
Characteristics of biorevitalization Princess Rich

Characteristics of biorevitalization Princess Rich
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Stages
  3. Rehabilitation period
  4. Reviews

Every woman wants to keep her skin young, fresh and smooth as long as possible. For this, the fair sex uses many methods - folk remedies, expensive cosmetics, plastic surgery. The last of the above is an extreme measure, which is undesirable as long as the wrinkles are very small. Science suggests injections to correct small defects. Among them, Princess Rich biorevitalization is popular - it has good performance, the minimum number of possible side effects, it gives deep hydration, and slows down the aging process.

Features of the procedure

Princess Rich is a universal application, this type of biorevitalization is suitable for all skin types and for all ages. This is a filler consisting of a substance that is involved in restoring the water balance of the skin, activates cellular renewal, smoothes skin irregularities.

Cosmetologists distinguish several features of this procedure:

  • Reliability and efficiency. Medicine has come to the conclusion that this method is notable for its safety, high quality of the results obtained, and long-term effect.
  • Two-component composition. It contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin. The first component is the well-known "hyaluron". Its origin is synthetic, it does not have animal impurities, due to which it does not conflict with the human immune system. Concentration - 18 mg per ml of substance. The acid easily adapts to the conditions of the skin, retaining moisture in it. The second component is glycerin. It is designed to increase the viscosity of the drug, ensures uniform filling of the layers of the skin.
  • Minimal risk of allergic reactions due to balanced composition.
  • Intense hydration.The active substances penetrate deep into the epidermis, saturate the cells with moisture, are evenly distributed over the entire surface, due to which irregularities are smoothed, wrinkles are removed, the face looks moist and nourished.
  • Work in several directions. The tone of the skin increases, the contours are corrected, the consequences of age-related changes are prevented, and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated.
  • Easy to use. The preparatory stage is short, the procedure is fast, the rehabilitation period is a maximum of a week.
  • Fast manifestation of the result. After 4 hours, the effect of the procedure will be visible, the full effect will be revealed in a week.
  • Versatility and focus on various initial data. Biorevitalization is suitable for all skin types, from dry to oily, injections can be done from the age of 18 after consulting a doctor.
  • Compatibility with hyaluronic acid. After the Princess Rich procedure, after the puncture sites have healed, you can use products with hyaluronic acid, thus prolonging the effect of the injections due to its high moisturizing properties.
  • Lack of negative consequences and complications.
  • Possibility of a painless transition to products from other brands.
  • The need for a course of procedures. For the best result, it is recommended to carry out a course consisting of four procedures. In terms of time, it will take five months - three procedures in a month, the last one in two. The effect lasts about 8 months, after which you can repeat the course.
  • Low cost. The price for the course ranges from 20 to 25 thousand rubles and depends on the level of the clinic and the doctor's experience.

Biorevitalization Princess Rich is recommended for dull skin color, loss of a healthy shade and radiance, flabbiness, presence of scars, acne scars, folds, minor mimic wrinkles.

Also, this procedure is advised after hardware treatment processes and as preparation for surgical intervention.

Despite its versatility, biorevitalization has a number of contraindications. These include the period of pregnancy and lactation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections, inflammations, malignant tumors, skin diseases, intolerance to the constituents of the funds. Each case is discussed with the doctor on an individual basis.


Biorevitalization is a simple cosmetic procedure that consists of several stages.

The first and foremost is the choice of a professional and competent doctor. You can focus on the reviews of friends, reviews left on the Internet, ask the doctor to get acquainted with his diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming his qualifications and experience. With a careful search for a doctor and a cosmetology clinic, half of the success in the procedure is already guaranteed.

The second stage is a doctor's consultation. The stage is important in that within its framework it is determined whether there are contraindications for the procedure, the zones for injections are outlined. If necessary, a specialist can prescribe some tests and consultations from other specialists.

The third stage is direct preparation for biorevitalization. For a week, you must stop visiting the solarium, sunbathing in nature, swimming in the pool, high physical activity, stop taking antibiotics. Also, do not get carried away with care procedures - hard scrubbing and peeling.

The main stage is injections. This is an important stage, on the correctness of which the effectiveness of the entire procedure depends.

The skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed of impurities and makeup residues. Cleansing procedures are very important, because dirt with microbes should not get into the wounds. The doctor disinfects the cleansed skin with special compounds. After that, an anesthetic is used for local anesthesia in order to reduce discomfort. The preparatory steps have been completed.

The injection now follows directly.The beautician opens the ampoules, observing the rules of hygiene and cleanliness, all manipulations are carried out in sterile medical gloves. Injections are injected into zones that have been pre-defined and agreed with the client.

The final stage is postoperative. Any interference with the integrity of the covers has consequences. Slight redness is common; the area of ​​the face exposed to the injections becomes swollen. The consequences disappear in a couple of days. The effect is invisible in the first hours, it appears later.

With the correct and phased implementation of Princess Rich biorevitalization in two weeks, the result becomes as noticeable as possible. On average, the effect lasts up to a year with proper care, a healthy lifestyle, and a decrease in mimic activity.

Rehabilitation period

In order not to waste money on biorevitalization and maintain the effect for a long time, doctors advise to follow a number of rules in the first two weeks:

  • refuse to use decorative cosmetics, especially foundation, powder that clog pores;
  • use cosmetic products and medicines (antiseptics) recommended by a beautician;
  • observe hygiene, do not touch your face with dirty hands, stay less in dusty rooms and on the street;
  • refuse to visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse, gyms for two weeks;
  • less exposure to the sun, minimize being in hot stuffy rooms;
  • limit the intake of water and other liquids at night to prevent the appearance of puffiness;
  • do not carry out other cosmetic procedures.

    The whole point of rehabilitation comes down to giving the person complete rest. The skin should be restored, thereby consolidating the result.

    Biorevitalization Princess Rich is a simple and affordable procedure, but there are isolated cases of complications. A negative reaction of the body can be expressed by the appearance of bruises, bruising, depressions from injections. Sometimes there is swelling at the injection site. If the requirements of sterility are not observed, an infection can get under the skin, which causes suppuration, redness, itching. Rarely, but there is an allergic reaction to the components of the injections. Due to the uneven distribution of the drug, skin roughness is possible.

    All of the above consequences disappear in three days with strict adherence to the advice of a beautician, but if you have the slightest doubt, it is better to go to the hospital.


    Experts who use Princess Rich in their activities note that this drug is excellent for correcting small skin defects. Fillers smooth out wrinkles, the skin becomes smooth, uniform, well-groomed, and its color improves. After the procedure, clients are delighted and repeat several courses at intervals of a year.

    Some cosmetologists pay attention to the price-quality ratio, a small number of contraindications and a short rehabilitation period. In general, doctors assess the effect of biorevitalization positively.

    Patients' opinions were divided into two camps.

    1. The first is Princess Rich fans. After the procedure, women do not recognize their face - it becomes five years younger, looks fresh, rested, fit, others notice a striking difference. Smoothing of nasolabial folds, mimic wrinkles is noted.
    2. The second camp is opponents of injections. These are mainly those who have faced the consequences in the form of allergies and those who have not been affected by the pain reliever.

    For more information on biorevitalization with Princess Rich, see the next video.

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