Face cleaning

Rules for conducting ultrasonic face cleansing

Rules for conducting ultrasonic face cleansing
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Indications
  4. Contraindications
  5. How often should you do it?
  6. Procedure steps
  7. Follow-up care
  8. Recommendations

Opportunities of modern cosmetology, thanks to scientific and technological progress, have stepped far ahead, even compared to what it was 5-7 years ago. Today, in order to deeply cleanse the skin pores of the face, neck and décolleté, cosmetologists often use not a mechanical manual method with preliminary steaming of the skin or the use of chemicals, but a modern hardware technique. The cleaning procedure using state-of-the-art technology can be vacuum or ultrasonic. It is about cleansing the skin with the help of ultrasound that we will talk today.

Ultrasonic face cleansing, as a rule, is performed in beauty salons, however, if you purchase a similar portable device for individual use, the procedure can be performed on your own at home. This method of cleansing the skin is the most gentle - it helps to eliminate various impurities, remove dead epidermal scales and the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are located in deep skin pores. Ultrasonic cleaning can be used for young and mature skin, it is equally good for all types of skin, including those that are highly sensitive to any kind of impact.

For its painlessness and effectiveness, the procedure for cleansing the face with ultrasonic waves is gaining an increasing number of supporters. However, like any method of influencing the body, such a cleansing procedure has its pros and cons, therefore, before deciding on such a cosmetic session, you need to know all the nuances of the procedure and take into account its consequences.


Ultrasonic face cleansing is performed with a special ultrasound machine, which, during operation, creates high-frequency ultrasonic waves. The principle of operation of such a device is based on the fact that ultrasound radiation (ultrasound) is able to pass through the upper layers of the epidermis, improving the movement of lymphatic fluid and performing a kind of massage of the epidermal layers of the skin.

Ultrasonic waves, passing through the skin, have the following types of effects on them.

  • Mechanical - when exposed to ultrasound, an increased pressure zone is created inside the epidermis at the site of the ultrasound waves, the result of this is an increase in the penetrating ability of the cell membrane of the deep layers of the dermis, which means that in response to such an effect, metabolic processes inside the dermis cells also increase.
  • Thermal - ultrasonic vibrations, passing through the deep layers of the skin, warm them up by several degrees (without coagulation) - which stimulates an increase in tissue elasticity, and also enhances blood flow and the process of collagen production.
  • Physicochemical - the ultrasonic wave makes the molecules of the fluids that make up the tissues move with a certain acceleration, thereby increasing the rate of the metabolic process and improving the regenerative capacity of tissues for self-healing.

After an ultrasonic cleaning session, the epidermis is renewed, the skin looks smooth, velvety, elastic. Opened and cleansed skin pores absorb well any care products applied at the end of the session. The level of secreted sebaceous secretion returns to normal, the face acquires a healthy color. Regular cleansing procedures help to keep the skin clean, get rid of deep comedones and acne, and also help preserve youth.

The peculiarity and main advantage of the procedure is that at the end of the session, no visible traces of exposure remain on the skin, which favorably distinguishes the ultrasound cleaning method from other similar methods. In addition, the ultrasound procedure also combines peeling, which significantly increases its effectiveness, thereby enhancing the positive effects on the skin.

Apparatus skin cleaning using ultrasound is a pleasant and relaxing procedure when compared, for example, to mechanical facial cleansing, in which the patient experiences stress and certain painful sensations.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we look in general terms at the effectiveness of cleaning the skin using the method of ultrasonic waves, then the following main positive points can be identified when carrying out this procedure.

  • The cleaning technique requires certain special skills from the operator, however, in a simplified version, the procedure can be carried out on its own at home with an ultrasound machine.
  • The method of the ultrasound procedure provides for the use of the device for people of almost any age, since traumatization of the skin epidermis during the session is completely excluded.
  • Ultrasound cleaning is not a provoking factor for the development of allergic reactions in the body.
  • The cleansing procedure effectively helps to reduce inflammatory reactions and prevents the appearance of pustular rashes.
  • The result of the session is the improvement of lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin tissue.
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized within the physiological norm. The production of sebum in excess of it is regulated.
  • The action of ultrasonic waves has a resorbing effect on scar tissue, and in addition, the healing processes of the damaged epidermis after acne are accelerated.
  • Ultrasound stimulates the contractility of muscle fibers and contributes to the improvement of facial contours through a slight lifting effect.

The method of ultrasound cleaning of the skin from contamination, like other methods used in cosmetology, has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. The fact is that cleaning with ultrasound is considered the most gentle procedure and this fact is both an advantage of the method and its disadvantage. Alas, the effectiveness of this method with old and deep-seated contamination is low. In addition, ultrasonic cleaning has a wide range of contraindications for use. If you want to do ultrasound cleaning in a beauty parlor, you need to be prepared for the fact that one session will cost from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, and in order to achieve a lasting and visible result, such manipulations must be carried out on a regular basis.

Experts in the field of cosmetology believe that ultrasound cleansing is an effective method only for small contamination, and it is also advisable to perform it for a prophylactic purpose to improve metabolic processes in the epidermal layers of the skin. Sometimes, when the skin is very sensitive to mechanical stress, the ultrasound method is the only acceptable way to cleanse it. In some cases, a combination of mechanical cleaning with ultrasonic waves is used to achieve a good cleaning effect.

Such a complex of combination of procedures allows you to achieve real results with high efficiency.


As practice shows, the benefits of cleaning the skin using ultrasound are obvious. The technique helps the patient not only get rid of acne, but also stimulates the renewal of skin tissues at the cellular level.

Ultrasonic cleaning showed the most tangible results in the following cases:

  • when cleansing skin prone to increased fat secretion, as well as in the presence of deep skin pores;
  • to eliminate acne and small scars that appear on the skin with acne;
  • for the purpose of toning dry aged skin with low elasticity and wrinkles;
  • with dry skin type with a tendency to peeling;
  • to improve skin tone and give it a healthy complexion;
  • as a prophylactic agent against inflammatory processes on the skin, prone to acne.

For owners of oily skin, cosmetologists recommend having ultrasonic cleaning sessions on a monthly basis. For adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body, it is enough to clean the face with ultrasound once a month. When caring for mature skin, sessions can be carried out 1 time in 1-2 months, since the action in this case is more directed not at cleansing, but at stimulating intracellular processes. Regular implementation of this type of procedure significantly improves the general condition of the facial muscles, the quality and appearance of the skin, allowing you to prolong its freshness and youthfulness for a long time.


Necessary before carrying out manipulations familiarize yourself with a fairly extensive list of contraindications:

  • blood clotting disorders - a tendency to form blood clots or bleeding;
  • heart disease in which a pacemaker is implanted;
  • hypertension with a tendency to crisis flow;
  • in the presence of an acute viral or infectious disease, including an increase in body temperature;
  • pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathological processes of the trigeminal facial nerve;
  • menstruation;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin caused by wounds, abrasions, burns, purulent or fungal infections;
  • in the presence of metal objects on the face or in the mouth - piercings, braces, pins of dentures;
  • oncological or benign neoplasms in the area of ​​exposure to the device;
  • capillary rosacea of ​​any severity;
  • acne in the process of exacerbation;
  • extensive hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • psoriasis, dermatosis, furunculosis, eczema;
  • a state of mental agitation, a tendency to epileptic seizures.

In addition to these conditions, ultrasonic cleaning is not carried out within a month after undergoing surgical maxillofacial interventions, cosmetic braces, lifting with aptos threads, as well as after peeling with chemical agents.

In addition, it should be remembered that in summer after the procedure, the skin becomes especially susceptible to direct sunlight - this can cause burns or hyperpigmentation.

How often should you do it?

In order for the ultrasonic face cleansing procedure to be most effective, it is necessary to undergo a whole course of such sessions. A single procedure will not bring tangible changes. The cosmetologist will be able to determine the number of sessions, who, based on the results of examining the condition of the skin and the degree of existing contamination, will prescribe the necessary course of therapy for you. Most often, for oily skin prone to acne formation, at least 5-6 cleansing procedures are required, carried out at intervals of 7-10 days, then maintenance therapy sessions are carried out once every two months. Dry skin can be put in order in 2-3 procedures, which you will be asked to undergo with an interval of 14 days. Further, supporting sessions are held once every three months.

The procedure, performed in appropriate conditions by a competent specialist, does not carry any negative manifestations after itself. When applying for a service, pay attention to contraindications to its implementation, and also take into account the serviceability of the device and the qualifications of a specialist. However, even if all the rules and precautions are observed, the possibility of an individual negative reaction of the body still exists. A negative reaction to the procedure can manifest itself as follows:

  • swelling of the face;
  • slight soreness with increased skin sensitivity;
  • areas of redness, bumpiness of the skin.

As a rule, these consequences disappear on their own within a few hours.

If the symptomatology progresses, then in this case, qualified medical care will be required, which is best to seek urgently.

Procedure steps

Before starting the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, the skin is cleansed from cosmetics and sweat contaminants using lotion or micellar water. If necessary, a special mask can be applied to the face and neck, which will soften the upper layers of the epidermis and promote the greatest opening of the skin pores.

After that, the skin is treated with a special conductive gel - this preparation is necessary in order to improve the degree of penetration of the ultrasonic wave deep into the epidermis. Sometimes on top of the gel, the beautician can put plastic cling film on the face - this is done so that the pores of the skin open as wide as possible before the cleansing session. As a rule, the face is under the film for up to 20 minutes - this is quite enough to soften the comedones formed inside the pores. The most modern hardware systems provide for the application of the gel with a special electrode. During this manipulation, vapor droplets are formed in the epidermis - they burst as soon as they come into contact with the air and push the fatty contaminants out.

After the gel has been applied and absorbed into the skin, you can start the cleansing process.For the procedure, a special flat wide scapula is used, which is tightly pressed to the face at an angle of 40-45 degrees. With the help of this nozzle, smooth movements are carried out against the massage lines of the face contour, starting from the contour to the middle. During the session, it is necessary to ensure that the skin is constantly moisturized. To do this, it is irrigated with thermal water or preparations containing lactic or salicylic acid are applied, due to which exfoliation improves and the skin is disinfected.

When exposed to an ultrasound device on the treated area, it is necessary to exclude the area of ​​the eyes, lips and thyroid gland. All movements during the cleaning process are done slowly and smoothly, and the procedure itself can take from 10 to 20 minutes.

After the main stage of cleansing is completed, the beautician can massage the back of the scapula along the lines of lymph outflow. To enhance the effectiveness, this manipulation is performed with the simultaneous application of various ampoule preparations to the skin, which improve the nutrition of the epidermal layer. This manipulation is called phonophoresis, and ultrasound promotes the penetration of vitamin and valuable nutritional components of the cosmetic product deep into the skin.

After the completion of the cleansing procedure, sedatives are applied to the skin. - it can be a special gel or mask.

The mask is removed after 20 minutes, and the skin is then treated with lotion and moisturizer.

At home, skin cleansing can be carried out if you have an appropriate device at home, which in the common people is called an "ultrasonic face cleansing machine." The main stages of the procedure are the same as in the salon. First, the face is cleansed of impurities, after which experts recommend steaming the skin with steam over a bath of medicinal herbs. After the skin has been steamed, you need to walk over it with a small scrub and only then proceed with the cleaning procedure.

A special conductive gel is necessarily applied to the skin to improve the contact of the skin surface with the apparatus, after which movements are carried out along the face, neck and décolleté area. The ultrasonic apparatus, like a brush, cleans all problem areas of the skin and improves its condition. Movements when working with a portable device at home can only be carried out along massage lines. After the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with lotion or thermal water, and then lubricated with a moisturizer.

Follow-up care

After the skin cleansing session is completed, the pores on the skin may remain in an enlarged state for a while. Use an alcoholic lotion or herbal decoction to close your pores. These products will not only close the pores, but will also help to quickly eliminate redness.

In addition, it is necessary to wipe the face several times a day with a solution of "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" so that bacteria on the surface of the skin do not get into the enlarged pores.

Those who are planning hardware ultrasonic cleaning of the face need to know and take into account several important points.

  • After a session of cleansing the skin with ultrasonic waves, do not apply decorative cosmetics, foundation, self-tanning to the face for at least 12 hours, as well as use permanent dyes for eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • It is highly undesirable for 3-5 days after the procedure to swim in chlorinated or seawater, visit the bathhouse, sauna, and also use the solarium.
  • The skin treated with an ultrasound machine will require increased hydration, especially in the first 10-15 days after the session. During this period, it is recommended to use moisturizing masks and creams on a regular basis.

Cleansing the skin with ultrasound is a gentle but effective procedure.The restoration of the water-fat balance of the surface layer of the epidermis after this manipulation occurs after about 5 days. This way of caring for your appearance helps you quickly and painlessly bring your appearance into proper condition, which is very important on the eve of significant events.


The variety of cosmetic procedures associated with deep cleansing of the skin makes you think about which method is right for you. To resolve this issue, you will need to visit a cosmetologist's office - only after assessing the condition of your skin and finding out the presence of contraindications, an experienced specialist will be able to choose the procedure that will best cope with the task assigned to it. Reviews about a particular procedure can be easily found on specialized sites, where clients of beauty salons share their impressions. However, it must be remembered that we are all different and each organism has its own unique characteristics. What works great for your girlfriend does not mean that it will work well for you.

It is best not to rely on someone else's opinion, but to entrust your health to experienced professionals who have completed specialized training.

Cleansing the skin with an ultrasound attachment is the most gentle method. For example, vacuum or mechanical cleaning are considered more traumatic. Vacuum cleaning of the skin is also performed using the hardware method using special attachments. Under the influence of a vacuum, the attachment draws out the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the skin pores. However, with persistent and deep dirt, this method is not effective enough. Often, vacuum or ultrasound cleaning is combined with mechanical cleansing, when the contents of the skin pores are removed manually. The combination of methods gives an almost 100% cleaning result, but the skin after such a complex treatment takes much longer to recover, and the mechanical cleaning procedure itself can be painful.

You will learn more about how ultrasonic face cleaning is performed in the following video.

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