Face cleaning

How is a complex facial cleansing carried out?

How is a complex facial cleansing carried out?
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. the effect
  3. Carrying out technology
  4. Contraindications and reviews

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and has many complex functions. The skin not only protects organs from the adverse effects of the external environment, but is also a powerful excretory system of the body. Since a modern person lives in a highly polluted environment, suffers from excessive exercise and malnutrition, it is important to help the skin to cope with its functions. In particular - to periodically do complex face cleansing.

Features of the procedure

Facial cleansing is a complex of procedures that includes removing closed comedones and dead skin cells and cleansing pores. Most often, such a procedure is an integral part of measures in the fight against acne, therefore it is usually prescribed for people with oily skin, prone to inflammation. However, from time to time, any skin, even dry, must be cleaned of accumulated impurities.

the effect

As a result of cleansing, the complexion becomes noticeably healthier, fresher and more radiant. The surface of the skin is leveled, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, rashes (if any) are noticeably reduced, and enlarged pores become less noticeable. If you have normal or dry skin without obvious problems, then cleaning your face should be performed 1-2 times a year, this will be quite enough to maintain healthy tissue. In the case when the patient has a serious degree of acne, cleaning is carried out much more often: 1 time in 1-2 months.

Carrying out technology

Complex facial cleansing involves the treatment of the skin with the help of hands and a special spoon. It can be done both in the salon and at home.However, it is better to trust such manipulations only to professionals. After all, improper handling of the skin can lead to undesirable consequences: long-term and severe swelling, exacerbation of acne, disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Let's consider the main stages of work typical for a complex type of skin cleansing.

  • Preparation of fabrics. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to completely remove any cosmetics and other impurities from the epidermis. And then disinfect to prevent additional inflammation. The specialist's hands must be perfectly clean and dry, protected with sterile disposable gloves.
  • Usually, before carrying out complex cleaning, the skin is steamed for several minutes using special equipment. You can also use warming creams. This is necessary in order for the pores to open, and the impurities come out quickly and painlessly. Some salons skip the steaming step.
  • Removal of inflammation. With the help of a special cosmetic spoon and a needle, the specialist removes all closed comedones, ripe blackheads, blackheads, etc. Then the skin is thoroughly disinfected again.
  • Peeling application. This stage is also not always applied. But with its help it is possible to effectively remove dead skin cells. This will significantly improve complexion and tissue health.

At the end of the procedure, a mask suitable for the patient's skin type is applied. It is important to close the pores to prevent inflammation, as well as to maximize the regenerating functions of the skin after complex treatment.

Contraindications and reviews

You should not carry out a comprehensive facial cleansing if there is acute dermatitis and herpes on the skin. It is also better to postpone the procedure during pregnancy with complications, lactation, as well as with diseases of the cardiovascular system and viral infections of various kinds. In addition, before the procedure and for a week after it, you must not visit the solarium and sunbathe in the sun. This will lead to the appearance of unsightly age spots on the skin.

Also, before cleaning, it is better not to eat foods that can provoke an allergic reaction. And give up going to the bathhouse and sauna after cleaning. If possible, limit yourself to applying makeup after cleaning for at least a couple of days.

The facial cleansing procedure has been known for a long time, therefore, women and men have already managed to form a full-fledged opinion about this method of skin care. Someone considers complex cleaning an excellent way of leaving, while others are against such manipulations, because they consider them too rude. Indeed, after complex mechanical processing, rather strong swelling and redness appear, which can take several days. However, if you turned to a good specialist with extensive experience, problems should not arise.

Many patients who suffer from acne have managed to completely get rid of their problems with the help of complex cleansing. Of course, it took time, but the result was stable. It is important to understand that not every person is shown such a procedure. Therefore, before carrying out it, be sure to consult with an experienced beautician.

You will learn how to clean your face with ultrasound from the following video.

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