Oral care

How to whiten teeth with foil?

How to whiten teeth with foil?
  1. Whitening features
  2. How to make mouth guards?
  3. Basic ways

Using foil with unique properties, you can whiten tooth enamel at home. Meanwhile, the material itself is only a convenient tool for whitening, and paste, table salt and soda will lighten the color of the teeth. Such a composition is an abrasive capable of cleaning off plaque of various origins.

The foil in the cleaning procedure plays the role of trays that allow the bleaching mixture to adhere to the enamel without dripping during the natural process of saliva formation.

Whitening features

The whole point of using food glitter for self-cleaning of enamel from contamination is the ability to whiten it at the lowest cost. It is easy to make onlays from aluminum foil that are put on the teeth after applying the whitening agent to them. Agree that it is easier to use this inexpensive, flexible material that accurately follows the shape of the teeth than special expensive fixtures.

With foil, teeth can be whitened without problems for several reasons:

  • the foil sheets are very thin, but do not tear;
  • the material is not subject to oxidation;
  • the elasticity of food foil helps to easily wrap the tooth with it and fix it for a certain time;
  • due to the content of silver, gold, aluminum, steel and tin in the foil, it is safe for health, does not include hazardous impurities, and also has such a dense atomic network that it does not allow water, steam and gases to pass through, with the exception of hydrogen.

At the same time, the bleaching procedure with a solution containing soda has its own characteristics:

  • this substance, in combination with salt, eliminates the annoying odor from the mouth, as it has antibacterial properties;
  • the composition of soda helps to relieve the inflammatory processes of the gum tissue;
  • this component allows you to remove plaque even where it is difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

However, very often this method cannot be used, especially with high sensitivity of the teeth. With regular use, instead of a polished surface, you will get the opposite result - a thinned, gradually decaying enamel. In addition, it is not recommended to use a similar procedure when the gums bleed, with severe inflammation of the oral cavity organs, with various diseases, for example, caries. During natural feeding and carrying a child, as well as in case of a painful reaction to the composition of homemade bleach, it is also undesirable to clean your teeth with this method.

If you wear braces, or your natural teeth color is not whiteness, you will not be able to use this cleaning technology either.

How to make mouth guards?

While there are many effective cleansing methods, the foil recipe is most effective because saliva does not mix or dilute the bleach. The concentration of the solution remains optimal, therefore, the effect of the procedure is also noticeable. Many people wonder how to make mouth guards from ordinary foil. It's actually easier than you think. We describe the whole process.

  • From a sheet of food foil, you need to cut two strips to fit the upper and lower rows of teeth. Note that the material, when folded, should completely cover the surface of the tooth enamel.
  • Try on the fixture by sculpting the teeth. You will have two molds.
  • Make sure that the aligners only cover the teeth. If they cover the gums, it can cause bleeding due to exposure to sodium bicarbonate.
  • Then a whitening solution is prepared in the following proportions: for 2 parts of toothpaste - 1 part of salt and 1 part of soda. This is an important point, since the soda is diluted with the paste, in order to avoid its destructive effect on the enamel surface.
  • Next, the prepared foil molds must be filled with a cleansing mixture, carefully put on the upper and lower rows of teeth, wait a quarter of an hour.
  • After 15 minutes, the trays must be removed, and the mouth must be thoroughly rinsed. Finally, you need to clean it again with the paste.

It is good if you choose a paste with a whitening composition for this operation - the additives included in it will enhance the cleaning effect. It is allowed to apply a folk remedy directly to the teeth, and only then mouth guards are put on them. In this matter, proceed as you see fit.

Basic ways

It is possible to remove ugly plaque from the teeth, to give them whiteness, not only with the help of soda mixed with salt and paste. There are many options for preparing cleansing mixtures based on pharmacy products and even food products. Let's see which ones to use at home.

Yellowed enamel can be cleaned by mixing lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. Cooking involves the following procedure:

  • take half a small spoonful of soda, the same amount of lemon juice and a few drops of peroxide (3%);
  • the composition is applied for 3 minutes and then washed off with water;
  • You cannot apply the solution with a brush - only with your finger or a cotton swab, make sure that it does not get on the gum area.

The advantage of the method is an instant result, it is noticeable immediately.

Whitening is allowed to be carried out with a composition including soda and table vinegar:

  • for this, a thick mixture of soda and acetic acid is prepared;
  • you can apply it with your fingers or other improvised means;
  • keep it on your teeth for no more than 5 minutes, and then rinse your mouth.

Plus - a visible effect, minus - an unpleasant sour taste.

The whitening mixture can be made by adding fresh strawberry pulp to the baking soda. You will need a couple of berries and 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. It is better to spread the composition over the tooth surface with cotton wool or a soft brush. The exposure time is 5 minutes.After that, brush your mouth with a regular paste, then rinse well. For optimal results, the procedure must be repeated 3-4 times.

In the absence of such contraindications as hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding and a tendency to allergies, natural essential oils - fir, lemon, coconut and tea tree - can be used for whitening. These solutions are used with caution even if the child has not reached the age of 16. Natural oil is mixed with toothpaste in an amount of no more than 3 drops, so as not to provoke an increase in enamel sensitivity and an allergic reaction.

To make teeth brighter, it is recommended to use essential oil every day before brushing your teeth. To do this, 5 drops of the substance are diluted in half a glass of water, the mouth is rinsed, and then the teeth are cleaned. You can combine it with aloe juice, regular olive oil, and pasta. However, it should be remembered that this method will give results only after repeated use within 30 days.

So, if you do not abuse the alternative method of teeth enamel whitening using foil and homemade paste, observe contraindications, then you can periodically clean your teeth from unwanted plaque. So you can sparkle with a charming smile without paying a substantial sum for it.

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