
Features of the drug for biorevitalization Revi Brilliants

Features of the drug for biorevitalization Revi Brilliants
  1. Specifications
  2. Composition
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Indications for the procedure
  5. Contraindications
  6. Carrying out technology
  7. Professional recommendations
  8. Patient Testimonials

Every woman dreams that the youth and beauty of the skin of the face will last as long as possible. Modern cosmetologists know about this, therefore they are using more and more effective methods of dealing with skin imperfections. One of them is biorevitalization - a minimally invasive method of influencing the structure of skin tissues with a long-lasting effect. For such a procedure, special preparations are used, the best of which is Revi Brilliants. Reviews of specialists and patients speak of the incredible effectiveness of this tool. But in order to understand whether this is really so, let's study all the features of the procedure.


Revi brilliants preparation has unique properties and has no analogues in the whole world. That is why it is so popular in the cosmetic field. With its help, it turns out to achieve rapid tissue repair and prevent the formation of wrinkles. After exposure to such a product on the skin, it becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic. At the same time, the effect of the drug is cumulative, which means that after each procedure the skin looks better and better.


Of course, the creators of such a unique drug do not disclose its full composition. However, information about the main components is still known. In particular, the main active component of the product is a hyaluron-based gel. He became a unique development of Japanese scientists. With its help, it will be possible to effectively maintain the elasticity of the skin, even if the cells are no longer able to perform such a function on their own.

Also, the composition of the drug for biorevitalization includes the protein quercetin, which guarantees the absorption of the drug by the body. Trehalose in the composition of the product prevents the destruction of cells and promotes their restoration, and also provides cells with energy. Glucose improves cellular metabolism. Pterostilbene frees the dermis from toxic substances and is an excellent nutrient for aging skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this drug are many, we will list the most basic ones:

  • fast rejuvenation effect;
  • restoration of cell structure;
  • prevention of aging processes;
  • stable result from application;
  • improving the tone of the epidermis;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in skin cells;
  • noticeable antioxidant effect.

And these are not all the advantages that this drug is characterized by. After the procedure, even small wrinkles are smoothed out on the treated skin area. But the effect does not appear immediately, but gradually and cumulatively. That is why the result lasts for a long time. Also, after biorevitalization, the production of protein in the skin tissues is normalized, toxins are removed, and the metabolism is restored. As a result, the patient will look much younger, but this effect will be as natural as possible.

However, with all these advantages, it has certain disadvantages. So, one of them is the long duration of the course of treatment. Of course, this period is due to the achievement of a stable and highest quality result. Considering that the cost of the biorevitalization procedure with Revi brilliants is quite big, then not everyone can afford to pay for several visits. Also, the instructions for the tool indicate many restrictions on its use, as well as the possibility of allergic reactions and complications.

It is worth noting that the negative consequences most often manifest themselves only due to the incompetence of the cosmetologist or insufficient examination of the patient before prescribing such procedures.

Indications for the procedure

Biorevitalization with Revi brilliants, just like with other drugs, is prescribed to those people on whose skin noticeable signs of age-related changes appear. Since lifestyles and genetic characteristics are different for everyone, the exact figure may vary. On average, women are prescribed the procedure at about 35 years old, men - at 37.

Also, biorevitalization helps not only in the fight against wrinkles. With the help of this procedure, it will be possible to quickly restore the balance of the skin and the amount of vitamins after prolonged exposure to sunlight, which quickly dries up and ages the skin. Another similar effect on the skin is used in the complex of treatment of acne of various degrees, as well as for sagging tissues. Biorevitization is carried out not only on the face, but also on any other areas of the skin that require correction.


Like any other technique for influencing the skin, the biorevitalization procedure has certain contraindications.

It is not recommended to carry out manipulations in some cases.

  • Too young people. If the patient is less than 18 years old, then such a procedure will have to be abandoned. Better to find alternative ways to deal with skin imperfections at such a young age.
  • Patients with oncological ailments. The presence of cancer is a very dangerous factor for any intervention.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers. Any impact on the body of the expectant mother should take place only after agreement with the doctor.

It is also important to undergo an examination of the body before performing biorevitalization. Even if you are sure that you are absolutely healthy.

Carrying out technology

The use of the Revi brilliants preparation in the process of performing the skin biorevitalization procedure is possible only in a cosmetology clinic. The procedure can only be performed by a professional with medical education and experience.The duration of one session of work with a face is about 10-15 minutes. The body is processed 2 times longer. The duration of the course of procedures is assigned individually, depending on the condition of the patient's skin and the rate of absorption of the drug.

Since painful sensations are possible during biorevitalization, the specialist first applies an anesthetic to the treated area of ​​the skin. Then the beautician opens the package with the drug right in the presence of the client - this is an important rule. A specialist checks the integrity and sterility of the package. Then the time comes directly to biorevitalization. The doctor injects the drug into the pre-marked areas, immediately treating the area with an antiseptic.

After the procedure is completed, a cream or mask with a soothing effect is applied to the skin. The patient rests in this way for a few minutes, and then can go home.

Professional recommendations

To prevent swelling, redness and other undesirable consequences on your skin after the biorevitalization procedure, there are a number of important rules to remember.

  1. The first day after the procedure, you should not apply any cosmetic products to the skin, even foams and soap. You should completely abandon washing with water and touching your face with your hands.
  2. On the second day after biorevitalization, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic to the skin.
  3. For the first couple of days, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, pool and gym.
  4. Minimize sun exposure for a week and a half after your procedure. Avoid visiting the solarium.
  5. It is forbidden to do peels and face cleansing at the first time after biorevitalization.

Do not neglect such rules, because biorevitization is a serious cosmetic procedure, and it is important to perform it in strict accordance with all recommendations.

Your young, healthy and beautiful skin will be rewarded for this.

Patient Testimonials

According to the reviews of many women, Revi brilliants has an amazing effect on the skin. A huge advantage of biorevitalization with such an active substance is a quick noticeable result. But most of all, patients are pleased with the fact that the effect lasts for a long time. Indeed, many cosmetic procedures have a temporary effect that quickly manifests itself and also quickly disappears. Of course, such results can be achieved provided that you complete the full course of procedures.

Also on the positive side is the almost complete absence of side effects after the procedures. Despite the fact that the manufacturer warns of all sorts of consequences, with the right approach, they can be completely avoided. And enjoy a flawless appearance without any problems.

The only drawback noted by most patients is the high cost of the procedure. And if you consider that you need to take a course of several sessions, the amount will be quite large. Not every woman can afford such a pleasure. However, the result is worth any money spent.

You will learn more about the drug for biorevitalization Revi Brilliants in the following video.


Only the lazy has not heard about the benefits of hyaluron. I think everyone is talking about it now. I like that it is inherently harmless, and that it is produced by the skin. My problem area is my eyes. Expensive creams, massages, cooling rollers have long ceased to work. In summary: dryness and wrinkles give +10 years to my real age. I began to study the topic of biorevitalization, read many great reviews on the biorevitalizant Revi Eye.I found a clinic in the city that works with this drug, in general, I was worn out specifically. And it’s not in vain, for 2 weeks after the procedure have passed, my skin and I are delighted. Smooth, nourished, elastic, these goose legs are almost invisible, in short, just a thrill. I will definitely go through the whole course to consolidate the result.

Catherine 13.07.2021 10:14

I have tried almost all the procedures with a beautician, I love biorevitalization, and decided to give my mother a certificate too. The beautician said that a new drug for the area around the eyes, Revi Eye, has arrived, it helps to cope with pigmentation and reporting, and the mother just has these problems. She was, of course, terribly worried, but even my mother, a skeptic in life, was delighted with the result. She just looked younger before her eyes, freshened up! Do not forget, girls, eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around them should be beautiful!

I did biorevitalization of Revi Style after laser resurfacing, who knows that the skin after it is simply in a deplorable state, at least that's how it was for me. I liked the result very much, the skin was nourished, hydrated, and recovered faster. We decided with a beautician to make another course before winter in order to protect the skin from temperature extremes and frosty dry air. Hopefully the effect will be as cool.

At the next cleaning, the beautician said that she did not like my bruises on the lower eyelid, which, by the way, were not there before. We decided to do biorevitalization and you know, girls, I'm very happy with what happened. Dryness disappeared after 1 procedure, but significant lightening and tone leveling was already ideal after the second. I like it!


the beauty
