
How to get rid of facial hair?

How to get rid of facial hair?
  1. Reasons for the appearance of unwanted hair
  2. Modern ways
  3. Folk remedies
  4. Which method should you choose?
  5. Follow-up care
  6. Expert advice

Facial hair is one of the most popular causes of female shame: it just so happened that the standards of female beauty presuppose the presence of delicate and clear skin. However, nature may have its own vision, which is why too thick eyebrows, antennae and hairs on the cheeks appear. Of course, humanity has long seen this as a problem and is working to eliminate it, because there are certain ways to combat increased hairiness. Let's consider what you can do in this situation.

Reasons for the appearance of unwanted hair

To begin with, facial hair in women grows due to increased levels of testosterone in the blood, which is considered a male hormone. In general, its presence in the female body is the norm. Here another thing is important: how much and why. For example, it has been noticed that dark-haired girls have noticeably more of this hormone, because the hair is thicker, they grow thicker. In blondes, similar phenomena are expressed to a much lesser extent.

But if in the Middle East and Latin America, increased hair growth on a woman's face can still be explained by a genetic predisposition, in other countries this phenomenon may indicate certain health problems. A special cause for alarm appears in the event that nothing of the kind was observed with the same lady before. A priori innovation means that something has changed.

Here are the reasons for the increased growth of hair on the girl's face:

  • hormonal disruptions and errors in the work of the organs of internal secretion: this often happens when using hormones in the form of drugs, for example, when regularly taking hormonal contraception;
  • diseases of a cancerous nature: if problems are observed precisely with the organs responsible for the production of hormones, then the consequences are obvious;
  • unhealthy diet and lack of some valuable vitamins and minerals in the diet: without them, the liver and endocrine system can malfunction, which means that the hormonal balance is also disturbed.

A completely separate topic is the onset of facial hair growth in women after 50 years. Such age-related changes are explained by a decrease in the activity of the endocrine system: the production of the female hormone estrogen decreases, which should have outweighed the presence of testosterone. Unfortunately, in this situation nothing can be done: the natural aging processes can be slowed down by taking hormonal drugs, but this will certainly adversely affect the work of other body systems.

Modern ways

Women at all times and in most cultures have puzzled over how to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Over the millennia, during which the concept of female beauty has existed, many different methods of hair removal have been invented, both short-term and long-term. Let's consider the most famous and popular techniques.


Nowadays, epilation is gaining more and more popularity - a method in which to remove hair for a long time is obtained by acting directly on their roots. As a rule, you cannot count on an eternal effect, but why refuse the offer if you can remove the vegetation for a long time and not think about it for weeks, or even months. Let's study the most famous types of hair removal.


One of the oldest methods that came to us from the East. It is relevant both in a beauty salon and at home. The principle of operation looks quite simple: an ordinary cotton thread is twisted into a "figure eight", due to which the X-shaped intersection in its center captures several hairs at once, plucking them.

The principle of operation is in many ways similar to plucking with tweezers, except that the tweezers capture only one hair at a time, while the thread - several. The method is relevant for problem areas of limited size, including cheeks, upper lip and eyebrows, it is suitable for vellus white and thicker black hair.

At the same time, one cannot do without some experience, so it is better to make the first acquaintance in the salon.


Since we mentioned threading as a faster alternative to tweezers, let's say about ordinary plucking. Actually, This is one of the most popular home methods, but it is better to pinch only blonde hair, because the procedure is quite painful, and only with time can you learn to pull the hairs correctly. Today, this method is no longer considered very practical, because every single unnecessary hair requires attention: it means that either there should be little hair, or a lot of time. But after treatment with tweezers, the hair in the problem area does not grow up to a month.


For our country, this is still an unknown novelty, although cosmetologists abroad are using it more and more actively. The wonderful device really resembles a spring with very tight-fitting rings, with a total length of 12-17 cm and handles at the ends. The device is bent and in this position is applied to the face, and then gently released, due to which the hairs trapped in the space between adjacent rings are tightly clamped.

In fact, this is the same plucking, only at least a dozen hairs are captured at a time. With experience, the procedure can be almost painless.

Wax strips

One of the most well-known and advertised methods, which hardly needs a special introduction. Wax is applied to a fabric or paper strip here: it is heated by heating it in the hands, after which it is glued to the problem area, and the melted mass fixes the hairs. After a minute, the wax hardens, and the strip is sharply torn off against the growth of the hair. In any case, it hurts, and even more so on the face, but the strips cost a penny, are sold everywhere and allow you to get rid of vegetation in just a few minutes.


Hair removal with sugar is carried out on a principle similar to the work of wax strips, only there is no basis for the sticky paste, and the mass itself can be cooked at home. Most ladies note that the effectiveness of the procedure is comparable to waxing, but the pain is noticeably less, and this is a clear plus. In addition, sugar paste is much more effective in preventing ingrown hairs.


A simple device for home use, which should not be confused with a razor, because it does not cut the hairs, but pulls them out. The principle of operation is similar to all of the above methods: the device captures several hairs at once and pulls them out with a sharp movement, allowing the lady not to exert herself. A decade ago, such a technique was considered almost the future in the field of female beauty, and it still enjoys some popularity, but many young ladies believe that the procedure is still painful and does not fundamentally differ from the same "spring" that costs cheaper.


The laser represents the latest in cosmetic technology. Here, the root no longer just breaks out: the laser radiation destroys the hair follicle, therefore, unlike competing methods of hair removal, this method gives an effect for at least several months. Despite the indisputable advantages, the technique can be criticized, because it is completely unsuitable for blonde and gray-haired ladies: the principle of laser radiation is such that it is destructive only for hairs with dark pigmentation.

Another obvious problem is the inability to carry out such a manipulation at home, while professional cosmetologists ask for decent money for using expensive equipment.

Separately, it should be said that there is simply no such equipment and specialists who know how to work with it in small towns.


As for facial hair, depilation, which does not imply an effect on the roots, is today largely considered an outdated approach. Nevertheless, the main methods of depilation are still actively used to remove hair, for example, on the legs, and some girls use the same methods to treat problem areas on the face.


Actually, the most obvious way to remove unwanted hair, which every woman could spy on as a child, watching her dad, is shaving. The cheapness, speed and simplicity of this method are such that all men use it every day, and there is no alternative, as well as many women to care for areas that need to be rid of vegetation.

If you are afraid to wield the blade yourself, you can turn to the professionals from the hairdresser for help, but shaving has a huge disadvantage that cannot be blocked, probably with nothing. The fact is that The razor gives results in just a couple of days, and regular shaving only makes the hairs harder and stimulates their growth. If this can still be considered an insufficiently serious problem somewhere in the armpits, then it is better not to experiment with the face of girls.

Depilatory cream

Many of the folk remedies that we will consider below are based on substances that significantly weaken the structure of the hair. Some of the recipes were also spied on by factory manufacturers, starting to produce a cream, after applying which the vegetation quickly weakens and can be removed with a spatula. The method is good because such cosmetics are inexpensive, it is not difficult to buy it, and the procedure itself does not take much time.

Disadvantages, of course, are also present: firstly, no depilation provides a long-term effect, and secondly, caustic chemical components in the composition prohibit use on sensitive skin and can provoke irritation or redness.

Folk remedies

Long before the appearance of modern beauty salons, young ladies thought about how to solve the problem at home and using improvised means. Different countries have invented various ways to remove unwanted vegetation, but today only shugaring has migrated to cosmetology - the rest has remained in the category of folk recipes. However, some of these methods are still considered effective, you can try them. Consider some interesting face masks

Pea flour

For patient ladies who are ready to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a good third of the year, a pea flour-based mask is suitable - just don't expect it to work right away. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of the indicated ingredient, add a little powdered turmeric, dilute the ointment with milk until a paste-like state and drip a couple of drops of olive oil for a moisturizing effect.

We will remove excess vellus and ingrown hairs like this: apply the resulting mixture on your face and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rub the paste over your face with wet hands until it begins to fall off. After that, wash your face and apply a moisturizer.

From turmeric

The second recipe is similar to the first, but here the only effective remedy is turmeric. Two tablespoons of the seasoning are diluted with milk to a paste state, after which they are applied to problem areas for a period of half an hour. After the expiration of the period, you need to wash yourself with cold water.

The procedure must be repeated at least 3-4 times a week.

Egg mask

An egg mask is not suitable for women with sensitive skin, since the use of such a product is fraught with irritation and redness, but it is appreciated because many always have the necessary ingredients at home. You will have to wait for the result up to six months, but you can repeat the procedure less often - 1-2 times a week. The preparation is simple: the protein of one chicken egg is supplemented with a teaspoon of sugar and half the amount of corn flour, after which the ingredients are whipped until a smooth paste. It is necessary to keep such a mask on the face until it dries completely, then you can wash.

Oatmeal Banana Mask

The oatmeal banana mask is very similar to the one described above: the ingredients for it can also be found in any home, and irritation is also possible on sensitive skin. A mass is prepared according to the following recipe: the oatmeal is allowed to soak in water for no more than a quarter of an hour, after which a well-mashed banana is added to it. The resulting mass should dry on the face, after which it is rubbed into the skin with wet hands and only then washed off with cool water. To achieve the effect, you must use this mask twice a week.

In addition to masks, you can use products such as peroxide and soda.


A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is one of the simpler treatments because it does not involve the use of any other ingredients and is considered safe to use. The bottle can be bought at any pharmacy, you need to moisten a cotton pad with its contents and simply wipe the areas with excess vegetation with it. You can wash your face with warm water only after half an hour.

The procedure will have to be repeated daily, but it impresses with its simplicity. The only serious drawback can be considered that the method is suitable only for combating fluff: the substance thinns and lightens the hair, therefore the vegetation does not so much disappear as it becomes less noticeable.


Even ordinary soda can be used as an alternative to hydrogen peroxide, but, despite the even greater availability of the main active ingredient, this method should be considered more complicated, and it is also not suitable for sensitive skin. First, you need to wash yourself with water and household (not toilet!) Soap, and then dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of hot boiled water.

Gauze is soaked in the resulting solution, applied to the problem area and a tight compress is made, fixing the lotion with an adhesive plaster or at least a bandage more tightly. This bandage stays on the face for 12 hours, after which it can be removed and a moisturizer applied. A course of 3-10 such procedures literally "kills" the hair: they begin to fall off even with a slight touch.

Which method should you choose?

Only you can give an unambiguous answer to the question of which of the above techniques is better. There is no consensus on this matter and cannot be: this is what accounts for so many ways to solve the problem. You will have to weigh all the pros and cons yourself, taking into account your own needs and wishes. But we will start from three most important criteria.

  • Pain. Removing facial hair should not turn into hellish torment, because even with the lady's angelic patience, this will affect her appearance: the skin will turn red and will not look beautiful. For a lady with sensitive skin, there may not be much alternatives besides depilation. Everyone else can only try different methods of hair removal from different masters until the best option is found. It is worth remembering that the professionals in the salon, knowing about the characteristics of the client, are obliged to offer her an anesthetic cream.
  • Durability of the result. Again, a lot here depends on the characteristics of the girl's body, but in most cases, depilation solves the problem for a few days, nothing more. If the procedure turns out to be extremely fast, then why not, but in most cases it is wiser to pay attention to epilation, which provides at least two weeks without hair, and in the best case - a whole month. At the same time, only a laser can permanently remove hair, and even then not in all cases.
  • Contraindications This includes, first of all, the same increased sensitivity: if the method is good from all angles, but it hurts you very much, then you should already abandon it. Another point is a possible allergy to the components of the substance, when it comes to creams and masks. Finally, laser therapy has a wider list of medical contraindications, not to mention the fact that, in principle, it is not intended to remove hair without dark pigmentation.

Follow-up care

Each method of hair removal involves an aggressive (to one degree or another) effect on the skin, which means that it requires subsequent restorative procedures. They may differ from method to method, but in general there are three desirable steps.

  • Disinfection. Antiseptic treatment is necessary to prevent the penetration of infection, it is especially important after those procedures where damage to the skin is very likely. Ordinary medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (which itself is a folk remedy for excess hair) and chlorhexidine claim to be an effective antiseptic.
  • Moisturizing. Even if the skin was not overdried during the hair removal process, the undesirable dryness effect is very likely after the disinfection procedures. Hair is not removed to flaunt dry skin, which means you need to use a moisturizer. Essential oils, baby creams and panthenol ointments can also be beneficial.
  • Peeling. This procedure does not need to be done immediately after removing excess vegetation, but it is needed before epilation or depilation and sometime after.

Without removing dead skin particles, you simply will not be able to remove a hair normally and to its full length, and it will also have an increased chance of growing in and causing a lot of problems.

Expert advice

Experts agree that every girl has the right to meet generally accepted beauty standards, especially since in the case of facial hair, few will volunteer to argue with a common point of view. At the same time, they draw attention to the fact that the face is a very sensitive area, and most importantly, important, because, unlike the legs and the same armpits, no one will hide it. In view of this, everything that has the features of experimental experiments on itself should be discarded.

Experts agree that it is still worth acquiring the initial experience in removing facial hair in a beauty salon. - where experienced professionals will take care of you. This, of course, will cost more than any of the home procedures, but the effect will be more pronounced, and the painful sensations will be less, and you will not grab your head when you see the consequences of your own mistake. At the same time, beauty, although it requires sacrifice, should not make you literally suffer.

Any honest cosmetologist, seeing that you do not get used to pain even after several procedures, will suggest that you change the method of hair removal. In this situation, it is important to obey him, otherwise the hair on the face will not seem the main problem yet.

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