
Drawing teacher: features and learning

Drawing teacher: features and learning
  1. Description
  2. Job responsibilities
  3. Requirements
  4. Rights and responsibilities
  5. How to get an education?

In the classifier of professions, a drawing teacher belongs to the "Education and Science" section. This specialist can work in general education schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, institutions of additional education. Its task is to teach children the basics of visual literacy, to teach to draw to the best of everyone's capabilities.


It should be noted right away that the ability to draw well, a certain amount of knowledge behind the back (for example, an art school) is not yet an indicator that a person can become a good teacher. Even studying at a university in this profile is not a guarantee that a person will have a teaching career.

It is not for nothing that teaching is considered a vocation and a drawing teacher is no exception.

On the one hand, to say about the professional relevance of art teachers is to paint a not very rosy picture. In secondary schools, fine arts and drafting hours are being reduced, making it difficult to get hours per wage in one educational institution. On the other hand, many private educational centers, schools for child development and other sites are opening where art teachers can professionally realize themselves.

To become a drawing teacher, you need to have a higher professional education or secondary specialized specialized education. A fine arts teacher is subordinate to the director of an educational institution, is guided in his professional activities by the Constitution of the country, the Law on Education, as well as the job description of a fine arts teacher at school.

Like any other teacher, he not only teaches lessons, but also participates in the extracurricular work of the school (contests, events, promotions), can be a class teacher. Often, fine arts teachers have to work part-time: in order to get the optimal number of hours, they often work at school and, for example, in the House of Children's Art. Or, in addition, an art teacher conducts drawing at school, is engaged in circle work.

Job responsibilities

Before you think about choosing this profession, find out what you will have to do. This is not only about teaching and educating students, although these are, of course, basic job responsibilities.

Other job responsibilities at school include:

  • ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the State Standard;
  • the formation of a general culture of personality and socialization using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching;
  • planning and implementation of the educational process in accordance with the educational program of the school;
  • organization of independent activities of children, including design and research;
  • maintaining educational documentation in the prescribed manner;
  • observance of the rights and freedoms of students;
  • ensuring the protection of the life and health of students;
  • duty at school according to the schedule, participation in pedagogical councils, meetings, seminars, conferences;
  • production and use of didactic material, visual aids;
  • organization of the participation of children in subject competitions, exhibitions, festivals, in-school events;
  • implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the teaching process.

In addition, the teacher is responsible for the certification of his own office, and for carrying out the prescribed instructions.

A fine art teacher is a teacher, in whose "department" there are subjects and, possibly, circle directions of the aesthetic cycle. This means that this subject has a special pedagogical mission. He must form the foundations of the child's artistic culture, develop aesthetic and emotional-value perception of the world, develop observation, visual memory, and creative imagination. A teacher should also instill an artistic taste.

Probably one of the main tasks of the teacher is development of the child's need for communication with the context of the visual arts. It is this teacher who can do so that for the student contact with art is a personally significant value. Not all guys will be able to learn to draw really well, but everyone should immerse themselves in this experience, try their hand. But even drawing is not the main goal of teaching, but something else, emotional and artistic comprehension of the world, which can be introduced to the child.


A lot of professional requirements are put forward to the teacher of fine arts. But personal qualities are also important for a person in this profession.


The teacher must be able to work with documentation and keep track of the prescriptions of regulatory documents. He should be familiar with the priority directions and prospects for the development of pedagogical science in his country.

In addition, the drawing teacher must:

  • know the methodology of teaching your subject and educational work;
  • to involve modern pedagogical technologies in practical experience;
  • know pedagogy, the basics of child physiology and psychology;
  • be able to work with a PC, printer, projector, text editors, presentations, browsers;
  • maintain discipline in the classroom;
  • be prepared for integrated sessions.

Of course, today the teacher should be engaged in self-education. Only such continuous self-development can allow him not only to remain in the profession, but also to correspond to the current educational request.

Personal qualities

One of the main qualities that a person who wants to connect life with pedagogy should have is empathy.The ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another person, to feel him and to help, is very important for a teacher.

And it's also good if the art teacher has the following qualities:

  • initiative - it is difficult to imagine the creative process at school without this;
  • tactfulness - helps to resolve acute conflicts and avoid them;
  • attentiveness - you need to see each child in the lesson;
  • responsiveness is one of the basic qualities of a teacher who is authoritative for children and the team;
  • organization - without it, it is difficult to deal with a large amount of documentation, current competitions, and also create interesting lessons in this mode.

It will be hard at school for people who are not used to multitasking, are afraid of criticism and do not know how to find a common language with children.

Rights and responsibilities

The main responsibility is the life and health of children. Classes should be organized so that nothing threatens this. The teacher is responsible for the quality of his work, for compliance with the curriculum and the goals of the educational institution. The condition of the office, the safety of furniture, demonstration material, technical means in the office are also in the area of ​​responsibility of the teacher. The drawing teacher has the right to draw up the author's lesson plans, use various forms, techniques, technologies and techniques that make it possible to effectively explain the program material.

Also, the teacher has the right:

  • give the children orders to maintain discipline in the classroom;
  • make proposals for optimizing the conditions of the educational process in the art class;
  • apply for advanced training;
  • to protect professional honor and dignity;
  • for rewards;
  • on social benefits and what a specialist is entitled to under a contract (shortened working week, extended vacation, social guarantees, seniority pension, etc.).

An ordinary teacher also has the right to manage an educational institution to the extent that it is stipulated by the Charter. This means that the teacher can participate in making collective decisions, put forward his own ideas in the interests of the school and the educational process, etc.

How to get an education?

A significant plus, if during his school years the future teacher was educated at an art school. Then he can either go directly to a university (state or commercial), or study at a teacher training college, where an additional specialization can be "Teacher of Fine Arts" or "Head of the Circle of Fine Arts." Subsequently, having received a secondary specialized education, a young teacher can continue specialization at a university for a shorter period of study.

Becoming an art teacher is not that hard: passing scores in the university are not the highest. This education is available for children who could not enroll, for example, at Design, but do not want to waste time and decide to apply to a teacher training college.

By registering with the tax authorities as a tutor, an art teacher can give private lessons at home. This is how children are taught today who, for various reasons, cannot attend art schools and studios.

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