Mechanical face cleansing technology

In today's world, facial skin is exposed to environmental influences such as sun, wind, frost, car exhaust and dust every day. All this damages the skin and has negative consequences. The pores become clogged, the skin stops breathing, bacteria appear in them and, as a result, inflammation occurs. Regular daily washing is not enough to completely rid your face of impurities.
For better cleansing, a special treatment is used to loosen the pores. The mechanical cleaning method is one of the most popular and effective today.

What it is?
Mechanical (manual, manual) cleaning is a cosmetic procedure that is performed for deep cleansing of the skin.
After cleansing, the skin is freed of blackheads, acne, deep sebaceous plugs and dead cells.
The manual method of cleaning is very effective but traumatic.

Pros of mechanical cleaning:
- deep and effective cleansing;
- regulation of sebum production;
- improved blood circulation;
- improving skin color and texture;
- increased susceptibility to sunburn;
- increasing the skin's ability to absorb the cream;
- reducing the number of blackheads and acne;
- the disappearance of inflamed areas;
- short time to complete the procedure (no more than an hour);
- low cost;
- ease of implementation.

Cons of manual cleaning:
- soreness;
- a long recovery period after the procedure (about three days).
Manual cleaning is very traumatic and painful, so it will not be done for no apparent reason.
Indications for mechanical cleaning:
- oily skin;
- enlarged pores;
- black spots;
- acne;
- decreased skin tone;
- uneven complexion.

Any inflammation on the face is a reflection of the internal processes of the body. Before getting rid of visible imperfections, you need to determine the cause of their appearance and undergo a course of treatment.
Due to the fact that this procedure is traumatic for the skin and has a long-lasting effect, it should not be done often. The recommended frequency for owners of oily skin is once every three or four months. With combination skin, the procedure can be carried out every six months. If the skin is dry, it is advised to do manual face cleansing only once a year in the summer. In order not to harm the skin and get the desired effect, it is necessary to consult with a beautician about the frequency of cleaning.

Each cosmetic procedure has contraindications. Do not neglect the advice of professionals and risk your own health and beauty.
List of contraindications for mechanical cleaning:
- herpes;
- dermatitis;
- furunculosis;
- eczema;
- very dry skin;
- fragile vessels;
- allergy to cosmetics;
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- bronchial asthma;
- hypertonic disease;
- low pain threshold;
- menstruation.

First you need to determine what is the cause of the inflammation on the face. Usually imperfections turn out to be symptoms of various diseases of the body. It is worth contacting a dermatologist, identifying the source of the symptoms and undergoing medical treatment. Only after these stages and in the direction of a doctor can you go to a beautician to clean your skin.
It must be remembered that in the first three days after the procedure, the face looks unpresentable, redness and small wounds are possible.
Therefore, mechanical face cleansing is not recommended before an important event.

Preparation for the procedure should begin several days in advance. It is necessary to reduce the inflammation on the face as much as possible. To do this, you need to give up sweets, reduce the use of decorative cosmetics and apply a drying cream on the inflamed areas of the face.
Experts advise making an absorbent clay mask the day before manual cleaning. Immediately before going to the beautician, you need to cleanse your face with products suitable for your skin type.

How to do it?
Manual cleaning is a simple procedure that you can do yourself at home. But nevertheless, it is better to entrust any business to a professional and contact a beauty salon. In addition, the salon follows the rules of antiseptics and asepsis, which helps to avoid unwanted complications after the procedure.
Before visiting the beauty parlor, you should not put on makeup. It is better to cleanse the skin with your favorite product in order to facilitate the work of the beautician and reduce the time for the preparatory stage of cleaning.
Mechanical cleaning includes three main stages: preparatory, cleaning itself and final.

The first stage is preparation for cleaning.
All tools and hands of the master must be treated with an antiseptic. During the procedure, the beautician must wear sterile gloves.
Make-up remover and skin cleansing from grease and dirt is required. Usually, rubbing your face with lotion is enough, but if necessary, a professional can apply a cleansing mask. Products must be suitable for skin type.

This is followed by the expansion of the pores. There are several basic methods: steaming, warming gel, cold hydrogenation, and water compresses. It should be borne in mind that not all methods are suitable for absolutely every girl. Steaming should not be done with hypertension, bronchial asthma, capillaries located close to the skin and unhealed wounds.
Then the surface of the skin is treated with fast-rotating brushes. This stage is optional, so it is not done in all salons.

At the second, main stage, there is a manual cleansing of the facial skin.
The specialist uses several tools for cleaning:
- The Uno spoon is a two-pointed instrument, on one end of which there is a spoon with a hole, on the other there is a small calico. A spoon is used to remove single acne, chintz - blackheads and comedones.
- Vidal's loop is suitable for the elimination of deep comedones and superficial blackheads.
- The Vidal's needle is used to remove whiteheads and deep-seated blackheads.

If the beautician is unable to remove the contamination with tools, he does it with his hands, squeezing the skin area with his index fingers wrapped in sterile handkerchiefs.
Before work, the treated area of the skin is wiped with lotion. After each removal of contamination, the beautician must treat the instrument and skin with a disinfectant.
The development of the skin occurs against the course of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Removal of single imperfections is carried out along the duct.

Cleaning should not be done for more than twenty minutes, because during this time the pores narrow and any action becomes very painful. If the allotted time is not enough to completely cleanse the skin, the doctor prescribes a second procedure.
At the final stage, the skin is disinfected and soothed. The master treats the skin with a disinfectant lotion and applies a special mask. The mask absorbs excess oil, relieves inflammation, soothes the skin and tightens pores. After the mask, you can do a light massage. It will help improve blood circulation.

You cannot leave the salon immediately after the procedure. You need to wait about half an hour for the pores to completely narrow, and only then go outside. Otherwise, the pores will clog with dirt and cleaning will be a waste of time and money.
Performing the procedure at home consists of the same steps. The tools that a professional uses are relatively cheap and easy to find commercially.
If you do not want to spend money on equipment, you can do it only with your hands without the use of special tools. Before cleaning your face, you need to tidy up your nails. They should be short and neatly trimmed so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the skin. It is better to carry out the procedure with disposable medical gloves. If you refuse gloves, you need to wash your hands very thoroughly with antibacterial soap and treat them with alcohol.

Manual cleaning should be done while sitting in front of a magnifying mirror in a well-lit area. Before starting the procedure, you need to remove makeup and wash with a gel suitable for your skin type.
To expand pores, you need to steam your face. You can use plain water, but it is better to steam the skin over a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Chamomile has disinfecting and regenerating properties, calendula has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
First, you need to boil the broth for three minutes, then remove the pan from the stove and tilt your head over it, covering yourself with a thick towel to create a steam bath. Steaming should be done very carefully so as not to burn the skin.
Five minutes will be enough for the pores to open.

Now you need to disinfect your hands and wipe your face with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. You can start cleaning your face by wrapping your index fingers with sterile non-woven wipes. It is necessary to squeeze the skin near the pollution with your fingers in order to remove the sebaceous formation from the pores. It is important to periodically clean your hands and face with lotion or disinfectant.
Do not forget that cleaning can be performed no longer than twenty minutes, otherwise the pores will close and there will be more harm from the procedure than benefit. At the end of the process, you need to wipe your face with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply a soothing mask.
The big plus of home cleaning is the lack of the need to go outside.This allows you to give your skin a little rest after a painful event, without exposing it to unwanted influences.

Follow-up care
Mechanical cleaning is very traumatic for the skin. In the first days after the procedure, she needs special attention. If you do not follow the rules of postprocedural care, you can get unwanted complications. Usually, neglecting the advice of a beautician on caring for the skin after cleansing is the cause of unpleasant consequences.
After mechanical cleaning, it is important:
- do not allow skin contact with water in the first twelve hours after the procedure;
- avoid temperature extremes (do not go to the bathhouse, sauna);
- avoid sun rays and do not visit the solarium;
- do not visit the pool;
- use sunscreen;
- do not drink alcohol;
- drink plenty of water;
- do not use cosmetics;
- do not use alcohol-containing products;
- treat wounds with iodine or an antiseptic;
- do not remove crusts from dried wounds;
- moisturize the skin with a greasy cream;
- wash your face with a product for sensitive skin or mineral water.

Possible complications
The negative consequences of mechanical cleaning are quite rare and usually occur due to neglect of post-procedural care or mistakes of a beautician. Subject to all the rules, there should be no complications.
Redness should be gone in three days. To remove it, you need to apply soothing masks and use cold herbal compresses.
The swelling should go away in two days. If the swelling persists, you should consult your doctor. It can be a symptom of an underlying disease or allergy.
Bruises can be removed with heparin ointment.

Acne can occur due to the carelessness of the beautician or due to improper skin care after cleaning. To solve the problem, you need to contact a dermatologist. An allergic reaction is treated with antihistamines.
Infection occurs when the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are violated during the procedure. For treatment, antibacterial agents are used.
Scars resulting from violations of the rules for cleaning and subsequent care are removed using special cosmetic methods.
If you have any skin problem, see your doctor immediately. Self-medication can worsen the situation.

Mechanical face cleansing is a cardinal measure to combat skin imperfections. To less often resort to this unpleasant procedure, you need to monitor your lifestyle. Eating the right diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and walking in the fresh air will help keep your skin looking fresh, healthy, and beautiful. Persistent rashes on the face can be a symptom of any serious problems with the body. In this case, you need to see a doctor to identify the cause and treatment of the disease.
If you keep an eye on the skin and take good care of it, then cleaning it once a year will be enough. In the summer, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, the volume of fat produced increases, the pores begin to become heavily contaminated. It is at this moment that the skin needs help and cleansing.
In addition to manual, there are several types of cleaning: vacuum, ultrasonic, laser and chemical.

Vacuum cleaning is performed with a special device that pulls out the dirt from the pores. During ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic waves are applied to the skin. It helps fight non-inflamed acne, lighten age spots, and stimulate elastin and collagen production. With the laser method, the laser beam penetrates the upper and middle layers of the epidermis and removes dead cells and impurities. This procedure is considered the most painless and safe in terms of infection. Chemical cleaning - removal of dead cells and excess sebum with the help of chemical acids.
Many beauticians say that the best result can be achieved if you carry out a combined facial cleansing.
For example, combine manual and ultrasonic cleaning.

The network has left a lot of reviews about mechanical cleaning by girls who decided on this procedure. All of them note the severe pain of the procedure. But regular clients of a beauty salon notice that over time it becomes easier to endure pain. Its degree depends on the condition of the skin and the pain threshold.
The majority of those who decide on this procedure speak about efficiency. After cleansing, the number of blackheads, acne, comedones is noticeably reduced, the complexion becomes smoother.

Redness of the skin is an inevitable unpleasant consequence of the procedure. Basically, the redness disappears by the morning of the day after the procedure. But it's still better not to clean your face the day before an important event, just in case.
There is very little information on the network about complications that have appeared due to violations of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Because of this, we can conclude that the salons closely monitor compliance with all the rules.
Complaints about the poor work of the master are also rare. But it happens that a specialist works a little roughly and leaves small wounds on the skin.
More often complications are due to improper facial skin care after the procedure. Girls inattentively listen to the advice of a beautician or neglect them. For this reason, unpleasant complications arise such as new acne, flaking, scars.

There are only positive reviews about cleaning at home. Girls advise to steam the skin well and monitor the applied force, then the procedure will be less painful and more effective.
The price of the procedure differs depending on the region, the rating of the salon and the qualifications of the master, so there are no specific comments on the cost. In addition, as you know, the concept of high cost is different for everyone.
In general, reviews of mechanical cleaning are positive. Girls recommend this procedure, but you need to endure the pain, then you will be able to achieve the desired result.
After analyzing the information about mechanical cleaning and studying the reviews of those who have already gone through it, you can understand that manual cleaning is a very useful procedure.

The downside is high soreness, but the result helps to forget about the pain and endure all the unpleasant sensations. Negative consequences are extremely rare, and there are few contraindications to the procedure. It is simple to perform, but requires special skin care for several days. The cost of mechanical facial cleansing is affordable for most girls.
If you follow all the rules for cleaning and caring for the skin after the procedure, you can get clean, beautiful and healthy skin.
A healthy lifestyle makes it possible to preserve the effect obtained after manual cleansing of the face for a longer period. Clean water, healthy sleep and outdoor walks help your skin stay healthy and radiant.

Constant rashes on the face are a signal of the body about the disease. In this case, it is better not to abuse the face cleansing, that is, only to get rid of the symptoms, but to seek help from a doctor, identify the disease and start treating it. After a successful cure of the disease, visible symptoms can be removed from the face.
All doubts and fears about mechanical cleaning of the face should not arise if you always remember about the effective result that this procedure gives.
For a review of mechanical face cleaning, see the next video.