How and why is ultrasonic peeling done?

Every girl strives to have a well-groomed appearance. To achieve this, you need to seriously worry about the condition of the skin of the face, carrying out various measures to cleanse it.
After all, high-quality decorative cosmetics only helps to mask the imperfections of the dermis, without solving its main problems. Therefore, many women use ultrasonic peels to help their skin be beautiful and youthful.
Let's take a closer look at ultrasonic peeling, its features, as well as in which cases it is worth carrying out such a procedure, and in which it is better to refrain from carrying it out.

What it is?
Peeling is one of the most popular measures in the field of cosmetic procedures, which allows you to give the dermis of the face smoothness, eliminating the many problems that the fair sex faces every day. This procedure helps in the removal of dead cells of the epidermis, activating the regeneration processes. The skin gets rid of dead cells by breaking the connections between them. It improves blood circulation at the micro level and nourishes the dermis better.
There are several options for carrying out such a procedure, the most gentle of which is an ultrasonic peeling of the face.
In cosmetology, ultrasound is used, which is characterized by a transverse sound wave. The procedure for cleaning the skin by means of ultrasound is carried out using a special apparatus called a scrubber.The vibrations of the sound waves resemble a certain massage that stimulates the collagen production process.

Below is the algorithm for ultrasound peeling.
- Using a cosmetic lotion removes the remaining makeup, impurities or dust that has got on the skin of the face. If necessary, a preliminary scrubbing can also be carried out, which helps to raise the scales of the epidermis in order to obtain a more tangible result.
- The skin is hydrated using mineral water, as a result of which dirt particles are pushed out of the pores. Individual cosmetologists can replace the mineral water with a special gel.
- The device for ultrasonic peeling is tuned to a specific wave. The master applies the scraper blade to the dermis and gently slides it over the face. At this time, women do not experience discomfort, but only feel a slight vibration.
- After turning off the device, the beautician performs a light massage.
- At the final stage, an additional preparation (cream or mask) will be applied to further moisturize the skin. This product is selected individually, depending on the condition and type of skin.

The number of necessary ultrasonic peeling manipulations is determined individually for each woman, depending on her type of skin and the condition of the dermis. For example, if a young lady has dry skin, then such a procedure should be carried out 1 time in 3 months. Owners of oily dermis should visit a beautician frequently to clear clogged pores.
Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do ultrasonic peeling on their own. You can carry out a similar procedure at home if you purchase a special device. In this case, you do not need to go to a beauty salon, carrying out such manipulations at home.
This device is characterized by a complex effect:
- carries out peeling in a gentle mode;
- carries out micromassage of the dermis and muscles;
- tones the subcutaneous muscles and epidermis;
- cleans the skin directly through the pores.
An example of such a device is the Kus-2000 from Gezatone. Such a device allows for cosmetic manipulations similar to those carried out in a beauty salon. In addition, it can act in combination with a variety of cosmetic preparations, helping to enhance their effect and increase their effectiveness.

In addition to the usual ultrasonic peeling for the face, there is another version of a similar procedure. It targets the scalp and is used to treat seborrhea, itching in the scalp area and hair loss. A positive result is caused by mechanical, thermal and physicochemical effects on the scalp. Under the influence of ultrasound, metabolic processes are activated, small vessels are toned, the hairs begin to grow actively, the inflammatory process decreases and the itching goes away.
Another type of ultrasonic face cleaning is phonophoresis. This procedure can be carried out by a young lady even with a very sensitive type of skin, as well as suffering from acne.
Thanks to this method, a complex effect on the tissues of the epidermis occurs, since not only ultrasonic waves are used, but also drugs, as well as drugs of natural origin (they are made on the basis of herbs and medicinal plants).

It is recommended to carry out ultrasonic peeling for young ladies, which have problems like this:
- dermis, prone to blockage, as a result of which the sebaceous glands become inflamed and acne appears, also called acne;
- there are pathological changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands in women with oily skin, characterized by porosity, as a result of hormonal disruption.As a result, a woman suffers from oily seborrhea;
- the pores on the face are strongly enlarged;
- a woman has various scars or scars resulting from trophic or hypertrophic changes in the epidermis;
- the young lady suffers from seborrheic keratoses;
- the fair sex has oily skin, which is prone to the appearance of white or black comedones;
- if a woman suffers from atopic dermatitis, in the therapy of which a moisturizing massage with the application of medicines is used;
- during adipocyte treatment, regardless of the stage of development of cellulite;
- decreased skin elasticity, unhealthy skin color.

Naturally, if a young lady suffers from one of the above problems, she should carry out complex treatment, one of the components of which will be ultrasonic peeling.
Ultrasound peeling is a rather popular and useful procedure. Despite the fact that such manipulation is one of the safest methods of cleaning and affecting the dermis, it has a number of contraindications. You should familiarize yourself with such restrictions before going to the beauty parlor for such a peeling.
The main contraindications limiting the conduct of this procedure include:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- oncology;
- diseases of the skin in the stage of exacerbation;
- thrombophlebitis and blood diseases;
- the presence of implants;
- the presence of abrasions, wounds, trophic ulcers, purulent pimples on the skin;
- performing various surgical operations that have been performed on the face, such as facelifts.

In addition, it is not recommended to carry out such operations for the fair sex, who are expecting a baby, regardless of the gestational age, as well as during breastfeeding.
If the girl has only recently performed dry cleaning of her face, then the use of ultrasound should also be refrained from for some time.
You can avoid the formation of side effects from ultrasonic face cleansing if you carefully study the restrictions and take them into account even before performing such a procedure.

Some women notice that after the ultrasound peeling, unpleasant consequences can be observed.
These include:
- hypersensitivity of the dermis of the face;
- swelling or peeling;
- dry skin or increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
- large patches of reddened skin.
If a young lady observes one or more of the above symptoms, it means that the master who performed the peeling did not have enough experience or an attempt was made to carry out such a procedure on his own at home without using special devices.
You should not experiment, trusting your appearance to non-professionals; resort to the services of only trusted cosmetologists, the quality of whose services is evidenced by the positive reviews of numerous clients.

the effect
After ultrasonic peeling, many women are satisfied with the result, leaving positive feedback on this procedure.
High-quality manipulation with the use of ultrasound allows you to achieve the following effect:
- the dermis returns elasticity and silkiness. The protective properties of the epidermis are normalized, due to which, it is better able to withstand negative environmental factors;
- there is a visual narrowing of the pores, which are largely cleaned during the procedure, without the use of mechanical actions;
- facial skin visually looks younger and more well-groomed;
- the saturation of all layers of the epidermis with nutrients, as well as moisture, is activated, which is necessary to maintain the ideal appearance of the skin;
- there is an improvement in complexion, the tone looks more even;
- smoothing of small wrinkles occurs;
- puffiness under the eyes decreases, bags and crow's feet disappear;
- reduces the risk of acne;
- active regeneration and renewal of the skin occurs, as a result of which there is a rapid growth of new cells of the epidermis.

If we compare the condition of the skin before and after the procedure, then the positive changes are visible to the naked eye. In addition, on the Internet you can find various photographs confirming this fact.
Comparison with other treatments
In comparison with other procedures that are performed to cleanse the face, ultrasonic peeling has a number of advantages:
- during the procedure, the woman does not experience painful sensations;
- the skin is not injured, as, for example, during mechanical cleaning;
- there are no areas with inflammation or redness, which is very often the case when a woman performs dry cleaning of her face. After ultrasonic peeling, the dermis may turn a little pink, but this effect quickly disappears;
- the positive effect on the skin is noticeable almost immediately. For a lasting effect, it is enough to carry out 1 - 2 similar procedures;
- there is no need for steaming the face, so the skin tolerates such manipulations better;
- ultrasonic peeling does not have a negative effect on the general condition of a woman if the procedure was carried out correctly and with all the necessary precautions.

Among other things, cleansing the skin of the face under the influence of ultrasound can be carried out at any time of the year, since such a manipulation does not destroy the living cells of the epidermis, but only eliminates the dead layer.
Follow-up skin care
A feature of ultrasonic peeling is that there is no need to carry out any additional special procedures for the care of the dermis. After the end of the procedure, the woman can return to her usual lifestyle. The only thing, if cleansing the face was carried out in the summer, it is recommended to avoid the scorching sun. Since the skin at this moment is very vulnerable and burns can be provoked.

There are also some recommendations that cosmetologists advise their clients to adhere to.
- For 7 days after the completion of the procedure, do not apply a lot of makeup; the best option is to give the skin a little rest, saving it from applying decorative cosmetics. For women who cannot imagine their life without makeup, it is better to limit yourself to a minimum, using very little mascara and eyeshadow.
- You should not carry out other types of facial cleansing, for example, using a scrub. Such actions can additionally injure the dermis.
- Try to avoid exposing your skin to high temperatures, especially ultraviolet radiation. Going outside it is worth applying a small layer of protective gel.
- In the near future, after using ultrasound, you need to stop going to the sauna or bathhouse, to the beach or to the solarium.
- High humidity can also negatively affect the condition of the skin, therefore it is not recommended to visit the pool. In addition, the dermis after ultrasonic peeling can be especially sensitive to the chlorine contained in the pool water.
- Try to refrain from taking medications.

If you do not violate these simple tips, you can get rid of unwanted consequences after ultrasonic peeling, and the skin will naturally recover.
For information on how the ultrasonic face peeling procedure goes, see the next video.