Blackhead Film Masks

Blackheads or open comedones can appear for a number of reasons. It should be noted that this is a natural process, and the appearance of dots is inevitable. However, if they become too noticeable, there are a lot of them, that is, there are ways to clean your face. One of the simplest and most popular home methods is to use a film mask.

Principle of operation and efficiency
A film mask is a cosmetic product that, having the consistency of a gel, hardens and becomes a film after being applied to the face.... It adheres tightly to the skin, as if gluing on itself impurities, the contents of the pores, and dead cells. After a certain period of time, the mask is peeled off the skin, and with it the impurities. The film helps to draw out the contents of the pores, thereby helping to reduce blackheads and / or brighten them. The product tightens pores, making the skin look smoother, more even.
By removing dead particles, the processes of skin cell regeneration are accelerated, the face looks fresher, the skin is soft and smooth to the touch. Its color improves, a healthy glow appears.
The film mask can also be used in an anti-acne program, as it cleanses and normalizes the sebaceous glands. However, such a detox is unacceptable in the presence of severe inflammation.

Most masks also regulate the work of the external secretion glands. - the face becomes matte, make-up holds better. Films often contain charcoal, which is well known for its absorbent properties. It draws out impurities and toxins, thanks to which it has been widely used in medicine and cosmetology for a long time.
Products with charcoal cleanse the pores from impurities, decomposition and metabolic products, excess sebum. As a result of this effect, the face becomes smooth and fresh, the number of comedones decreases. More expensive masks contain black clay as the main component. It not only cleanses the skin, but has a positive effect on it at the cellular level, enriches it with minerals.

Application rules
The mask is applied only on cleansed skin. For greater effect, it is better to steam the skin before applying the mask to open the pores. This will help make the cleansing more effective. You can breathe over the hot steam (for this it is enough to boil water in a saucepan, you can add some dry herbs or a couple of drops of essential oils). Another option is to soak towels in hot water and put them on your face, change them as they cool.
A mask can be applied to a steamed face, but first you need to blot your face dry with a towel. If this is not done and the composition is applied to wet skin, this will impair the adhesion (adhesion) of the mask to the skin and will prevent it from turning into a film.
It is convenient to use a cosmetic brush with a dense bristle for application.

When applying the mask, make sure that the layer of the product is dense, but not overly thick. Otherwise, the composition will not solidify. Pay attention to the uniformity of the application. Otherwise, in places where the mask is applied too thin, it will tear when removed from the face.
After applying the mask, you should not talk, smile, frown - in a word, you need to minimize facial expressions. When the mask has hardened, it is removed with a firm movement, ideally with one pull. In this case, the contents of the pores (sebaceous plugs, dirt, dead skin cells) will remain on the film.

The mask is applied to the face, avoiding the delicate area under the eyes and above the upper lip. Care should be taken to apply the product in the eyebrow area and along the hairline, otherwise unpleasant sensations cannot be avoided when removing the product. Film products are not intended for use on problem skin with existing rashes. You can not use them for skin diseases, wounds on the face, sunburn, rosacea, or just a closely located vascular network. When buying a product or preparing a mask on your own, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the composition.
The film is not suitable for frequent use. For normal to oily skin, the recommended frequency is 2-3 times a week. For dry, 1 time is enough... After the mask, slight irritation and redness may appear on the skin, so it is better to do it in the evening, before going to bed.
You should not apply the mask before going out and for the reason that your face is steamed, you can catch a cold.

Rating of the best masks
Let's consider the most popular film masks.
Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask
Japanese brand Shiseido has developed a blackhead product that has consistently topped the charts. The mask, based on red perilla, deeply cleanses, and additional components, for example, a fragment of a loqua leaf, demonstrate a pronounced antioxidant effect.... The advantage of the tool is lack of mineral oils in its composition, which can clog pores.
The consistency of the product is gel-like, it is well applied to the face without dripping, it has a pleasant pink shade with a shimmer. The popularity of the product is due to its effectiveness - after a month of regular use, the skin becomes smoother, there are noticeably fewer open comedones, the pores are narrowed.

Secret Key Black Out Pore Peel-Off Pack
A remedy from the Korean company Secret Key based on black soy extract, powdered charcoal, sesame seeds, garlic and white clay. It has a creamy black consistency, which can be easily applied to the face, quickly hardens, and later can be easily removed.
The tool copes well with blackheads and enlarged pores - they become less noticeable.By exfoliating dead skin cells, the film mask also provides a smooth and velvety skin.

The Saem See & Saw Sebum Clear Pack
Another Korean mask that is popular. The product is suitable for those who have sensitive skin due to its composition - based on aloe vera and green tea extract. The mask not only cleanses the skin and tightens pores, but also relieves itching and inflammation.
Has a gel-like consistency with a pleasant aroma, easy and evenly applied, does not run off. The only "minus" (if you believe the reviews) is the too soft material of the tube, because of which it deforms and cracks.

Himalaya Herbals Neem Mask
Another film mask that not only cleans, but also has a calming, anti-material effect. This product is from an Indian manufacturer and is based on neem, a well-known anti-inflammatory agent.
The mask also contains turmeric, which makes it effective for owners of oily and problem skin. The product has a specific aroma. It is unacceptable to apply the film to the eye area.

Ninelle so pure skin
Ninelle Spanish Mask cleanses, shrinks pores and improves skin regeneration, as it contains tea tree oil and panthenol. It has a gel-like consistency with a blue tint with a vaguely pronounced mint aroma. The mask is effective against open comedones and enlarged pores, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands (the skin remains matte on average up to 18-20 hours after application).
Fans of the most natural cosmetics will hardly appreciate this tool - the composition is replete with components of chemical origin.

Garnier Skin Naturals
Filming agent from France with charcoal and salicylic acid. Demonstrates antibacterial and drying effect, cleans open comedones, tightens pores. The mask is similar to a souffle, its color is black, it is well applied, does not flow and is removed with one jerk. But it dries long enough - half an hour.

Vitex Black Clean
A remedy from the Belarusian brand that collects all visible impurities, pulling them out of the pores... Thanks to this, blackheads become less, and the remaining ones noticeably brighten, the skin looks fresh and clean. The mask is well applied, but has a pronounced and rather strong alcoholic smell. It may feel tight when applied to dry skin.

Homemade recipes
Knowing the principles of the mask-film, you can make the tool yourself. First of all, you need an ingredient that literally sticks to the skin and hardens in the form of a film. This can be normal edible gelatin. The following is a recipe for making such a mask:
- 1.5 tablespoons of edible gelatin;
- 5 tablespoons of warm milk;
- 2-3 tablets of activated carbon (grind into powder).
The components must be thoroughly mixed and heated in the microwave. Before applying, it is advisable not only to cleanse the face, but also to open the pores. This can be done by breathing over a steam bath or using warm towels applied to your face. Then pat the skin dry with a towel and apply the mask with a brush. It takes 10-15 minutes to freeze, after which the film is removed from the bottom up.
After using the mask, you need to wash yourself with cool water, it is advisable to wipe your face with a tonic that narrows the pores.

The same gelatin mask can be prepared on the basis of cosmetic oil:
- 1 tablespoon of food gelatin;
- 2-3 tablets of activated carbon;
- 3 tablespoons of cold water;
- 1/2 teaspoon grape seed oil.
Prepare first gelatin base - gelatin is soaked in cold water until it swells, and then it is heated for 2-3 minutes in a water bath. It is important not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise it will lose its properties. Pour activated carbon powder into warm gelatin, add oil. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply with a brush to clean skin. Allow the composition to completely solidify, and then remove it with a jerky movement.

Egg white can be used as a film-forming ingredient:
- 1 egg white (raw);
- a teaspoon of lemon juice (squeeze immediately before preparing the mask);
- 1 tablespoon of aloe juice.
Mix the ingredients, whisk lightly with a fork or whisk. Then the mask is applied to the face until it solidifies completely. On average, this takes half an hour. This mask does not shrink with a film, but is washed off. However, the ingredients also unclog pores, and lemon juice has an additional whitening effect. Aloe helps to avoid irritation, removes redness and inflammation. The mask is recommended to be done in a course of 10 procedures, every other day. The effect is noticeable from the first use.
Those who have tried gelatin masks on themselves note that for painless removal it is better to add a little face cream or oil to the composition.

For very dirty skin, you can make a paraffin mask. You will need:
- thin paper, such as tracing paper;
- cosmetic wax.
The wax must be melted in a water bath. Let cool. Warm but not hot (check on the wrist), apply to face with a brush. You need to act quickly, as the wax hardens. Put paper on top of the wax and leave the composition on your face for half an hour. When the mask hardens, pull on the paper base, removing the mask, and with it the dirt from the skin. For easier and painless removal, it is better to apply the mask not on the whole face, but in separate zones and cover with strips of paper (cut separate ones for the forehead, nose, chin).

Review overview
The pink film mask is highly appreciated Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask... Visible results (clearer and smoother skin) are noticeable after a month of regular use. However, some users note that skin dryness may be felt after removing the mask. The Black Out Pore Peel-Off Pack also receives overwhelmingly positive reviews. The mask is called effective; after the first application, the skin visually looks cleaner, it is smooth and soft to the touch. The maximum result is after a month of systematic use. The disadvantage can be called painful sensations when removing the film.
Receives high user ratings Himalaya Herbals Neem Mask (India). According to the manufacturer, it is designed for oily skin types. But it is suitable (according to reviews) for normal and even dry. Among the benefits of the product are deep cleansing, as well as reducing inflammation, softening the skin. The disadvantage is the high cost (there are analogues from European brands at more affordable prices).

Check out the next video for a test drive of the Garnier Blackhead Mask Film.