Everything you need to know about cleaning

Keeping an apartment or house clean contributes to a harmonious existence in the space of all family members. But at the same time, every housewife knows how much time and effort it takes to put the house in order. And the larger the space, the more difficult it is to maintain it in perfect condition. In order for cleaning to be fruitful and not so tiring, you need to know some secrets of cleaning. Here's everything there is to know about cleaning.

General rules and methods
Each housewife has her own standards of cleanliness, but every woman has to clean an apartment or a private house with a certain regularity. To do this quickly, everyone uses their own methods. Often household issues of this kind are resolved by the whole family. When all family members clean each room in their own room, the clutter can be dealt with more quickly.
There are several cleaning options.
- Daily. Typically, this is a light cleaning that has to be done to maintain an acceptable order. In the kitchen, in any case, after meals, you have to wash the dishes, arrange them in their places, wipe the work surfaces, dust off the rooms and, perhaps, sometimes wipe the floors. Especially if there are animals and small children in the house.

- Weekly. During working days, a list of urgent matters and issues that need to be resolved is accumulated in any room. It is required to clean the floors everywhere, and to vacuum the carpets and soft surfaces. In part, you have to put things in their places, wash and iron something, clean kitchen utensils and surfaces that your hands have not reached for a week.

- General. This is the kind of cleaning that the whole family often awaits with a shudder.Indeed, most often absolutely all family members are involved in this process, including the smallest. In this case, children are most often asked to deal with toys, put them in their places, and find broken ones. Adults at this time sort out their things, at this time there are sure to be those that need to get rid of. It is worth boldly parting with things that have not been used for a long time, thereby making room for new things that will bring joy. On this day, all surfaces are washed more thoroughly, looking into every corner, furniture, stove, refrigerator are moved aside. Often on this day, windows are washed, all mirror surfaces are treated, curtains are removed and washed. Pay attention to plumbing, cleaning everything to a shine. They pay special attention to the refrigerator, get rid of stale food, wash and dry all the shelves and drawers well.
When carrying out any cleaning - daily, weekly, general - you need to ventilate the premises well.

As for the methods, then everyone has his own. But there are two main ones.
- In the first case, they move from one room to another. First they clean up, for example, in rooms, then move to the kitchen, bathroom, hallway. If this is a private house, then be sure to pay attention to the local area. They remove unnecessary objects, garbage from the eyes, sweep paths, tidy up the flower beds, if it's summer.
- In the second case, the emphasis is on things. First, in all the rooms, clothes are taken apart, sorted, something is sent to the trash, everything else is laid out, hung in its place. The next stage can be books, then toys, household items. So, moving gradually through all the rooms, you can put everything in order.
But more and more often people are thinking about how to simplify the cleaning process for themselves and make it even pleasant to some extent. Some interesting methods are worth noting in this regard. For example, find out what Japanese or Swedish cleaning options are.

Margareta Magnussen, a Swedish artist, in her book calls for cleaning as if it was the last time. In a global sense, the message will be: what will you leave behind? In this case, the concept of cleaning completely changes. It takes on a philosophical meaning. And this is not just putting things in order in the house, it is putting in order your thoughts and feelings.
For to keep the space clean, you should consider each item and evaluate its role in the home. For example, will she please someone after you? In addition, you should understand what items bring joy and pleasant memories to you.
If you think carefully and understand this, then there are not so many of them. This also applies to clothing, and interior items, and books. It is not necessary to put all things in the trash can.

Most likely, in your home there are many beautiful and solid things that can be useful to other people. You can collect clothes and give to those in need, useful books that you have already read, give to those who still can learn a lot from them. At the end of this cleaning, you will definitely feel satisfaction from the work done. In addition, you can also reward yourself for your work. Buy what you really wanted for a long time, or just go where there is an opportunity to get positive emotions. There are many options. By doing this cleaning, it is possible to clear the space for something new. And if you approach from a philosophical point of view, these are not things, but good events, right thoughts, bright feelings.
The book by Japanese author Mari Kondo also turned the view of many people to cleaning, because it is also a whole philosophy, and not just cleaning. The main principle that needs to be taken into account when cleaning is to understand whether this or that thing brings you joy. Those objects that cause negative emotions have no place in the house.There are, of course, things that are necessary, which you simply cannot do without in everyday life, but each item should have its place. Such cleaning is called "done once and for all." It's just that for each thing you need to find the optimal location, and you no longer have to restore global order. This is actually very simple to do.

Let's look at a specific example in clothing. All wardrobe items should be hidden from view, but at the same time be in plain sight. This can be achieved by placing all things not in piles, which sooner or later collapse, but vertically. For example, T-shirts should be folded into rectangles and placed in a dresser drawer or shelf so that all of the T-shirts are visible. It resembles the spines of books when the title is immediately visible.
They do the same with things, and with any. It will not be difficult to place socks in the same way in the box. Of course, clothes that have a place on a hanger should be there. But at the same time, it is necessary to select a section for dresses, trousers, coats, etc. When removing any item of clothing, it is returned to the same place after use. But at the same time, it is imperative to get rid of things that do not cause any emotions. According to the same scheme, they put things in order in other things, a separate place is given to documents, tools, books, even cute trinkets.
It is important to know what is where. Then there will be no chaos, which makes you constantly return to putting things in order. This attitude towards cleaning helps to organize both thoughts and feelings.

In order to have time to cover all areas in the house, a certain algorithm of actions should be drawn up. This sequence will allow you to accomplish everything planned. Any cleaning consists of many points. But you can make a plan for the week, which will include a daily task. Consider a rough plan that will make cleaning easier.
- Monday. You can start on this day to take things apart and put them in their places. For example, in the closet it is worth highlighting separate shelves for T-shirts, jeans, in the dresser, highlight boxes for underwear, socks and tights.
- Tuesday. An audit is being made in documents, books, toys. Unwanted ones are ruthlessly sent to the trash. The rest are placed in strict sequence. For books, these are separate shelves for fiction, educational, etc. All documents are strictly laid out in folders - separately those that need to be saved; those that are required from time to time; and those that are needed quite often.
- Wednesday. Let this be the day when you need to tidy up the bathroom and toilet, clean all the plumbing, deal with dirty laundry. On the shelves, it is also necessary to put everything in its place, to conduct an audit. Throw away excess jars and bottles.
- Thursday. You can pay attention to the kitchen, disassemble and wash the refrigerator, clean the stove, clean the cupboards.
- Friday. This day is worth devoting to mirror surfaces, as well as wiping chandeliers and lamps. If possible and weather conditions permit, you can wipe the windows.
- Saturday. There comes a time when you need to vacuum everything everywhere, carpets, upholstered furniture. And then cleaning the floors follows. It is worth taking care of the flowers, giving them a shower and fertilizing.
- Sunday. This is a time of relaxation, when you can just enjoy your favorite book, cook something unusual or a favorite dish for the whole family.

What is required?
For any cleaning, you should have an arsenal of certain means and tools that will facilitate any actions and help you do it with your mood.
This is the simplest thing, since every woman always has in her closet a couple of T-shirts, pants that are out of fashion. It is they who are the working version of the clothes. It is worth dressing so that it is convenient to perform any manipulations and at the same time not be afraid to get things dirty.
But it is also a good option when there is a special comfortable tracksuit, in which it is both comfortable and at the same time pleasant to do any household chores.

For different manipulations, a certain chemistry is required. Each hostess in her arsenal has several tools that have already shown their best side. And most often every woman uses exactly proven means. There are several types of home activities that require a cleaning solution, detergent, or powder. These include:
- washing dishes;
- cleaning carpets and furniture;
- washing floors and windows;
- laundry washing;
- cleaning plumbing and kitchen surfaces.
It makes no sense to recommend specific products, since the shelves of hardware stores offer a huge variety of all kinds of products, and their choice depends on different nuances: from surface materials, fabrics, levels of pollution, finances, personal preferences.

As for the equipment, the more helpers who make the work easier, the better. There is such a kit in every home. The basic tools needed in every home for general cleaning might look like this:
- a vacuum cleaner - and it is better if it has more than one nozzle, but several for processing different surfaces;
- a brush, a broom, a mop - it is good if there is a system with an extraction in it, which will allow you not to squeeze the hoe by hand every time;
- for the kitchen you need a scraper that can clean the ceramic surface of the stove, various sponges, brushes, brushes;
- for processing furniture surfaces you need soft rags, the best option is microfiber, a mitten for polishing furniture is useful, for floors you also need comfortable rags.

Cleaning steps for different areas
Each hostess has her own convenient instructions, with which you can correctly and quickly clean any room.
The order in the bedroom begins with a change of linen. First you need to send the dirty laundry to the wash, vacuum the mattress, make the bed. Next, you should wipe the dust, including all surfaces, wash the floor.

Common areas
Usually putting things in order consists in washing floors, dusting. If there are objects that are scattered, or things that are placed randomly, you just need to put everything in its place.
If there are flowers in these rooms, you need to water them and wipe the leaves from dust.

Treatment of all surfaces with detergents is a mandatory step. Indeed, fat and dirt often accumulate in the kitchen, it is better to perform such manipulations systematically. There is a day when you need to clean all the dishes and wash the refrigerator, as well as clean the oven. Next, you need to clean the tiles and process the floors.

Toilet and bathroom are places that require frequent disinfection. Plumbing cleaning is a mandatory step in any cleaning. Tiled walls, mirrored surfaces, floors are the next step. Periodically, you need to pay attention to washing the washing machine inside and out. In addition, there comes a time when shelves and cabinets with various accessories need to be revised.

This place requires frequent cleaning only because all the dirt from the street accumulates here. Therefore, here you need to wipe the floors more often, as well as monitor the cleanliness of your shoes. Avoid cluttering the hanger and shoe racks. Those items of clothing that are not currently being used should be removed to another location. Cleaning and washing your shoes regularly will also keep your hallway clean.

Life hacks for keeping clean
The easiest way to spend less time tidying up is to keep things clean and keep things clean. This is not difficult to do.
- In the rooms, you need to return all things to their places after using them. Put things in the closet in the evening, put the book you read back in place.
- It's better to put things in order in the kitchen right away. It will take a little time, and the cleanliness will please.After dinner, it is much better to wash the dishes immediately, wipe the table and the stove. But in the morning a clean room will cheer you up.
- The same goes for a bathroom with a toilet. Don't wait for global pollution. It is much easier to do a couple of movements with a brush, brush, cloth every day than to devote half a day to this tiresome cleaning.
- A very important point is the correct organization of the storage system. All kinds of containers, boxes, baskets, wardrobes, racks and dressers help each thing find its place and quickly return it there, if suddenly it caught your eye.
- Any work needs to be done with the mood, turn on your favorite music, open windows. Be sure to throw out at least one unnecessary thing every time you clean. It is very uplifting and gives rise to such a pleasant feeling of liberation.
In addition, it will be very helpful to teach all family members to be clean. When everyone learns to clean up right away, cleaning time will be reduced to a minimum.