
What qualities should a teacher have?

What qualities should a teacher have?
  1. Pedagogical Image Standard
  2. Significant personality traits in the profession
  3. The most important professional qualities
  4. Characteristics of the "ideal teacher"

A teacher is an important person in everyone's life. In the memory of many, those who played a particularly important role in life will forever remain. After all, the teacher is not only the one who taught this or that subject, but also the one who did not leave in difficult times, showed the right path, helped to make the right decision. So what qualities should a teacher have in order to meet his profession and the requirements of the time?

Pedagogical Image Standard

No matter how much they argue about what the ideal teacher should be, or how children want him to be, there is a certain standard that has been firmly established. Ideally, a teacher should strive for it if he loves his job and is ready to devote his life to it. First of all, a teacher is, to some extent, an ideal that you need and want to strive for. That is, he must have a whole set of positive qualities, which he does not just tell children about, but demonstrates with his behavior every day.

Since this should be an example to follow, the appearance of the teacher plays an important role. This, of course, is neatness in clothes, strict style, neatness in everything, including in actions and words. The profession of a teacher presupposes not only a thorough knowledge of his subject, but also a broad outlook, the ability to answer a child to any question, even if it is not related to direct activity.

A teacher is the person who must be able to extinguish the conflict, resolve the dispute that has arisen and do it masterly, so as not to offend anyone, not to hurt, not to leave a heavy mark on the soul.... And here it is already necessary to take into account the characters of children, their emotional state, physiological characteristics of development. This is how I would like to see a teacher - smart, erudite, understanding, a real friend for children and a helper for parents.

Someone really has all these qualities, while someone needs to strive for perfection. But this is done only by those who truly love their profession and work by vocation.

Significant personality traits in the profession

Nowhere are personal qualities more important than in the teaching profession. And this is completely no coincidence. After all, this person does not just give knowledge on his subject, he actively participates in the formation of moral and spiritual values ​​in children, which can play a big role in the future. There are qualities that distinguish teachers from other professions.

Love for children

This is perhaps the most basic quality, without which there is nothing to do in an educational institution. Not all people have this ability - to truly love children.... It is on a good attitude towards children that all other motives that induce the teacher to action depend. Here is the desire to teach children a lot, to help in the formation of a personality, to organize high-quality leisure time, to attract them to interesting activities. When an adult sincerely treats his students, they feel it and, accordingly, respond in the same way: they strive to please their teacher, behave well, and learn the material. So a lot depends on the teacher.

Commitment to excellence

The teacher arouses interest in children and the desire to imitate only when he demonstrates his desire to constantly improve. To some extent, the teacher comprehends new knowledge on the spot with his pupils. They can get carried away with some new business together. It all depends on the area of ​​knowledge in which the teacher works. These can be joint trips with the accompanying study of flora and fauna, interesting discoveries.

The teacher not only prepares children for contests, olympiads and competitions. He himself participates in such events, thereby demonstrating to the children the desire to constantly develop, strive to achieve the goal. Children from such a teacher willingly take an example.

The teacher himself, if he loves his subject and wants to interest the children, necessarily studies new literature, replenishing his knowledge.

Correct assessment of your capabilities

The teacher must be objective in relation, first of all, to himself. The headmaster of the school always strives to make the teaching staff work fruitfully. And we are talking not only about the education and upbringing of children, but also about the organization of various events, participation in professional competitions, seminars. Each teacher, to the best of his ability, contributes to the overall work of the team and, of course, tries to keep his class in good standing in terms of grades, discipline, and participation in common affairs.

And the main thing here is to correctly assess your capabilities. The teacher should also feel comfortable and have time to fulfill the duties assigned to him. But at the same time, you need to understand how much effort and time is required to prepare a lesson, an event. If the teacher adequately assesses his capabilities, he copes with the work, does it with high quality.


In all situations, the teacher must show humanity, even if it is difficult. The teacher must see the personality in every child and help her to be realized. All children are different, and the circumstances in each family are different. But regardless of this, the teacher must be able to involve the child in the educational process, to captivate him, to help him adapt in the team. And if there are obvious problems with peers, it is the teacher who must stop all unpleasant situations, not allow the situation to be brought to a critical state.

Although it is sometimes difficult to implement with modern children, but a true professional in his field must be able to "reach out" to every child and at the same time remain benevolent, patient and wise.

This is a real skill, which is not given to everyone. This is a certain talent plus experience that is accumulated over the years.

The most important professional qualities

A lot depends on the teacher in the fate of the child. The knowledge laid down by the teacher allows you to master the material well, get high marks, pass successfully exams, enter prestigious universities in the future, get professions and successfully realize yourself in life. A very logical chain can turn into a crooked line, if the teacher was not the right one, went by the wrong calling and did not have the extremely necessary professional qualities. They should be considered in more detail.

  • Psychophysical characteristics are very important, since temperament, the state of the nervous system play a huge role in the process of communicating with children. The teacher must be open to communication, the world around him, to see a personality in every child and respect him, but at the same time he must be a bright individual, capable of captivating and leading.
  • Equally important aspect in the activity of a person working with children is balance. Difficulties in this work are inevitable both in communication with the children's team and with colleagues and the director. In different situations, you need to be able to be flexible, under no circumstances to go into conflict, to maintain restraint and your own dignity.
  • Responsiveness, mobility, readiness to acquire new knowledge are also not in the last place. The teacher should be active and energetic, interested in many aspects of life. In various situations, he must be able to react quickly and make the right decisions.
  • Memory and thinking should be at the highest level, since this is directly related to the learning process. Only in the presence of these qualities can the material be well conveyed to children and help in its assimilation.
  • Speech is a separate point that deserves attention. The teacher must have competent, correct, clear and clear speech. This is a very important component of the requirements for this profession. Indeed, often with the help of expressive and competent speech, you can convince a person in many ways.
  • There is also a number of qualities, without which the teaching profession is simply unthinkable. These include a willingness to help in a difficult situation, a benevolent attitude, patience and endurance in any unusual situations, high stress resistance regardless of the circumstances and, of course, faith in the best human qualities, a favorable outcome of any undertaking. All this gives strength and confidence to students who are next to such a teacher.
  • Discipline and responsibility - these are also two components that should be present in the list of the merits of any teacher. He must be aware of his actions and deeds, especially if it is directly related to children and the educational process.

Characteristics of the "ideal teacher"

Summing up, we can say that both students and parents would like to see ideal teachers in the school, although the views of children and parents may differ in some points. A good modern teacher is distinguished by desire to strive for self-improvement, to keep pace with the times, open new horizons and lead children... The system of values ​​that children, unfortunately, do not always receive in the family, must also be built by the teacher.

Undoubtedly, a plus for the teacher will be that he devotes a lot of time to children outside school hours, arranges interesting events, goes on hikes, goes on trips, visits cinemas, theaters and other cultural institutions. Children should like to master this or that subject and achieve success, but here everything depends on the teacher - how much he can interest and captivate. A good teacher even manages to push the child to independently search for some material. If there is respect for the teacher, then there is a desire to please him, earn approval, get high marks, and take a prize in the competition. After all, the success of his students speaks of the high qualifications of a teacher.

Another aspect that is important for every child is the opportunity to see in the teacher not a dictator, but a friend, an intelligent senior comrade who will not betray. You can trust him with your thoughts and hope that in difficult times he will help. But we are talking, of course, about those children who are interested in the educational process, a comfortable existence in a team.

The so-called difficult adolescents do not make good contact; here the teacher needs a special talent of a psychologist and great patience.

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