Face cleaning

Features of vacuum cleaning of the face in the salon and at home

Features of vacuum cleaning of the face in the salon and at home
  1. What it is?
  2. Indications
  3. Contraindications
  4. How to do it at home?
  5. How do cosmetologists carry out the procedure?
  6. Possible complications

Beautiful skin not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but is also an indicator of health and success. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have naturally perfect skin. Some have to spend a lot of money and go to all sorts of tricks to achieve a smooth, even and radiant complexion.

Fortunately, modern cosmetology provides many tools and methods to help heal problem skin. or, at any rate, make her look more aesthetically pleasing. Among them there are all kinds of cleansing, whose purpose is to cleanse the skin of impurities, irregularities and inflammations at a deeper level than various cosmetic products can do. One of these types is vacuum cleaning.

What it is?

Vacuum face cleansing is an effect on the skin with a special apparatus. A kind of small faucet with a nozzle creates a vacuum upon contact with the skin, which draws out all oily secretions, dirt from the skin and, therefore, narrows the pores. At the same time, cleansing helps to enrich the dermis with useful substances and oxygen, which cannot but affect the beauty of the face.

In addition, this procedure is a kind of gentle peeling that removes the upper stratum corneum., which means it makes the complexion more fresh and radiant. A mild effect causes blood flow to the skin, and due to the improvement of blood microcirculation, the face contour is tightened and skin breathing improves. This manipulation is very useful for eliminating fine expression wrinkles.

This procedure is loved by many because it is absolutely painless, unlike, for example, mechanical face cleansing or laser peeling, but it is very effective. During the entire process, the client does not feel any unpleasant sensations, which is often one of the determining factors in choosing this particular procedure. It has a reasonable cost, which differs depending on the region, but everyone can afford vacuum cleaning.

Another plus is the absolute guarantee against infections. All hardware cleaning is carried out under sterile conditions, which means there is no risk of adding dirt to the skin that is vulnerable after the procedure. This is especially important for sensitive skin, which is prone to constant breakouts and redness from the slightest trifle.

After a session with a vacuum, the recovery period is minimal. There may be slight redness, but they quickly disappear, and on the same day you can go into the world. Many other types of emergency skin care cannot boast of this effect.


Vacuum cleaning is suitable for those with oily skin. This type of cleansing has a superficial effect, but it perfectly draws excess sebum from the pores, which is not easy to do at home. Plus, it gets rid of small blemishes, blackheads and blackheads. For more serious aesthetic problems, this method of cleansing the skin can be combined with manual mechanical cleaning.

For those with oily skin, the wings of the nose are often the most problematic areas. It is very difficult to remove dirt here, not only at home, but also with the help of other cosmetic methods. However, vacuum cleaning does an excellent job with them.

The vacuum is great for removing clogged pores and blackheads. This procedure does not last long, does not bring discomfort, and the effect is amazing.

The reviews about this procedure are good. Many girls and women note the painlessness and effectiveness of this procedure for those who have oily skin and some problems with its appearance. They note that by deep cleansing the pores, the face looks more matte for a while, so there is no need to apply foundation or powder. The pores are visibly narrowed and the production of sebum is reduced.

They like the fact that after this cosmetic service, only sometimes slight reddening of the skin is observed, which will soon disappear. Therefore, such a procedure can be carried out regularly without harm to health and without fear that a side effect will force the person who has undergone vacuum cleaning to sit at home for several days and miss some important event.

However, it should be noted that this action, like all other cosmetic innovations, has only a temporary effect, therefore, to achieve the same effect, it will have to be repeated after some time.

Be that as it may, experts do not recommend doing it more often than once every 1-2 months when it comes to oily skin. With normal and combined, you can visit this procedure no more than 2-3 times a month, and for owners of dry skin, it is better to limit themselves to one procedure every 4-6 months.


Despite all its beneficial effects, vacuum cleaning has a number of contraindications.

  • First of all, it is not suitable for those with dry and thin skin. Such an effect will not bring any benefit to the dehydrated fragile dermis, but will only aggravate the problems that have arisen.
  • As already mentioned, vacuum cleaning has a limit on the degree of removal of large inflammations and purulent formations. Therefore, it will not be effective in severe cases of acne, wen, etc.
  • Although this type of beauty treatment can have a positive effect on the tone and complexion, it will not remove large scars or deep scars and will not improve the complexion in case of a lack of vitamins.A gray skin color, as a rule, indicates a lack of vitamins of groups B, D and E, it can be replenished only by consuming fruits and vegetables, as well as being a sufficient amount of time in the fresh air.
  • Vacuum procedures are contraindicated for rosacea. This disease causes vasodilation and thinning. When exposed to the apparatus, the vessels can be damaged or appear more clearly, like a capillary mesh on the entire face, which, of course, does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • In no case should you do hardware cleaning for patients with demodicosis. Demodex is a mite that lives under the skin and feeds on secretions from the skin. Its waste products cause acne, blackheads and clogged pores. Before going to the salon, you need to make sure that the disease is in remission.

Observing all these rules, everyone can be convinced of the harmlessness and effectiveness of this procedure without harm to their own health. In the end, there are other methods of cleansing problem skin that are suitable even if all these contraindications are present, for example, various types of peels.

How to do it at home?

Many beauty fans are wondering whether it is possible to carry out such a procedure at home, because it is much more convenient and cheaper: you do not need to go to the salon and overpay for the work of the master, depending on his prestige.

In fact, you can carry out such a procedure at home. It is quite possible to go to a specialized medical equipment store and purchase a vacuum cleaning device for the face, which, nevertheless, is not cheap, since it is not designed for private use by one person or within the same family. However, it is not so easy to carry out such a procedure for yourself, especially without experience. You will need a person who knows how to handle this device and has the necessary skills to carry out the procedure without damaging the skin.

It is also very important to comply with the so-called procedure regulations, that is, start cleaning by removing dust and dirt from the skin of the face with a special tool, then steam it and carry out the final soothing procedures at the end. For this, the salon uses high-quality professional cosmetics, which are distinguished by their high cost. The use of suitable products, effective and appropriate for the skin type of a particular person, is very important for the final result.

In other words, while vacuum cleaning can be done at home, it is likely to be much less effective and safe than in the salon, and it is also significantly more expensive.

It is better to choose a salon that is trustworthy and put yourself in the hands of a professional than to carry out complex and potentially dangerous manipulations with your own appearance in inept hands.

How do cosmetologists carry out the procedure?

The procedure for cleansing the skin of the face using a vacuum in the salon takes place in several stages. All of them are aimed at preparing the skin for the procedure, and after the cleansing itself, it is safe to remove it from this state and prolong the effect.

Every knowledgeable cosmetologist begins the process of vacuum face cleansing with cleansing the skin from the remnants of cosmetics and dust that could settle on it while the client got to the salon. It is recommended to come to such procedures without any cosmetics on the skin. It is better to just wash with water without special means. However, it is better to play it safe.

Then it is necessary to steam the pores. This is done so that the result of exposure to the vacuum apparatus is more effective, because it will be much easier to pull out all the impurities from the previously opened pores. To this end, the master can apply special lotions and masks that expand the pores of the skin, or use a special steam generator. This step is required before starting the procedure.

This is followed by the use of the apparatus for cleaning and the effect on the skin. This procedure takes 20-30 minutes. Each area is carefully processed once. Sometimes manual cleaning of some particularly difficult areas may be required. This is normal practice as a combination of the two will produce the best results.

The final stage of the procedure is to soothe the skin. Here it is necessary not only to soothe the skin if redness and irritation appear, but also to close the pores. Then dirt and dust will not penetrate into it.

For this, cosmetologists use special masks with a cooling and pore-tightening effect, light peels that also tighten pores, or other cosmetics. This process can be accompanied by light massage. This step must be carried out in order for the vacuum cleaning procedure to be performed correctly.

After cleansing, it's important to take proper care of your skin at home. On the same day, it is not recommended to use any face cleansers, especially scrubs and peels. It will be enough to wash with ordinary water, not too hot or cold.

The next couple of days you need to be careful about skin care. Ideally, use only mild cleansing lotions or milk that is safe to use. Alcohol lotions, oils, and acidic serums are excluded. During this period, the skin may begin to peel off or discomfort may appear. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but nevertheless worth paying attention to.

In addition, do not start using heavy-textured creams and foundations immediately after the procedure. It is necessary to give the skin a rest and recover.

You can return to your usual cosmetology routine two days after cleaning. You can start nourishing your skin with moisturizing masks and light-textured creams. Aloe gel is also well suited for this, both as a light make-up base and as a moisturizing mask.

It will be possible to treat microdamages with soothing infusions in the form of compresses. To do this, you can brew chamomile, calendula or sage flowers, cool to room temperature and use. In addition, lightly brewed green tea works well.

Possible complications

After a vacuum facial cleansing procedure, side effects and complications do not occur so often. Sometimes irritation or slight peeling may occur, which is completely normal, especially with dry skin.

Most often, negative reactions on the skin after cleansing arise as a result of violation of the rules for choosing a facial procedure. For example, a person with rosacea may well expect negative consequences for his health if he neglected the instructions.

In addition, side effects arise from improper skin care at home. But if you follow all the rules, vacuum cleaning will be one of the safest and most enjoyable procedures to give your skin beauty and health.

For information on how to vacuum face cleansing, see the next video.

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