Facial peeling

Almond peeling: description and effect, use at home

Almond peeling: description and effect, use at home
  1. What it is?
  2. Features and Benefits
  3. disadvantages
  4. Appointment
  5. Contraindications
  6. Varieties
  7. Preparation
  8. Recommendations for use
  9. How to take care of your skin after?
  10. Beautician Tips
  11. Reviews

Facial cleansing procedures are very diverse. However, many modern girls today prefer almond peeling, considering it the best and most effective remedy for their skin. This term has been known in aesthetic cosmetology for more than a decade, but not every woman has an idea of ​​what it is, and what are the features of this cleansing.

What it is?

Almond peeling is a cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate the skin of the face. This is a method using a chemical agent for surface treatment of the epidermis. The peeling is based on the use of phenylglycolic (mandelic) acid. In addition, it contains 2-hydroxy and 2-phenylacetic acids.

Mandelic acid is a fruit alpha hydroxy acid produced from bitter almond extract. The procedure itself is considered one of the most effective and harmless for skin rejuvenation. It is used to get rid of the dermis from various imperfections. It is excellent for stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Features and Benefits

Thanks to mandelic acid, which acts as a strong keratolytic, the keratinized cells of the epidermis are gently exfoliated. In addition, inflammatory processes are reduced in them. A distinctive feature of mandelic acid is its large molecular size: they are 8 times larger than glycolic acid molecules. That is why they cannot penetrate deeply into the skin, and also act aggressively.

The effect of acid is directed to the upper (stratum corneum) layer of the skin.

In this case, the vitreous layer remains intact. This effect allows you to perform the procedure for especially sensitive and thinned skin without fear of negative consequences. It is practically devoid of side effects, therefore it has a lot of recommendations from specialists working in beauty salons.

During the procedure, mandelic acid penetrates into keratinized cells slowly, therefore, has a more gentle effect on them, disrupting their structure. During the procedure, the specialist can adjust the depth of penetration of the product. It contains substances that act like antibiotics. This peeling prevents the effects of free radicals and also has a comedolytic effect.

This procedure is good for those who usually have skin irritations after traditional exfoliation. It can be carried out at any time, including in sunny weather, without fear of the appearance of age spots. It does not require a large number of repetitions: for a course, no more than 2 or 3 sessions are enough for the effect to be pronounced. At the same time, you do not have to worry that it will harm the skin, because it is suitable for any phototype.

When carrying out this technique, infection of the skin is excluded.

In addition to activating blood circulation, this peeling will help improve the condition of the dermis, eliminate its minor irregularities and folds. It can be used as a preparatory step before laser resurfacing. In addition, it can be used before peeling based on other acids (eg retinoic, glycolic, salicylic).

This type of cosmetic manipulation is practical and good because it does not have such consequences as puffiness. The treated problem areas do not swell, they look natural. In this case, there were no cases of hyperemia, which is usually characteristic of peeling based on fruit acids. This is another advantage of this type of peeling for eliminating skin imperfections.

This technique is quite effective, but not always affordable. Not every woman can afford to do it. However, no matter how harmless it may seem, you cannot do it without the recommendation of a doctor, since the method, in addition to indications, has contraindications. In addition, you should not count on an effective result when deep penetration is necessary to fix problems.


Unfortunately, almond peels are not without their drawbacks. According to the assessment of cosmetologists, the effectiveness after the procedure cannot be called persistent and durable. It is good for preparing the skin for a deeper exfoliation. In addition, during the session, the patient may experience slight discomfort in the form of slight tingling of the skin, which is inherent in the acids of the AHA group. Another disadvantage is the characteristic smell of acetone, which will last for the entire session.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that peeling alone cannot eliminate problems if the essence of their appearance is hidden in the lifestyle.

For example, it is impossible to get rid of acne without changing the diet, because this is often how the skin reacts to what we eat. In addition, one must take into account the fact that their appearance signals the presence of colds. At a cost, this cleaning is more expensive than a similar glycol procedure.

In some cases, it may be accompanied by increased desquamation. In addition, it does not always allow us to eliminate the root of the existing problem, therefore it cannot have the duration of the effect obtained. An equally important factor is the calculation of the percentage of acid used. Alas, not every woman is able to independently assess the condition of the skin in order to correctly calculate the acid concentration.

In this case, the rule “the more, the better” can work to the detriment of your own health. In addition, not every patient herself can notice the incorrect course of cleaning. In some cases, this requires a reduction in its duration. Someone from the outside should monitor the condition of the skin, since it will be difficult for the patient to do it on her own, based only on her own opinion, while the cosmetologist sees what and when to do.


Almond peeling is indicated for various skin problems. For example, it is relevant for acne. The acid produced from almonds is an effective tool in the fight against acne.

Such a remedy has a wide range of effects, which include gentle:

  • exfoliation;
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenation;
  • whitening;
  • preventing pore clogging;
  • antiseptic effect.

It is not only cosmetic, but also an antifungal agent, which is characterized by a bactericidal and keratolytic effect.

It is UV resistant and suitable for those who suffer from rosacea (dilated vasculature).

This peeling can be used:

  • owners of skin with increased oil production;
  • with aging of the epidermis and hyperpigmentation;
  • to eliminate inflammatory processes in the layers of the epidermis;
  • as a means that destroys the solid protein keratin;
  • as a stimulation for insufficient microcirculation in the skin;
  • in case of profuse acne, including comedonal acne;
  • with especially sensitive skin that is acutely responsive to changes in environmental conditions (hyperkeratosis);
  • to eliminate residual traces of acne and shallow scars;
  • as an effective means of smoothing mimic wrinkles in the eyes, mouth;
  • to renew skin cells, their metabolism and respiration of the epidermis;
  • as a remedy for removing age spots, freckles, as well as a preparation for giving the face freshness.

Almond peeling is also notable for the fact that such a session can be carried out not only for the skin of the face. The effectiveness of the procedure has been proven when used on the hands, elbows, feet, as well as knee joints. It is often used in conjunction with a pedicure. For all its effectiveness, the procedure is characterized by softness and versatility, it smoothes the skin, making it elastic.

It is applicable for patients of different age categories, in addition to the delicate effect, it is all-season.

However, the only limitation in this regard is the impossibility of performing it on tanned skin. It tends to recover quickly, making it popular with busy people. This allows you not to reduce your social activity.


Despite the indications, the mildness of the effect and the harmlessness, there are cases when it is impossible to carry out almond peeling.

For example, it is contraindicated for:

  • damage to skin cells of a different nature (for example, cracks, wounds, abrasions);
  • skin irritation (including inflammation, rashes);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • individual intolerance or allergic reaction to any of the components of almond peeling;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • diseases of the skin in the stage of exacerbation;
  • the presence of viral infections, including herpes in an advanced stage;
  • during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

It is worth considering that you cannot do such procedures too often.

You cannot hold them more than three times a month. In addition, it is important to remember to prepare for the delicate cleansing of skin cells.


Today, chemical almond peels differ in composition. The preparations can be made on a gel basis or on a water-alcohol basis. The main thing is the acid content in them.Usually the result depends on the type of skin, the amount of the product applied, and the holding time. In addition, often a professional all-season preparation with mandelic acid, which is used in a beauty salon, may also contain lactic or malic acid.

Sometimes the remedy is improved by adding salicylic acid. Each supplement brings its own effect, which is reflected in the overall condition of the skin. For example, lactic acid has a delicate effect on cells, and also helps to moisturize them. But if there is a lot of it in the peeling, it will not be possible to eliminate the problems.

Inclusion of malic acid in the mass for cleaning in equal proportions will enhance the effectiveness of the peeling in the fight against acne and acne.

In this case, it will be possible to achieve the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Due to the presence of amino acids in large quantities, the addition of malic acid will accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. However, large amounts of this supplement can cause an allergic reaction.

Adding salicylic acid to your almond peel will reduce its delicate effects and can damage cells. This acid acts more aggressively, and even considering the fact that it smoothes expression lines well, and also improves complexion, it can only be used when the skin is of high density. Otherwise, it can cause skin irritation.

Ferul peeling has an antioxidant effect. Mixing almond and ferulic acid will not only remove dead cells and speed up their renewal. This composition promotes their dissolution in the upper layer of the skin. It is an excellent prevention of aging, protects the skin's DNA from mutations in the dermis, increases its immunity, eliminates laxity and dark circles around the eyes.


For the effect of almond peeling to be pronounced, you need to prepare for it. To do this, in about 2 weeks, special cosmetic creams containing phenylglycolic acid are applied to the skin in the evenings. If there are no such drugs at home, analogues with a whitening principle of influence on the skin will do. Gradual training of the dermis is necessary in order to exclude rare cases of an allergic reaction during the peeling itself.

So the epidermis will be in the best prepared for the main procedure and will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency.

You can use these creams in the intervals between sessions, but this cannot be done on the day of the session. The use of such cosmetics will soften the keratinized layers, so it will be easier to remove them from the epidermis. Such preparation will reduce the reaction of the skin, as well as contribute to the acceleration of the rehabilitation period.

In order not to harm the skin with the constant application of the cream, you can use products based on 15% almond acid. If you want to increase the effectiveness, you should add a cleansing gel with fruit acid to your skin care. If there is no time to prepare the skin, it is recommended to clean with a shorter exposure period. However, in any case, an allergy test must be carried out before the procedure itself. It will reveal its presence or absence, which is especially important when this type of peeling is performed for the first time.

Recommendations for use

Carrying out an almond peel at home is not difficult to perform. The necessary drugs can be bought at specialized points of sale, choosing between products of different brands. However, if you do not do it correctly, then even a high-quality and proven composition can harm the health of the skin. In order to do this according to all the rules, as well as to avoid possible complications, it is worth starting from the proposed salon procedure protocol.

Record keeping includes three stages: pre-peeling preparation, the cleansing process itself and neutralization measures. Initially, the cleanliness of the skin in the processing areas is achieved. To do this, remove makeup, remove any means that the woman used before cleaning. You can use a tonic or milk with a content of no more than 10% mandelic acid for this purpose.

To prepare the skin for the application of mandelic acid, you need to pre-treat it with a composition that contains glycolic and lactic acids.

This step will show the reaction of the dermis to the peeling agent used. Then proceed to the cleaning itself, using a concentrated solution of mandelic acid (on average from 30 to 40%). Sometimes lactic or citric acid is added to the main composition, as well as drying components (if the skin is excessively oily).

The cleaning time is selected individually, but the maximum possible duration should not exceed 25 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, the mass is removed from the skin surface using a special composition, washing off the remnants with water. After that, a soothing mask is applied to the treated skin. The combination of herbal extracts helps relieve skin stress after chemical exposure. The mask is applied for a few minutes, after which the dermis is removed and moisturized with a cream.

How to take care of your skin after?

In the post-peel period, skin care is an important factor in prolonging the effectiveness of cleansing. It is not only a remedy for the possible discomfort associated with the restoration of skin cells.

In addition, it is able to prevent the development of various complications that are possible if the procedure is performed incorrectly, these include:

  • feeling dry;
  • burning of the skin;
  • redness of the dermis;
  • peeling.

To eliminate such symptoms, cosmetologists advise using masks with a calming effect. In addition, the use of nourishing and moisturizing creams is appropriate. If the rehabilitation period proceeds with complications, the beautician may recommend the use of hormonal ointment. However, in any case, a woman cannot prescribe this or that cream to herself, so as not to harm the health of the skin.

Usually, the skin needs to be moisturized within the next week after the almond peel is done.

In order not to provoke an inflammatory process, before going outside, it will need to be protected with sunscreen. For some time after peeling, the skin will be pinkish and especially sensitive. Therefore, any procedures that may cause irritation are excluded.

For example, until it is fully restored, you cannot make scrubs, cleanse with an exfoliating or other harsh principle of action. To cleanse the surface layer, it is allowed to use cosmetic milk, the components of which are substances with antibacterial and soothing properties. These include citric acid, orange oil, green tea extract. The first application of the cream with the smallest abrasive particles is possible only a week after the almond peeling.

When choosing a cream for treating the skin during its recovery, you should pay attention to formulations with the presence of vitamins. It is good if such a cream contains vitamin E, PP or F, as they will help soothe the dermis. In order to prevent hyperpigmentation, it is worth using agents that enhance lymphatic drainage, as well as block melanin. Such preparations include products containing cucumber extract or grapefruit.

In general, this procedure does not have any special side effects.

Therefore, slight redness can usually be hidden with regular daytime makeup. However, it is not recommended to use tons of cosmetics for this, as they will clog the pores and prolong the rehabilitation period.In order to protect the dermis from exposure to sunlight, you can use cosmetics with an SPF label of at least 30. In addition, we must not forget that the main rule that contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin is hygiene.

Beautician Tips

Cosmetologists believe that carrying out almond peeling at home is undesirable, since it is a specialist with the necessary qualifications who must control the course of the process. It is he who can say whether this cleaning is necessary, or there is no evidence for its implementation.

In addition, it will be useful to take into account a few tips from qualified cosmetologists:

  • To increase the photosensitivity of the skin, it is worth preparing it for almond cleansing with a retinol cream.
  • The course scheme in each case may be different, therefore, it is undesirable to focus on an interval of 7-10 days. This should be decided by the cosmetologist on an individual basis, assessing the skin's ability to restore.
  • To stimulate the process of cell regeneration, it is worth including antioxidant preparations in skin care, which will contain many vitamins C and E.
  • To make the renewed skin look natural, we must not forget about the almond peeling of the décolleté and neck area. It is worth paying attention to the hands.
  • Dry cleaning should not be carried out frequently, as the skin will be irritated and weak, unprepared for a new peeling.
  • In the post-peeling period, you cannot visit the solarium, use an alcohol-containing solution. Washing with soft water is appropriate.
  • Compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists will allow you to avoid such negative side effects as the appearance of acne, allergic rashes and even skin burns.
  • When carrying out the procedure in the summer, it is especially important to ensure that during the rehabilitation period the epidermis is not exposed to prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • To ensure that as little UV rays as possible fall on the skin in the first days after dry cleaning, it is worth using a hat. It will be useful to wear a hat, cap, panama (depending on the season).
  • The appearance of skin rashes after the procedure can indicate not only the wrong choice of post-peeling care products, but also hormonal disorders, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In case of infection, antibacterial drugs should be used. If the case is severe, which is rare, oral therapy may be needed.
  • Mechanical tearing of peeling skin is strictly unacceptable. This can injure the skin, provoke the appearance of new wounds, and aggravate the course of rehabilitation.

To adhere to the rules, you can buy the desired drug directly from the beautician, or simply get his advice. This way you can minimize side effects and understand when the skin reacts sharply, and when everything proceeds normally. By the way, in addition to the finished preparation when carrying out the procedure at home, you can make a lot yourself. For her you will need 50 g of oatmeal and almonds, as well as 1 teaspoon of milk powder and olive oil.

Flakes and nuts are crushed in a coffee grinder, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients, applied according to the general technology on the face for about 15-20 minutes, and then washed off.

In terms of effectiveness, a homemade recipe will be inferior to the finished product, however, it will also be effective. As a rule, after using such a product, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. She looks young and fit.


Almond peeling is one of the three best cosmetic measures for superficial skin cleansing. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of women who have tried this procedure. In comparison with milk and glycolic, its effect is more delicate, therefore women believe that it is better than analogs of this type. It does not act so deeply and intensely, but in general it allows you to improve the condition of the skin.

Therefore, the result before and after is noticeable, regardless of the age category. After the renewal, the face becomes fresh, looks rested. Its relief is smoothed, the severity of mimic wrinkles decreases. Some comments indicate that the greasiness of the cells is reduced, thereby improving the condition of the skin. A slight lifting effect was also noticed after dry cleaning with mandelic acid.

For details of almond peeling care, see the video below.

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