
Features of SMAS lifting Ulthera System

Features of SMAS lifting Ulthera System
  1. Features of facial care by surgical intervention
  2. Hardware cosmetology as a worthy replacement for surgery
  3. Benefits of Ulthera System SMAS lifting
  4. Who is the procedure indicated for, are there any contraindications
  5. Carrying out the procedure
  6. Reviews of the Ulthera System SMAS lifting procedure

Health and beauty are the most valuable human resources. Everyone knows that the condition of our skin directly depends on the health of our body as a whole, as well as on proper external care. By choosing a healthy lifestyle, you can keep your youth and energy much longer. However, proper nutrition, playing sports, taking vitamins and the necessary cosmetic care are no longer able to make the skin perfect for women after 40 years. At this age, a number of changes occur that become clearly visible externally.

Features of facial care by surgical intervention

If a woman is not afraid to grow old, although we honestly admit that there are very few of them, then a healthy lifestyle and home skin care may be enough for her to have a decent appearance for her age. But if the goal is to visually “remove” several years from the face, then it is difficult to do without salon, hardware procedures. For a long time, the most effective means of rejuvenation was the use of plastic surgery. This is a type of surgery aimed at surgically eliminating various types of external defects. The effectiveness of this procedure has been proven for many decades, today there are a huge number of plastic surgery clinics, many of them have a decent level and many years of experience.

However, surgery also has a number of disadvantages.

If we talk about operations on the skin, the main disadvantage is that it is almost impossible to do them without residual scars.

Even if they are minimal and correctly performed, scars remain, which already makes the procedure far from ideal. In addition, postoperative rehabilitation is not easy. On the contrary, it is a rather lengthy, uncomfortable and even painful process. The price also cannot be called affordable, especially if you go to a well-known clinic in order to obtain a professional result. The psychological factor in this case also makes a lot of sense, since rarely anyone can quite calmly "go under the knife" and entrust their skin to a doctor.

Hardware cosmetology as a worthy replacement for surgery

Are there really no alternative remedies to achieve visible anti-aging effects? luckily they are! Hardware cosmetology, especially some of its types, today are a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. Hardware cosmetology is a series of cosmetic procedures that are performed using specialized, professional devices. With their help, you can achieve impressive results. There is a wide variety of hardware cosmetic procedures. Recently, the most popular are laser and ultrasonic liposuction and peeling, which can be vacuum or ultrasonic. Also, a procedure demanded by women is lymphatic drainage, which is a unique tool that allows you to get rid of many external skin problems. Its action can be carried out using ultrasound, pressure drops, vacuum, impulse current. Massage, galvanotherapy, darsonvalization, cryotherapy, laser cosmetology - this is not a complete list of procedures that hardware cosmetology can offer.

A separate place is occupied by lifting. Thanks to this procedure, you can most effectively rejuvenate the skin and make it beautiful and toned.

There are a variety of types of lifting:

  • photolifting;
  • thermage;
  • elos - skin rejuvenation and a number of other types.

The Ulthera System SMAS lifting is now gaining incredible popularity.

Its main advantage is that this procedure is absolutely not inferior to plastic surgery in its effect, but does not require surgical intervention at all.

This non-surgical method for the face is able to visually rejuvenate the appearance of the skin for 5, or even all 10 years.

Benefits of Ulthera System SMAS lifting

Let's try to figure out what are the benefits of a miracle lifting and how it works on the skin.

Ulthera System - This is a technique of acoustic impulse that spreads in wave-like movements and is able to compress collagen located in the epithelium at a deep level. Fibrillar protein, or otherwise collagen, forms the basis of connective tissue in the human body, provides skin elasticity and strength.

Due to the technique of this lifting, the dermis receives the necessary rejuvenating effect without the intervention of plastic surgeons.

SMAS lifting Ulthera System - the full name of this effective procedure. What does the abbreviation SMAS mean? This word has no monosyllabic literal translation. "Muscular aponeurotic superficial system" - this is how this word can be translated. The SMAS is an unbreakable layer that sits directly under the skin and serves as a connection between the dermis and muscles. It is located on the face in the areas near the ears and cheeks and is responsible for facial expressions and muscle condition. Hateful aging processes begin to take place in this layer, its deterioration leads to visible changes, which are deformation of the face contour and wrinkles.

The peculiarity of the Ulthera System SMAS-lifting is that during the procedure, fibroblasts - special cells of the epidermis - are affected.

About a unique apparatus "Altera System" should be said separately.It can produce high intensity focused ultrasound.

Without destruction of the skin structure and without radiation scattering, the wave from this device can penetrate into the deepest layers of the subcutaneous tissue.

In this case, it is possible to regulate the depth of wave penetration from the surface to the deepest layer.

For this reason, the device has 3 special attachments for working at different depths. The first nozzle is needed to stimulate the skin at a depth of 3 mm. Using this attachment, impulses are propagated to a depth of 3 to 5 mm. The third nozzle is designed for the deepest effect on tissues at a depth of about 8 mm. Thus, having the ability to penetrate into the deep layers under the skin, this lifting is effective even with significant sagging of the skin. A huge plus is that the procedure has a long lasting effect and is noticeable after the first session. According to doctors and cosmetologists, this is the only lifting that can replace surgery.

Who is the procedure indicated for, are there any contraindications

The prerequisites for this procedure are the age of the client over 40 years old. Up to this age, lifting is not recommended, since young skin is still able to maintain its appearance without the use of serious cosmetic and hardware procedures.

The procedure is worth doing:

  • if there are bags under the eyes;
  • with drooping eyelids and overhanging eyebrows;
  • if there is inelasticity, laxity of the skin;
  • with the appearance of wrinkles on the face;
  • if the corners of the lips are lowered;
  • with sagging cheeks;
  • with deterioration of the oval of the face.

Rapid weight loss, affecting the condition of the skin, is also an indication for SMAS lifting.

This procedure, according to doctors, is absolutely safe.

Like most manipulations, it has its own contraindications, these are:

  • epilepsy;
  • presence of fillers in the area of ​​influence of the device;
  • purulent rashes;
  • dermatoses;
  • allergies;
  • neoplasms (benign, malignant);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders.

This type of lifting is not painful and is generally well tolerated by the patient. However, rarely, but still complications can arise.

These can be redness, which usually disappears within a day., swelling, pain, which can persist for a rather long period (about a month), decreased sensitivity or even loss of it. If complications arise, it is forbidden to use peels and scrubs, while it is recommended to contact your cosmetologist for advice.

Carrying out the procedure

If there are no contraindications, you can safely prepare for the procedure. Having chosen a proven clinic, you can go to the session. To begin with, the master will well cleanse the skin of cosmetics and excess fat, then it is necessary to take an anesthetic, then a gel is applied to the skin for ultrasound examination.

An important point is that before the lifting session itself, a visual diagnosis of all skin layers is carried out in order to have an accurate idea of ​​their condition.

This diagnostics is carried out by the "Altera System" apparatus, set in the visualization mode. This mode allows you to select the exact level of tissue exposure, and is also used to evaluate the results of the procedure.

When the necessary method of exposure is selected, the doctor begins the lifting process itself. For this, the device is put into a therapeutic mode, after which the main procedure takes place, consisting of the effects of wave frequencies on the dermal, epidermal and hypodermal layers of the skin. After the procedure, the remaining gel is removed from the face. The process of tightening the skin of the face takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The results can be seen quite quickly - already in the first week, while they will only improve over the course of several weeks.To maintain the effect, this procedure is recommended to be carried out once a year, however, the regularity is individual for each, so a consultation with your beautician will help you in this matter.

Reviews of the Ulthera System SMAS lifting procedure

After the appearance of information about SMAS-lifting, ladies who had already noticed age-related changes on their face began to act and look for real feedback about this procedure. After all, it is much easier to carry out these manipulations than to go to bed under a scalpel. It’s very unpleasant to watch your face change for the worse every day. Although every woman dreams of getting a quick result after the procedure, as, for example, after plastic surgery, it should be borne in mind that after the SMAS-lifting, the full effect can be felt only after a few weeks or months. All this happens due to the fact that the effect of this procedure is cumulative.

Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist offers to take a photo to compare the results "before" and "after". According to the clients, immediately after the procedure, many had a noticeable positive effect.

During the lifting, many women noticed soreness, but for the sake of beauty they were ready to endure. The area near the mouth and near the eyelids is especially sensitive, where the skin is very thin and delicate.

But the result exceeded all expectations, although it took some more than six months to fully recover.

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, you should make an appointment with an experienced doctor. To find out how suitable lifting is for a specific person.

The choice of a good master is very important, it will allow you to get an excellent result. According to many clients, the qualifications of the doctor can also affect the painfulness of the procedure. Reviews of such cosmetic sessions are positive among a large number of women. Therefore, if you have no contraindications and there is a goal in skin rejuvenation, feel free to go for a consultation with a cosmetologist and sign up for the Ulthera System SMAS lifting procedure. Be beautiful and healthy

See the video below for the Ulthera System SMAS lifting procedure.

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