Facial peeling

Acid face peeling: what is it and how does it happen?

Acid face peeling: what is it and how does it happen?
  1. Characteristics of the procedure
  2. Cleaning degrees
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. the effect
  5. Varieties and differences
  6. Carrying out
  7. Follow-up care

Facial cleansing is a unique and at the same time already familiar procedure for us. Today beauty salons offer all kinds of this procedure. They differ both in the technique of execution and in the cosmetics that are used. One of the most popular is acid cleaning. Why is it so attractive to beauties and how often it can be done, let's figure it out together.

Characteristics of the procedure

Our skin continuously performs its main protective function. It is not surprising that it is she who suffers most from the effects of the environment. Even in conditions of good ecology, the pores need to be cleaned, and even in the city she simply needs our help. Simple washing is not able to cleanse it properly and enhance regeneration. This is where acid peeling comes in.

Many are afraid to do this procedure because of the aggressive effects.

Indeed, after it, the skin will still have to wait some time for full recovery. But this is not a reason to refuse it, since the effect will be incomparably greater.

The main mechanism of action is the action of special fruit acids on different layers of the skin. - these are natural substances that have the ability to burn the upper dead skin cells, thereby renewing it. Therefore, the procedure, especially for the first time, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and not at home. He clearly knows which acid is right for your skin type and will take the necessary measures if the reaction goes very violently.

Cleaning degrees

Our skin is an organ that consists of several layers: the uppermost one is the epidermis, the next one is the dermis and the last one is the hypodermis.

When carrying out care and cosmetic procedures, an effect on different layers can be exerted, which causes a stronger or weaker effect.

There are three degrees of skin cleaning: superficial, medium and deep. Different acids are used for each of them. An experienced cosmetologist himself will determine the condition of your skin and will select the optimal degree of cleaning.

Superficial peels are the most gentle of all. When carrying out it, weak acids are used, such as salicylic, fruit or glycolic. Usually cleaning the upper layer - the epidermis - is indicated to maintain the result. After all, no matter how deeply you cleanse, in just a few weeks, dust, dirt and subcutaneous fat will accumulate on the skin and in the pores.

Indications and contraindications

The average degree of cleaning differs from the previous one in a deeper action. The result is an effect on the dermis.

It is not surprising that the means by which it is carried out are able to have a more pronounced anti-aging effect and have a more aggressive effect. The master chooses retinoic or trichloroacetic acid for the procedure.

Deep cleaning can be carried out only in specialized cosmetic clinics or offices. You can also find the name phenol peeling. It is he who is considered the deepest. It should be borne in mind that the recovery time in this case will be much longer than with the superficial, but the effect will be incomparably greater. With this non-surgical method, you can achieve a quick rejuvenating effect with minimal health risks.

Any acid peel is designed to remove dead cells, tighten pores and stimulate the production of elastin.

As a result, you can easily see for yourself the effect of rejuvenation and general improvement of the condition. But if the superficial one can save you from small pimples, then the deep one can make scars and scars less noticeable. Do not think that the composition for cleaning consists of only one acid, chosen by the master - this is a real cocktail of youth. So, for an effective anti-aging effect, hyaluronic acid is added, and, if necessary, a vitamin complex.

As you know, there is no universal rejuvenation agent or cream composition that would suit absolutely everyone. Individual characteristics and the existing list of contraindications impose their own restrictions on the use of a particular cosmetic procedure or product. Facial cleansing is no exception.

And first of all, you need to understand whether it is possible for you to carry out acidic cleansing of your face.

When contacting a professional cosmetologist, he himself will determine whether you have any contraindications to the procedure.

It will be useful to find out this list of restrictions yourself.

  • Fever and respiratory problems. During this period, all the efforts of the body are aimed at combating the disease, and additional aggressive influence will not only not bring the expected effect, but can also aggravate the current state.
  • Damage to the skin. Do not expose open wounds or even minor scratches and cuts to acid. In this case, the appearance of inflammatory reactions is possible.
  • Sensitive skin. Do not experiment on yourself if you have thin, sensitive skin. For the selection of the necessary cleaning and care procedures, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • A tendency to allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the individual components of the acid peeling composition.
  • Atopic dermatitis. Basically, this diagnosis manifests itself in early childhood. And you simply cannot not know about the existence of this ailment.Therefore, you should not hide the presence of the disease from the beautician, even if at the moment the skin is clean.
  • Skin diseases. To a greater extent, this applies to inflammatory processes of various etiologies. First of all, finish the treatment, and only after that it will be possible to plan a trip to the cosmetology clinic.
  • Close occurrence of blood vessels. This manifests itself in the so-called vascular network. Small vessels may be affected by deep and middle cleaning.
  • Herpes. Scientists have long proved that this virus can be constantly in our body, but it manifests itself only during a period of weakened immunity or due to other factors. Therefore, cleaning is not recommended only during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • The presence of colloidal formations.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. During this wonderful period, many aggressive cosmetic procedures are prohibited. Therefore, just take care of proper care, and you will certainly be able to carry out a deep cleaning when the baby is a little older.
  • Chemotherapy. Needless to say, in the treatment of oncology, all efforts are aimed at combating this terrible disease, so the strong and deep action of acids can have adverse side effects.

The list of contraindications can be frightening and make you refuse the cleaning procedure. But it is so effective and efficient that millions of beauties will never give up on it.

Who is primarily indicated for acid peeling:

  1. First of all, those who have already noticed the first signs of aging on their face go to acid peeling. The sooner you contact a specialist, the more effective the process of skin rejuvenation and regeneration will be.
  2. If you have serious skin imperfections, such as acne scars or small scars, a deep acid peel can also help. Of course, it will be difficult to completely get rid of defects in one procedure, but it is quite possible to make them less noticeable.
  3. Thickening of the upper layers of the skin. This phenomenon has a scientific name - hyperkeratosis. In the absence of proper cleansing and scrubbing peels, skin can become firm and rough. This noticeably worsens the appearance and deprives the appearance of the freshness, shine and tone inherent in young skin.
  4. Dark spots. Their appearance is inevitable for some, but it is not a sentence. And you can and should fight with them. One of the most effective methods is acid cleaning.
  5. With seborrhea. The fact is that acid peeling can be carried out not only for the face, but also for other parts of the body: the head, feet or hands.

It is also worth noting an important rule: it is best to carry out any peeling, and even more so a course, in the autumn-spring period or in winter.

The fact is that in summer, the activity of the sun increases significantly, and it will be very difficult to protect vulnerable skin after peeling. However, this is more related to the deep and middle type of cleansing - light fruit acids can be used in summer.

the effect

It is impossible to see with the naked eye exactly what changes occur in different layers of the skin. However, the visible effect can be observed already after the first procedure. Actually, for the sake of this, this whole complex multi-level process is being started.

You may have heard the expression "Hollywood purge" more than once. In essence, this is acid peeling, which is carried out with the help of special preparations.

Before and after photos make women and men around the world increasingly turn to professionals, and not trust the recipes of traditional medicine.

The effect of an acid peel depends on many factors. Firstly, from the initial condition of the skin and existing problems, secondly, from the client's age, and, thirdly, from the type of acid cleaning. Let's figure out what to expect in each individual case.

At a young age, acid peeling is carried out with gentle formulations.The main goal is to prevent age-related changes and cleanse. Acid peeling for women in the age group from 30 to 35 years old will help get rid of expression lines, restore natural radiance and tone. At a more mature age (up to 50 years), the procedure is designed to have a deep rejuvenating effect, get rid of wrinkles and restore elasticity.

The sooner you start taking proper care of your skin, the greater the effect you can achieve. After all, every healthcare professional knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure and deal with the consequences.

Old age is, of course, not a disease, but wrinkles and swollen oval of the face can and should be corrected. Ladies over 50 years old also need to take care of themselves and their appearance. At this age, acid cleansing is carried out with rather aggressive preparations that can affect pigmentation, smooth the skin and stimulate cell regeneration.

Varieties and differences

In the price list of the cosmetologist, you can see several types of acid peels. The first question that comes to mind is: “Which one to choose? ". In fact, only a specialist knows all the features of this or that method, and only he can choose the right type of acid cleaning. Therefore, trust the professionals in this matter. We will give a brief description of the most popular types so that you can get a general impression of the features of the procedure.


The beneficial effect is due to azelaic acid. Quite gentle peeling that can be used even for sensitive skin. It has an antibacterial effect, therefore it is recommended to fight acne and blackheads. You should not expect a deep action from him, but he copes well with the task of cleansing the epidermis.


A general name for a whole group of funds. It is based on the action of various fruit acids. Each of them has unique properties and depth of impact. So, among the most popular are: lemon, pyruvic, apple, vinegar and wine. They are classified as superficial. Glycolic acid (an acid obtained from unripe grapes) will provide relief from sebaceous plugs and cleanse the skin well.

There are also formulations with a more aggressive effect: multi-acid peeling or a combined formulation selected by a beautician.

In another way, peeling with fruit acids is also called AHA.

Therefore, do not be alarmed when you see an unfamiliar name - these are all well-known fruit acids, united by one name.


Also applies to surface cleaning. The acid has an antibacterial effect and can fight small acne scars. The procedure can be performed approximately once a month or according to an individual scheme recommended by a specialist.


Cleansing your face with salicylic acid will help you achieve an even skin tone, reduce or eliminate acne and other inflammation. Recommended for people with dark skin, as well as those who suffer from hyperpigmentation.


Peeling of medium impact. Since the dermis itself is affected here, then it must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Shows high efficiency in eliminating mimic wrinkles, leveling skin tone and texture, actively initiates regeneration processes.


As the name implies, this acid is obtained from products such as kefir or yogurt. Many people successfully use masks based on these fermented milk products at home. But their effect is not as deep as a professional milk cleaning. The fact is that the beautician applies a concentrated composition to the skin, which provides a greater rejuvenating effect, increasing tone and deep cleaning of the pores.


Refers to gentle procedures and can be carried out at home, subject to all recommendations and stages.Restores cellular respiration, removes grease from the skin. For oily skin, it can be done once a week.

Phytic cleaning

Another name for "Hollywood purge". As you can see, he is very popular and has his fans all over the world. Phytic acid is plant-based, so it is a fairly safe yet effective way to cleanse, rejuvenate and brighten your skin.

There are also specialized preparations designed for peeling and cleansing.

These include, for example, Onmacabim. He has both home use products and a professional line.

Carrying out

It is not so important whether the procedure is performed in a beautician's office or at your home, the main stages have a similar structure.

  1. Purification. No specialist will apply an acidic composition to unprepared skin. Even if you have washed off all the cosmetics, the beautician will carry out additional antibacterial treatment. At home, do not forget about this stage either.
  2. Application of an acid composition. The duration of the procedure, as well as the composition of the product, depends on the goals pursued and individual characteristics. It is at this stage that active substances penetrate into the skin, and the desired effect is achieved.
  3. After the expiration date, the acidic composition is washed off the skin. The master will carry out this stage without much effort, but at home it will be necessary to take precautions so that the product does not get into the eyes, on the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth.
  4. Calming stage. Pleasant relaxation for the skin, which comes under the influence of a special cream. Its use is also necessary to prevent drying out of the skin.

During the main stage, unpleasant sensations may occur: slight tingling, burning or itching.

The specialist evaluates the degree of impact not only by external signs (redness, swelling, etc.), but also based on your feelings, so do not hesitate to tell him about it.

Follow-up care

The process of caring for your own body and face does not end with the exit from the beautician's office. The skin needs constant attention and care. And after such a serious procedure as acid peeling, she will need special care.

It is quite simple to implement it, the main thing is to remember a few important points.

  • Protect your skin from UV rays. To do this, remember to apply a UV protected cream before going outside. In the first days after the procedure, it is generally not recommended to go out into the sun. The tanning bed can also harm the skin that is vulnerable after the procedure.
  • To achieve the desired result, you can repeatedly contact a beautician for this service, but remember that the course should not exceed 10 procedures. Let the skin recover and start the regeneration process itself.
  • Most likely, the specialist performing the procedure will recommend you special creams and remedies that accelerate recovery. Do not neglect these guidelines.
  • Protect the skin from hypothermia and overheating. Try not to go out into the cold without special need and do not visit baths and saunas at this time. For cleansing, it will be enough to use light textures with a soft effect.

Otherwise, there are no special restrictions and prohibitions during the rehabilitation period.

The enthusiastic reviews of girls who have already tried the effect of acid peeling on themselves are inspiring. Experts also note the positive effect of various acidic cocktails on the skin, which provide premium care and rejuvenation.

You can learn more about acid face peeling in this video.

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