
Temporal lifting: rules and effect

Temporal lifting: rules and effect
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Operation stages
  3. Possible complications
  4. Patient Testimonials

Age-related changes are a natural phenomenon that sooner or later every person will face. Aging processes are uneven. Their causes are genetics, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, active facial expressions. Because of this, wrinkles appear on the forehead and around the eyes earlier than those of their peers.

In any case, you want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. And not all of us will decide on a complex, cardinal plastic surgery. Medicine and science do not stand still, and cosmetologists offer a procedure such as temporal (temporal) lifting. It will help get rid of small wrinkles, tighten the skin, smooth it out without major surgical interventions.

The temporal lift is an optimal, simple cosmetic surgery suitable for women between 30 and 40 years of age. This procedure is called a temporal facelift and will result in a lateral diagonal facelift.

Experts identify several features, they are referred to the advantages of temporoplasty:

  • the procedure can be carried out for almost all women who have reached the age of 18;
  • indications for the procedure - the presence of wrinkles of varying depth around the eyes, drooping of the eyelids and the tips of the eyes, longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • the procedure has several goals - to raise the fold over the eyelid, make the tail of the eyebrows slightly raised, tighten the skin of the cheeks that has lost its tone, correct the oval of the face and draw the line of the cheekbones, smooth the area of ​​nasolabial folds, remove shallow wrinkles;
  • the possibility of changing the image - as a result of the procedure, the eye cut will become narrower, the so-called "oriental eyes" effect will appear;
  • there is a chance to get rid of completely shallow, recently formed "crow's feet";
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • the tightening effect is visible after two weeks;
  • in combination with mesotherapy, it is possible to completely get rid of fine wrinkles.

Features of the procedure

Among the disadvantages is the high cost of the operation. In various medical centers, prices range from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. This price range is due to the popularity of the clinic, the level of service and the skill of plastic surgeons. But also the disadvantages include a number of contraindications.

Operation is a serious stressful situation for the body, including a frontotemporal facelift and eyebrow lift. Any specialist will advise you to resort to this method of rejuvenation only if there are real skin problems, getting rid of which by other methods did not give an effect.

Operation stages

The temporal lift is a simple procedure that rejuvenates the face. Preparation for temporoplasty and the operation itself does not take much time.

Cosmetologists distinguish several stages of temporal tightening.


Before the procedure, the doctor must without fail advise the patient about all the nuances, tell about the indications, contraindications and possible complications.

There are two indications:

  • the first is age-related changes that cannot be eliminated by ordinary, non-surgical procedures;
  • the second is the woman's desire to make her face younger.

The list of contraindications is extensive. Here surgeons include oncology, various kinds of infections, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, psychological abnormalities, pregnancy, lactation, endocrine disorders, decreased immunity for any reason. Prescribed studies of the cardiovascular system, fluorography, tests for HIV and syphilis, a general analysis of urine and blood.

If there are no reasons for refusing the operation, the doctor makes a number of recommendations.

So, in two weeks it is necessary to stop taking antibiotics and hormones. For three days, the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. During the day, you cannot visit baths, saunas, take hot and sun baths. 8 hours before the procedure, you must refuse to eat, and two hours before the procedure - from water.

These requirements must be strictly observed, otherwise it is not known how the body will react to anesthesia.

The main stage is the operation

Her method is endoscopic, that is, without radical intervention and wide dissection of the integument with the introduction of an endoscope under the skin. The whole operation lasts at most one hour.

The procedure includes several more stages.

  • Introduction of anesthesia. Two options are offered - general and local anesthesia. The doctor chooses the optimal one based on the patient's condition.
  • Dissection of the temple area. The incisions on both sides of the forehead run along the hairline and are no more than three centimeters long.
  • The introduction of an endoscope, thanks to which the image is transferred to a special monitor.
  • Tightening of tissues. The tightening takes place until the desired result. The tension is fixed and excess skin is removed.
  • Applying sutures to the incisions.
  • The imposition of a tightening bandage.

The operation is simple. The incisions are small, and therefore the stitches will hardly be visible and they will heal quickly.


The time spent in the hospital is no more than 10 hours. This is enough to wake up from the anesthesia. After two weeks, you need to come to the doctor to assess the result and remove the stitches.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation is an important step after surgery. By adhering to simple rules, you can maximize the lifting effect.

Surgeons are advised to strictly follow all instructions for this period.

  • Wear the bandage for up to 14 days. The specific term is prescribed by the attending physician.Until this moment, in no case should you remove the bandage yourself, since the stitches may still bleed.
  • Carefully wash your face, avoid getting water on the wounds.
  • Refuse to visit pools, beaches, baths, saunas, solarium.
  • Eliminate any physical activity, visit to gyms.
  • You can wash your hair one week after the operation.
  • Exclude alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  • Do not use cosmetic products - creams, tonics, lotions. Medicines prescribed by a doctor are allowed to restore the skin.

Do not be afraid of painful sensations, they will go away in a week. The rehabilitation period is short. If you follow the doctor's recommendations unquestioningly, the result will surpass all expectations.

Returning to normal life can take anywhere from two weeks to 20 days.

Possible complications

Any operation can cause complications. Lifting is no exception. Doctors warn that even jewelry and accurate work will leave behind bruises and swelling. These are harmless complications, they pass quickly. Lubricating the surgical site with special means, the skin will soon return to normal.

Festering of the dissection sites of the frontal part is a much more serious consequence. It is caused by neglect of antiseptic requirements - not wound treatment and the use of non-sterile instruments. The problem is solved with disinfecting and antiseptic solutions.

Infection is a rare occurrence, possibly when inexperienced, unskilled specialists work. Before the operation, you need to make sure of the level of professionalism and skill of the surgeon - read reviews, make inquiries, ask for a diploma and other documents.

Temporal lift has almost no complications, therefore it is very popular among women and men.

Patient Testimonials

    Experts are unanimous in the opinion that temporal lobe lifting is the optimal procedure for eliminating small wrinkles. But also patients generally speak out positively about temporoplasty.

    Some clients of cosmetology clinics note the ease of the operation, the minimum of contraindications.

    Others like that the procedure takes a little time. This is important in the modern pace of life, when you need to be in time everywhere.

    Many people choose temporal plastics because of the short rehabilitation period. Two weeks - and the woman freshened up, rejuvenated, feels great.

    But there are ladies who will never resort to plastic surgery again. Some patients have experienced complications, the risk of which is minimal. Suppuration of the seams is sometimes found. An unpleasant consequence, which, if you do not react in a timely manner, can lead to big trouble.

    All patients agreed on one thing - before going under the knife, it is necessary to make sure of the experience and qualifications of the doctor.

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