Face cleaning

How to use a Uno spoon to cleanse your face?

How to use a Uno spoon to cleanse your face?
  1. What it is?
  2. How to make a choice?
  3. Terms of use
  4. After the procedure
  5. Reviews

Many women and girls face a problem that brings discomfort to their lives: the presence of blackheads and clogged pores on the skin. Of course, you can visit the salon and have your face cleaned. However, after the procedure, the face may not look its best, and the way home will not be pleasant, and salon procedures are expensive.

Not everyone knows that you can clean your face at home using a Uno spoon.

What it is?

Spoon "Uno" is a small metal device specially designed for cleaning the skin of the face from comedones. The device is called a spoon, because in reality it resembles it: at one end of the device there is a small rounded spoon with a hole in the middle, and at the other there is a small slotted spoon, called a spatula.

Excess sebum, dead cells from the forehead, T-zone, and cheeks are removed with a spatula. A sphere with a hole is needed to cleanse blackheads. It is placed in such a way that the head of the eel is in the hole and pressed. The contents of the eel do not get on the skin, staying in the spoon, thereby preventing infection of the adjacent areas.

Some manufacturers may offer other tip options.

The stick can have a loop at the end, formed by a wire or a thin strip of metal. And also it can end with a Vidal needle. A needle is used to pierce the eel for easier removal of the contents, the loop serves to remove non-inflamed contaminants. Sometimes a set is offered: a stick with replaceable nozzles.

If you purchase an instrument from a reputable manufacturer, it will be made of medical grade steel that can be disinfected well. It is required after using the tool.

First, it is cleaned of visible dirt with a napkin or cotton swab. Further purification will be facilitated by soaking in hydrogen peroxide: a 3% solution is quite suitable. For the final disposal of bacteria, heat the instrument in the oven for 15-20 minutes or boil for the same length of time.

It is also necessary to periodically clean and disinfect the stick during use, since the scapula will collect the contents of blackheads and sebum all the time. For cleaning, use wipes soaked in some kind of disinfecting solution. Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or alcohol-based formulations can be used. If they are not at hand, you can use regular cologne or vodka.

It is necessary to process the instrument before starting the procedure in order to avoid inflammation.

The cleaned and dried instrument should be stored in a special case as a hygienic device for individual use.

Spoon "Uno" will be especially necessary for owners of oily and combination skin, prone to acne. It is not difficult to use it to clean your face, and the necessary procedure can be carried out at a comfortable home and at a convenient time.

How to make a choice?

You should buy a spoon "Uno" in specialized places to be sure of the quality of the material. The device made of medical steel will not deform during use, will not corrode or oxidize during processing, and will not adversely affect the skin of the face. It is impossible to predict how a cheap device from an unknown manufacturer will behave.

Brands such as Mertz, Zinger, Staleks, Leader and many others have proven themselves well. Their products are not the cheapest, and the spoon is often offered complete with attachments.

But you can also order a good quality budget option from companies like Oriflame or Avon.

It is equally important that the tool is comfortable to hold in the hand and does not slip in it. Therefore, either a ribbed surface on the central part of the tool or an anti-slip coating is desirable.

Before buying, hold the spoon in your hand, check if your hand is comfortable - you will have to carry out the procedure yourself on your face.

Another important point is the quality of processing of working surfaces. They should be perfectly smooth. Notches, roughness can damage the steamed skin during cleaning, which is highly undesirable due to possible infection of the wounds.

There should be no unevenness on the working surfaces. Since you will apply the tool to your face with force, these irregularities will press on the skin even more.

If the skin is very delicate, the pressure will cause slight bruising.

It is desirable to have a case for storing the instrument. Good manufacturers tend to take care of the proper packaging of the product. If you don't have a cover, you'll have to take care of it yourself.

If you bought a quality tool, you will be able to use it for a long time. Uno spoons do not have an expiration date. Moreover, they do not need to be sharpened, they do not require special storage conditions. All that needs to be done is to clean and disinfect in a timely manner.

Terms of use

You bought a great facial cleaning tool and you can't wait to try it out. However, in a hurry, you will not be able to do anything but persistent severe redness and inflammation. To avoid these unpleasant consequences and get a good result, you need to properly prepare for the procedure.

Please note that the process is quite time-consuming, and that mechanical cleaning, although it is the most effective cleansing cosmetic procedure, still leaves marks on the face. Therefore, you need to plan it for a day off.But if, for example, on Saturday night you have to attend a festive event, you do not need to do the cleaning in the morning.

Cleaning consists of several stages.

  • First, get everything ready for work. You will need a mirror, preferably with a magnifying effect, which can be installed vertically, cotton swabs, disinfectants. And you also need to disinfect the stick and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • If you have makeup on your face, wash it off with cosmetic products, and then wash your face with warm water using an antibacterial gel, foam or special soap. For cosmetic purposes, the use of tar soap is justified.
  • The next step is to use a scrub or peel. It is applied to cleansed, damp skin and rubbed in with light circular movements along the skin lines. A scrub or exfoliation will cleanse the skin of dead skin cells, release clogged pores and facilitate a better cleanse.

For this stage, you can use a ready-made cosmetic product, they are produced in a wide variety by modern industry.

Any brand will do. But you can also use folk remedies. For example, scrubbing with oatmeal, which is in any home, gives a good effect.

  • Now the face should be steamed. There is a special device for this in beauty parlors.

At home, it will be replaced by a basin or other wide metal container. It is filled with hot water. You should not take boiling water - you can burn your face. A suitable temperature is 60-65 C. The face with the hair removed is held over the steam, while the head and container must be covered with a terry towel.

Adding beneficial herbs will be beneficial. For dry skin, you can take lemon balm or dill, lavender or chamomile inflorescences, calendula, coltsfoot leaves. For skin prone to inflammation, oily or combination, sage or chamomile, linden flowers, oak bark are especially recommended. Peppermint, horse chestnut, birch or willow leaves are good choices. You can also collect from these plants. One tablespoon of the collection will be sufficient. You can also add essential oils to the water.

The duration of the steam bath is 5-10 minutes.

Steaming can be done with a hot, damp compress. A small towel soaked in hot water and wrung out is applied to the face. The cooled towel is moistened again with hot water. Repeat the action several times.

  • Now you can start cleaning. The scapula is applied to the skin and held over the face along the skin lines. Their main direction is from the center of the face to the sides. The dirt accumulating in the blade must be periodically removed, and the blade itself must be wiped with a disinfecting solution.

It is not necessary to press the scapula strongly against the face, so as not to leave unnecessary marks on the skin. For the same reason, do not get carried away with the procedure, and do not spend too long.

Large blackheads are removed using a loop or spoon on the other side of the stick. If the hole in the spoon is small, then placing it on the head of the eel, press on the pimple with the entire outer surface of the spoon. If there is a loop on the stick, then it is positioned so that the pimple is in it, and then the loop is drawn along it, lightly pressing.

A closed eel is pre-pierced with a Vidal needle. In the absence of a special attachment, it can be replaced with a syringe needle, which is preferable, or with an ordinary sewing needle. The needle is disinfected and the acne is pierced at an acute angle to the skin surface.

After the procedure

When the cleansing of the face is over, there is another stage in turn that cannot be ignored. No matter how carefully you clean your skin, there is redness on the skin, and the pores are still enlarged and susceptible to infection.

Wipe your face with an antiseptic solution. You can use salicylic acid, chlorhexidine, calendula tincture, alcohol solution of chloramphenicol.They will narrow pores, prevent inflammation.

You can use a mask to soothe your skin and reduce redness. Use a clay or any other soothing mask. It is better to use a ready-made cosmetic product. Contrary to numerous advice, masks using lemon juice, potatoes and other means are not suitable in this case. They are good, but not now that the skin is deeply cleansed - you cannot guarantee that the products are perfectly clean.

The first day after cleaning, avoid washing with water, and also try to do without makeup.

Since deep mechanical cleaning is a serious challenge for the skin, do not do it often. Cleansing your face once a month is sufficient for oily skin, and even less frequently for dry skin.

Proper cleaning gives good results. Unfortunately, there are contraindications:

  • The procedure is not carried out in the case of very dry skin or the presence of peeling, since cleaning has a drying effect.
  • You can not clean your face at the stage of acne inflammation, with pustular rashes, in the presence of wounds, cuts or other injuries.
  • Cleaning and steam baths are contraindicated when there are closely located dilated blood vessels on the face - rosacea, herpes, dermatitis.
  • You should refrain from using the Uno spoon for women and girls who are sensitive to pain.
  • Avoid deep cleaning if you have large birthmarks or other lesions.

If the skin is problematic, it has a lot of comedones, inflammations, it will be useful to consult a cosmetologist before performing the procedure.


Women leave a lot of reviews about the use of the Uno spoon. They note that the tool is easy to use and the procedure produces remarkable results.

Not everyone was able to use the spatula and eyelet the first time. Many people say that preparing for cleaning takes a long time, but emphasize that it is very important, as is regular cleaning of the instrument.

The purchase of quality goods is considered no less important. There are remarks that the cheap stick began to oxidize after several cleanings and disinfections.

There are negative reviews, but the poor result is associated with insufficient steaming of the skin, as well as with the fact that after cleaning the face was not disinfected.

In general, consumers are satisfied with their purchase and consider home cleaning an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures.

See the video below for the procedure for cleansing your face with a Uno spoon.

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