Facial massage

How to do a sculptural facial massage?

How to do a sculptural facial massage?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Indications and contraindications
  4. How is it done?
  5. Optimal frequency of sessions
  6. Recommendations

Every woman dreams of staying young and beautiful as long as possible. Unfortunately, going to the mirror, sooner or later, everyone involuntarily notices some external changes in their appearance: low skin elasticity, a double chin appears, fuzzy contours. Today cosmetology has a whole arsenal of methods aimed at slowing down age-related changes. One of the most common, of course, are surgical procedures, various kinds of plastic surgery. But the properties of such a method do not always take on an exclusively positive character. Do not despair, you can achieve a rejuvenating and perfect result in a simplified natural way - with the help of the so-called sculptural massage.


The sculpting type of skin effects is truly considered one of the most famous and often used in the circle of anti-aging cosmetology. In the reliable and experienced hands of true masters of their craft, sculptural massage can really become a real salvation in case of age-related changes. The original use of such massage was intended to restore the face of patients after stroke and paralysis. A little later, similar methods became effective in the offices of a beautician.

Let's see how a similar wellness procedure goes. The deep tissue type of sculptural massage is designed to lift and tighten the oval, strengthen the facial muscles, correct the contour and remove unnecessary sagging.

The impact is on three main lines of the face:

  • jaw (raise and align the cheeks and chin area);
  • zygomatic (we raise the facial contours, we emphasize the general condition);
  • eyebrow (correcting the sagging and drooping eyelid area).

    This massage procedure is able to make an accurate and visible correction of the shape of the face, after which the skin can boast of a healthy color, absence of visible wrinkles and elasticity.

    The cosmetic effect operates in two phases:

    • sculptural (the master carefully works out the external muscles of the face);
    • deep (the master resorts to working out the internal muscles through the oral cavity).

    By combining these two methods, the patient can get the desired anti-aging result without surgery. By the way, sculptural massage has another important function. That is, in addition to tightening and strengthening the muscular areas of the face, it is able to relieve psychological blockage, clamps and stress, which has a great impact on the condition of our skin.

    The master conducting the sculpting procedure must strictly follow the rules of the technique. Influencing the facial muscles, the beautician must perform all actions accurately, sequentially, capturing every point, protecting the face from damage, because every muscle must remain carefully worked out. The deep tissue phase is able to relieve you of the spasms that have appeared in the muscle facial areas.

    When choosing a master, pay attention to his degree of study in this area, ask what courses he took.

    Indications and contraindications

    Sculptural massage is responsible for rejuvenating the skin of the face, hiding the moments of inevitable age-related changes.

    The so-called skin degeneration processes that affect your appearance are accompanied by the following points:

    • stretched skin;
    • wrinkles (this can include "crow's feet");
    • sagging skin;
    • folds;
    • enlarged pores;
    • swelling;
    • lowered corners of the mouth, eyes;
    • sagging cheeks;
    • a faded complexion;
    • the appearance of a double chin;
    • weakening of the nasolabial muscles;
    • inexpressiveness of facial contours;
    • lack of elasticity;
    • loss of tone.

    All of these phenomena should be a reason for you to turn to a sculpting facial massage procedure. A timely visit to a specialist can prevent your skin from premature aging, stop the processes developing at the initial stage, and you will also receive advice on caring for your face type.

      There are several reasons and diseases for which this massage is strictly contraindicated.

      These include:

      • oncological diseases;
      • various infections;
      • present damage, wounds and cracks;
      • thyroid problems;
      • carrying and feeding a child;
      • high threshold of skin sensitivity.

      Based on the above, we have identified the positive and negative aspects of massage. We can safely refer to the pluses: elimination of muscle spasms, mimic wrinkles, sagging, improvement of muscle tone, complexion, elimination of tumors, dark circles, restoration of the face contour, emphasizing cheekbones, elimination of blockages, clamps. The disadvantages are painful sensations, a rather complex technology of conducting, limiting the site of exposure (the décolleté zone is not involved in the procedure), patient discomfort when exposed through the oral cavity.

      If you are a frequent visitor to the beauty parlor, before starting various manipulations with your face, ask about what other cosmetic procedures can be combined with sculptural massage:

      • massage can be done only two days after peeling, mesotherapy and hardware techniques;
      • using gold and silver threads, massage is not allowed;
      • massage after contouring, botox and fillers is not allowed.


      The technology for carrying out this procedure in the salon is carried out according to two main types of massage, which have certain characteristics.

      Buccal massage

      The main distinguishing feature is the unusual method of examining the muscles of the face, during which the master carries out processing from the outside and from the inside (through the oral cavity). The developer of this type is Joel Siocco, a French cosmetologist with many years of experience.

      Buccal massage is carried out only according to the following rules:

      • the use of disposable sterile gloves by the doctor is mandatory;
      • complete removal of makeup from the face;
      • skin treatment with an antiseptic;
      • applying a special oil or lotion to the desired area for easy gliding;
      • the beginning of work with the skin surface begins with its warming up with the help of light massage movements;
      • massaging the inside with your fingers through the mouth.

      The first procedure takes about 15 minutes. This is how much time it takes for patients to get used to and adapt to new types of sensations. After the first massage, you may find a slight degree of puffiness - it will disappear in 10 minutes. Slight redness is also possible, but this is a normal reaction to such manipulations.

      Deep tissue massage

      This sculpting technique is distinguished by a more intensive and detailed study of all facial muscles and wrinkles. During such a massage, the specialist resorts only to the use of hands, refusing any tools. The rules are similar to the buccal method: the skin is treated with a special serum or oil for easy gliding, for 30 minutes the master thoroughly massages the muscular area of ​​the face, and also captures the décolleté.

      The movements used by the specialist: kneading, rolling, pinching, pressing, rubbing.

      French massage

      It takes a beautician 40 minutes to complete the French technique. Sometimes the session can be delayed, then it will take an hour to complete it. The time frame depends on the degrees of age-related changes. The specialist begins massage actions from the back of the upper neck, moving to the décolleté, moving to the forehead, then the hands of the master follow the way back. Low-functioning muscles require special attention.

      Such a procedure as a preventive measure can be carried out already from the age of 25 with a frequency of two sessions per month. Again, everything directly depends on the intensity of external changes.

      How is it done?

        At home, you can also arrange a beauty session using the basic techniques (bucolic and deep-woven).

        To achieve the desired and effective result on your own, strictly follow the following rules of the deep tissue method.

        • Start by preparing your skin: get rid of makeup.
        • Use a high-fat moisturizing cream or oil (apply generously to ensure a good glide).
        • Smooth over the face for 5 minutes to warm up the skin.
        • Start working from the neck area, moving to the trapezius muscle. Knead well, rolling and pressing for 10 minutes.
        • The neckline also requires attention. Use circular motions on it. Be careful, you can stretch it out unintentionally. Move to the chin. Massage it for 5 minutes.
        • Don't forget your cheeks. Specifically, they are able to descend. First, knead the skin with light tingling. Then use a few twisting motions, pulling it up a little higher. The duration of the action is 8 minutes.
        • Use your fingertips to massage the upper facial areas. Start the movement from the center towards the hairline, towards the ears. Pressing gently on your face will relax your muscles and stimulate the lymph nodes. The impact on the forehead is 5 minutes.
        • Massage gently around the eye area. It is the thinnest and weakest, so the pressure on this area should be reduced so as not to harm even more. Begin the massage with circular eye movements from the nasal region to the temporal region.This will provide the skin with freshness and less puffiness under the eyes. For this, 5 minutes of intense action is enough.
        • At the end of the procedure, something like stroking movements will help to soothe the skin of the face.
        • It is imperative to resort to the course of massage sessions again so that the effect is visible and lasting. Twice a week will be enough.

          To ensure a high-quality and safe buccal massage, follow important rules.

          • Cleansing the face from cosmetics.
          • Use of clean, treated materials (gloves).
          • Begin the procedure by sitting in a chair with your head tilted slightly. Try to rest her on the palm of your hand.
          • First you need to place your thumb in your mouth and massage the muscular walls of your cheeks. Then, using circular motions, you need to gently pull them from the jaw region to the ear.
          • We turn to massaging the nasolabial folds. Using one hand, lift the area from the outside, and use your thumb to work from the bottom up. Smoothly moving to the corners of the lips, knead them in the same way.
          • The last in line will be the place under the lower lip. Perform manipulations from the central part of the chin, going to the left, then to the right.

          Optimal frequency of sessions

            The lifting effect of such a procedure is obtained due to the intensive effect on the main group of mimic wrinkles, starting the work of the so-called sleeping muscles, removing various types of spasms of the facial muscles, improving the impact of lymph in the deep layers of the epidermis.

            A woman's age directly affects the frequency conducting sessions:

            • 25-35 years old - 1-2 courses, 10 procedures per year;
            • 35-50 years old - 2-3 courses of 15 procedures per year;
            • 50-60 years old - 3 courses, 17 procedures per year;
            • 60+ - 4 courses a year with supportive procedures.

            For a better and lasting result, cosmetologists advise to carry out sculptural massage in spring and autumn. In such months, you can do 10 procedures and get a rejuvenating and healing effect for the next months. There is an alternative type of massage - supportive massage, which can be performed once every two weeks, and this will be enough to keep the skin in good shape.

            No need to self-diagnose or abuse massage manipulations for no reason. The exact number of procedures and their frequency can only be determined by a cosmetologist during a personal examination of the patient.


            It will not be superfluous to carry out preventive sessions for the general maintenance of the condition of the skin of the face and décolleté. Reviews of women who have experienced such a miracle massage make you think about the first trip to a beautician. Patients note that among all the ideal care procedures, sculpted massage is in the first place, which can replace the introduction of Botox and various chemistry. After several courses, improvements in blood circulation are noticeable, getting rid of redness, scars and acne. For some, massage has helped in the fight against edema. All patients are advised to learn as much as possible about the master and find “the one” to whom you can entrust your face for many months or years.

            Sculpting procedures such as massage can be safely called a fitness course for your face with a personal trainer-cosmetologist... Perhaps, after a few procedures, you will not be recognized and they will start asking questions about special relaxation or plastic surgery. No one would think that such results are achieved with the help of massage. Do not be afraid to try it on yourself, because it is a great way to provide your skin with beauty and youth. But do not rush to carry out procedures at home.

            Before starting, you should consult with a specialist for contraindications. Remember that a competent approach to health is the path to beauty.

            For information on how the facial sculptural massage procedure goes, see the next video.

            1 comment

            I also love it very much. It seems to me that such massages will be even more effective than some salon procedures. I do it myself.


            the beauty
