
How to care for skin after biorevitalization?

How to care for skin after biorevitalization?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to smear your face after the procedure?
  3. What is prohibited?
  4. Care rules
  5. Recommendations

The biorevitalization procedure is familiar to many women who are actively involved in their own appearance. The effectiveness of the procedure has long been proven, but you should know that an important part of the process of skin rejuvenation is its subsequent restoration.

In order for the skin to quickly return to normal, and there are no complications, it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Even an ordinary day in the sun can be a catalyst for many problems. Therefore, it is worth listening carefully and remembering what you can and cannot do after visiting a beautician.


Biorevitalization is a procedure, the essence of which is injections of hyaluronic acid. The substance is delivered directly to the cells of the skin, therefore, its elasticity increases. The face rejuvenates and begins to look much better. In addition, biorevitalization helps to get rid of such common troubles as excessive pigmentation and acne spots. "Hyaluron" is injected all over the face: into wrinkles (age and expression), and into the nasolabial folds, and around the eyes.

Despite the fact that the further effect can please any woman, at first you will have to meet with not very pleasant side effects. In those places where the injections were given, bruises and bruises will appear, which can ache. The face will begin to swell and redden, dryness, flaking and even the appearance of a rash are possible.

Most of these troubles will disappear on their own, but in order to get rid of the rest, you will have to additionally take care of your face.

If the swelling does not disappear, and the rash only increases, this may indicate an existing allergic reaction.In this case, you cannot do without visiting a doctor.

How to smear your face after the procedure?

Skin recovery after the procedure depends on adherence to many recommendations. First of all, you should be more careful about what is applied to the face. It is allowed to wash with boiled or distilled water at room temperature. It is not recommended to use hot water, as it can lead to the appearance of subcutaneous balls, "movement" of the introduced drug, or disruption of the sebaceous glands.

The cleanser must be free of scratchy granules, highly alkaline, or alcohol-based. Everything must be done very carefully. You should not rub your skin. In general, it is advisable to touch it at a minimum. After washing, the surface of the face is wetted with a towel, without active rubbing.

It is also recommended to wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in micellar water.

On the first day, you can apply Bepanten or D-Panthenol to your face. These creams will help get rid of swelling and redness, and generally improve the condition of the skin. To remove bruises will help "Troxevasin" or another similar drug. The ointment is applied to the skin several times a day. In cases where the skin is very dry, periodically there is a feeling of tightness, spraying with thermal water comes to the rescue.

You should not use oils, even those that enhance regeneration - their structure will contribute to the clogging of pores and puncture sites. It is better to choose alginate and collagen masks from masks. They will both cool the skin and remove excess moisture. It is advised to start using them after the third recovery day.

As for other salon procedures, before or after biorevitalization, you can inject drugs with botolutoxin, the most famous of which is "Botox". Such injections only enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid, and the skin becomes more hydrated and rejuvenated.

Contour plastics, namely the introduction of fillers, are not prohibited either. "Hyaluronka" moisturizes the tissues, which allows you to prepare the skin for further procedures and enhances their effect. Also, biorevitalization can be successfully combined with the installation of mesothreads. First, biorevitalization is carried out, then more serious procedures, and after a couple of weeks - biorevitalization again.

However, you should not risk doing a chemical peel after the procedure. Aggressive procedures such as sanding are also not recommended. The skin should rest for at least two weeks, and preferably a month. Also, 14 days will have to do without massage, so as not to injure the skin and allow it to recover. As for facial cleansing, it should be done either before the procedure, or a week after it.

Cosmetologists advise to refrain from plasma lifting, but not because there is a danger or excessive stress on the skin, but because both procedures give the same result. If you get a tattoo at this time, the shape of the lips or eyes may become visually deformed after a few days.

Finally, you should be careful with permanent makeup, you need to apply it before biorevitalization. At the end of the procedure, the face may swell and become covered with edema.

What is prohibited?

During the recovery period after biorevitalization, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. For five days (and ideally two weeks), you will have to give up ethyl alcohol so as not to face unpleasant consequences. First, if the prohibition is ignored, the capillaries will begin to expand, which, in turn, will accelerate the movement of blood. As a result, the hyaluronic acid will begin to "come out". Secondly, drinking alcohol will lead to the appearance of edema and swelling, or to an increase in existing ones.

After the "beauty shots" you can not go in for sports (also for two weeks). This includes swimming in the pool, and even such an "innocent" thing as bending your head down. There are reasons for this limitation.First, the body temperature rises during exercise, which should be avoided. Secondly, as soon as a person begins to sweat, the injection marks become inflamed and heal more slowly.

By the way, smoking is not prohibited - addiction to tobacco does not affect the result of biorevitalization. But nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the skin of smokers is thinner, which means that they will have to do the procedures more often, and use more of the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe both in the solarium and in natural conditions. You cannot visit the bathhouse. Temperature jumps together with high humidity dilate the pores, as well as blood vessels, which can have a bad effect on the injection sites. A stay in a sauna can also provoke the appearance of a net of rosacea and even inflammatory processes.

Of course, you can take a shower, but it is better not to linger in it and regulate the temperature of the water so that the face does not heat up. It is undesirable to wash your hair in the first days. In some cases, you will have to give up even cooking on the stove and using a hair dryer.

Cosmetics are also banned, but not for two weeks, but only for the first days. Then you can slowly start applying mascara and lipstick (if your lips have not been injected), and after two weeks you can already use your usual cosmetic "diet". Aloe vera gel is a good solution as a base for your makeup.

Cosmetologists believe that after the procedure, you need to touch your face as little as possible and, if possible, do not strain your muscles. Therefore, you will have to give up Facebook building and massage for a while.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the papules that have arisen.

Care rules

As mentioned above, you can wash and moisturize your face (but not on the first day), replacing the products with more gentle ones. On the first day after the procedure, it would be good to stay at home and give your face some rest. Subsequently, when going outside, it is important to apply sunscreen to protect against ultraviolet rays. In general, it is better to go for biorevitalization in the winter or autumn months, when the amount of sun is significantly reduced.

You can start painting only when the wounds are completely healed. To speed up the recovery process, injuries are treated with antiseptics, for example, Miramistin. This product does not contain alcohol, making it ideal for the recovery process. Damage should be processed twice a day. Cosmetic creams must be of high quality, and only pH neutral products can be used to remove makeup. Papules should not be touched - they will be eliminated on their own.

During the recovery, you will have to change the diet. It is necessary to exclude those foods that lead to the retention of fluids in the body. As a rule, these are dishes with an abundance of salt and spices.

After biorevitalization, you should take care of the skin fully, but very carefully.


The use of drugs should be discussed separately. Some drugs, although they do not interact with "hyaluronic", lead to the appearance of hematomas and bruises, so you should be extremely careful with them. For example, if aspirin is used for pain relief, then its use will have to be suspended a couple of days before the procedure, changing it to a safe analogue, for example, "Mig". If the drug is prescribed for the treatment of a serious cardiovascular disease, then you should not stop using it yourself.

It is better to postpone the procedure itself until the date after the end of treatment.

  • Reviews suggest that biorevitalization should not be carried out during menstruation. These days, the body's resistance to pain decreases, and the likelihood of a longer and more complex recovery process arises.
  • Before injections, it is advisable to deeply cleanse the skin, for example, using peeling. This step will enhance the skin's ability to absorb nutrients.However, we must not forget that one week must be kept between the last peeling and the first biorevitalization session.
  • To improve the skin, you need to drink enough water - at least 2 liters per day. In this case, it is better to choose thawed, mineral or simply purified water.
  • If the swelling does not go away for a long time, then after a couple of days you can wipe your face with frozen cubes. Ordinary water is also suitable as a starting material for ice, but it will be much more effective to freeze a herbal decoction based on chamomile, linden or other useful plant.
  • Irregularities should not be massaged - they will go away on their own. If you overdo it with mechanical stress, then you can, on the contrary, harm yourself.
  • If your skin begins to look worse, and your face hurts, then you need to immediately contact a specialist. Recovery after biorevitalization should take place without negative feelings.
  • The first day you should sleep on your back, after replacing the pillowcase and ironing it on both sides. The next evening it is better to once again "walk" on the linen with an iron.
  • Choosing a beautician who will carry out the procedure, you should study his entire "track record": available certificates, licenses and customer reviews. During the biorevitalization itself, it is necessary to ensure that the syringes and ampoules are opened in place.

For more information on how to care for your skin after various injections, see the following video.

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