Facial massage

Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation

Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Execution technique
  3. Reviews

Acupressure facial massage is considered one of the most effective processes for relieving pain and combating many ailments. In addition, it makes it possible to improve the general condition of the body, look younger and more attractive. This effect is achieved due to the unique effect of normal pressure on the body.

Features of the procedure

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the impact on biologically active points has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and the entire body as a whole.

There are many methods of point effects on the body, among which the most popular and effective ones can be distinguished:

  • a Japanese variety known as shiatsu;
  • finger Chinese known as zhong;
  • Korean massage - su-jok;
  • Indian technique - marma therapy.

A distinctive feature of such complexes is that they often include special manipulations aimed at rejuvenating the face and lifting it.

This combination of acupuncture effects with selected exercises has an incredible effect.

The huge popularity of point exposure is caused by many advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • providing the skin with blood flow and improving the appearance;
  • the ability to get rid of circles under the eyes;
  • smoothing facial folds and getting rid of nasolabial folds.

In addition, studies show that the effect on biologically active areas helps to harmonize and calm the nervous system, as well as stimulate the functioning of all internal organs. Acupressure massage on the face is best done using a specially developed technique, which depends on the type and nature of the cosmetic problem.If you do everything correctly and do not overdo it, then such pressing should not cause pain or discomfort. Japanese experts argue that the correct acupressure for facial rejuvenation should not be painful.

The main purpose of such an impact is to awaken the forces of the human body and direct them in the right direction.

Massaging certain points helps in eliminating the symptoms of the disease, as well as eliminates its cause.

Using shiatsu acupressure technique allows you to eliminate wrinkles and bags under the eyes almost instantly. In addition, it has the following actions:

  • improves blood circulation, which makes the skin more attractive, youthful and able to withstand external factors;
  • metabolism is normalized and cellular recovery is accelerated;
  • swelling of the face resolves, as the fluid between the cells begins to circulate well;
  • both deep and small wrinkles are eliminated;
  • the skin acquires a healthy color.

Some experts note that anti-aging acupressure massage can have healing properties for sinusitis and other similar diseases.

Indications for use

Acupressure massage for rejuvenation is effective and shows itself well in the fight against deep and fine wrinkles. In addition, you can resort to his help if you want to get rid of flews, folds or double chin. Other indications include:

  • change in the contour of the face and loss of elasticity;
  • change in complexion;
  • the appearance of bags under the eyes.


Despite the fact that acupressure is a completely harmless procedure, if done incorrectly, it can worsen your health.

There are some contraindications for which it is better to refrain from such a procedure:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin: burns, scratches or inflammation;
  • the presence of viral diseases or infections;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • rosacea.

Execution technique

The technique of execution is influenced by what kind of acupressure is used. Today, one of the best techniques is Chinese. It allows you to enjoy massage and rejuvenate your face. The effect on the skin is quite effective. The principle of the procedure is to press on the points with little force. In this case, you need to use only those points that are important for the functioning of the body. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly improve blood circulation, oxygen supply to cells and establish metabolic processes. Working out all the muscles of the face contributes to skin rejuvenation.

A distinctive feature of the Chinese massage technique is that not all fingers are used here, but only the pads of the large and medium ones. As for the little finger and the ring finger, they are rarely used. Specialists also often resort to massage using spoons. Acupressure massage using spoons is considered a classic and can boast of high efficiency, while both wooden and steel spoons can be used. Previously, they should be smeared with massage cream, and before the massage, the face must be cleaned and treated with cream without fail. If desired, you can get the maximum effect using spoons with different temperatures. For example, at the beginning of the procedure, a cold object is applied to the face area, and then a hot one.

Shiatsu is one of the most popular techniques today.

Here, the influence on important reflexogenic areas is carried out. The effectiveness of the procedure is influenced by the fact how quickly and in what way the pressure on certain points occurs. To get the best result, you need to know where the points on the face are located to eliminate wrinkles and blemishes.It should be taken into account that a certain point is responsible for the functionality of each site. It is possible to eliminate wrinkles and give the face a more youthful and attractive appearance by stimulating massage points on the face. They feel like dimples or bumps. The basic technical rule of shiatsu is that massage should only be done with the fingertips. Moreover, you need to perform an unusual stroking action - pressing.

Such sequential actions allow you to activate the points and turn on the recovery processes in the treated area. During the massage, the Japanese use a small linen cloth, thanks to which the fingers do not slip. A distinctive feature of shiatsu is that massage points should never be kneaded. You should press clearly and firmly in order to have the desired effect. The pressure must be increased evenly so that the patient's body begins to get used to it, and it does not hurt him. It is necessary to find a clear middle between "painful" and "pleasant", and you need to let go of the point abruptly.

The maximum effect can be achieved if you exert influence on the active points with the help of your thumbs, while providing vertical pressure.

For problem areas, do at least five repetitions 4 times a week, and the result can be seen after a few weeks. Like other types of massage, shiatsu should be done in several courses, one of which is two months. After that, you need to take a short break for the body. Shiatsu can be done whenever you want, but the greatest effect is achieved in the morning. The fact is that after sleep, our skin does not experience any stress, therefore it reacts perfectly to any external influences. Some people prefer shiatsu in the evening as massage allows them to fall asleep quickly. A similar massage is performed exclusively in the supine position, since the muscles in this case will be as relaxed as possible.

It looks like this:

  • the process starts with a light press on the central part of the forehead, from where it is necessary to move to the temporal region;
  • after this, the middle point of the eyebrows is stimulated;
  • warm-up in the bridge of the nose, which allows you to eliminate bags under the eyes;
  • work on points in the middle region of the cheeks;
  • work with nasolabial folds.

After the end of the cycle, all procedures can be repeated if there are certain problems. It is worth remembering that one session cannot include more than two cycles, as this can harm your health. Acupressure massage is performed by pressing the tissues, which puts the right pressure on the nerve receptors. In addition, it is extremely important to observe that the skin does not shift and does not lose its elasticity.

Experts advise to adhere to some rules:

  • the impact should not be strong;
  • single points need to be pressed with the index finger;
  • paired points are best pressed with the fingers of both hands;
  • all dots must be pressed for at least three seconds.

In the place where the massage is performed, the patient may feel warmth and slight pain. If discomfort or severe pain appears, then this indicates an unprofessional manipulation.

Great attention should be paid to correct breathing during the massage.

Inhales should be deep and equal. They must be done exclusively through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth. As a preventive measure, several sessions a week will suffice.


Reviews suggest that acupressure is extremely effective and has a beneficial effect on the body. Almost every lady who resorted to using such a procedure notes its positive effect on the body as a whole and the complete absence of painful sensations.Most women prefer acupressure in the morning, claiming that it is most effective and brings the least discomfort.

When choosing a beauty parlor, patients are mainly guided by the technique used by a specialist.

The most popular is Japanese Shiatsu, and the second place is taken by the Chinese method. Thus, acupressure is a unique method of influencing biologically active points of the body, which helps to improve metabolic processes and rejuvenation. You can make such a rejuvenating massage both in the salon and at home. In the absence of any contraindications, acupressure does not harm the body and has no side effects.

For facial rejuvenation using acupressure using the shiatsu technique, see the video.

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