
Lifting around the eyes: features of the procedure and at home

Lifting around the eyes: features of the procedure and at home
  1. At home
  2. Methods to improve efficiency
  3. Homemade recipe
  4. Features of the salon
  5. Conclusion

When we meet a person, first of all we look at his face. By the nature of the location of wrinkles, one can say about age, personal qualities and even about what emotions a person experiences. The skin around the eyes is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Therefore, modern women strive to take care and tone the eyelid area in a timely manner. Lifting around the eyes is a method to prevent and minimize skin aging. It is no secret that most women use numerous creams that claim to have a miraculous effect on delicate skin, but do not always cope with the task. It is then that such an effective procedure as lifting the skin around the eyes comes to the rescue.

At home

Cosmetologists recommend starting skin care from the age of 25, since the skin around the eyes does not produce oil, therefore it is the thinnest and most susceptible to external environmental factors. Care should be systematic, preferably in the morning and evening. You can also resort to plastic surgery, a rather radical method, but it can instantly tighten the skin. This has its drawbacks: the operation requires preparation, rehabilitation, and, moreover, it is very expensive.

(SPA) methods, various cosmetic procedures are also a rather effective way suspenders... In the modern world, creamy, serum, gel products come to the aid of women. Here it is advisable to trust the beautician and, taking into account the peculiarities of the skin, choose a suitable product.

With the manifestation of the initial signs of aging, it is recommended to use low-traumatic types of lifting, since at this stage the effect will be greatest. Signs that it's time for you to start the procedure are the appearance of poorly identified wrinkles on the eyelid (both upper and lower), folds or bags under the eyes, overhanging of the upper eyelid, drooping of the eyebrows.

Please note that products with a lifting effect must be applied without pressure, without injuring the skin.

Light care should be for young skin, and in mature age it is necessary to use lifting creams.

The main advantages of using such funds are:

  • getting rid of dark circles, cyanosis of the area around the eyes;
  • increased skin tone of the eyelids;
  • minimization of puffiness;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • nourishing and moisturizing the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • comprehensive maintenance of the effect after lifting.

The constituent components can be different, but the basic ones are almost always:

  • vitamin base (vitamin A, which synthesizes collagen fibers), E, ​​C (antioxidant that protects against UV rays);
  • acids (hyaluronic acid moisturizes and softens the skin, alpha-hydroxy acid promotes the renewal of skin cells, eliminates age spots, alpha-lipoic acid fights cosmetic defects);
  • enzymes (coenzyme Q10 fights against aging and provides immune protection);
  • fruit acids, plant extracts, oils.

Methods to improve efficiency

In order for the lifting procedures to have the maximum tightening effect on the skin, costs consider the following methods to improve efficiency:

  • apply the agent from the bridge of the nose to the motionless eyelid, then move to the lower eyelid - to the bridge of the nose, while not touching the area of ​​the moving eyelid;
  • we do not injure the skin, we apply the products by patting the ring fingers;
  • we store gel-based products in the refrigerator;
  • Apply night remedies approximately 55 minutes before bedtime;
  • we use only specially designed products.

Homemade recipe

If you don't feel like going for eyelid surgery, try to improve the condition of the skin around your eyes with the homemade Cleopatra Cream. To do this, you need to mix 4 tsp. aloe juice, 50 ml of rose water and 20 ml of pure water. The mixture is heated in a water bath, and in the process of heating with constant stirring, interior fat or lard (120 g) is gradually added. You need to store the finished cream in sterile jars in the refrigerator. You can apply it on the skin around the eyes in the morning and in the evening.

Features of the salon

In addition to home care, there is non-surgical lifting, which includes injections, hardware lifting, thread lifting, fillers. Here it is necessary to take into account that Botox injections and biorevitalization are preventive methods, Botox freezes the facial muscles without smoothing them. Biorevitalization rejuvenates the skin and is effective for small wrinkles, the result of such a procedure is short-term, a course of treatment is required at least twice a year.

In thread lifting (tightening the skin with threads), materials such as gold or platinum threads are used to create a skeleton and a firming effect on the skin. The threads are installed in the opposite direction, secured with notches, thereby ensuring their fixation.

The advantages of filament reinforcement are:

  • maximizing blood circulation in tissues and stimulating cellular processes inside under the influence of precious metals;
  • gold prevents the formation of free radicals;
  • long-term effect of gold and platinum mesh.

According to reviews, the face after such a procedure is absolutely close to natural. The rehabilitation period is only a couple of days. There are no seams or cuts.

It should be noted that the use of threads has a preventive purpose, they are not able to tighten and strengthen, they cannot cope with the load of the reinforcement.After fifty years, the effect of thread release is possible, since when this age is reached, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner.

    Hardware lifting includes procedures using various equipment (ultrasound, radio waves, laser fitting, darsonval, photorejuvenation). Such procedures imply an intense thermal effect with activation of cell processes, improvement of blood supply, reduction of collagen fibers and wrinkles, exposure to electromagnetic pulses.

    RF-lifting allows you to start the process of collagen production, rejuvenation, thereby regenerating natural collagen in the cells and membranes of the epidermis. The result of RF lifting is long-lasting. The result of RF-lifting can be increased with the use of biorevitalization and mesotherapy. This method is suitable for everyone, without age restrictions. At the initial stage of skin aging, collagen regeneration is much faster, therefore the result will be better. The wrinkles become less deep, the skin gains radiance and firmness.

    The result largely depends on the reaction of the skin to the procedure, therefore there is no guaranteed result, it is important to understand that there are individual characteristics that can give a more or less obvious effect. But in any case, there will be a positive effect, the firmness and elasticity will increase, the eyes will become more expressive.

    Thus, the following advantages of RF-lifting can be highlighted:

    • quick manifestation of the result;
    • security;
    • painlessness;
    • no risks of infection;
    • duration up to 3 years;
    • lack of a rehabilitation period, restrictions on age and time of year for lifting.

    After undergoing the procedure, it is advisable not to use cosmetics, creams, to avoid exposure to UV rays, and not to visit the sauna for 3-5 days. In a lid lift, the eyeball is not affected, but this procedure requires the presence of a highly specialized doctor. The skin is very thin, so there is a certain risk to the eyes. An RF lifting session lasts about half an hour. For a stable long-term effect, it will take from three to seven sessions with intervals of two weeks. The required amount is determined by the doctor.

      Experts identify contraindications to this procedure:

      • disorders of the thyroid gland;
      • pregnancy;
      • lactation stage;
      • hypertension;
      • tumors are malignant;
      • metal implants;
      • diabetes;
      • cardiovascular disease.

      In addition to the above, there is also an operational method for skin lifting - a surgical eyelid lift. Blepharoplasty is an inpatient surgery performed under general anesthesia. This method urgently requires a thorough examination to identify contraindications. After the operation, the patient is in the hospital for up to 3 days, and rehabilitation in general will take at least 2 months. As a result, the operating method is used mainly when other lifting methods are impractical.

      Surgical eyelid lift is usually not performed on patients over 60 years of age.


      Wrinkles betray a person's age, personality, lifestyle and emotions. In order not to resort to surgical intervention with age, engage in the prevention of aging of the skin around the eyes at the age of 25-30. Homemade creams and masks will help you with this. And if you wish and financial opportunities, you can visit beauty salons from time to time to carry out hardware procedures for skin care.

      For information on how to prepare a lifting mask for the skin around the eyes, see the next video.

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