Types of scoops for cleaning the house

Even such a simple cleaning device as a scoop must be chosen wisely in order for cleaning to be comfortable and convenient. About what types of scoops are and how to make this item with your own hands, read below.

What happens?
The home scoop designed for cleaning the apartment can be of different types.
- The length of the handle can vary from a couple of centimeters to a meter, and sometimes even more. This characteristic largely affects the comfort of using the device. So, if the handle is long, high or retractable, then you do not have to bend over in order to remove the debris.

The scoop with a short handle also has its advantages: such a tool takes up much less space, it is compact and there is a corner for it literally everywhere.

- The size of this fixture also matters. So, for small areas, for example, an apartment room, a small scoop will be enough. If it is bought for cleaning large rooms or for cleaning on the street, then here you have to fork out for a larger model.

- These devices also differ in the presence or absence of the edge part., which makes the cleaning of the territory more efficient and makes it possible to sweep away even the smallest debris due to its good adherence to the floor. Such an addition is usually different from the main part of the scoop and is made mainly of rubber and other materials that are characterized by their ductility.

Materials (edit)
The choice of material for the scoop must be approached with special attention if you want your cleaning to be comfortable. The material from which the handle of the device is made largely affects the convenience of its use: so, for example, in case of an unsuccessful choice of the model, the scoop can simply slip out of the hands, which will make cleaning uncomfortable. The material can also affect cleaning, since it depends on how close the edge of the device will adhere to the surface on which cleaning is carried out.
Most often, scoops are made of plastic or metal. Wood is used much less frequently, as well as materials such as silicone, rubber or rubber. For cleaning at home, it is best to choose metal scoops or models made of high-quality plastic. Cheap plastic is often too thin and fragile, which is why it breaks in just a few cleanings.

At the present time, on the market of goods, you can find such options for cleaning devices, the materials of which are combined. So, an excellent solution would be to purchase a scoop that combines good plastic and rubber or silicone.

Purpose and application
Everyone has long known that most of the scoops are intended for basic cleaning. With their help, small dust particles and debris are removed from the floor of the room, street debris is eliminated. Such scoops are also often used in order to maintain cleanliness not only in apartments, but also in industrial or office premises.

Besides, at the present time in stores you can find special scoops that are used in a narrow direction: for example, a scoop for cleaning a cat litter box or cleaning a car interior.
How to do it yourself?
Making a scoop for cleaning is quite simple, for this you only need two elements - a bucket and a handle.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the device and apply markings on the sheet of paper, marking the lines for cuts and folds. The back wall of the scoop must be made so that it turns out to be a couple of centimeters higher as a result - this will allow, after bending, to fix the sides located on the sides.
After forming the folds, securing the edges with steel rivets and cutting the scoop accordingly, you need to start making the second part - the handle.

To do this, you can use a block of wood, on which it will be necessary to walk with sandpaper, and then cover it with a special protective agent.

Then the handle should be screwed with self-tapping screws to the main part, where all the debris will be swept away.