
How to remove facial hair with thread?

How to remove facial hair with thread?
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. How to Prepare?
  3. Which thread is right?
  4. Removal process
  5. Caveats
  6. Care after the procedure

Trading is called the removal of facial hair with a thread. You can learn how to remove unwanted vegetation yourself. But to prevent trouble, try removing hairs from a less sensitive area of ​​your body. Start the process when you fully master the technology.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is easy to remove hair with a thread on the face, you just need to practice to learn how to do the procedure. Experience comes with training. There are many advantages to flossing facial hair.

  1. Practicality. This technique is great for getting rid of hair from any part of the body. It is good to remove excess hairs in the eyebrow arches with a thread, get rid of antennae. The thread helps to eliminate fine and barely visible hairs.
  2. Low invasiveness. Thread hair removal does not affect the facial integument chemically, thermally or mechanically.
  3. Efficiency. If the process is carried out correctly, the hairs with the bulb are removed, due to which the effect persists for a long time. New hairs grow slowly and become thinner. If you apply the technique regularly, unwanted facial hair completely disappears.
  4. Availability. Mastering the technique is not difficult. It is for this reason that many women use it at home.
  5. Peeling effect. In the process of using the technique, the upper stratum corneum of the skin is removed.
  6. Profitability. In the salon, the procedure is cheaper than other epilation services.

Face epilation with a thread also has its drawbacks.

  1. The procedure is quite painful, as 3-4 hairs are pulled out at the same time.
  2. When such epilation is carried out on sensitive areas of the skin, irritation appears in the form of redness.
  3. The procedure is carried out with 3-6 mm hairs. Larger villi are difficult to remove this way. Small hairs cannot be captured with a thread - it will slide off.
  4. If you disrupt the technological process, the hair will break. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely extract them.

How to Prepare?

It is very important to carefully prepare for the trading process.... To do this, choose a mirror large enough to see all the details of the face if you are going to carry out the procedure yourself. It is desirable that the mirror has a magnifying effect. This will help you see the smallest details.

If you are going to adjust the brow arches, in the next step draw the outline with a pencil. This will help you decide which hairs to remove and which to leave unchanged. Pour hot water into the tub. Sit in it for a quarter of an hour. You can also hold your face over a bowl of hot water for 7-15 minutes. Degrease the steamed skin with a special product available. Apply the substance to the skin in the right place, then wait a few minutes. Treat the area with talcum powder.

You can also steam your skin with a moisturizer. First, apply the selected product to the area and hold for 2-3 minutes. Then soak a cotton pad in warm water, remove the cream remaining on the skin with it.

Dry your skin thoroughly.

Which thread is right?

Fine fluff on the integument of the face is removed with silk. It does not slip and removes even small hairs well. Cotton is recommended for medium length hair.... But for small hairs, it will not work. Difficult to sketch and tighten. Nylon is inconvenient. It slips and clings to hairs worse. And nylon threads can injure your hands... It is also important to decide on the size of the "working" tool.

You should not take too short a thread - in this case, it is difficult to make the loops of the right size. If you take a thread that is too long, the figure eight will turn out to be large, which will lead to difficulties in the implementation of the procedure.

Removal process

To properly do trading yourself at home, you need to learn. The technique has some subtleties. Let's consider the process of removing unwanted facial hair step by step.

  1. Tear off the correct size thread from the spool.
  2. Tie the ends of the thread of your choice, then slide the ends over your fingers. Hold the working tool with index and thumbs on both hands.
  3. The loop is twisted 4-6 times in the form of a figure of eight. Please note that one part is larger than the other. And also the parts of the figure eight should move well. This will help you later to realize your plans.
  4. Attach the twisted middle of the figure eight to the hairs to be removed. Do not take too large an area to reduce soreness.
  5. Expand one of the parts of the figure with your fingers. It increases, while the other decreases, which leads to the pulling of the hairs.

The procedure is approximately the same in the chin area, next to the nasolabial triangle, in the brow arches.

To reduce soreness, do not over-seize the skin. This leads to fragility of the hairs, the follicles remain without being removed at all.


Refuse to carry out epilation procedures in the presence of certain diseases developing in the body. You cannot do the procedure if there are papillomas, warts, moles on the treated area of ​​the skin. Otherwise, there is a possibility of their damage during the epilation process, which will cause serious consequences.

Refuse any manipulations during pregnancy. This can lead to miscarriage. You cannot carry out the trading procedure during the lactation period - milk loss is possible.

By performing epilation procedures, you increase blood flow. Therefore, refuse the procedure if you suffer from vein varicose veins.... In the process of trading operations, blood flow dysfunction occurs. Stimulating it complicates the course of the disease. It develops with renewed vigor. In a difficult situation, even thrombosis can occur.

In the process of exposure to unhealthy skin, you can also bring an infection inside, exacerbating the situation... Better to wait until the lining of the facial section is completely healed.

You can not do trading with the development of inflammation in the facial region. The skin becomes overly sensitive if you are thermally burned, suffer from allergic reactions or irritations.

It is difficult to transfer the manipulations of trading, since pain is almost always felt.

Care after the procedure

To avoid undesirable effects on the skin, it is good take care of her after the procedure. Do not use water immediately after trading for 2-4 hours. Also exclude contact of the treated area with clothing.

If you have any discomfort after epilation, use ice to eliminate them. You can relieve pain with a decoction of chamomile and calendula. To do this, take a spoonful of the dry mixture, fill it with cold water. Next, you need to boil the product for half an hour, then insist the broth. It is necessary to wash them several times. The use of these special products helps to normalize the integrity of the skin.

For 2 days, give up sunbathing, visiting the solarium, sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool. You cannot swim in various reservoirs at this time, take a hot bath, or a scalding shower. Avoid using detergents containing dyes. When bathing, do not use hard washcloths.

It is not difficult to remove hairs in the facial area. Start doing the procedure only when you fully master the technological process. Otherwise, irritation may occur in the treated area. Try removing hairs from a less painful area first.

Having fully mastered the technology, you can start performing the process of removing facial hair.

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