Facial plastic massage: technique and description of the procedure

Every person dreams of preserving youth as long as possible. But the modern rhythm of life and the degree of pollution of cities significantly affect the health of our skin, make it lifeless and dull, immediately adding several years to the age. Of course, you can improve the appearance with the help of special injections. However, there is a fairly large percentage of people who, for one reason or another, refuse such a method. An alternative and rather effective way to tighten the skin of the face is plastic massage.

A sculptural facial massage, combined with general skin care, allows you to achieve excellent and lasting results. Regular use of modern techniques helps to significantly tighten the oval of the face, making it clearer. And also relieve the tension of facial muscles, tone them.
The essence of the procedure lies in the special effect of fingers and palms on the skin of the face, which leads to the desired results, improvement:
- blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis;
- cell regeneration;
- outflow of lymph;
- work of the sebaceous glands;
- complexion;
- elasticity and smoothness of the skin and so on.
In addition, this massage allows you to get rid of toxins and facial swelling.

The vast majority of people who are interested in plastic facial massage are already in adulthood. Therefore, it is fair to consider age as one of the main indications for such a procedure. However, it is difficult to give specific numbers, since the condition of the skin can vary significantly from person to person. This is due to the difference in lifestyle, diet, heredity, climate conditions and the like.
We list more specific parameters that indicate that you need to think about plastic massage:
- the oval of the face has become blurred;
- the skin of the face and neck has lost its firmness and elasticity;
- there are deep age and / or mimic wrinkles;
- chronic edema appeared under the eyes.
But also this massage is recommended for patients after plastic surgery on the face. And also to those people whose profession involves a daily heavy load on the muscles of the face (actors, presenters, and so on).

Despite the fact that sculptural facial massage is a rather useful procedure, there are still some contraindications to its implementation.
These include:
- any inflammation on the skin - eczema, dermatitis, acne, purulent rashes, and so on;
- the presence of large moles, papillomas, tumors;
- problems with the vascular system of the face - rosacea, rosacea, etc.
- all kinds of allergic reactions;
- acute respiratory diseases;
- swelling of the lymph nodes;
- excessive skin sensitivity;
- blood clotting problems.
This is not a complete list of contraindications that can make it impossible to perform facial massage.
Only a professional can prescribe the exact parameters after a thorough examination and individual consultation.

Scheme of the
The technique of plastic facial massage differs from the classical one. The difference lies not only in the final effect of the procedure, but also in the peculiarities of its implementation. In particular, sculptural massage requires maximum clarity and rhythm of action. And also during the processing of tissues, no cream or lotions are used, only special sterile talcum powder is used, which completely covers the face and neck. This helps to achieve stronger contact between the specialist's hands and the patient's skin. This means that the effect of the procedure will be better.
The movements are carried out in the direction of the massage lines, in concentric circles. Thus, the fabrics are not subject to excessive stretching and displacement. The professional makes deep, energetic hand movements. However, this does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations. The main techniques in the process of performing sculptural massage are: stroking, vibration, kneading, tapping. Each movement is repeated three times and performed in 4 or 8 counts.
Depending on the type of technique, the specific sequence of actions may differ.

Can I do it at home?
Theoretically, it is quite possible to do plastic massage at home, and not in the salon. However, such a decision requires enormous responsibility. After all, it is quite difficult to perform the correct actions for yourself. Even completely relaxing the muscles of the face and neck during self-massage is no easy task. Only extensive experience and daily practice will help you achieve noticeable results from self-plastic massage. Of course, it is better to entrust such a procedure to professionals so as not to doubt the future result. But independent daily exercise can also bring a good cosmetic effect.

It is enough just to massage your face along the lines for 5 or 10 minutes daily or a couple of times a week. The rules are the same as for procedures in the salon. Successive massage movements must be carried out from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then to the temples, but from the nose. Next, move on to movements from the lips to the ears and from the middle of the chin to the ears. Movements should be soft, rhythmic and repetitive. And upon completion of the manipulations, it is necessary to apply a cool compress or mask to the skin of the face. The compress is best done with a decoction of herbs, and the composition of the mask should be suitable for your skin type. This will help reduce swelling and increase the effect of the procedure.
Ahabadze massage is very popular among massage techniques for self-fulfillment at home. It is not difficult to perform it, but the effect of the procedure is quite good and stable. To get started, take the most comfortable position - it is best to sit in a comfortable chair directly in front of the mirror. Make sure that nothing distracts you from the procedure for the next 15 minutes. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly, clean your face and take some sterile talcum powder. Now place your palms on your face so that 4 fingers of the hand lie on the cheekbones, and the large one remains on the bridge of the nose.

Now make a few rhythmic and gentle downward movements so that your thumbs are next to your cheekbones. Then place them in the chest area and run up the neck to the cheekbones. Such manipulations must be done at least 5 times. Next, place your thumbs under your lips and your index fingers above them. Make gentle stroking movements with the entire surface of your palm several times. Now, alternately with each hand, you need to close the ear, and perform several circular movements around the lips.
To perform the next exercise, you need to place 3 fingers on the nose and make several movements to the temples through the cheekbones. Next, draw circular lines with two fingers from the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrows. Then place one hand in the temporal region, and the other - make a figure eight movement near the eyes. Repeat at least 3 times with each hand. Now, with vibrating movements, work the area from the eyelids to the eyebrows. Do several strokes from the bridge of the nose to the forehead and temples.
And also thoroughly knead all the other massage lines of the face.

Important Tips
Trust the performance of plastic massage only to trusted professionals with extensive experience.
This is the only way you will get the maximum effect from the procedure and avoid undesirable consequences.
- You should not perform this procedure yourself if you are unsure of your abilities. Entrust such a thing to a specialist and give yourself minutes of bliss and relaxation while in the cosmetology office.
- Do not interrupt the course of procedures. The effect of plastic massage is cumulative. If your skin is in extremely poor condition, you should not expect fantastic results after the second or third procedure. However, if you are patient and withstand about 10-15 sessions, you will have a great reward - your healthy and toned skin.
- Do not abuse the procedures and take a break between them at least 1 day. And at the end of the full course, you should definitely take a break for about a couple of months to give the tissues a complete rest and recovery.
- This kind of massage should be started no earlier than at the age of 30 for women, and after 35 for men. In exceptional cases, plastic massage is also prescribed for younger people (porous oily skin, acne, and so on).
- To achieve the best result, you can combine several plastic massage techniques. This is the only way you can surely find out which method gives the best results.

If you are performing the procedure yourself, there are a few rules to take note of.
- For oily skin, it is better to use sterile talcum powder rather than cream.
- A massage session should not last more than 20 minutes.
- Before the massage, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin from cosmetics and any other impurities. The same rule applies to hands - they must be perfectly clean and dry.
- If after the massage there are slight swelling and swelling, do not worry. They should completely disappear in a couple of hours. Herbal cool compresses will help to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Alternatively, you can simply rub your face with a chamomile ice cube.

Today, non-invasive techniques for rejuvenation and self-care are gaining more and more popularity among the fair sex. Many are afraid of surgery and injections, some do not have enough funds for this, while others just want to try something new and interesting without harm to health and the prospect of undesirable consequences. After analyzing the comments of women who have long resorted to the services of a plastic massage therapist, we can conclude that the effect of such procedures is definitely there. Moreover, the results of some of the patients are simply amazing! However, it is important to understand that a good lasting effect can only be achieved with regular massage sessions. And this pleasure is not cheap.
In addition, plastic massage gives amazing results only in combination with complete and systematic care for the skin of the face and neck. Those women who lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of their skin are very positive about plastic massage. Especially because it is much safer and cheaper than various injections and plastic surgeries. With the help of a massage course, you can make your face even more beautiful and youthful, just like tightening your body in the gym.
You will learn more about the paid facial massage in the following video.