
Biorevitalization Aquashine: features and effect

Biorevitalization Aquashine: features and effect
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Types and composition
  3. Who is it recommended for?
  4. Contraindications
  5. Effect and duration of the course
  6. Procedure scheme
  7. Side effects
  8. Helpful tips and feedback

For women, the aging process is a special topic. To be beautiful, attractive and desirable for many today is not just a goal, but also an established lifestyle. Alas, the treacherous wrinkles that arise with age, "crow's feet" and the like not only upset the fairer sex, but are often a negative background on which stressful conditions arise, and there are enough stresses in our life without that.

According to practicing specialists, and judging by the feedback from patients, a number of unpleasant age-related defects in skin tissues are effectively eliminated using the innovative Aquashine biorevitalization process. You need to grow old beautifully and no self-respecting woman can argue with it!


An active research search for anti-aging drugs for the face has been carried out since the 80s of the twentieth century. It was during this period that doctors noticed the effect of improving the condition of the skin in patients after injections, which included various vitamins.

In the early 2000s, Italian cosmetologists, studying the regenerative processes of the skin, made an interesting discovery - the surface of the damaged skin actively produces a special substance - hyaluronic acid, which heals scratches and wounds. In other words, the open substance stimulates and activates the processes of tissue regeneration at the cellular level. Further work continued in the direction of the artificial synthesis of hyaluronic acid for rapid wound healing and skin tissue rejuvenation.

Finally, in 2014, the Aquashine ("shine of light") formula was developed, and the Korean pharmaceutical company Caregen LTD, which developed the drug, began to release a product that stimulates collagen production. Since then, Aquashine has proven itself to be an excellent formulation for skin rejuvenation.

Since that time, a number of world cosmetics manufacturers have been using some amino acid analogs in their products. For example, biomimetic peptides that stimulate the development of the anti-aging process.

Aquashine contains many vitamins, trace elements and amino acids that contribute to the rejuvenation process:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • peptides (unique amino acid chains, reanimating and restoring weakened);
  • retinoids, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic, folic and ascorbic acids and other components;
  • antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects;
  • high molecular weight nucleic acid compounds;
  • minerals and trace elements that contribute to the normalization of metabolism.

Today, Aquashine biorevitalization is an effective innovative method of cosmetic correction of skin tissues, giving them firmness and elasticity by stimulating the process of collagen production. Method of application - subcutaneous injections of biocompatible gel-like substances (fillers) that promote collagen production.

The new technology differs from other used anti-aging techniques in a number of advantages:

  • low level of painful sensations;
  • quick recovery of skin tissues after the procedure (1-3 days);
  • a minimum of side reactions, since the composition of the agents used is optimal;
  • efficiency, a clear decrease in the level of severity of wrinkles;
  • blood flow improves, successful regeneration occurs;
  • sensitivity decreases;
  • fewer contraindications;
  • the fillers used do not give rise to any obsessive urge to reapply them, which makes it possible for the client not to continue the procedure if he wishes.

It is recommended to carry out biorevitalization, first of all, for patients over 35 years old. Up to this age mark, in order to rejuvenate, it is better to use substances containing hyaluronic acid. Popular among them are drugs: "Libriderm", "Loreal", "Merz", Vichi Liftaktiv.

As practice shows, the composition of the substance rich in substances useful for the skin and a minimum of contraindications help to improve the quality of the skin of the face after several procedures.

Types and composition

Aquashine comes in three main flavors:

  • Revofil Aquashine Soft;
  • Revofil Aquashine HA BR;
  • Revofil Aquashine BTX.

The main purpose of intradermal and subcutaneous injections is the introduction of anti-aging compounds into a specific highlighted area. The parallel use of several drugs during 1 session violates the effect of rejuvenation.

The Soft series is a basic product used for early signs of wilting (35-40 years).

Additionally, the filler includes other analogs of amino acids:

  • rejuline peptide (controls the process of cell division, which affects the causes of collagen growth, regenerative skin processes, skin rejuvenation);
  • peptide edp, which regulates the cell growth of connective tissues and keratocytes involved in the synthesis and formation of hyaluronic acid, collagens and elastin.

These components help to increase the tone of the skin, dim the relief of scars, replacing them with new cells on their surface. There is a general tightening of the skin. Such mesotherapy (a separate technique in cosmetology), which enhances subcutaneous injection, is used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolleté, and hand areas.

Concomitant effects:

  • high-quality lifting;
  • removal of rashes;
  • intensive moisturizing of skin tissues;
  • correction of folds;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • thickening of tissues;
  • elimination of the obvious severity of wrinkles;
  • increased production of collagen and elastin;
  • reduction of scars.

The manufacturer claims that the use of the drug does not lead to the destruction of collagen fibers.

The BR series removes age spots, and the purilux and flatin components present in its composition help to reduce the level of melanin production, since these amino acid chains disrupt the action of melanocytes, promote the formation of collagen and elastin compounds. Due to this, the process of sebum secretion is reduced, and metabolic processes are improved. The skin becomes lighter, moisturized, blood vessels are strengthened, and the severity of wrinkles decreases.

The difference between the BTX series and the other two drugs lies in its composition. The drug contains oligopeptides that stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, eliminate muscle cramps, and stimulate the production of collagen proteins. Moisturizing skin tissues, the substance saturates them with analogs of amino acids. Reduces the activity of facial muscles, which is comparable to the effect of Botox.

In general, it has a regenerating, revitalizing, relaxing effect on the skin. Unlike botox, recovery processes occur naturally and can be successfully combined with other procedures, for example, using the laser method.

Who is it recommended for?

As an innovative product, Aquashine nevertheless has both indications and contraindications.

The former include, for example:

  • neuromuscular diseases of the eyelids, sagging skin, the appearance of folds, sagging lips, the appearance of a 2nd chin;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • fuzziness of the contours of the face;
  • dry skin;
  • loss of elasticity of capillary vessels;
  • thinning of skin tissue;
  • increase in pore size;
  • decreased collagen levels;
  • darkening of the skin.


Contraindications correspond to the types of drugs of this class:

  • the presence of various kinds of infections;
  • age restriction - up to 16 years;
  • possible allergic manifestations to individual components of the drug;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • dermatosis and other inflammatory manifestations at the sites of filler application;
  • tumors, high blood sugar;
  • eczema or psoriasis;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes;
  • diseases of the nervous system, a high level of muscle fatigue.

Effect and duration of the course

The usual rehabilitation course consists of three procedures using the same type of drug. Sessions two to three times a year lead to a stable result. In the case of a neglected condition of the skin tissues, the session includes from 5 to 6 procedures (interval - two weeks).

The effect is expressed in the saturation of the skin with moisture, their lightening, leveling the relief, the disappearance of small folds, wrinkles, regardless of the client's age.

Judging by the numerous reviews on the Internet, women who have tried the remedy on themselves find it quite effective. After the end of the biorevitalization session, it is recommended to repeat the procedure in 30-35 days.

Procedure scheme

In practice, the following methods (injection techniques) of using Aquashine are used:

  • cannula;
  • bolus;
  • linear;
  • fan-shaped;
  • multi-puncture.

In the first case, a so-called cannula is inserted under the skin. This is a blunt-pointed needle, inserted into pre-marked areas of the skin with twisting movements. The method is somewhat painful and includes one-time punctures.

The bolus method is used when it is necessary to correct the contours of the face, lips or cheekbones. The procedure is sensitive, with multiple punctures.

The linear technique is not painful. In this case, the needle is inserted according to the skin cavity, and the agent flows under the skin during the withdrawal of the needle.

The fan method involves changing the direction of the needle in the process of a single puncture. The drug is delivered slowly, the angle of introduction of the needle is changed carefully and smoothly, so as to completely cover the entire intended area.

Multipuncture practice involves superficial repeated injections of the agent in small amounts. It is important to make the punctures next to each other and distribute them evenly over the treated area. The procedure is performed with a special syringe.

A significant result is achieved after 3 or more procedures. If the skin tissue is in poor condition, 6 or more procedures are performed. For a stable preservation of the achieved effect, it is recommended to do at least three sessions a year.

There is also a laser technique for administering the drug, which has undeniable advantages:

  • there is no need to pierce the skin, and therefore there are no microtraumas, edema, bruises and other traces;
  • no risk of infection;
  • the number of sessions is not limited;
  • uniform placement of the drug over the surface of the skin;
  • useful components of the funds go directly to the subcutaneous fatty tissue area;
  • skin tissues are reduced under the influence of a laser (lifting occurs);
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • the method is simple and effective.

The only drawback, rather, even just an inconvenience, is the need to follow recommendations, including: intensive water consumption (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight), frequent use of moisturizing creams (especially the first 2 days after the procedure), a ban on visiting tanning salons, baths, saunas and gyms for several days.

The effectiveness of the laser method can last for several months. If the signs of skin aging are pronounced, you should go through 6 to 10 sessions with an interval of 1 week.

Following the conditions of the manufacturer, the sessions are necessarily carried out by specialists trained in the technique.

In the procedure, the established procedure for introducing a filler under the skin is also relevant, including the following points, which must be strictly followed.

  1. The client's skin must be thoroughly cleansed and treated with antimicrobial agents.
  2. The procedure is carried out on a specially designated couch, which ensures that the client is placed on it in a relaxed state.
  3. A client's high sensitivity to pain involves treating the injection site with pain-relieving creams or ointments. It is important to bear in mind that this kind of treatment slows down the filler response somewhat.
  4. Injections are injected into pre-designated areas of the skin.
  5. For the introduction of drugs, a special short tube with a blunt end is used. The bolus technique contributes to the sharp filling of the target area. Multi-point - emphasizes the contours of the face.
  6. Injections are made at intervals of 10 mm, which contributes to an even distribution of fillers.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the face is covered with a soothing mask.

Side effects

Failure to comply with instructions, as well as contraindications, are fraught with the most undesirable complications and side effects in the form of:

  • hyperemia (redness);
  • papules - seals under the skin;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions (urticaria);
  • infection of skin tissues;
  • inflammation at the injection site;
  • the occurrence of neoplasms;
  • bruising.

Helpful tips and feedback

  • Aquashine is a product with a powerful level of effect, accompanied by detailed instructions, where all indications and contraindications are clearly indicated. It is important to study them and accept them as a guide to action.
  • Before carrying out the procedures, it is important to accurately determine the drug. Cosmetologists recommend regular Aquashine to clients aged 30-50. For customers over 50 years old, the substance of the BR series is more suitable.
  • As practice shows, the proper effect is obtained by using the drug after laser rejuvenation, peeling or plastic surgery. In these cases, the cellular organism after cleansing perfectly assimilates vitamins, minerals, peptides, amino acids that make up the product. It is for this reason that the effectiveness of the tool will be much higher.
  • Drinking alcohol two days before the procedure is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the productivity of the drug is not guaranteed.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to touch the treated area with your hands for 24 hours and use cosmetics. For seven days, you should not spend time in rooms with high humidity (swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna), it is not recommended to go in for sports and sunbathe.
  • Aquashine starts to work immediately after the procedure, and the maximum result appears within two weeks.
  • According to experts, by combining Aquashine, plasmolifting and biorevitalization, the results can be significantly improved. The most commonly used procedural scheme is 2 through 2.
  • The simultaneous use of two different Aquashine substances in one biorevitalization procedure is prohibited.
  • After the procedures, so-called papules (small red swellings) appear at the injection sites, which usually disappear in a day. But sometimes they can stay up to 3-5 days. Such a skin reaction to microtrauma is natural. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period, healing and disinfecting gels are prescribed. When going outside, apply sunscreen to your face at any time of the year.

It is strictly prohibited:

  1. cauterization of papules;
  2. drink alcoholic beverages and smoke;
  3. visit solariums;
  4. lift weights, and it is better to exclude everything that causes a rush of blood to the face;
  5. do face cleansing;
  6. use cosmetics and caring creams, with the exception of products prescribed by a doctor.

These prohibitions should be adhered to for at least two weeks after the session. The duration of the rehabilitation period is established by the specialist who performed the treatment.

    • In case of under-eye edema after the procedures, it is allowed to use the preparations "Arnica" or "Lymphomyosot" to eliminate them. If the condition worsens, it is better to consult a doctor. In these cases, it is forbidden to use tonal creams and other decorative means, cooling swollen places, for example, with ice; do not touch damaged areas and lubricate them with moisturizers.
    • Even a completely healthy body can react in a special way to the effects of a drug. Therefore, the procedure must be preceded by a test for an allergic reaction.
    • Aquashine substances are produced in the form of a gel (ready-to-use, in 2 ml syringes). The syringes are packed in a blister pack and in a box. Storage conditions - in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C and not less than 5 ° C. Storage - 2 years. After opening the blister, the drug can be left in the refrigerator at 5-6 ° C for no more than a day.
    • Prices. The cost of one biorevitalization session ranges from 10,000-14,000 rubles. Often discounts are introduced for conducting a full-fledged course.

    Interesting are the results of surveys that were conducted for reviews by a number of clinics practicing this method. Some clients note that they expected more, but at the same time do not disclose information about how many procedures were performed and what was the initial condition of the skin. The manufacturer does not promise drastic changes, but offers quite definite improvements - changes in skin color, smoothing of fine wrinkles and moisturizing. There are no miracles in the world, and pronounced nasolabial folds or serious wrinkles cannot be completely removed.

    Women over 35 come to a specialist for the purpose of rejuvenation. They are worried about mimic wrinkles, which even an expensive cream will not hide. In many cases, the effect exceeds all expectations - wrinkles are less noticeable, the problem of dry skin disappears. In these cases, most of the reviews are positive.

    Women over 40 often complain of age spots, uneven complexion. At the same age, many are already worried about the neck, which does not look young. The previously sharpened forms of the face are noticeably blurred, which reveals age-related changes.By improving blood flow, the substance is able to correct the complexion. In these cases, the discount for the age after the sessions is from 5 to 7 years! The woman begins to look more well-groomed.

    Sometimes women of this age complain that at the end of the procedure their face begins to swell. This can only mean one thing - responsibly select a good clinic and drugs of proper quality, you should not skimp on beauty.

    Positive reviews are left by women over 60 years old. After several sessions, crow's feet begin to disappear in the corners of the eyes, the skin becomes fresh and firm. The lifting results are saved for a long period of time, and the procedure itself is painless. Regularity is the key to rejuvenation.

    There are also neutral reviews. So, some 55-year-old clients, noting that the wrinkles after treatment have decreased in size, and the face has acquired a fresher look, they still say that they would like more. However, some of them nevertheless come to the repeated course.

    Complaints of young girls with their irrepressible maximalism about the lack of one hundred percent results are understandable. But one must also understand that external changes manifest themselves better against a more mature background, when, under the influence of the drug, processes in the body are rapidly activated. That is, the "before and after" effect is more pronounced in patients aged 35 and over. It is also important to remember that biorevitalization has a cumulative effect, and positive changes are more pronounced after a certain time after the session of the corresponding activities.

    The reviews of cosmetologists are optimistic - the drug is recommended by them for use quite actively. Among the advantages are noted: the optimal combination of substances acting in the preparation, the gentle intervention of Aquashine in the work of the body, the absence of a recovery period. The preparation contains no hormone-like substances. The minimum number of procedures is 3 (with an interval). When the skin tissue is neglected - 6 procedures (with an interval of two weeks).

    After the first procedure, patients experience an internal uplift, and the first effect appears within a day. Experts really note the cumulative effect of the drug, since under its influence the body is restructured for independent regenerative work.

    To achieve a sustainable result, it is recommended to carry out at least 3 scheduled sessions per year.

    For more information on Aquashine biorevitalization, see the next video.

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