Facial peeling

Diamond peeling: what is it and how is it carried out?

Diamond peeling: what is it and how is it carried out?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Indications
  3. Contraindications
  4. Stages of the
  5. Care after the procedure
  6. Possible complications
  7. Recommendations

Today, the beautiful half of humanity, in addition to folk remedies for rejuvenation and skin care, has a huge number of different new generation cosmetic procedures. Thanks to them, women have more and more opportunities to prolong the youthfulness of their skin, preserve their natural attractiveness and correct minor disadvantages in their appearance. These modern procedures include diamond peeling, which is quite popular today.


Microdermabrasion of the skin is a procedure that requires highly skilled craftsmen and the use of professional equipment. It involves the removal of dead cells of the epidermis, as a result of which they are replaced by young tissues. After its implementation, most of the wrinkles, age spots and other manifestations that negatively affect the appearance disappear on the face. The main feature of diamond peeling is its high efficiency after the procedure, in addition, it is practically painless.

In fact, peeling is a kind of resurfacing that provides fast and effective regeneration of the epidermis.

By means of micro-trauma, diamond resurfacing activates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid by the skin, which are necessary for the health and youth of the skin.

Cosmetic cleaning is most often performed using various brushes. Their surface is coated with a special diamond abrasive. The selection of the tool is carried out based on the condition and type of the epidermis, as well as a number of other important nuances that the master takes into account.

The main task of this cosmetic procedure is to deeply renew the skin. That is why diamond peeling is recommended for removing small imperfections on the skin, such as scars and other damage.

In comparison with a number of other modern methods of cleansing, which the skin receives in the course of diamond microdermabrasion, causes a small amount of micro-trauma to the skin.

This is due to the minimum size of the crystals used for cleaning. Therefore, most often the procedure is carried out without the use of painkillers.

The positive side of cleaning is the absence of even minimal dust emission during the treatment of the epidermis. A similar effect is possible due to a special device functioning during the operation of the apparatus with a nozzle. The vacuum sucks in dust from crystals and prevents it from settling on the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Otherwise, contact with microparticles would cause a serious irritant effect on the mucous membranes.

In addition, the vacuum has an additional function - it normalizes blood circulation, which reduces the level of possible edema after peeling.

In order to have a complete understanding of this cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to highlight the main tasks that are solved thanks to its implementation.

It helps:

  • remove keratinized unnecessary cells;
  • cleanse the pores from sebum, dirt and blackheads;
  • prepare the epidermis for more serious procedures;
  • activate the process of skin regeneration due to the production of important substances;
  • hide possible skin defects, for example, scars as much as possible;
  • remove age spots, freckles;
  • to give the complexion uniformity.

The results after the diamond vacuum cleaning will be felt immediately after the specialist finishes his work, but sometimes after the peeling puffiness occurs, which will disappear in a day or two.

According to most dermatologists, microdermabrasion has unique properties that make it stand out from traditional skin cleansing. The difference between these techniques is that the classic procedure involves exposing the skin to crystals of aluminum oxide, which are fed to the tip of the working tool. Such aggressive contact does not occur with diamond peeling. This allows the specialist to work with the most sensitive areas on the face, for example, with the area around the eyes, where wrinkles appear quite early and in large numbers. In addition, during peeling, the risk of crystals penetrating into micro-fractures on the skin is completely eliminated.

Despite the fact that diamond bits are a safe tool, there is still a small chance of injury due to the lack of professionalism of the master who will perform the cleaning. In addition, various bacteria can remain on the head of the attachment, which can lead to infection under the skin.

Some masters are of the opinion that cleansing with aluminum oxide will be more effective.because diamond devices will not be able to adapt and maximize the tiny drops on the epidermis surface.


Masters of beauty salons recommend peeling for girls over 25 years old. Since at this age you can already see the effect of skin rejuvenation after its application.

The procedure is shown in such cases:

  • enlarged pores, as a result of which black dots form on the face;
  • too dry skin;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • freckles;
  • small mimic wrinkles;
  • aging skin prone to premature aging;
  • scars or scars;
  • acne;
  • whiteheads.

In any case, before doing a diamond peeling, you need to consult an experienced beautician.

Only a qualified master will be able to correctly identify the existing problem and the type of epidermis, and based on this, select the necessary tool.


As with any cosmetic procedure, microdermabrasion may be contraindicated.

The factors due to which such cleaning is prohibited include:

  • fragility of blood vessels and skin hypersensitivity;
  • the presence of inflamed moles, warts, acne;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • high temperature;
  • the presence of wounds on the skin;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the procedure is temporarily contraindicated during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • telangiectasia;
  • diabetes;
  • sunburn;
  • oncology;
  • the client has a pacemaker;
  • infectious diseases.

Neglecting contraindications can lead to serious consequences after diamond peeling.

In addition to health restrictions, cleaning is advised to be carried out in summer and winter, the off-season is considered an undesirable period for the procedure.

A professional master in the salon must first of all discuss with the client his state of health and remind about contraindications.

Stages of the

To carry out high-quality peeling, special equipment is required, in addition, such cleaning should be performed only in salons or clinics, since the result directly depends on this. However, today you can find devices for cleaning at home on sale.

Microdermabrasion is a rather serious procedure that requires some preparation of the epidermis.

After assessing the condition of the skin and the level of existing problems, the specialist will tell you what consequences you may encounter after cleaning, and also draw up a scheme for preparing the epidermis

It is worth highlighting a number of mandatory recommendations that must be adhered to for at least two weeks before visiting a beautician:

  • it is necessary to refrain from using formulations with chemical exfoliants;
  • do not apply self-tanning to the skin and do not use the services of a solarium;
  • before peeling, you should refrain from other cosmetic procedures.

In addition, the beautician will recommend products, the regular use of which will prepare the epidermis for the upcoming cleaning.

Peeling includes a number of mandatory stages.

Approximate layout:

  • Before starting the procedure, you must remove makeup, rinse off dirt and sebum. For this, water and a special cleaning agent are used.
  • First, the beautician processes the skin, preparing it for peeling. For this, the epidermis is steamed, which increases the absorbency of the skin and contributes to a lesser response to further manipulations.
  • To increase the effectiveness of microdermabrasion, the face is treated with a scrub. At the end of the preparatory procedures, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.
  • In the presence of dense comedones, which the diamond attachments cannot cope with, the beautician first removes them manually. After that, the epidermis is processed with a vacuum device that allows you to remove excess sebum from the face.
  • Next, microdermabrasion itself is performed. The specialist uses special sprayed brushes for processing leather. In different areas, the master can change the attachments. Cleaning takes about an hour. Grinding is carried out silently and with little or no pain.
  • At the final stage, the skin is re-nourished with moisturizing formulations. A mask is applied to the face, followed by a cream. Nutrients will help increase the effect of the peel and reduce swelling of the skin.
  • A cold cream or cold compress can help tighten the pores after you finish sanding. It will also reduce epidermal swelling and redness.

Pain relievers are usually not used during diamond resurfacing, but local anesthetics may be used for clients with low pain tolerance and sensitive skin.

Cosmetologists consider the optimal interval between peeling sessions to be two weeks., but in each case, the frequency can vary up or down. For a diamond peeling of the face, on average, it will take about 5 sessions, while resurfacing the body, everything will depend on the characteristics of the cleaning.

Stretch marks and scars can be removed in about 10-12 treatments.

As for the "orange peel", it is possible to smooth out these phenomena in an average of 6 visits to a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

To maintain the effect after diamond cleaning, visits to the beautician should be regular.

Care after the procedure

As for the recovery period after microdermabrasion, the main requirement is to exclude contact of the skin with direct sunlight. The time spent in the sun should be minimal, in addition, the face must be protected with the help of special creams or sprays with a high level of protection.

If peeling of the face was performed, then for the fair sex it would be useful to use hats with wide brim, in other cases clothes will protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you neglect these recommendations, then pigment spots will form on the cleaned areas of the epidermis.

In the first week after grinding, it is necessary to refrain from strong physical exertion and sports.because profuse sweating can cause inflammation and acne. For the same reason, it is worth temporarily abandoning the bath and sauna.

After peeling, it is necessary to revise the usual face care products, since it is not recommended to use alcohol-containing products after visiting the salon.

This is due to the properties of the substance to dry out the epidermis, which can greatly increase the recovery period after microdermabrasion.

Regarding the use of decorative cosmetics, you should additionally consult with a beautician. In principle, after the procedure, it is recommended to stop applying makeup for a while, but if this is not possible, the salon specialist will help you choose a special series of products that will have a sparing effect on the skin that has not yet recovered. For daily nutrition, there are various serums that will help moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

In any case, the application of makeup in the first days should be minimal; it would be more correct to temporarily use products that are intended for skin prone to allergic reactions.

To reduce inflammation and irritation as much as possible, the expert will recommend nutritional formulations to be applied to your face at home.

Possible complications

Since the procedure in question is quite serious, it is necessary to be informed and prepared for possible side effects after it is carried out.

In the list of such negative reactions, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • due to mistakes made by a specialist in the course of an illiterate use of a tool, microcracks may form on the skin;
  • the epidermis after microdermabrasion can become inflamed;
  • due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the master and spending time in the sun, pigmentation may occur on the skin;
  • swelling of the face.

According to reviews, almost all of the above consequences can be easily avoided if you trust professional craftsmen, as well as strictly follow the requirements for skin care during the recovery period.


  • Avoid resurfacing your face more than once every two weeks as your skin will not have enough time to recover from the procedure.
  • The duration of treatment in each case is determined individually, since there are no completely similar problems with the epidermis. It is best to trust the opinion of a specialist in this matter, because diamond polishing does not imply a single cleaning of the epidermis, but a whole range of works to renew it.
  • To achieve a prolonged sanding effect, it is worth cleaning once every 1-3 months.
  • Diamond peels are best done in specialized beauty salons. This procedure should only be carried out by professionals using specialized equipment.
  • To increase the positive result of cleansing, cosmetologists recommend additionally performing manual cleansing or laser treatment of the skin.

For more information on the features of diamond face peeling, see the next video.

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