
Bio-reinforcement: what is it and how is it done?

Bio-reinforcement: what is it and how is it done?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Indications
  3. Contraindications
  4. Drugs
  5. Technique
  6. Recovery
  7. Recommendations

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of preserving the youthfulness of the skin for a long time. Today, beauty salons offer a huge selection of procedures for skin rejuvenation. The most popular and effective of them is considered to be bio-reinforcement of the face. Let's consider in more detail this type of rejuvenation, as well as the technique for its implementation.


Bio-reinforcement or vector lifting is a procedure to restore the original contour of the face. With age or for other reasons, strong changes occur in the human body, one of which is the inability to retain enough water in the cells.

As a result, the skin fades and loses its natural elasticity. Modern medicine has found a way to eliminate this problem by introducing special drugs that are able to keep the required amount of fluid at the cellular level.

After this event, wrinkles are smoothed on the skin of the face, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated. Due to the fact that the procedure is carried out with the use of anesthesia, painful sensations are excluded. The special agent is injected according to a special scheme, that is, on certain areas of the skin.

The skin of the face is filled with hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. As a result, there is an even distribution of elements and stimulation of metabolism in cells. The rejuvenation effect lasts for about 5 years. In addition to biogels, threads are also used, which are also inserted under the layers of the dermis, without causing discomfort. Filaments are made from polycaprolactone or they can be 3D mesothreads.

Cosmetologists use 3 types of threads:

  • threads that eventually dissolve under the layers of the skin (gold, polypropylene);
  • threads that do not dissolve (from polylactic acid);
  • combined threads.

    The advantages of vector lifting by means of threads can be attributed to several points.

    • The reinforcement procedure lasts no more than 45 minutes.
    • The rejuvenation effect lasts for a long time.
    • If you are not happy with the result of the procedure, it is possible to change the tension again.

    The disadvantages include the fact that there may be a feeling of tightness in the skin, which can remain for a long time. If there is a need for an operation, then the threads should be removed.

    If the skin has a high index of softness, then this procedure will not give a positive effect. In some cases, the threads do not take root under the layers of the skin; this side effect depends entirely on the characteristics of the body.

    Hyaluronic acid is actively produced in the human body until the age of 25, but with age, the production of this component decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin. Thanks to the use of a helium or liquid preparation, the skin becomes firm and the face contour becomes clear.

    With the help of the injected special agent, the production of elastin and collagen is increased. Experts recommend using this technique for rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the face and neck at the age of 35; at a later age, it will be much more difficult to achieve the effect.

    A large number of women leave positive reviews about bio-reinforcement, due to the available advantages in use:

    • non-surgical technique;
    • the face takes on a refreshing shade;
    • invisible wrinkles are smoothed;
    • long-term rejuvenation effect;
    • the risk of complications is minimized;
    • it is possible to correct defects in various areas of the skin;
    • after the procedure, the skin becomes elastic.

      The disadvantages of this procedure include age restriction. After applying vector lifting at a too early age, the opposite reaction occurs. To obtain the effect, it is necessary to perform about 3 sessions, the break between which should be 2-3 weeks.

      However, artificial drugs introduced into the layers of the dermis are processed over time and excreted from the body. As the amount of administered drugs decreases, the skin regains its usual appearance (fades, turns pale, the elasticity of the skin is lost). Therefore, bio-reinforcement must be carried out regularly in order to re-obtain the effect of rejuvenation.


      Facial bioreinforcement is recommended for the following indications:

      • if there is sagging skin on the face;
      • in the presence of drooping eyebrows and corners of the eyes;
      • owners of deep grooves in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

      The main indications for the use of bio-reinforcement are age-related changes in the oval type of face.

      Also, this event can be carried out as a preventive measure with a small rate of wilting and flabbiness of the skin. In rare cases, bio-reinforcement is used after burns to restore damaged skin. In addition, bio-reinforcement is performed to enlarge the cheeks, cheekbones and chin.


      Experts categorically prohibit the use of bio-reinforcement for:

      • blood disease;
      • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
      • high temperature;
      • oncological diseases;
      • wounds and ulcers on the face;
      • skin pathology;
      • taking medications that can thin the blood.

      If there is at least one of the above contraindications, this procedure should not be performed, it is better to consult first with a beautician who is able to choose another way of rejuvenation for you.


      During the event, special means are used, the basis of which is hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite.

      The best option is the use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid, because this material has a number of advantages in use:

      • does not harm the skin;
      • no side effects;
      • the result lasts for about 1 year.

      Vector lifting with special preparations based on polylactic acid is considered the newest method of correcting appearance.

      The actions of such components are aimed at activating the production of new collagen in the cells of the body. The preparations penetrate as deeply as possible into the layers of the dermis, so the final result is more noticeable. After all, the depth of administration of drugs is very important - if it is insufficient, the contour of the face can be deformed.

      Consider the most popular drugs that are used when carrying out bio-reinforcement.

      • Revanesse. This drug is easy to use. After applying such a component, wrinkles are instantly smoothed, and the effect lasts depending on the amount of special product in the filler (1.6-2 years).
      • Repleri. This drug is manufactured in Russia. The use of such an ingredient allows you to solve any problems with the skin. The duration of the effect varies from 9 months to 1 year.
      • Sugriderm. An assortment of special equipment that have different coefficients of injection density. Thanks to this feature, it becomes possible to select funds for a specific area of ​​the body. Sugriderm does not cause allergic reactions.
      • Radiesse. The cosmetic product is made on the basis of calcium hydroxyapatite, and the effect of skin rejuvenation lasts for a significantly long time (1-1.6 g). If we compare Radiesse with hyaluronic acid, then the first drug does not attract liquid to itself, which means that it can be used by people who have problems with edema. The active ingredients not only correct the oval of the face, but also improve the shape of the cheekbones and chin.

      As the reviews show, the last drug is more popular when carrying out bio-reinforcement, due to the existing advantages in use:

      • one hundred percent resorption of the product;
      • does not cause allergies;
      • minimum side effects;
      • painless sensations, because when this drug is injected under the skin, local anesthesia is simultaneously injected;
      • large scope of use;
      • short time required for the skin to recover.


      Before carrying out bio-reinforcement, it is necessary to consult with a beautician. He initially clarifies the presence of contraindications, and if any, the beautician should advise you on another method of rejuvenation.

      Vector lifting requires some preparation. First of all, the patient must, 1-2 weeks before the session, stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs that can thin the blood (aspirin, vitamin E).

      It is forbidden to carry out bio-reinforcement during menstruation, as well as 5-7 days before it. Indeed, during this period, significant changes in the body occur in the woman's body. If the vector lifting will be performed with anesthesia, then it is necessary to visit the anesthesiologist so that he or she prescribes an examination for the sensitivity of the body to anesthetics. After all, some people do not tolerate anesthesia well, then they will have to choose another method of skin rejuvenation.

      So that after the procedure a strong pigmentation does not appear, cosmetologists advise against taking alcoholic beverages and additional physical activity a day before the bio-reinforcement.

      Today, cosmetologists use not only biogels for vector lifting, but also threads. Each of these drugs differs in its composition and technique.

      To begin with, let's take a closer look at the technique of bio-reinforcement using a biological gel.

      • The first step is to treat the skin area with an anesthetic using lidocaine.Anesthesia is performed half an hour before the vector lifting.
      • After that, this area must be covered with foil (for 30 minutes). Next, the injection is carried out according to a previously drawn scheme.
      • The drug is injected into the layers of the skin using a syringe with a thin needle. The injected drug forms a frame of the skin area where it was injected. As a result, sagging skin areas are tightened, and renewal processes in cells are activated.
      • Specialized drugs are injected into the middle layers of the dermis.
      • At the end of the procedure, the treated areas are lubricated with special products that have a calming effect.

      The use of threads, when compared with biogels, provides a more effective effect that lasts for a long time (from 5 years). The thread is chosen depending on the type of skin and the purpose of the procedure.

        But this technique is not offered by all salons, since for this it is necessary to have a certain classification. Therefore, many people prefer injection reinforcement.

        The technique of carrying out bio-reinforcement by means of threads is performed in several stages.

        • The cosmetologist uses antiseptic agents to cleanse the skin of various types of impurities.
        • Local or general anesthesia is used as an anesthetic, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.
        • To introduce the suture material into the layers of the skin, a syringe with a flexible needle is used, into which the sutures are preliminarily placed. The introduction is performed in the form of a mesh into the layers of the dermis. Penetrating under the skin, the special material does not harm the dermis, but glides smoothly under it.
        • At the end of the procedure, the puncture sites are sealed with a medical plaster, which is treated with an antiseptic. The duration of the session varies from 30 to 45 minutes.


        Before signing up for a bio-reinforcement session, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects that can occur completely unexpectedly.

        • Injected areas may develop redness and swelling. Such places must be carefully treated with antiseptic agents in order to prevent the inflammatory process in the body.
        • Incorrect face contour. Such an effect may arise due to the lack of qualifications of the master, so you should first choose a worthy salon and specialist, it is desirable that there are positive reviews from previous patients. Otherwise, irreversible processes in the body may occur, which will affect the areas of the skin located next to the injections.
        • The appearance of age spots on the skin. This is due to improper skin care during the recovery period.

        The patient during the rehabilitation period must fulfill some of the requirements of cosmetologists who will help to restore the skin in a fairly short time, as well as prevent side effects.

        • For the first 24 hours, it is forbidden to wet the skin with water, touch it with your hands, and also lubricate the areas with creams and other means.
        • The areas of injections must be wiped with special agents (antiseptics), and an anti-inflammatory cream must also be applied to these areas. If the pain persists for a long time, you should seek the help of a specialist who will prescribe pain medications.
        • The skin can be treated in the usual way only after 3-4 days from the date of the procedure. But it is strictly forbidden to perform peeling and massage, and also you cannot use scrubs and alcohol-containing products. It is forbidden to knead the puncture areas yourself. If we compare it with mesotherapy, where massage leads to a uniform distribution of the introduced components in the layers of the dermis, then with vector lifting it is necessary that the biogel is independently distributed over certain areas in the layers of the skin.
        • During the week, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, and it is also necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the areas that have undergone bio-reinforcement.
        • To recover in a shorter period of time, it is necessary to take the drug dicinone for 3 days, which can be administered either intravenously or intramuscularly.


        Experts recommend that patients adhere to certain rules, which will help restore immunity after the procedure in a short time.

        • The diet should include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C (orange, lemon, black currant, rose hips, herbs, bell peppers, onions, garlic).
        • Areas of the skin that have been prone to injections must be kept sterile. For cleansing, you can use special cosmetic products that are made on the basis of herbal ingredients.
        • Cosmetologists are advised to constantly take vitamin and mineral preparations.
        • You should lead a healthy lifestyle. It is not recommended to abuse alcohol, smoking, drugs.

        You can learn more about how this procedure is carried out in this video.

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