Face cleaning

Combined facial cleansing: what is it and how is it done?

Combined facial cleansing: what is it and how is it done?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. How do they do it?
  4. Follow-up care
  5. Possible complications
  6. Recommendations

In cosmetology, there are 2 types of skin cleaning - hardware and mechanical. The combination of the two methods gives a very interesting and effective effect. Combined cleansing helps to get rid of various imperfections on the face and freshen up the skin. The popularity of the procedure is growing, which means it's time to understand all the important nuances.


Combined facial cleansing is an effect that consists of cleansing the skin from imperfections and pore contamination by hand and an ultrasonic apparatus. Manual (manual) cleaning is designed to remove sebaceous plugs, blackheads, wen and inflammation. This method carefully treats problem areas on the chin, cheeks and nose. Hardware cleaning, in turn, reduces puffiness, removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and reduces pigmentation.

The duration of the procedure directly depends on the number of problem areas. On average, a session lasts 2 hours or more. At the first stage, the beautician works with his hands using a Uno spoon and a Vidal needle.

Acne, sebaceous plugs, blackheads and others are removed from steamed skin to cleanse pores.

For the second stage of cleaning, an ultrasonic apparatus is used. A special composition is applied to the face, then they are driven by a sensor. The machine emits ultrasonic waves that vibrate in the upper layers of the skin. Thanks to such a system, a layer of dead cells and various dirt that clogs pores are easily removed.

Optimal ultrasound power is used for the procedure, which does not harm the skin. The preliminary application of the liquid to the skin is necessary for better transmission of vibrations.

Ultrasonic exposure causes different reactions.

  1. Physicochemical. They lead to saturation of the epidermis with oxygen, which improves local immunity.
  2. Mechanical. Due to the vibration in the cells, a micromassage effect is created.
  3. Thermal. Precise heating of the skin improves metabolism and lymphatic drainage.

Effect and its duration

After the procedure, you will enjoy smooth and clear skin for 2-6 weeks. The timing can vary significantly depending on the oiliness of your skin, the quality and amount of skin care. The procedure itself is not part of the course and is carried out only once. In rare cases, cosmetologists recommend doing it 2-3 times to get a noticeable result.

Combined cleansing involves a gentle effect on the skin.

Thus, you can get the following results:

  • getting rid of dead cells of the stratum corneum and external impurities that enter the pores;
  • opening of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • improved skin breathing;
  • improvement of metabolic processes and blood circulation in the upper and middle layers of the skin;
  • getting rid of acne, blackheads, shallow wrinkles, comedones;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands, reducing the oily skin;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • getting rid of skin seals;
  • shallow scars and scars become less visible;
  • more effective effect of creams and similar cosmetics after the procedure;
  • alignment of the skin relief;
  • getting rid of flabbiness;
  • visual rejuvenation of the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any facial cleaning procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. The combined method is no exception.

Pros of combined face cleansing:

  • considered the most effective by combining the two techniques;
  • performed absolutely painlessly;
  • eliminates shortcomings in a comprehensive manner;
  • cleaning is suitable for all skin types;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • acceptable cost of sessions.

Knowing all the pitfalls, you can make an informed decision about going to the salon.

Cons of the procedure:

  • has a number of contraindications;
  • a long period of skin rehabilitation after the session - about two weeks;
  • immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to follow the rules of skin care until it is completely restored.

Indications and contraindications

Acne, pimples, acne, enlarged pores and much more can be the reason for contacting a beautician.

You must go directly to the combined cleaning in such cases:

  • enlarged pores;
  • uneven skin relief;
  • small scars and scars;
  • boils, acne;
  • swelling and inflammation;
  • seasonal or age-related skin pigmentation;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • combination skin type;
  • acne and pimples, blackheads and wen.

There are a number of contraindications in which cleaning in the salon cannot be done, regardless of the type.

Refuse the procedure in such cases:

  • the presence of various infections;
  • trauma, microtrauma and burns on the skin;
  • gold threads and mesothreads on the face;
  • recent plastic surgery;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • menstruation;
  • fragile vessels;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • using a pacemaker;
  • mental illness;
  • some neurological diseases.

      Among other things, care must be taken if there are papillomas or condylomas on the treated areas. One week before the procedure, it is worth stopping sunbathing, otherwise the specialist may refuse to conduct the session. Do not neglect the list of contraindications, otherwise it can cause significant harm to the skin or health in general.

      Before going to the beautician, you should consult a doctor and get tested.

      How do they do it?

      Knowing the rules of the procedure will help you mentally prepare for the process and avoid cooperation with an incompetent specialist.

      Combined cleaning session can be roughly divided into several stages.

      • Cleansing the face.At this preparatory stage, the beautician cleans the office and tools before starting work. Further, the client's skin is treated with special preparations, which are selected based on the skin type. An antiseptic treatment of the skin ensures that dirt does not enter small wounds.
      • Scrubbing. This is necessary in order to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis and open the pores as much as possible for high-quality cleansing.
      • Massage. Massaging with your fingertips ensures relaxation of the facial muscles.
      • Preparation for cleaning with the device. At this stage, the beautician applies a special gel to the client's face to expand pores and better conduct vibrations.
      • Ultrasonic cleaning. Directed impulses penetrate deep into the skin without damaging it. In the process, surface contamination is eliminated. Thanks to the device, blackheads and greasy plugs are broken.
      • Disinfection. Hardware cleaning causes all the dirt to come out of the skin. At this stage, the skin of the face is again subjected to antiseptic treatment.
      • Manual cleaning. Deep soiling is inaccessible to the device, so a specialist removes them manually. Uno's spoon can be used at this stage.
      • Medical masks. Application of nourishing, antibacterial or moisturizing masks takes about 15-20 minutes. At this stage, the skin is most receptive to cosmetics.
      • The final stage. The beautician applies a moisturizer to the patient's skin. The product should soothe the skin and protect it from negative environmental influences.

      In some cases, the specialist can change the sequence of steps or expand it. It is recommended not to interchange the types of impacts. If you start with manual cleaning, you will have to spend extra time waiting for healing. In the form of additional steps, treatment of the skin with electric current, liquid nitrogen or infrared radiation can act.

      Follow-up care

      It is almost impossible to accurately predict the period of skin rehabilitation after the procedure, this is an individual indicator. On average, it will take 1-2 weeks. The most important are the first 24 hours after the session, at which time the skin is extremely sensitive to the environment. At this time, it is necessary to limit walks in the fresh air, especially at negative air temperatures or strong winds.

      It is recommended to refrain from:

      • from washing - 24 hours;
      • from scrubs and decorative cosmetics - 3-7 days;
      • from actions that lead to heavy sweating - 3-7 days;
      • from visiting baths and saunas, bathing in hot water - up to 1 week;
      • from sunburn on the beach or in a solarium - about 7 days.

        it is imperative to treat the skin with mild antiseptics. So you eliminate bacteria that can get into wounds and provoke the development of new inflammations. To relieve redness after the session, you can use masks and creams with a soothing effect. Cosmetologists advise making sterile cool compresses and using chamomile and calendula-based ointments for healing.

        After complete healing, you should continue to care for your skin so that the result will delight you for as long as possible. Use pore toners and moisturizers. Apply nourishing masks periodically.

        Possible complications

        The combined cleaning procedure should be carried out no more than once every 2-3 months. With such regularity, the skin has time to fully recover, and the likelihood of complications is minimized.

        It is worth knowing the possible negative consequences that may await you during the rehabilitation period.

        1. The first two days on the face there may be irritation, redness, slight swelling. These symptoms often go away on their own. Use compresses and ointments to relieve swelling as needed.
        2. You may notice that your skin has begun to peel off a lot. This is due to the fact that the stratum corneum is gradually disappearing.
        3. The hardware part of the procedure can leave localized burns. Such a complication is possible only if a faulty device is used or the cleaning technique is not followed.
        4. Areas that were treated manually may become covered with persistent edema or microtrauma, hematomas. Such manifestations lie in wait for people who turn to incompetent specialists. If you do not know the rules of the procedure, it is easy to damage the skin.

          Most of the complications arise from negligence in the list of contraindications or the choice of a specialist. Bruises and bruises occur in people with fragile and thin vessels. The presence of allergic reactions can lead to edema. Prolonged hyperemia is a consequence of the high sensitivity of the skin.


          Experts advise to carry out the peeling procedure 1-2 weeks after the combined cleaning. The action of chemicals on the skin removes dead skin cells and evens out the facial relief.

          To enhance the effect, cleaning can be combined with:

          • cryomassage with liquid nitrogen;
          • ultraphonophoresis;
          • electrophoresis;
          • gas-liquid peeling;
          • darsonvalization.

          Carry out the procedure no more than once a month. If you are conducting a certain course, the time should be counted from the last procedure of the cycle. With proper skin care, the second session is much easier and more like a correction. The cost of combined cleaning does not exceed the cost of each component. On average, you need to pay 1000-3000 rubles for one session.

          It is worth remembering the key points that will help you avoid troubles and complications:

          • Do not expect miracles from one procedure, so as not to be disappointed after 2 hours in the beautician's chair. If there are a lot of rashes and impurities on the face, then several procedures will be needed to completely remove them. Removing a large number of imperfections at one time will become serious stress for the skin, increase the rehabilitation period and is almost guaranteed to lead to complications.
          • The effectiveness of the combined procedure is superior to other types of cleaning. However, only a professional can prescribe a procedure that best suits your skin.
          • Before contacting a salon or a master, find out the opinions of other customers, read reviews. This way you can learn more about the competence of the person you trust with your skin.
          • When choosing a master, be sure to pay attention to his competence. It will be useful to have a special dermatological education. Only a doctor can determine the nature and causes of rashes on the face, if necessary, take a scraping for analysis. Another option is to consult a dermatologist before going to a beautician.
          • Check the sterilization process before starting the procedure. Keep track of the handling of tools, table, hands and your skin. Do not hesitate to ask the master about the name of the antiseptic drugs that he uses.
          • If you notice that the beautician does not follow any rules for the combined cleaning procedure, then immediately stop the session.

          For more information on what combined facial cleansing is and how it is carried out, see the next video.

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