
Papules after biorevitalization: why do they appear and when do they disappear?

Papules after biorevitalization: why do they appear and when do they disappear?
  1. What it is?
  2. What do they look like?
  3. Where do they come from?
  4. How many days do they last?
  5. Why don't they disappear?
  6. Do I need to see a doctor?
  7. How to speed up absorption?
  8. Prophylaxis
  9. What else to consider?
  10. Reviews

In the struggle for the preservation of youthful skin, many women resort to such a cosmetic procedure as biorevitalization. It helps to rejuvenate the skin, fills the cells with life-giving moisture, and also restores the balance of hyaluronic acid in the tissues. However, being an injection, this procedure often proceeds with such consequences as the appearance of papules. What is it, how long do they last, whether it is necessary to consult a doctor at the same time, we will consider further.

What it is?

Biorevitalization is a process involving the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin through a syringe. Despite the fact that it is present in the epidermis, its concentration decreases over time. It is to combat the aging of the dermis and get rid of age spots that use this technique. The gel-like composition is injected in a papular way, forming subcutaneous vesicles at the same distance in problem areas of the face.

Papules are the very bumps with a solution that are visible after cosmetic intervention due to the small depth of drug injection.

They are absent in many other cosmetic procedures, but they are almost always visible after biorevitalization. They are not a pathology, as many patients are sure of. This is a normal condition after administration of the solution.

They are formed by subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid using a fine needle. In this case, as a rule, they are invisible immediately, but appear after some time in the form of characteristic bumps of a reddish hue.They create more psychological discomfort than harm to health. This is a skin reaction that usually goes away on its own without any accelerating catalyst.

What do they look like?

The appearance of the tubercles in each case may differ. In some patients, after the procedure, they resemble microscopic swellings of the skin of a light pink or even whitish color. It happens that they do not really stand out against the general background. In other cases, the situation is exactly the opposite: they can be red and combined with uneven spots.

Sometimes the papules look like small bruises during the healing process. This phenomenon is typical for thin skin in areas that are practically devoid of subcutaneous tissue. In general, these are bubbles of liquid, which may differ in pitch between punctures. Some of them can dissolve without a trace, others turn red the next day, and gradually fade in the process of absorption.

Where do they come from?

The opinion that this effect is associated with incorrect administration of the solution is erroneous. The drug injected under the skin is characterized by a high density. Due to this, it cannot dissolve too quickly. During the injection itself, hyaluronic acid contributes to the creation of an infiltrate in the deep layers of the skin. In turn, it displaces the skin layers that lie above it, forming a tubercle.

Papular technique involves the introduction of the drug as close to the surface of the skin as possible.

However, it is precisely from the angle of inclination that the microneedles can differ in size. It also depends on the specific area of ​​the face, therefore, for example, in the decollete area, their diameter can be 3 mm, while in the paraorbital area, tubercles with a diameter of 1 mm will appear.

And if the appearance of bumps is considered the norm, their absence may indicate:

  • violation of technology with too deep injection of the drug;
  • low density of the solution, in which other ingredients are added to the hyaluronic acid;
  • excessive dryness and even dehydration of the skin of the face;
  • high density and thick dermis.

The size of the papules may also depend on the composition of the biorevitalizant.

How many days do they last?

As a rule, during the first few hours, the height of the papular tubercles increases by up to 30%. Only after that do they gradually begin to dissolve. The time of their resorption in each case is individual, since the reaction of the organism itself is also different. Usually, papules disperse within three days from the date of the cosmetic procedure.

This rule works when the skin is in good condition and its ability to regenerate. However, there are times when the rehabilitation period can take a week, or even more. Especially this nuance should be taken into account by owners of sensitive skin.

And the point here may lie in the following factors:

  • the density of the skin of the face itself;
  • the thickness of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • the level of cell hydration;
  • circulatory activity;
  • the ability of lymph to circulate.

On average, papules disappear completely in a week. The maximum possible period is 10 days. If, after its expiration, the papules do not decrease or dissolve for too long, this indicates the need to consult a doctor. A dermatologist is also needed when there is an atypical recovery of the skin after biorevitalization.

Why don't they disappear?

There are times when the papules disappear too slowly.

They can hold on for a long time for several reasons:

  • due to allergy to the drug or the aids in it;
  • due to the procedure being carried out contrary to the existing contraindication;
  • due to injections into the places of thickening of the connective tissue;
  • with incorrect administration of hyaluronic acid;
  • from a low-quality drug, which may be due to a violation of the rules for its storage;
  • with insufficient distance between needle punctures;
  • due to non-compliance with basic hygiene standards.

In addition, papules do not go away quickly in cases where the patient does not heed the recommendations of a specialist.

For example, during the rehabilitation period, you cannot use decorative cosmetics. Do not expose the skin to overheating or cooling. During this period, it is undesirable to be on the street for a long time.

Do I need to see a doctor?

In general, the first three days after the administration of the solution, there is no need to visit a specialist. However, if outwardly papules not only do not decrease, but even increase, swelling, this is already the first signal that rehabilitation is proceeding incorrectly. There are several signs to watch out for.

In addition to progressive swelling, these include:

  • painful sensations in the places of microneedle punctures;
  • the appearance of watery bubbles at the puncture sites;
  • localization of facial redness;
  • skin allergy;
  • irritation and suppuration of papules.

None of these signs should be left to chance. This is not the norm for skin restoration and requires an immediate visit to a dermatologist.

How to speed up absorption?

After the rejuvenating procedure, cosmetologists give the patient a number of recommendations. They are aimed at reducing the time of skin rehabilitation and accelerating the absorption of hyaluron by the cells of the epidermis. Among other tips, you can identify the main ones.

During the healing period of the skin:

  • you can not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, so as not to provoke a stressful condition of the skin;
  • if you need to go outside in the heat, you need to apply a spot-on product with a UV filter;
  • you need to drink plenty of fluids, especially when the temperature rises around;
  • a delicate massage will help to remove papules, which is permissible within a day after the injection of the solution (you can only massage the distances between punctures);
  • antihistamines will help to cope with mild allergies (strictly according to the doctor's prescription);
  • any peeling activities are excluded, including scrubs;
  • do not scratch or rub the skin;
  • sleep should be face up to avoid touching the pillow;
  • you can not use foundation or powder;
  • any physical activity, including training, is unacceptable;
  • alcohol intake in any form is prohibited (for at least 4 days);
  • it is necessary to use an antiseptic, applying it to the skin of the face with delicate movements without pressing on the tubercles.

In addition, you need to understand that you cannot put pressure on papules.

They will not go away from this, but skin problems can be added. The indentation method cannot remove a medicine that is slowly absorbed by the body. Sometimes, beauticians offer especially worried patients to carry out a procedure for the immediate removal of papules.

It involves the introduction of a solution, the main component of which is hyaluronidase. Indeed, the effect will be immediate: the papules will instantly disappear. However, together with them, the effect of rejuvenation will be nullified. Therefore, the biorevitalization performed will be useless. This is explained by the fact that the injected enzyme will instantly break down the hyaluronic acid.

This method is also used in extreme cases, when the papules do not go away at all. It allows the skin to return to its condition before biorevitalization. Sometimes, to accelerate resorption, patients use pharmacy ointments. They can relieve inflammation, reduce facial swelling, and improve blood flow.


Often women, after the injection of hyaluronic acid, resort to masks. Of course, this will reduce the swelling, but doing this immediately after the procedure is not only undesirable, but also harmful. Despite the fact that, in general, they are not contraindicated, they cannot be done during the first day. It is necessary to enable the skin to respond to the injected drug without additional therapy.

On the second or third day, you can prepare a soothing mask. To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the salon, because purchasing the necessary components today will not be difficult. You can prepare a remedy from an ampoule of aloe vera juice, 2 ml of chlorhexidine bigluconate and Troxevasin. The mass obtained by mixing is applied to the face and after 20 minutes removed with a cotton swab.

If holding such a mask seems unacceptable, you can use a fabric one with impregnation in the form of herbal remedies instead. For example, an option with aloe vera, algae, and even placenta extract is suitable. If desired, you can choose a combined type of mask. However, before buying it, it is better to consult with a beautician.

It is important to consider the papules themselves. Before injecting the drug under the skin of the face, you need to do a test for the injected substance. If he shows excessive skin sensitivity, the procedure will not be possible. Usually, in this case, the cosmetologist suggests replacing the solution with an analogue or a cocktail.

Sometimes, instead of biorevitalization, it is better to perform a hardware cosmetic technique.

What else to consider?

While the skin is healing, it is undesirable to touch it. It is advisable not to allow this when dressing and undressing; you cannot sleep with a blanket over your head. In addition, it is worth forgetting about masking papules, because this can stretch the time for the rehabilitation of epidermal cells. You do not need to wash your face for a day or two, it is worth protecting your face from the negative effects of the wind.

Whenever possible, when going outside, it is necessary to wear a hat to protect the skin of the face from negative weather factors. Smokers should quit smoking until the skin is fully restored. You should not independently prescribe any drugs to yourself in order to accelerate the healing of the dermis. In addition, women who decide on this procedure need to choose the right day based on their menstrual cycle.

This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of a woman has a tangible effect on the ability of the walls of small vessels to permeate the solution. The speed of the rehabilitation process depends on this, as well as the level of pain when piercing the skin and introducing hyaluronic acid. The best time is considered to be the first few days after the end of menstruation. In order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, experts usually recommend that women take "Ascorutin" for 10 days.

The healing time of the skin may also depend on age. As a rule, the younger she is, the easier it is to adapt to the injected solution and the faster it absorbs it. Usually, doctors advise against resorting to a rejuvenating procedure until the age of 25-30. It is believed that before this age, hyaluronic acid is independently produced in the required amount, so there is no need to oversaturate the body with it.

Papules may indicate the presence of contraindications to the procedure. You can not resort to biorevitalization in cases such as the presence of cancer, diabetes, malfunctioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not inject hyaluronic liquid into the skin.

Beauty is beauty, but in this case, complications are possible that affect the health of not only the mother, but also the baby.


A lot of reviews on the World Wide Web are devoted to the topic of biorevitalization. Women note that after it, the skin becomes covered with small vesicles-papules. According to popular belief, in the process of absorption, they create discomfort in the form of itching. However, this factor indicates that the rehabilitation is proceeding correctly.

Women notice that the skin returns to normal quickly enough., but if there are any diseases, this can cause a long rehabilitation period. Based on the comments, it can be noted that after the healing and disappearance of the papules, small wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes moisturized.This procedure helps to get rid of stretch marks, and papules disappear without a trace, even if the skin is porous, excessive sebum and sweating. Many women who have resorted to this procedure note that after it the appearance of the skin resembles hives or multiple mosquito bites.

Experts point to the fact that the duration of the healing of the dermis speaks not of its solidity, but also of the existing complications. This is important to understand because ignoring a problem can lead to big problems. They emphasize that papules can come off unevenly, so you should not be afraid that some bumps disappear faster than others. It may be not only the blood flow, but also the lymph flow at the injection site itself. Usually, papules last longer in the neck and eye area.

For how many days the papules pass after biorevitalization, see the next video.

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