Face cleaning

Rules for deep cleansing of the face

Rules for deep cleansing of the face
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Rules of conduct
  3. Basic cleaning methods
  4. Mechanical
  5. Masks
  6. Deep cleaning in the salon
  7. Reviews

Every woman dreams of soft, smooth skin without breakouts and blackheads, but with age it becomes more difficult to keep the skin clean. As a rule, the reason for the appearance of skin disorders is poor ecology, toxins inside the body, illiterate nutrition and hormonal disruptions. To maintain a beautiful face, it is recommended to carry out a deep facial cleansing a couple of times a month, which can be done both at home and in the salon. In this article, we will talk about how to properly clean at home and look at the best recipes for masks and other methods.


One of the reasons for the appearance of rashes is the clogging of the pores, which become inflamed when contaminated. If you regularly cleanse your face, you can tidy up your face and gradually cleanse it. Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of products for washing and superficial cleansing, however, they are not suitable for deep cleansing, since they cannot always get deep into the pores. It is recommended for preventive purposes to cleanse the face, starting at the age of twenty.

According to statistics, every second woman is prone to acne due to unfavorable ecology, improper lifestyle and many other factors. A healthy epidermis has a self-cleaning function, but due to certain factors, the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum, which causes the dermis to become inflamed and blackheads form. When carrying out a deep peeling, the entire epidermis is cleaned, and not just its upper layer.With the regular carrying out of this procedure, the face gets rid of all sorts of rashes, acne, blackheads, blood circulation is normalized and natural regeneration of the dermis occurs. Peeling cleanses the pores from the inside and removes the stratum corneum, as well as excess sebum.

As a rule, this procedure is carried out in order to get rid of fine wrinkles, stretch marks, pigmentation and other skin problems that appear with age.

Some women try to do it as a preventive measure to prevent inflammation.

Rules of conduct

There are several rules for doing peeling at home. If they are observed, maximum efficiency can be achieved. Deep cleaning is recommended no more than twice a month, depending on age, skin condition and the desired result. Multiple peels injure and spoil the epidermis, so you need to be as careful with them as possible.

First you need to prepare the skin. Cosmetologists recommend cleansing the pores on a steamed face, since in this case the dirt will come out faster. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap. The face is washed with a special gel. Next, you need to steam your face to enlarge the pores. This is done as follows: a solution is prepared from chamomile or calendula, pouring boiling water over the herbs, after which they hold their face over the container for several minutes. When the above actions are completed, you can proceed directly to deep cleaning.

In no case should peeling be done if there are wounds, abscesses or serious injuries on the dermis.

Wait for the abrasions to heal, and then start cleaning. It is not recommended to squeeze out inflamed comedones in order not to promote their spread. Tea tree essential oil can help dry out acne and soothe the skin.

If the epidermis is in good condition, it is possible to carry out mechanical cleaning at home., however, with very oily and problem skin, it is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist in the salon. Peeling of dry skin is carried out only once a month, for oily skin, the amount increases to weekly, the normal epidermis can be cleaned once every two weeks. It is better to carry out peeling in the summer.

Basic cleaning methods

Deep peeling can be carried out not only in the salon, but also at home; modern stores offer a wide range of cosmetics, devices with an ultrasonic cleaning function and components for creating home masks, whose recipes are very simple and easily accessible to everyone. Let's take a look at the best ways to deep clean your face.


This method is the most optimal if you want to see the result from the very first procedure. It will be an excellent method for girls with oily and problem skin who suffer from acne. Mechanical cleaning is carried out manually and with the help of additional devices. Sometimes, in especially problematic and dirty areas of the face, pain and discomfort can be felt, which will have to be endured for a good effect.

Mechanical peeling is carried out in several stages. First of all, you need to wash off all the makeup and rinse your face with a gel for washing, then for ten minutes you need to steam the skin over a container of herbs filled with boiling water, and treat everything with an antiseptic. The second stage is the cleaning itself, which consists in carefully squeezing out the black dots. The procedure is completed by washing with an antiseptic and applying a moisturizing cream or oil, which helps to narrow the pores. It is recommended to pour some peach oil into the palm of your hand and add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil to it - this composition will soothe the skin and deeply moisturize it.


Masks for deep cleansing of the face should be applied strictly after steam baths or peeling.

There are a huge number of folk recipes to help cope with problem skin.

  • Clay. Every woman has heard about the benefits of clay masks, it is easy and inexpensive to make them, and the result is beyond praise. Blue clay is sold in every pharmacy and comes in powder form. A small amount of the mixture must be diluted with warm water to a creamy consistency. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil or lemon for the best effect. The mask is applied for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and the face is lubricated with a moisturizer.
  • Herbal. In this case, it means the use of a variety of herbs, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Typically, a herbal mask is made from a mix of chamomile, sage, mint and calendula. Grind them in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water over them, wait about fifteen minutes for the herbs to infuse, and drain the water. The resulting porridge should be applied to the face and left for twenty minutes. Remove the mask with wet cotton pads.
  • Oatmeal. Such a procedure not only cleans the face well, but also starts the regenerating processes of the epidermis, thereby gradually renewing it. Moistened oatmeal is supplemented with sour cream, lemon juice, honey and a variety of oils - both base and essential. Each ingredient is added as desired.
  • Made from sour cream and citrus juice. This recipe involves mixing the juice of any citrus, sour cream and olive oil in equal proportions. It should be kept on the face for about half an hour.
  • A recipe for oily skin, consisting of protein and honey. Melt honey in a water bath and mix with beaten egg white. The resulting composition should be lubricated on the face and washed off after half an hour. This mask will deeply cleanse the dermis and will also have a tightening effect.

Activated carbon

This completely inexpensive tool has long been used in various fields and has not lost its popularity for many years. It removes excess oil and dirt from the epidermis. Before cleansing with activated charcoal, it is recommended to steam the skin. As a rule, essential oils, sea salt and natural aloe juice act as additional ingredients to activated charcoal. Black tablets are crushed to a powder and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The composition is applied for fifteen minutes.

Another recipe will help soothe skin and eliminate impurities. It is necessary to mix the crushed charcoal with natural yogurt and apply on previously steamed skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse and moisturize with cream.

In general, masks with activated carbon are quite effective, the result is visible after the first application.


Gelatin is another common product used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It has firming and anti-aging properties, cleanses and softens the epidermis well. The component perfectly cleans the face from dirt and excess sebum, it penetrates deep into the pores and pulls together all the dirt behind it. A distinctive feature of gelatin masks is the fact that they need to be removed, not washed off. Cosmetologists offer a fairly large number of gelatin masks, consider the most effective and popular of them.

  • With milk. In a small container, mix one tablespoon of gelatin and milk, and then place it in the microwave for ten seconds. After the composition has cooled down a little, it should be applied to the face, or only to problem areas, especially on the nose, forehead and chin. After drying, the mask should be removed like a film. It will instantly draw out all blackheads and dirt in the pores.
  • With an egg. In this case, an egg is added to the milk and gelatin. The application algorithm is similar to the previous mask. It not only cleanses, but also has a tightening effect, and is also able to get rid of a double chin.
  • With apple juice and activated carbon. This recipe is a more original version of the standard recipe, where water is added to charcoal and gelatin.Two tablets of crushed activated carbon are mixed with one tablespoon of gelatin and half a glass of apple juice. Keep the mask on the steamed face until it dries completely.
  • With honey. This recipe has a smoothing and restorative effect. 3 teaspoons of gelatin are mixed with half a teaspoon of melted honey, lemon and grape juice in similar proportions. The composition is kept for half an hour, then carefully removed.

Deep cleaning in the salon

Beauty salons offer vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning. The first one is carried out in the case of low contamination of the dermis and is intended for oily and combination skin. The device draws out all the dirt like a vacuum cleaner, while improving blood circulation and giving a smoothing effect. The second type of salon cleaning is carried out in two stages: first, the pores are opened with an ultrasonic apparatus, then all internal contaminants are pulled out with a special nozzle.

Sometimes, after softening the epidermis, instead of a nozzle, especially deep dirt is removed mechanically.


Many women use both home methods for deep facial cleansing and salon procedures. Salon procedures allow you to quickly and easily cleanse the skin without spending a lot of effort, however, they are more expensive than cleaning at home. Mechanical cleaning is the most effective and necessary at the initial stage. Folk recipes allow you to cleanse the skin well, and with regular use, keep it in optimal condition. However, it is noted that any deep cleaning is effective only in the absence of health problems, and works in conjunction with the correct daily routine and healthy sleep.

In the presence of endocrine and hormonal disruptions, it is recommended to contact a competent specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment.

For a deep facial cleansing procedure, see the following video.

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