
Laser biorevitalization: what is it and how is it performed?

Laser biorevitalization: what is it and how is it performed?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Indications
  4. Contraindications
  5. Drugs and devices
  6. Carrying out technology
  7. Follow-up care
  8. Side effects
  9. Compatibility with other methods of rejuvenation
  10. Reviews

Time is not the best "beautician" for every person. Usually, after 25 years, the first signs of aging appear: due to the loss of tone, the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear, and facial contours become indistinct. To prolong youth and beauty, a cosmetological procedure was created - laser biorevitalization (laser phoresis).


Biorevitalization is a technique based on the injection of drugs with a high content of hyaluronic acid under the skin. The procedure allows hydrocomponents to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which it nourishes and moisturizes. And also when exposed to hyaluronic acid, the processes of natural production of collagens and elastins are activated, due to which it is possible to eliminate external signs of aging.

Due to the fact that many people are simply afraid of "beauty injections", cosmetologists have founded a new technique - laser biorevitalization. The essence of the method is simple: a product based on "hyaluron" is applied to the face, after which a laser is applied. The device promotes the expansion of pores and subcutaneous "ducts", due to which a better assimilation of the applied preparation is made.

Lasertophoresis sessions allow you to achieve the following effects:

  • increasing the elasticity and moisture of the skin;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles and folds;
  • face contour lift.

According to cosmetologists, 10 performed hardware procedures (course) are able to visually rejuvenate a person for 10-15 years.In this case, the positive effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions.

However, before making an appointment with a specialist, you should study all the pros and cons of the technique, as well as the indications and contraindications for biorevitalization.

Advantages and disadvantages

In cosmetology salons, laser phoresis is in great demand among clients of various age groups.

Biorevitalization "earned" massive popularity due to its many benefits.

  1. Maximum preservation of the integrity of the epidermis. In contrast to the injection technique, during the control room, pain is excluded, as well as the risks of contracting diseases transmitted through the blood.
  2. Convenience. Before carrying out the procedure, there is no need for a thorough preparation of the body. The hardware technique is produced in a comfortable environment for the client. No need for injections with anesthesia.
  3. Rapidity. The session lasts only a few minutes, and a positive result can last up to a year.
  4. Efficiency. Rejuvenation is noticeable after the first session. In the future, the effect will only increase.
  5. Lack of a rehabilitation period.
  6. Suitable for all skin types (even thin and sensitive).

After examining the benefits, it is also important to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of biorevitalization.

Of the minuses, cosmetologists note an improvement in metabolism only in the upper subcutaneous layers, which is why it is impossible to get rid of deep wrinkles using the technique.

In this regard, injection biorevitalization is much more effective.

To preserve the effect of rejuvenation, sessions will have to be resorted to quite often, since the effect of laser phoresis after a few months is noticeably reduced. The procedures can be performed at home on your own, you just need to remember about the high cost of portable laser technology.

According to reviews, in most cases, clients do not observe side effects in the form of bruises and swelling. But it must be remembered that each organism is individual, and the consequences of laser exposure are not excluded. To minimize health risks, it is imperative to consult a cosmetologist.


Laser biorevitalization is a procedure recommended by cosmetologists to enhance facial aesthetics.

It is shown when:

  • the occurrence of fine wrinkles and deep folds;
  • loss of skin elasticity (flabbiness);
  • increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • visible vascular network;
  • eczema;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dehydration of the skin, which is often observed after visiting tanning salons or natural tanning;
  • the formation of bumps and dark spots on the face after acne;
  • the need to prepare for chemical peeling.

And also the procedure is recommended for those who wish to prevent premature skin aging caused by poor ecology, unhealthy diet, stress, smoking.

Persons from 25 years old can resort to biorevitalization, since it is after this age that the body begins to produce less collagen, which leads to age-related changes. Before going to the salon, you need to familiarize yourself with whom lasertophoresis is contraindicated, and in which cases it is advisable to postpone the hardware technique


Hardware biorevitalization has 2 types of contraindications: to hyaluronic acid products and to laser technology.

The use of drugs is not recommended for the following persons:

  • with various skin viral or fungal diseases;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland.

And also the funds should not be applied to damaged skin. In addition, the body's intolerance to hyaluronic acid can become a limitation.

The use of laser technology is prohibited for persons with:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • high blood sugar;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous disorders or physical exhaustion;
  • various chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including when a person has a pacemaker;
  • epilepsy.

Pregnant and lactating women should also postpone the rejuvenation procedure.

When contacting a cosmetologist, it is worth talking about all the health problems. Only then will the specialist be able to assess the safety of the upcoming procedure for a specific client.

Drugs and devices

Rejuvenation sessions require specialized laser equipment. Such equipment may differ in technical parameters, appearance, cost and other indicators. Manufacturers offer many types of different devices for professional use.

Most often, you can find several types of devices in Russian beauty salons.

  • Hialurox. Spanish equipment with high efficiency. This technique belongs to expensive equipment, however, when using it, you can achieve the desired effect in 3-4 procedures.
  • Redline. The device is made in Germany. Its main purpose is to eliminate expression lines and pigmented formations.
  • Dibi laser. Italian laser for working with hyaluronic acid. Differs in compact size, so it is often purchased for home use. The equipment has a wide range of settings.
  • Vitalaser 500. Equipment from a German manufacturer. State-of-the-art efficient equipment with ease of use.
  • "Lasmik". Laser from a Russian manufacturer. Ease of use and favorable cost of this device have made it very popular in beauty salons.

For non-injection biorevitalization, various drugs can be used. Their main similarity is the presence of hyaluronic acid.

Basically, cosmetologists use several means.

  1. Aesthetic Dermal. A gel characterized by fast absorption and long-term absorption (up to 12 months).
  2. "Hyalurox". An inexpensive but effective product designed to rejuvenate the skin of the face, décolleté and hands.
  3. Hyamatrix. A preparation for professional use. Differs in high cost and high efficiency.

The non-injection procedure using a laser can be performed both over the entire face and in individual areas (décolleté, nasolabial triangle, the area around the eyes or cheeks).

Carrying out technology

Hardware biorevitalization takes place in several stages. First, the cosmetologist removes cosmetics using special products. And also the surface of the face is cleared of natural impurities. After cleaning, a gel based on hyaluronic acid is applied to problem areas of the skin. A light facial massage is performed.

To prevent thermal burns of the retina of the eyes, the doctor places a protective mask over the eyes.

After that, the cosmetologist begins to work with a laser, guiding the tube of the apparatus over the face at a certain distance. At the initial stages, the skin receives an impulse effect, which ensures deep penetration of the composition. Next, the skin is processed to maximize the effect.

After the end of the laser exposure, the beautician removes the excess gel and applies a mask to the face. Basically, non-invasive biorevitalization lasts for half an hour. For rejuvenation, it is recommended to undergo a course of procedures. It is prescribed by the doctor individually (generally 6-10 sessions are enough). Usually, each subsequent procedure is recommended to be performed after 1-2 weeks.

Follow-up care

Laser biorevitalization is performed quickly and painlessly, and during the recovery period no special skin care is required. When exposed to a laser, overheating of the integument and their injury is excluded, due to which, after the procedure, only the usual moisturizers will be needed.On the day of the rejuvenation session, doctors do not recommend using decorative cosmetics.

The recovery period after laser exposure takes 3 days.

At this time, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • avoid contact with direct sunlight;
  • postpone trips to the solarium, sauna, swimming pools and saunas;
  • refuse alcoholic beverages.

To "enhance" the effect of hyaluronic acid, it is important to drink plenty of water during the recovery period (at least 2 liters per day).

Side effects

In general, biorevitalization with a laser is better tolerated than an invasive technique. If the client has no contraindications to the procedure, a high-quality drug is used, and the session is performed by a qualified specialist with experience, the occurrence of complications is minimized.

However, in rare cases, side effects do occur because the skin is exposed to laser radiation.

Complications include:

  • redness of the skin;
  • allergic rashes in the treated areas;
  • the occurrence of puffiness.

As a rule, additional measures are not required to eliminate such side effects. In most cases, they go away on their own after a few hours, less often - days.

Compatibility with other methods of rejuvenation

For a greater effect, laser biorevitalization can be used in conjunction with various anti-aging procedures. For example, this technique can be carried out simultaneously with invasive biorevitalization, which implies the introduction of hyaluronic acid through injections.

And also lasertophoresis is compatible with:

  • radiofrequency skin lifting;
  • chemical peeling and ultrasonic cleaning of the skin;
  • laser resurfacing.

And it is also permissible to apply various masks (except for warming up). They will allow the skin to recover faster and minimize the risk of complications.


Laser biorevitalization is an effective way to "prolong" youth and eliminate age-related changes that have appeared. Many women have already been able to “overcome fear” and decide on rejuvenation sessions. On the network, they share reviews, as well as photos before and after the course of procedures.

The vast majority of clients after biorevitalization note that:

  • the skin becomes firm, soft and hydrated "from the inside";
  • the pores are noticeably narrowed;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep folds become less pronounced;
  • there is a disappearance of puffiness and dark circles in the area around the eyes;
  • after a while, the oval of the face is tightened;
  • premature aging of the skin is prevented;
  • scars and scars are leveled;
  • the skin acquires a healthy color.

Many clients did not experience any side effects. Among the complications, some noted redness of the skin and slight swelling. People referred to the disadvantages of the procedure as its high cost, numerous contraindications, as well as difficulties in choosing a good clinic and a competent cosmetologist. In general, laser biorevitalization has a positive response, so you should not be afraid to resort to this particular method of rejuvenation.

See the video for the laser biorevitalization procedure.

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