
Advantages and disadvantages of the drug for biorevitalization Filorga

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug for biorevitalization Filorga
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Types of brand products
  3. Indications for the procedure
  4. Contraindications for use
  5. Possible complications
  6. What is NCTF 135 M-HA?

The biorevitalization procedure from the renowned Filorga brand is simple and effective. It uses high-quality drugs from France, which leading cosmetologists call one of the best in the fight for rejuvenation. Moreover, the products are completely safe for the skin.


Biorevitalization is very popular today, because it is useful and in most cases completely painless. Using a certain course of injections, you can visually change the condition of the skin for the better, qualitatively moisturize the epidermis, and accelerate the process of cell regeneration. The preparations produced for this procedure differ from each other in the degree of viscosity and the volume of hyaluronic acid. In addition, the differences lie in the manufacturing companies.

To carry out the procedure, funds are often selected from brands with recognizable names. Filorga is one such company. She has already gained immense popularity both among cosmetologists and among patients. The brand's drugs are distinguished by excellent qualities, they are offered in several versions, differing in structure and purpose.

Most ordinary people mistakenly believe that the higher the percentage of hyaluronic acid in the product, the better the result will be. In fact, the composition of the product for rejuvenation and its viscosity must be selected individually. These indicators depend on the age, condition and skin type of the client. The thinner the skin, the less the content of "hyaluron" should be, and also the lower the level of viscosity of the product should be.

The success of such a procedure is directly related to the quality of the drug used. Therefore, preference is given to trusted companies and funds that have appropriate certificates. Consultation with a beautician before the procedure is required.

Only a competent specialist can correctly assess the condition of your skin and choose the product that will give the best result.

Types of brand products

There are mostly positive reviews on the biorevitalization of Filorga on the network. The cost of the procedure depends on the product and the number of injections needed.

The manufacturer offers 2 types of means for the implementation of the biological revitalization procedure:

  • M-HA 10 - for superficial therapy and complex restoration of young skin;
  • M-NA 18 is a preparation suitable for high-quality skin moisturizing and increasing its tone, easily filling all types of small and significant facial wrinkles.

Which of these means is better to use, the specialist decides.

The conclusion is made on the basis of a careful examination of the patient and determining the level of the expected result.

The main component of both products is hyaluronic acid. It also contains a set of other acids, minerals and antioxidant constituents in varying proportions.

Thus, the brand's products include the following components:

  • synthetic hyaluronic acid (its volume in preparations can vary significantly);
  • vitamins that can provide a significant effect on the epidermis (moisturize and brighten the face, make the skin more elastic);
  • 20 amino acids that help cell metabolism and skin regeneration through the production of components such as collagen and elastin;
  • 6 coenzymes that accelerate the process of metabolism and restore the balance of water in the skin;
  • 5 nucleic acids;
  • 2 antioxidants;
  • 4 mineral ions normalizing the balance.

Indications for the procedure

You can do face-transforming injections with Filorga drugs at absolutely any age, but experts still do not recommend starting earlier than adulthood.

You can perform this procedure if you have:

  • excessively dry skin;
  • small wrinkles appear;
  • significant mimic wrinkles appear;
  • severe pigmentation is present;
  • scars on the skin are visible.

Biorevitalization will make the face healthier and more radiant, strengthen the bioprocesses under the skin, saturate it with oxygen, make it more even, and improve color. To get the best result, you need to complete the biorevitalization course in full. It is necessary to carry out 4 procedures, but the visual effect will be visible almost immediately. That is why this complex is so popular.

When can you use M-HA 10?

This preparation contains hyaluronic acid of synthetic origin in the amount of 10 mg / ml. This tool is perfect for young skin, which is tender and free of special defects.

The main indications in this case will be:

  • feeling of dryness on the face;
  • lack of moisture in the skin;
  • subtle wrinkles;
  • unhealthy skin tone;
  • lack of elasticity.

When can you use M-HA 18?

This drug is much more viscous, it is particularly thick and contains 18 mg / ml of hyaluronic acid. This is one of the best remedies for tightening the skin, restoring its youthfulness and beautiful appearance.

The tool will suit you if you have:

  • have deep wrinkles;
  • scars or stretch marks are present;
  • dehydration of the skin is noticeable;
  • the face has an unhealthy color.

We can conclude that M-HA 10 is suitable for women under 30, and Filorga 18 is recommended for those who have already crossed this age line.

After using the drug:

  • fine wrinkles become invisible;
  • scars are smoothed;
  • pigmentation is eliminated;
  • the skin looks fresh, well-groomed.

Contraindications for use

Before the procedure, it is imperative to consult with a competent specialist.Despite the fact that biorevitalization is called a completely harmless and extremely reliable procedure, it still has contraindications.

These include:

  • inflammation of the skin, various infections;
  • viruses;
  • the state of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • taking certain medications (anticoagulants, etc.);
  • intolerance to the constituents of the agent chosen for the procedure;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes of any type;
  • fever and fever;
  • oncological diseases;
  • purulent processes;
  • heart and lung disease;
  • weak immunity;
  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy.

In no case should you go for anti-aging injections to a dubious clinic that has no reviews. Moreover, you cannot carry out such a procedure at home. You shouldn't skimp on health and beauty.

Only a professionally performed procedure with real Filorga products will give a good effect.

Possible complications

There were no serious complications or possible side effects associated with the biorevitalization of Filorga, neither at the time of the test, nor during further use.

However, with this procedure, as with other methods of skin rejuvenation with injections, there may be some risks:

  • manifestation of allergies;
  • pain with injections, slight hemorrhage, the appearance of edema at the injection site;
  • inflammation at the injection site.

What is NCTF 135 M-HA?

Separately, it is worth highlighting this unique drug from the Filorga brand. It is produced in the form of an original cocktail of all kinds of useful components. The composition is actively used for the implementation of procedures such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Many of the ingredients in the product can be found in all the familiar face care formulations at home. The structure of the drug has been patented and is considered a real achievement of French specialists in the field of cosmetology.

The composition of the preparation includes:

  • hyaluronic acid (main element);
  • all vitamins necessary for the body;
  • amino acids and antioxidants;
  • various minerals;
  • nucleic acids, coenzymes.

The entire line of rejuvenation products consists of 3 types: the first is of an innovative type, the second is with an enriched composition, and the third is with an extra-enriched composition. The varieties also differ from each other in the amount of hyaluronic acid.

Although Filorga NCTF 135 receives mostly positive reviews from clients of beauty salons, consultation and a professional examination by a specialist cosmetologist is still required before the procedure is carried out. The funds in this series are called completely safe, but they still have certain contraindications that must be taken into account. They completely repeat the contraindications that are present in the company's products described above.

Let's consider each subspecies of the NCTF 135 line in more detail.

  • The innovative composition of NCTF 135 is the lightest of all. Most often it is used for minor problems with the skin (if the patient suffers from acne, a feeling of tightness and dryness of the face). Procedures with this composition can also be performed for active prevention of early aging and for getting rid of small, barely noticeable wrinkles.
  • The enriched composition of NCTF 135 HA is most often used for women from 30 to 35 years old. A unique set of components is able to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis and moisturize it qualitatively. The drug will successfully cope with small defects (serious wrinkles, visible scars). It is also used for the treatment of rosacea, as well as its prevention - the composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • The extra-enriched version is suitable for ages 35+. It is able to qualitatively moisturize the skin, relieve dryness, smooth out wrinkles (even deep ones), smooth out the epidermis, and improve complexion. The composition is used both as a treatment method and as a prophylaxis for many well-known skin diseases.It is often used for a procedure that provides protection from burns to patients with high sensitivity to UV rays.

Many experts from the world of cosmetology choose Filorga biorevitalization products, as they have proven themselves well all over the world. The brand's products include the most useful components that do not harm health at all, but, on the contrary, improve the condition of the skin, making it younger and fresher.

The procedure can be called accessible to any woman. The effect of the introduction of funds lasts for a long time - almost 6 months. As for the reviews of women who have tried this rejuvenation procedure on themselves, for the most part they are positive or neutral.

You will learn more about the Filorga biorevitalization drug in the following video.

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