
SMAS lifting: what is it and how is it carried out?

SMAS lifting: what is it and how is it carried out?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Indications
  4. Contraindications
  6. Carrying out technology
  7. Care
  8. Result
  9. Side effects
  10. Recommendations
  11. Reviews

Many women pay tribute to fashion and try to be attractive and fit, strive to keep the freshness and youthfulness of the skin for as long as possible. However, no matter how a person takes care of himself, the time comes when he is faced with the first signs of aging. Gradually, the muscles of the face lose their elasticity, which is why soft tissues sink down, wrinkles, bags under the eyes and pronounced nasolabial folds appear. To effectively eliminate these age-related changes, a hardware cosmetology procedure was created - SMAS-lifting.


Various methods of rejuvenation from year to year do not lose their popularity. The prevalence of such procedures is due to the desire of most women to prolong their youth or return freshness to a fading face. Traditional surgical lifting helps to quickly cope with age-related changes, but it has a number of significant disadvantages. This is often the reason why customers prefer non-surgical technologies. One of them includes hardware SMAS lifting.

This procedure is a non-surgical technique, which is based on ultrasound exposure of the subcutaneous integument and the upper layers of the dermis. Unlike the existing hardware lifting methods, this method allows you to act on the lower muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS system). At the same time, the depth of the waves is regulated by the beautician, due to which the heat energy is directed to the desired subcutaneous layer.

When exposed to the skin of the face and neck, ultrasonic waves do not injure tissues, thereby eliminating the risk of infectious complications.The principle of operation of ultrasound is simple: during the operation of the device, the subcutaneous layers are heated, therefore, the natural production of collagen and elastin is activated. Due to the formation of new cells, the effect of rejuvenation is observed.

Before resorting to ultrasound SMAS lifting, you should carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, as well as the indications and contraindications for its implementation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Non-surgical ultrasonic lifting is an innovative procedure. Compared to other methods of rejuvenation, it has a large number of advantages and positive customer reviews.

Let's note its main advantages:

  • the ability to tighten any subcutaneous layers;
  • the ability to choose the depth of exposure depending on the condition of the skin;
  • speed and painlessness of the session;
  • the possibility of correcting both the entire face and neck, and individual, most problematic areas;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period after a rejuvenation session;
  • obtaining a positive effect after the first procedure;
  • the ability to carry out a lift at any time of the year, regardless of skin type;
  • elimination of the risks of scars, scars and other defects on the skin surface;
  • "Cumulative" effect, lasting for several months after the procedure;
  • the possibility of combining with other cosmetic methods of rejuvenation (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, microdermabrasion, the introduction of fillers, injections with botox);
  • safety of ultrasonic waves for all organs and systems of the body.

    Unfortunately, SMAS lifting is not an ideal salon procedure. Like all techniques, it has some drawbacks. First of all, the disadvantages include cost. The prices in the prices for this lifting are higher than for other types of suspenders. Some salons periodically offer promotions for ultrasound treatments, which allows you to go through a session at a reduced cost.

    Another disadvantage is low efficiency for persons over 50. The fact is that after 50 years, collagen begins to be produced in small quantities even when exposed to laser devices. Also, the disadvantages include the risks of hematomas due to hemorrhage in soft tissues and the presence of contraindications.


    SMAS lifting is indicated for men and women over the age of 40. However, due to the fact that deep changes in tissues can occur at an earlier age, the procedure can be performed even at 35. To determine whether you need to resort to ultrasonic tightening or you can do with other methods of rejuvenation, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

    Ultrasonic lifting will have an effect on the following groups of people:

    • those who have done hardware or surgical tightening and want to consolidate or improve the result;
    • those who want to improve their skin condition, but do not want to subject themselves to surgery.

      Among the main indications for the procedure, cosmetologists note the following:

      • loose skin of the face and neck, which has lost its tone and elasticity;
      • mimic wrinkles;
      • sagging upper eyelids;
      • uneven skin color, the formation of age spots, traces of acne;
      • pronounced nasolabial folds;
      • fuzzy facial contours;
      • lowered corners of the lips;
      • fine wrinkles and deep folds all over the face.

      You should know that SMAS-lifting is used not only to eliminate these age-related changes, but also to prevent them.


      Despite the effectiveness and painlessness, SMAS lifting has some limitations.

      It is contraindicated:

      • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
      • persons with a pacemaker or with implanted metal implants (the presence of dentures is allowed);
      • with diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy);
      • with various diseases of the endocrine system;
      • people with high blood sugar;
      • with acne;
      • with poor blood clotting;
      • persons with diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
      • patients under 35 years old.

      If there is at least one contraindication, you should consult your doctor. The doctor may recommend another method of rejuvenation or prescribe a course of treatment, after which it will be possible to use hardware lifting.


      There are several types of SMAS lifting. The most common is the hardware technique with ultrasound exposure. The procedure can be performed both in beauty salons and in some clinics specializing in plastic surgery.

      Often the following equipment is used for a face and neck lift.

      1. Hifu. American-made apparatus. It functions by means of upper, medium and deep impulses, affecting various layers of the dermis (from 1.5 to 4.5 mm). This device is used both to eliminate weak and pronounced age-related changes, and to tighten sagging skin after dramatic weight loss.
      2. Doublo System. Korean technology, characterized by high radiation power, high efficiency and affordable cost. Due to the low cost of the equipment itself and "consumables" Doublo devices are most common among Russian beauty salons.
      3. Ultraformer. The device is from South Korea. A new generation device capable of working with focused micro- and macro-ultrasound waves. The equipment is completed with a wide range of cartridges from 1.5 to 13 mm.

      In addition to hardware, there is also surgical SMAS lifting. It is less popular than ultrasound because it has serious complications. This method is surgery. It is performed by a doctor at the clinic and lasts at least 3 hours. During the procedure, the patient is under anesthesia.

      The doctor makes a deep incision with a scalpel over the ear, carefully separates the subcutaneous SMAS layer and fixes it in a certain position. If necessary, the doctor can perform an excision of excess tissue. The operation ends by tightening the upper skin and fixing them. Rehabilitation after surgery is at least a month, and for the first few days the patient remains in the hospital for observation by specialists.

      With surgical plastic it is possible to achieve the maximum result and keep it up to 10 years, while the result of the hardware technique "lasts" from 12 months to 3 years. Despite this, people rarely come to surgical intervention because of the fear of general anesthesia and a long rehabilitation period.

      Carrying out technology

      The ultrasound facelift procedure begins with preparation. The beautician cleans the skin of make-up and natural impurities, after which he applies an anesthetic. After 20 minutes, the anesthetic is washed off, the face is wiped with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine is most often used). After these actions, the doctor draws a mark on the skin, which will be exposed to the device, and applies a special gel. It is designed for better penetration of ultrasound waves into the deep layers and for easier sliding of the nozzle of the ultrasonic device.

      When working with the device, the beautician uses two or three sensors, processing several layers of tissue at a time. The doctor applies and moves the nozzle of the ultrasound device strictly along the markings. At the same time, all layers of the dermis are shown on the screen of the device: skin, fatty tissue and aponeurotic muscular layer. Thanks to the information displayed on the monitor, the beautician directs the beam flow pointwise, setting the optimal depth of wave penetration.

      Thermal coagulation is carried out under the influence of ultrasonic radiation. The duration of the session takes from 0.5 to 1.5 hours (the time directly depends on the condition of the client's skin). During the procedure, the patient feels a slight tingling or burning sensation.With an increase in pain, the power of ultrasound waves is reduced to reduce the risk of complications.

      After the session, the remnants of the antiseptic are removed, a moisturizing and nourishing cream is applied to the treated skin.

      Thanks to SMAS lifting, in addition to the active production of collagen, the facial skeleton is strengthened and muscle tissue is tightened. The effect of the procedure will grow within 1-3 months.


      Due to the fact that during the procedure there is no violation of the integrity of the skin, the patient does not need time for rehabilitation. Full restoration of the integument usually occurs several days after the tightening. During this period, it is important to properly care for your face or neck.

      If the procedure is performed in the summer, it is necessary to use sunscreen for one month.

      Also, during the week, cosmetologists do not recommend:

      • use products with abrasive particles (scrubs) to clean the skin;
      • wash your face with hot water: cool water is better for these purposes;
      • exercise, sports and other types of physical activity (strictly avoid bending);
      • go to baths and saunas;
      • use decorative cosmetics during the first days;
      • do massage of areas exposed to hardware exposure;
      • take drugs that reduce blood clotting;
      • drink alcoholic beverages;
      • sunbathe naturally or in a solarium;
      • use a hairdryer.

      If you neglect these recommendations, the likelihood of edema and pain is high.


      The effect of holding will be visible immediately after the tightening session and over time it will only grow.

      The result of a circular ultrasound facelift is:

      • elimination of unevenness and tuberosity of the skin in the forehead;
      • smoothing vertical and horizontal wrinkles;
      • elimination of mimic wrinkles ("crow's feet" in the eye area) and nasolabial folds;
      • lifting the cheeks.

      After 2-4 weeks after the procedure, the disappearance of the "double" chin, lifting of the face contour and improvement of the face contour are noted. The skin becomes firmer, fresher and healthier.

      Side effects

      After interviewing patients, statistics were compiled, according to which, in 90% of cases, after SMAS-lifting, a positive effect was noted. At the same time, 10% did not reveal any changes. Of all clients who have resorted to hardware rejuvenation, only 5% have encountered “side effects”.

      They noted the following.

      1. Weak or pronounced pain in the affected areas. In some people, they appeared on their own, in others - with light pressure on the skin. In most cases, these side effects disappear within 4 weeks.
      2. Reducing tissue sensitivity. Most of the time, partial numbness goes away on its own in 5-7 days.
      3. The formation of swelling of the treated areas, a burning sensation and redness of the entire face or certain areas. Such consequences most often occur in people with sensitive skin type.

      The most serious complication is the formation of pinpoint scars. They can become a serious obstacle to subsequent rejuvenation procedures. Scarring is usually encountered by people with a predisposition to hypertrophied proliferation of connective tissue.

      In order to reduce the risks of their occurrence, you should warn the cosmetologist about the growing pain during the rejuvenation session. In this case, the specialist will reduce the power of the device by lowering the intensity of the ultrasonic radiation.


      Ultrasonic face correction is performed once. The procedure can be repeated only after 2-3 years. If you provide daily careful skin care, re-SMAS rejuvenation may only be required after 5-10 years.

      It is worth giving up this type of lifting for persons over 50 years of age. The fact is that at this age the skin begins to contract poorly, which is why the clients of cosmetology clinics may not notice the result. This fact is confirmed by the negative reviews of many people who have turned 50.

      For these people, a space-lifting is better suited. This is a surgery performed under general anesthesia. It consists in tightening the spaces (intermuscular cavities filled with adipose tissue). It can eliminate sagging cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds and other signs of aging.

      Unlike SMAS lifting, space lifting will have a positive effect regardless of the patient's age.


      Modern beauty salons and plastic surgery clinics offer many types of facelifts. A large number of different procedures are highly publicized, which is why many people find it difficult to find a really worthwhile option for rejuvenation. Feedback from patients who have experienced the procedure on themselves, have identified its effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages will help to determine the decision whether to do SMAS-lifting.

      The responses to ultrasonic lifting are controversial. People who decide to use the hardware, note strong painful sensations when treating problem areas. This is understandable: the anesthetic gel is able to "freeze" only the upper layers of the skin, while ultrasound acts in the depths of the dermis. Most people experience pain after the procedure, especially around the eyes. The unpleasant sensations last for a month.

      The disadvantages of this method of rejuvenation, people attribute poor performance. The skin looks and feels smoother, firmer and tighter, but fine lines and fine lines do not completely disappear. Also, SMAS lifting is not a cheap procedure. It will be very expensive, especially if you act on the entire face and neck at once, and not on individual areas.

      Among the benefits, people distinguish the following:

      • security;
      • lack of rehabilitation (due to this feature, for many SMAS-lifting has become a "weekend procedure");
      • transformation of the skin;
      • getting rid of age spots.

      In order not to be faced with the provision of low-quality services, you should avoid unverified beauty salons that offer a facelift at low prices. In most cases, the final result and its duration will depend on the competence and experience of the specialist, as well as on the equipment with which the tightening is performed. In order not to be disappointed in SMAS-lifting, it is advisable to take seriously the choice of a salon and beautician, and not rely on the cheapness of the services provided.

      For more information on SMAS lifting, see the next video.

      1 comment

      I have heard for a long time, I got interested, as I had a complex about the double chin. It was decided to try double. During the procedure, there were unpleasant sensations in the lower jaw area. But the way I was pleased with the result will justify any discomfort. It took a little time, half an hour at most. I think in a few years I will repeat this procedure to maintain the result.


      the beauty
