And if an unpleasant odor appears, you can use the other while one nozzle is being cleaned.
Among the scoops, the most common materials are:
- metal,
- plastic.

Similar to a shovel with curved top edges, they are not very diverse. Basically, they are sold complete with a broom, if we are talking about copies made of plastic. They can be very different in size: from tiny ones with a short handle, whose total area barely reaches 35 cm, to huge ones for clearing snow.

Nuances of choice
To choose a worthy specimen that will become a thunderstorm for garbage, you need to take into account many features at once.
- If you want to create coziness in the house, and also not harm the environment, a broom made of natural materials is a great option. At first, it can even create a special atmosphere, because the herbs from which it is woven have an attractive aroma. However, it is not suitable, for example, for removing crumbs from the table.
- A telescopic broom with a variety of attachments, including a standard brush, is your best choice.
- It is the multifunctionality of the broom that should be decided in this regard, because then even the most terrible pollution will be easily eliminated.
- If the plastic or metal of the handle is thick and strong enough, it is necessary to clarify the presence of rubber elements on it. If there are any, it means that during use the device will not slip in your hands.
- It is necessary to check immediately in the store whether the attachments for the broom are suitable. Since this product is cheap, very often you can find defective models that have problems with notches and fixing additional elements for cleaning.

All this is true for the scoop, except that the most convenient option would be a standing upright model with enlarged walls.
Operating tips
- If the broom is stored in an apartment, it is necessary to provide a stand for it - there is such a high probability that the dirt remaining on its villi will not fall on the floor, but will be localized in one specific place.
- Very often, the broom is stored inside the counter under the kitchen sink, but this traditional place of the appliance is not very suitable for him. It is necessary that the product be in a dry place most of the time - this way there is less risk of acquiring an unpleasant odor.
- Also, do not bend the rods from which the natural model is made - this will quickly lead to their breakage and wear of the product.
- It is worth rinsing a plastic broom regularly, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate and will be unpleasant to use. This is also true for the scoop: very often when sweeping away debris, its particles remain on the plastic plane, leaving dirty marks. They start to give off a bad smell, dust sticks to them, and so on. To avoid this, you need to regularly clean your cleaning supplies, otherwise there will be no use in using them.