
How to get rid of body hair permanently?

How to get rid of body hair permanently?
  1. Types of depilation
  2. Hair removal methods
  3. What to choose?

Smooth and beautiful skin is every woman's dream. Today the level of attractiveness has been raised quite high. Each beauty tries to match it and strives to bring her appearance to perfection. Healthy shiny scalp hair is an object of envy and admiration. The same cannot be said about them on other parts of the body. Therefore, they are trying to get rid of hairs by all known methods and means.

There are a lot of removal techniques. The most effective are salon procedures. But they are often time consuming and expensive, so many ladies try to remove excess hairs at home. The results in comparison with cosmetic operations are rather modest, but the vegetation is weakening and thinning anyway.

Types of depilation

It is very difficult to get rid of unwanted body hair forever, since their growth is genetically inherent in the female body and belongs to secondary sexual characteristics. Also, the hairline is a protection against mechanical damage and aggressive effects of various temperatures. Its presence is determined by factors such as stress, nutrition, cold or hot seasons, but the main component is genetics.

Heredity shapes the production of hormones that affect growth. For example, the male hormone testosterone.

Its increased amount results in excess or lack of hair. In women, high testosterone levels lead to pathologies that increase the amount of vegetation. Therefore, in some cases, the help of an endocrinologist is needed to deal with the problem.

The human body is rather hairy. But influenced by many cultures and modern fashion, it shouldn't be that way. To remove vegetation, depilation is used, which belongs to cosmetic and hygienic procedures. It acts only on the shaft, without touching the hair root itself. The result is short-lived.

The procedure is divided into chemical and mechanical types.

  1. Chemical depilation - This is a special tool, most often a depilatory cream. It consists of thioglycolic salt and potassium and calcium hydroxides. The product is a thick foam and allows you to quickly remove excess in a matter of minutes. Its chemical compounds break down keratin easily, but the effect only lasts about a week. It is considered an advantage that the cream can be applied to those with sensitive skin. There is no irritation after the procedure. And the main advantages are speed, simplicity and low cost.
  2. Mechanical depilation plucking or pulling out vegetation with the help of all kinds of devices is considered. Such as tweezers, a razor, or a razor.


This is an option for removing unwanted hairs using natural materials such as honey, wax, pine resin, lemon juice, walnut extract. It is carried out not only in beauty salons and offices, but also at home. There is manual and bandage bioepilation.

A prepared composition is taken from natural ingredients. Then it is applied to the treated areas of the body. The principle is to abruptly tear off the application strips or special bandage. To use the latter, the mixture is preheated.


This is a variant of bioepilation using a water-soluble paste, which contains water, sugar and citric acid. A paste is applied to the previously cleaned and fat-free area, then torn off against hair growth. You can use rags or bandages. The solution should not stick, this can lead to bruising. Residues are washed off with water. Moisturizing cream is applied.

The advantages of shugaring are:

  • long lasting effect that lasts 4 weeks;
  • natural materials that guarantee the safety of use;
  • removal of dead epidermis and age spots;
  • does not cause irritation and ingrowth into the skin;
  • simplicity that allows you to carry out shugaring at home.

Cons of the procedure:

  • takes a long time;
  • is painful;
  • suitable only for hair that has grown at least 3 mm;
  • relatively high price in the cabin.

Shugaring has deep penetration into the structure of the root bulb. Due to this, the amount of hairline decreases over time.

The demand for this method is constantly growing.


Its popularity came after wax strips appeared on the market, which are heated and applied to the surface of the skin.

The algorithm of actions is similar to shugaring. But such depilation has many disadvantages.

  1. High soreness.
  2. Allergy cases (requires consultation with a specialist).
  3. Sensitive skin may be burned.
  4. You need preparation, talcum powder, pain relievers, hot showers and ultraviolet rays are prohibited before and after.
  5. Does not apply to all areas of the body. For example, not suitable for face, bikini area and underarms.


Traditional method of shaving with sharp blades. Allows you to quickly and painlessly carry out a hygienic procedure. There are manual and mechanical razors. Despite its apparent simplicity, the method is dangerous for various injuries and rashes. To avoid this, the modern industry provides an opportunity to purchase safe blades, gels, creams and lotions. These products are intended for skin care. Helps prepare, cleanse and soothe problem areas.


Pulling with tweezers or ordinary silk thread is considered one of the popular methods. They are used mainly on the eyebrows, lips and chin.There are also special rechargeable machines - depilators of various capacities and costs. The hairs are pulled out by the root, the result lasts about a month.

Disadvantages of pulling out:

  • soreness, sometimes local anesthesia is required;
  • duration;
  • when pulled out, the hair breaks, but the roots remain.

Hair removal methods

Epilation is the complete removal of hair and destruction of the hair follicle. Hair no longer grows. Includes scientific research.


Laser hair removal is considered one of the most advanced methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. Differs in safety and relative painlessness. For hypersensitivity in patients, lidocaine is used. Epilation is carried out exclusively in cosmetology clinics, as it is a kind of medical operation. The principle of action is to heat the hair, then the root. As a result, vascular clogging occurs, nutrients stop supplying, the follicle dies.

In general, this is a laser, which by emitting light acts on melanin, which gives a shade to human hair. The beams are distinguished by the wavelength of the emitted color. The longer, the better the penetration and the higher the efficiency. Melanin is determined by the ratio of the eumelanin and pheomelanin fractions. If the former prevails, then the shade is dark, if the latter is light. Due to the large amount of pheomelanin in fair-haired people, the use of laser hair removal does not work.

There are other disadvantages as well:

  • high price;
  • a large number of contraindications, such as pregnancy, lactation, sunburn, colds, the presence of injuries in the epilation area, intrauterine device and others;
  • fraught with benign formations;
  • sometimes it is required to carry out up to 14 procedures for the final destruction of the root bulb.

The laser removes only those hair roots that are currently involved in growth. But there are those that are genetically inherent and will appear in the future. Therefore, having destroyed some follicles, it is necessary to wait until others appear in order to remove them too.


Gel hair removal is a breakthrough in the modern beauty and hygiene industry. Specially developed formulations break the bond of the hair follicle with the skin. After frequent use of the gel, the vegetation becomes smaller, eventually ceasing to grow altogether. Does not cause allergies, no painful sensations, does not take a lot of time, affordable price category. It can be carried out in salons and at home. The effect lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

The principle of operation is quite simple. A preparative lotion with alpha hydroxy acids is applied to the heated, relaxed skin in a hot bath. Then the gel is rubbed in with massaging movements, after 20 minutes it is removed. Craftsmen remove it with special strips; for home use, a special spatula is included in the kit.

The method has practically no contraindications, except that for a couple of days after applying the gel, it is forbidden to sunbathe, use alcohol-containing deodorants.

The term for the last cosmetic procedures should be at least a month. Another small disadvantage is that it weakly affects the intimate area and armpits, since the follicles in these places are quite strong. But science does not stand still, perhaps, over time, gel hair removal will become the best and safest way to part with unnecessary hair.


This is a high-impulse light technique. It consists in heating the hair shaft to a high temperature. As a result, the blood ceases to enter the root - it dies.

Advantages of photoepilation:

  • suitable for all types of hair and skin;
  • security;
  • there is no ingrowth and infection with infections;
  • it is enough to carry out 3 procedures;
  • duration no more than 30 minutes.

Only a specialist is involved in the preparation and conduct. The length of the hairs to be removed is 2 mm, since they are shaved a few days before the procedure. Before and after the operation, it is forbidden to visit swimming pools and saunas, go to the sun or use a self-tanner. The disadvantage is that light does not affect light and gray hairs.

Effective folk ways

Traditional methods are quite common. What they don't use: coffee grounds, form oil, slaked lime, potassium permanganate.

In addition to pharmacy medicines, the recipes contain juices of berries and nuts. There are many effective ways, anyone can choose.

  1. A solution of hydroperite 15% (3 tablets), a tablespoon of water, 10 drops of ammonia are mixed.
  2. Soda is also good at removing unwanted hair from girls. A spoonful of sodium bicarbonate is added to a glass of boiling water. The composition cools down to room temperature and is applied with a swab.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with ammonia.
  4. 1% rivanol solution. The swab is moistened and wiped.
  5. Datura combines with alcohol to form a gruel. Infused for 3 weeks. Care must be taken due to the toxicity of the formulation.
  6. Crushed nettle seeds are mixed with vegetable oil. Applied for several weeks.
  7. Walnut juice and peel.
  8. Unripe berries of green grapes.

When using all of the above, you need to be aware that home cooking and using mixtures can significantly weaken the hairline, but will not completely remove it.

And the results may not be encouraging. Allergic reactions will appear. You need to be careful not to harm yourself.

What to choose?

A wide range of depilation and epilation products can be confusing. The solution to the problem depends on the task at hand and the size of the wallet. But first you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and contraindications when choosing a particular method, and study everything very carefully. What matters is the state of health, the presence of allergic reactions, the color and density of the vegetation.

The areas to be treated should not contain cuts, abrasions. The presence of varicose veins, moles, warts and other formations is taken into account. In many cases, the consultation of a cosmetologist or attending physician is required. Since improperly performed procedures may result in mechanical damage, dehydration of the skin, ingrowth and the appearance of pus.

With the variety and popularity of folk remedies, it is better to dwell on time-tested options, selected, tested and implemented by modern science and technology. After all, it is laser, gel, photoepilation, according to reviews and statistics, that really cope with the problem, often forever. Apart from everything else, they are safe and not unpleasant.

The only drawback may be the relatively high cost. But at the same time, the appearance of smooth and clean skin without regrown prickly "stubble" will delight for many years. The path to excellence and beauty requires perseverance, perseverance and self-discipline. Only deliberate and systematic actions will help to win the struggle for silkiness and purity of the skin.

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