
Lifting: varieties and technology

Lifting: varieties and technology
  1. What it is?
  3. Operating
  4. Indications
  5. Contraindications
  6. How is it done in the salon?
  7. Home treatments
  8. Recommendations

Regular stress, overwork and an unhealthy lifestyle negatively affect the appearance of the skin. Therefore, many of the fair sex are constantly in search of a unique tool with which you can quickly and effectively return not only beauty, but also youth. Today, there is a huge selection of cosmetic innovations for this, but lifting deserves special attention, since it is characterized by an amazing result and an affordable price.

What it is?

Lifting is one of the most effective types of skin tightening, which is carried out by various cosmetic methods aimed at restoring the elasticity of muscles, facial lines and eliminating wrinkles. Thanks to modern technologies, during treatment sessions, the effect is deeply on the skin folds, as a result of which it turns out to hide recurrent changes and correct the contour of the face, smoothing out minor defects.

Lifting is a procedure that does not require an obligatory surgical intervention. Compared to plastic surgery, which gives a high result in lifting the neck and lower face area, lifting allows for complex correction using various cosmetic products and equipment.In this case, the choice of technique is selected depending on the state of health of the patients and the level of changes in appearance.

This type of lift is usually recommended for women after 30 years, since it is during this period of life that the blur of the oval of the face begins to be noticed, and the skin becomes dry, as a result of which small mimic wrinkles are formed. The above problems are caused by the onset of natural aging.

Of course, you can take care of your skin with creams and gels, but they usually help for a while, simply masking the signs, while the effect of such products is short-lived. Therefore, the most correct solution in the fight against skin aging is considered to be lifting, which is subdivided into operational and non-surgical. At the same time, correction without surgical intervention is characterized by a short recovery period, is less operative and is in no way inferior in its effectiveness.

Lifting is carried out in specialized cosmetology centers or departments of clinics, where there is the appropriate equipment and drugs. If desired, tightening procedures can be carried out at home, but, as practice shows, they are less effective and are mainly aimed at maintaining the condition of the dermis.


Recently, cosmetology has been represented by many types of modern lifting procedures. All of them differ in the method of execution and efficiency, they have their own positive aspects and disadvantages.

There are the following types of such procedures:

  • injectable non-surgical lifting;
  • plastic correction using corrective surgery;
  • surgical minimally invasive operation;
  • hardware lift;
  • lifting massage;
  • restoration of skin fibers using creams and masks.

    Before deciding on such a crucial step to return the face to its former shape in the form of smooth lines, and to give the skin a new smoothness and freshness, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of each type of lifting. It should be noted right away that at the moment there are many ways to do this without an expensive operation.

    So, if the first small wrinkles appear, the skin has lost its former elasticity, has become inelastic and flaccid, then a surgical or non-surgical method can be used. Operational tightening is carried out with the help of surgical intervention, and non-surgical involves the use of various types of lifting devices and injections, which saturate the cells with moisture and increase the elasticity of the dermis.


    There are several types of surgical lifting.

    Circular lift

    This is a rather complex bioreparation, during which the middle parts of the face, the anterior and lateral areas of the neck, the frontotemporal regions, the outer surface of the cheeks, eyebrows and the corners of the mouth are corrected. The procedure is done for several hours under general anesthesia. After its completion, patients need to be in the hospital for at least a week, after which the stitches are removed. Rehabilitation usually takes several months. To speed it up, special therapy and therapeutic massage are additionally prescribed. As a rule, the result of such an operation becomes noticeable after 6–8 months.

    Despite the high rate of correction, a circular lift is considered a traumatic and serious procedure that needs to be repeated every 7-10 years. At the same time, experts do not recommend this lifting for women under 50 years old. Depending on the depth of the impact, such a lift is subdivided into SMAS-lifting, which affects not only the full cover, but also adipose tissue, as well as superficial lifting. The first option of a facelift helps to correct even the most serious age-related distortions, and the second is most often chosen when minor problems appear on the face.The disadvantage of such a tightening is a number of prescriptions: lactation, pregnancy, oncological neoplasms, hypertension, heart failure, diseases of the blood and internal organs.

    Endoscopic lifting

    It is also often called seamless correction, since all surgical actions are performed through small incisions, and after them no scars remain. This lifting is intended for subtle and imperceptible age-related changes in the form of drooping of the eyebrows and the appearance of mimic wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​nasal and lip folds. If a significant sagging of the tissues is noticed, then a circular lift is chosen.

    The main advantages of endoscopic lifting include high results and minimal rehabilitation period. As for the disadvantages, they are also available. In the presence of heart disease, pregnancy, diabetes, hypertension and oncology, the operation is not performed. The procedure cannot be performed even when there are burns and open wounds on the face. The operation must be done by highly qualified specialists, otherwise after it pulling and unpleasant sensations may remain in the area where the stitches are applied.

    Thread lifting

    It is considered the simplest, most effective and gentle procedure, therefore it is very popular among the fair sex. The tightening technique consists in the introduction of thin threads under the skin, which perform a reinforcing function. The threads are usually used from polylactic acid, gold alloys, caprolac and polypropylene. Their material is absolutely compatible with the human body for biological indications, therefore, after the sessions, side effects and allergic reactions are not observed.

    The threads are inserted carefully under the skin using a thin needle, after which connective tissue is formed next to them, preventing the skin from prescribing. At the moment, in cosmetology, both absorbable and non-absorbable threads are in great demand, which after the operation either disintegrate on their own after 8-9 months, or are removed. Puffiness, as a rule, persists for the first week, then passes, and after two weeks you can return to your normal lifestyle. Unlike other types of lifting, a thread lift is characterized by minimal contraindications, and it cannot be done only during lactation, during pregnancy, oncology and the presence of skin diseases.


    In addition to surgical operations, hardware lifting is no less effective, which is carried out with the help of special equipment, using all kinds of energy sources in the form of microcurrent, laser and radio waves. Such a lift is provided not only in well-known plastic surgery clinics, but also in ordinary beauty salons.

    The procedures are characterized by short recovery times and no anesthesia. In comparison with the operation, they are inexpensive and open up opportunities to return the former beauty to the face to everyone. The only disadvantage of hardware lifting are such contraindications: pregnancy, oncological formations, heart disease and epilepsy.

    Hardware braces are also subdivided into several types.

    Laser lifting

    It occurs by laser action on the cells of the dermis, as a result of which thermal energy is released, which activates the processes of complete rejuvenation. After such sessions, the facial tissue becomes much elastic, as collagen and other important microcomponents that are responsible for natural rejuvenation in the body begin to form in it. As a result, blood flow increases, wrinkles disappear, and the face acquires the desired healthy shade and smoothness.

    During the session, the manifestation of unpleasant sensations is possible, but they quickly disappear, and after a tightening, long-term rehabilitation is not needed. The only disadvantage of laser correction is that it is not immediately noticeable and provides for such a contraindication as chemical peeling of the skin, which cannot be performed 2 weeks before the procedure.

    Microcurrent lifting

    It is considered a complex lift, which allows you to restore tone not only to the skin, but also to the muscles. In addition, thanks to a unique technique, it is possible to effectively eliminate edema and activate blood circulation and lymph drainage. Microcurrent lifting is often combined with nourishing masks and various serums. The sessions are carried out absolutely painlessly, the only thing that the patient can feel is a weak vibration. To improve the result, it is recommended to undergo at least 6-10 sessions over the course of one month.

    The main advantage of such a lifting is the acquisition of a natural blush and "salvation" from malicious bags under the eyes. It is impossible to conduct sessions for patients who have metal elements in the body in the form of threads, plates, pins and electrostimulators. Microcurrent procedures are also not recommended in case of intolerance to electrical impulses.

    Ultrasonic lifting

    It is an innovative service that acts on the skin at the cellular level. Often this lift is also called SMAS-lifting. Correction measures must be performed serially. Thus, their effectiveness is increased, and the result is equated to an operating lift. The session takes no more than one hour, it is carried out using an anesthetic cream. After a lift, redness and slight reporting may appear, but they disappear on their own after 2-3 hours.

    The essence of the technique is the use of ultrasonic waves, acting pointwise or impulsively on the dermis and activating the synthesis of collagen and new elastin fibers. After the correction, new collagen fibers begin to appear as early as 3-4 months, and the skin of the face becomes more well-groomed and fresh. The result of such a lifting lasts for 3 years, but after 55 or more sessions, the effect decreases. This method of tightening is not recommended for patients with metal inserts and cardiac sensors in the body.

    RF lifting (radio wave)

    It acts not only on the upper layers of the skin, but also on the fat cell. The procedure is carried out using a high frequency electric current. The impulses warm up the fibers and collagen cells well, after which they are strengthened. Similar to ultrasonic lifting, radio wave lifting is characterized by prolongation, so the sessions must be repeated every two years. The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes and does not require the use of pain medications. Most often, RF-lifting is recommended for women between the ages of 30 and 60. Moreover, this technique is contraindicated if there are threads, plates or pins in the body.


    Rejuvenation is carried out by using LED pulses that affect the deeper levels of the skin. Thanks to its unique abilities, light energy is converted into heat, and a regeneration process is observed at the cellular level, as a result of which vascular networks and age spots disappear. Therefore, this procedure is often preferred not only to remove wrinkles, but also to cleanse the skin from spider veins, after which the complexion is evened out. The session lasts no more than half an hour, and for a good result you should undergo at least 10 procedures.


    Human blood consists of platelet cells, which are responsible for its clotting. If they are not enough in the body, then various skin diseases may appear. This type of lifting is aimed at enriching the blood with platelets through the introduction of plasma. As a result, the synthesis of new cells is activated, and the process of restoring the existing ones starts.For therapy, a preliminary blood sample is taken in a small volume (up to 40-50 ml), then the containers are sent to special containers and the plasma is separated.

    In one course, injections are administered in which the presence of thrombocytes is 4–5 times the level of a normal human norm. Thanks to this, a fairly quick and tangible effect is provided. The course usually consists of 7 weekly treatments. The first and significant results appear already two weeks after the lifting. In addition to the positive aspects, this technique also has contraindications, namely the presence of skin diseases, tumors, lactation, pregnancy and infectious diseases. In some cases, there may be side reactions in the form of an allergic or acne rash.

    Lifting with fillers (hyaluronic acid injections)

    This is the so-called biorevitalization, which is considered the most popular in all modern beauty salons. Hyaluronic acid is characterized by a high moisturizing property, therefore, after therapy, the skin instantly takes on a fresh look, lethargy, dryness disappear, and fine wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out. In addition, this product is a unique antioxidant that slows down the aging process and uncouples free radicals in cells.

    Thanks to innovative technologies, drugs for therapy are produced biotechnologically without the addition of animal products. To please yourself with an excellent result, it is enough to do 2-3 procedures, observing a small interval of 2 weeks. The effect can last up to 6 months, then the lifting should be repeated. The disadvantage of the procedure is its incompatibility with face resurfacing and chemical peeling, as well as standard contraindications: it is impossible to perform sessions for people suffering from blood diseases, who have allergic reactions to the drug, during pregnancy and lactation.

    Acupuncture lifting

    It is a safe effect on certain areas of the skin using fine needles. As a result, tissue metabolism is activated, collagen production increases, and this, in turn, promotes regeneration at the cellular level, and the skin acquires natural elasticity and color. This method is characterized by the complete absence of allergic manifestations and has no side reactions. The therapy consists of several sessions and is inexpensive.


    It is a whole complex of procedures that allow you to rejuvenate the skin of the face using an endoscope. Sessions include a zygomatic lift and an inferior blepharoplasty performed with or without cantopexy. Usually, such a lift is prescribed when there is a slight presence of age-related changes. Choosing CHECK-lifting, you can be calm that your face will not undergo severe trauma. The effect lasts no more than 5 years and long-term rehabilitation is not required after therapy. This type of lifting has no contraindications and disadvantages.


    Today, lifting has many prescriptions. This treatment is responsible for skin rejuvenation and provides excellent anti-aging care for the mid and neck area for women over 50. Cosmetologists recommend such a lift not only when it is necessary to rejuvenate the appearance, but also to restore the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate various kinds of defects. The lifting has a rejuvenating effect and allows you to permanently get rid of a double chin, anti-aging and expression lines. In addition, the procedure is prescribed for skin pigmentation and loss of its natural shade. If a woman noticed dryness, irritation, flabbiness and peeling of the dermis, then lifting is indispensable.

    Indications for the procedure also include the following dermatological problems:

    • loss of skin elasticity;
    • fuzzy and inaccurate jawline;
    • sagging face shapes;
    • many wrinkles.

    Before carrying out a facelift, you should consult an experienced specialist who will determine the level and complexity of the problem, as well as select the most suitable and effective technique.


    Like any other cosmetic procedure, lifting has its own contraindications. Corrective sessions are not recommended for patients under the age of 25, as well as if six months have not passed after the previous plastic surgery.

    The following diseases and problems are also referred to the limitations of lifting:

    • anemia;
    • the presence of cellulite and excess weight;
    • allergic rashes on the face;
    • open wounds and scratches.

      The list of the above indications can be supplemented depending on the methods and means used. Therefore, restrictions are considered on a case-by-case basis. Of course, lifting is considered an ideal tool for rejuvenating the skin, allowing it to restore elasticity, but in order for the result to meet expectations, you need to prepare for the procedure in advance and spend a lot of effort.

      How is it done in the salon?

      Anti-aging facelift sessions are performed in a variety of ways. The simplest method is the constant care of the dermis with masks, age creams. But often they become insufficient, and already at the age of 35 years, the skin takes on a fading appearance. To prevent this, you should promptly contact the professionals in the cosmetology office or clinic. In the salons, doctors take full control of the health status and select effective options to combat aging.

      Vacuum, ultrasonic and manual massage are very popular in salons. Its purpose is to prevent and protect the skin from age-related changes. Thanks to simple manipulations, the muscles quickly return to their previous tone, blood circulation improves, and collagen with elastin begins to be actively produced in cells. In addition, salon massages help restore tissue metabolism and cope with edema. Such procedures should be trusted only by well-proven specialists; they are not recommended to be carried out in the presence of dermatitis, abscesses and inflammatory processes.

      Anti-aging therapy using radiofrequency lifting is also in good demand in salons. As a rule, the doctor prescribes up to 8 sessions, during which they act on the skin by means of radio frequency radiation, helping to smooth out wrinkles and the formation of new collagen fibers. First, the face is prepared for the procedure: it is thoroughly cleansed of fat and impurities. Then the doctor applies a special gel and activates its action with the apparatus. As a result, microcirculation and all metabolic processes increase. The only thing that cannot be done is to use such therapy for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and having oncology.

      Many patients after 35 years of age choose in beauty salons and lift with platinum or gold threads. Before starting the procedure, specialists assess the complexity of age-related changes, then they insert threads under the skin and tighten them. If desired, you can enter both absorbable and simple threads, which are removed after a certain time. They are equipped with comfortable incisions, which are placed on the tissue during the procedure, forming a collagen framework. This method can be attributed to corrective surgery, since the recovery will take about one month.

      All hardware types of lifting in the salons are carried out according to the standard scheme.

      • First, the epidermis is prepared: it is cleaned well, then painkillers are applied and the zones are marked.
      • The next step is the correction procedure itself: the targeted areas are affected by impulses.
      • Upon completion, soothing lotions or gels are applied to the face. In addition, the specialist prescribes instructions on how to care for the face and what cosmetics to use during the rehabilitation period.

        In addition to face lifting, most salons also provide neck correction services, since this part of the body is most susceptible to age-related changes. For the neck, hardware procedures are mainly used, they are performed in the same way. As for the operating brace, it is provided in clinics for women over the age of 50. To rid yourself of such radical methods, cosmetologists recommend contacting salons at an earlier age and not wait for the time when a deep lift is required.

        Home treatments

        Despite the fact that the salons provide high-quality lifting services, there are many cosmetic procedures that can be performed at home using the simplest creams, masks or massage. In addition, special cosmetological exercises also help to significantly tighten the muscles of the face.

        Most often, for home lifting, types of masks are used, made on the basis of the simplest products that everyone has in the refrigerator.

        • Egg white. To prepare the medicinal mixture, take one protein and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Everything mixes well and whips, then the resulting mass is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with boiled water.
        • Banana. The pulp is thoroughly kneaded, 50 ml of cream and the contents of one capsule of vitamin E are added to it. The mixture is kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes and washed off with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.
        • From rolled oats. Two tablespoons of flakes are stirred in a tablespoon of lemon juice and some strong tea is added. Similarly, the mask must be applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.
        • From grapes. Several grapes are taken, peeled and mixed with white clay and whipped yolk. To restore the skin, it is enough to withstand the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse your face thoroughly with cold water.
        • From paraffin. For the manufacture of the medicinal mixture, the paraffin is preliminarily melted using a water bath. Then the desired area of ​​the face is smeared with vegetable or olive oil and covered with a small layer of melted paraffin. Such procedures are recommended for women over 50 years old.

        In addition, you can use ready-made cosmetics at home. Refreshing and rejuvenating lifting films of such well-known brands as Fase mask mesopharm, Lift mask have proven themselves well. They are characterized by a high effect and help well against sagging skin tissues, toning and lifting the face.

        Lifting creams with a rejuvenating effect are in no way inferior in their actions: they guarantee high-quality correction and eliminate wrinkles. These products are ideal for all skin types, give it a matte shade, soothe and relieve any kind of irritation. Whey made on the basis of soy and isoflanes are also very popular. If such drugs are used regularly, then at the end of the course, an effect will be obtained that is similar to high-tech cosmetic procedures. It is best to give preference to products based on seaweed.

        Many women also perform ice lifting at home. For this, procedures are alternated from cold and hot effects on the dermis. Wipes are moistened in warm water and applied to the skin for 30 seconds, then massage with ice cubes along the lines of the face. Thanks to such sessions, it turns out to rejuvenate the skin.

        In order for home lifting to please with maximum results, the use of masks, creams and lotions must be combined with massage and gymnastics.

        • Plastic. During the procedure, quick and short movements are carried out in different directions, starting from the nose to the ear, from the chin to the ear and ending in the middle of the forehead.
        • Sculpture. Sessions consist of patting, stroking and pinching the skin.Due to a deeper effect on the dermis, the muscles of the face receive the necessary nutrition due to accelerated blood circulation.
        • Modeling. The essence of the technique is to work out the muscles, intensively affecting the entire musculature of the face. First, they make quick movements, then they smoothly turn into relaxing, more gentle ones.
        • Chinese massage. In addition to tissue tightening, such procedures also help to completely heal the body, improving the functioning of internal organs. The principle of therapy is based on acupuncture. The necessary points are selected, and needles are injected into them.

            As for exercises and gymnastics, they are also highly effective, the main thing is to carry out the procedures regularly. During such exercises, muscles are developed and their tension is relieved. The skin will be able to smooth out without the use of additional masks or procedures.

            Distinguish gymnastics for different parts of the face.

            • For the chin. The head must be raised and, stretching the lips, look at the ceiling. This position should be fixed for 30 seconds and repeated at least 3 times.
            • For lips. It is necessary to draw in the cheeks and lips and maintain the position for 5 seconds, repeating 10 times.
            • For cheekbones. You need to inflate your cheeks, take a breath and hold your breath for a while, then move the air from one cheek to another. The exercise is done as long as there is enough strength. These actions are performed 5 times.
            • For the forehead. The index fingers are placed on the eyebrows, then they are pressed in turn up and down. Gymnastics lasts about a minute.


            To get a quick result from lifting and fix the effect for a long time, you must follow certain conditions for skin care.

            To do this, regardless of the chosen tightening technique, it is worth considering several important recommendations of cosmetologists.

            • The skin of the face is considered the most delicate, so it must be regularly cleaned of cosmetics, impurities and well moisturized and nourished.
            • The daily diet must be properly adjusted. Therefore, to maintain a healthy and natural complexion, it is best to choose a fractional meal, consisting of more vegetables and fruits.
            • The key to youthful skin is the constant drinking of water. It is advisable to drink at least two liters of liquid per day, not counting soups and sugary drinks.
            • Regular walks in the fresh air and exercise will help activate your metabolism.
            • A good sleep helps to fade wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
            • You should forget about drinking and smoking once and for all. This also applies to coffee - it also cannot be drunk often.
            • It is necessary to resort to serious cosmetic procedures after 35 years, until the same age it is quite possible to use simple techniques that are available at home and allow you to "look younger" by at least 10 years.
              • After lifting, you need to devote a lot of time to skin care: this will prolong the freshness and toned appearance.
              • A facelift should not be performed if there is an inflammatory process. In addition, such sessions are not recommended for various skin rashes, acute respiratory viral infections, pregnancy and chronic diseases, as negative consequences may appear.
              • In the event that there are serious facial defects and recurrent changes are too noticeable, then you need to immediately choose biorevitalization or mesotherapy, in which there will be a complex correction for all parts of the face and a high-quality facelift will be performed. This technique is also uniquely suited for the loss of tissue volume, eliminating the sagging oval of the face, furrows on the nose and forehead.
              • Before choosing a suitable beauty salon or clinic, you should read the reviews of patients and only then make a decision, since when performing a facelift in unfamiliar salons, you can get a lot of trouble in the form of face burns or rashes. After that, you will not only have to re-perform the adjustment, but also treat the dermis.
              • Every woman of the fair sex should have at hand such a preparation as Thermage. It will help slow down the aging process by rebuilding tissue at the cellular level.
              • After the lifting for the first weeks, it is necessary to avoid visiting saunas, baths and beaches.

              How RF-face lifting is performed, see below.

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