
French teacher: characteristics, responsibilities, training

French teacher: characteristics, responsibilities, training
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Skills and knowledge
  5. Education

A French teacher can work in any educational institution. It is important to know your subject at the highest level possible. The more skills and experience, the more a candidate can apply for a higher salary. The additional skills required depend on the desired job.


A French teacher is an educator who is able to teach French to people of all ages. The teacher can work in preschool and school institutions, institutes and educational courses. It is important that the candidate is able to find a common language with both children and adults. It is worth being able to motivate students to study the language on their own, to encourage them for their achievements.

A language teacher must fulfill the requirements set by federal educational standards. Only those people who have higher specialized education can work in educational institutions.

It is important to be fluent in French, but it is even more important to be able to teach it. This distinguishes the teacher from translators and other professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The teacher can work in different institutions and with students of different ages. Many of the advantages and disadvantages of the profession are directly related to these factors. However, there are general advantages to being a French teacher:

  • creative position allows you to constantly improve and develop your own skills;
  • I have an opportunity independently develop training programs and experiment with them;
  • different research grants for research;
  • teachers call respect in society;
  • the teacher can leave in the summer on vacation for 2 months;
  • there is an opportunity to work in private institutions with high salaries;
  • can combine basic tutoring work.

Not everyone can work as a French teacher. It should be noted that such activities require organization and restraint. Love for children and the subject will make the work more enjoyable. The main disadvantages of the profession:

  • high emotional stress - this is due to the peculiarity of students and the need to invest large moral resources;
  • quite often teachers work irregular number of hours;
  • salary is directly related to the region and place of work;
  • school teachers often have to take work home, moreover, sometimes you have to check notebooks, and in some cases - fill out reports;
  • a lot of paperwork - the teacher must form a training plan and report on it, it is also necessary to fill out journals and other documentation;
  • necessary constantly keep emotions under control and find a common language with different people.


A French teacher has quite a few tasks. The complete list may differ depending on the place of work. Main responsibilities:

  • conducting lessons;
  • organization of various types of classes;
  • conducting knowledge testing, in addition, it is necessary to draw up tasks;
  • knowledge control using intermediate and final attestations;
  • conducting scientific activities;
  • participation in conferences and meetings of the teaching staff;
  • drawing up curricula, teaching aids;
  • filling out reports and maintaining documentation.

The main task of the teacher is to help students learn French. At the same time, it is necessary to be able to find an approach to students with different abilities and characteristics.

Among other things, the teacher must monitor and regulate the discipline. In some cases, it is necessary to maintain contact with the parents.

Skills and knowledge

Only specialists can carry out professional activities in teaching the French language. Required skills:

  • proficiency in French at a high level;
  • the ability to work with a large amount of information;
  • knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and psychology;
  • the ability to express your thoughts competently and clearly;
  • organization of the learning process;
  • the ability to find a common language with various students.


A French teacher must have a specialized university degree. You can get it in absolutely any city. At the same time, training continues throughout the entire career. Teachers constantly attend refresher courses. Thus, a specialist must constantly update his skills and knowledge.

Periodically, you need to go through a retraining program. It allows you to master the following additional knowledge:

  • the basics of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • peculiarities of drawing up a curriculum for the study of the French language;
  • adaptation of specialized literature for students of different ages;
  • organization of training within the framework of a modern educational system;
  • principles of teaching French as a first or second foreign language;
  • modern teaching methods;
  • conducting extracurricular activities and motivating students to study the subject independently.
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