Oral care

How to whiten teeth with baking soda?

How to whiten teeth with baking soda?
  1. Whitening features
  2. Preparation
  3. Basic ways
  4. Possible limitations
  5. Recommendations

High-quality and regular oral care is a guarantee of a beautiful, snow-white smile. Unfortunately, under the influence of some factors, teeth begin to change their color over time. They are whitened in a dental office, which is not always convenient and expensive. You can also whiten your teeth yourself using regular baking soda. The features of the procedure, the most popular methods of whitening will be discussed in this article.

Whitening features

A healthy person, who monitors his oral hygiene twice a day, usually throughout his life does not face problems in the form of caries, inflammatory gum disease, etc. Changes in the regime, food addictions, and other reasons lead to a change in the color of the enamel. With such problems, it is recommended to go to the dentist and carry out treatment and further teeth whitening there.

Changes in the color of the enamel often indicate the appearance of plaque, which is not always carefully removed during brushing with a toothbrush. Small particles of food and salt begin to deposit between the teeth in the form of plaque. At the first signs of a change in the color of the enamel and the appearance of plaque, it is necessary to make sure how correctly and efficiently the cleaning is carried out with the help of toothpaste.

The main reasons for discoloration of tooth enamel include:

  • ignoring the rules of oral hygiene;
  • abuse of black tea and coffee;
  • smoking;
  • the presence in the diet of a large amount of soft food that cannot naturally eliminate food debris;
  • taking certain medications, such as antibiotics.

Also, darkening of the enamel can occur with changes in the body, with tooth injuries, as well as due to natural aging. It is not always possible to cope with the problem only with the help of hygienic cleaning. You can try more radical whitening methods using regular baking soda.

The choice of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is not accidental. It is a safe product that, when used correctly, can remove plaque and make the enamel whiter. While the powder is used more commonly in cooking, it will provide many benefits in other industries as well.

  • Gargling with a soda solution will help relieve inflammation, get rid of thrush... It is a safe remedy that can help relieve the symptoms of thrush and stomatitis, even in babies.
  • A similar rinse will help with dental problems in adults. A similar procedure will help to cope with yellowness and get rid of plaque.
  • Such manipulations will help to cope with the fungus in the mouth, will promote faster healing of cracks and ulcers after stomatitis.

Many dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with soda or a mixed solution of soda and salt after tooth extraction, pulpitis and periodontitis. Soda has a good whitening effect. The presence of abrasive particles in the composition allows you to qualitatively clean the surface of the tooth from plaque. After this procedure, the enamel can be lightened by half a tone or more. Studies conducted by American scientists have confirmed that pastes with baking soda in the base are much better at cleaning and brightening enamel.

The main advantages of the method are:

  • the ability to get a quick effect;
  • the use of soda allows you to clean the house;
  • the tool is affordable and inexpensive.

Brushing your teeth with this method helps to quickly whiten the enamel. But this method has some downsides:

  • the procedure guarantees only a temporary effect;
  • with frequent use of the product, thinning of the tooth enamel is possible, which leads to an increase in sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • there is a likelihood of a rash or other allergic manifestations around the mouth or inside on the mucous membrane.

If you adhere to certain rules, then this method will not harm the enamel and make the smile snow-white.


To achieve a positive result and not harm the enamel, it is recommended to strengthen the tooth enamel before the whitening procedure. To do this, approximately 20-30 days before manipulation, it is necessary to start introducing foods rich in calcium and fluorine into the daily diet, these are:

  • a fish;
  • dairy and sour milk products;
  • apples;
  • greens;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers;
  • almonds and cashews.

Additionally, dentists recommend choosing fluoride toothpastes. Also, do not forget about vitamins, which will not only strengthen the enamel, but also heal the body as a whole.

Basic ways

There are many ways to use baking soda to whiten your teeth at home. There are very simple recipes that do not require special skills and the use of a large number of ingredients. The simplest recipe assumes cleaning the interdental space with a toothbrush with the addition of a small amount of baking soda. Dentists recommend brushing the distance between the teeth and not rubbing heavily with bristles over the entire tooth. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse out the remains with water or a decoction of herbs. Many people prefer to bleach with activated charcoal, but after such a procedure, carbon residues can remain on the teeth, which can be difficult to rinse out. That is why recipes with soda are more popular.

So, for example, Good results can be obtained by using a free-flowing powder with salt or by mixing these ingredients with toothpaste. Applying the mass to the teeth will allow you to clean them as much as possible and whiten a little. It is necessary to carry out such procedures correctly, given that substances can scratch the enamel. All manipulations with components should not be carried out frequently. It is enough to brush the teeth with such a remedy once every 10-15 days or before an important event in order to get the desired result. There are other options for using sodium bicarbonate, which use hydrogen peroxide, iodine, salt, chopped fruit.

With hydrogen peroxide

Whitens teeth well a product using the simplest and most affordable products in the form of soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide... To prepare the mixture, you must mix a small amount of these components. The result should be a thick mass. It must be spread over the entire surface of the teeth and left so for 3-4 minutes. After the manipulation, be sure to rinse out your mouth. The result from carrying out such a procedure is usually visible from the first application. It is recommended to use this method no more than once every 14 days.

In neglected situations, it will help to cope with the task applying a mixture of three components in the form of soda (3 g), lemon juice (2.5 ml) and hydrogen peroxide (4-5 drops). In this case, it is better to apply the mixture not with a brush, but with a piece of folded gauze or cotton sponge. After application, hold the mass on the teeth for 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Considering that after such manipulations the teeth become more sensitive, the use of very hot and cold drinks or meals on this day should be limited.

With lemon juice

There are many adherents of teeth whitening with baking soda and lemon juice. In the first case, you need to drop 2-3 drops of lemon juice directly onto the toothbrush and add a pinch of salt. After that, you need to immediately start brushing your teeth, and then rinse your mouth well and very thoroughly with warm water. Although this method is effective, due to the aggressive action of the components, it can lead to a thinning of the enamel layer. That is why it is not recommended to use it often. According to experts, it is not worth carrying out such a procedure more often than once every 2 weeks.

The second option, using lemon juice, is also quite effective. To do this, you need to rub your teeth with a little lemon juice, and then use soda in the same way. After carrying out the manipulations, rinse the mouth with clean water or herbal decoction.

With strawberry

The bleaching mass can also be prepared with the addition of strawberries. To do this, take a ripe strawberry (2 pcs.) And chop it or simply crush it with a fork. Then add a pinch of baking soda to the strawberry mass and apply to the brush. In this case, it is better to use a soft brush so as not to harm the gums. The finished mass must be distributed over the entire surface of the teeth, rubbing lightly. After 3-4 minutes, rinse the mouth with water.

After such a procedure, it is recommended to additionally clean the teeth with a fluoride paste.

With vinegar

For this recipe, you need to prepare sodium bicarbonate powder and vinegar (apple cider). These two components must be mixed a little to get a thick-looking paste. The finished mass is applied to the teeth with just your fingers and kept for 10 minutes. The taste of such a paste is not the most pleasant, but the result after the procedure should surprise and delight. After 10 minutes, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plenty of warm water. After that, you can complete the ritual by brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste.

With toothpaste

Toothpaste in itself is a fairly effective tool that can make a snow-white smile, and in combination with soda and salt, this tool will increase its effectiveness. It is enough to put a little toothpaste on the toothbrush, then dip it in one or both of the remaining components.When carrying out such manipulations, it is better to use a brush with soft bristles. Using these ingredients, you can carry out the procedure in a more complex way. For this, in addition to the above components, you will need to take a piece of food foil.

  • It is necessary to make foil molds corresponding to the size of the jaws.
  • Prepare a mass of toothpaste, soda and salt in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.
  • Mix the resulting mass and put in foil molds, and then put on the teeth.
  • Keep the paste in your mouth for 15 minutes.
  • After that, the foil is removed and the mouth is rinsed out, and then the teeth are brushed.

In case of discomfort or burning sensation, wash off the paste and rinse thoroughly in your mouth with warm water or chamomile decoction.

Possible limitations

The disadvantage of enamel whitening with baking soda is the short-term effect after the procedure. After a few days, under the influence of negative factors in the form of smoking, excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks or untimely or poor-quality cleaning, the enamel may change its color and become darker.

When brushing your teeth with sodium bicarbonate powder, thinning of the enamel can occur, and the powder also negatively affects the gums, injuring them and causing bleeding. Often, after using the product, itching, redness and even rashes may occur near the mouth. Before carrying out the procedure, you must make sure that there are no contraindications. There are some limitations to the bleaching process described above.

  • Dark color of enamel from birth, that is, from nature.
  • Dental problems in the form of caries, fluorosis, the presence of fillings. The presence of fillings or other problems can lead to the fact that during bleaching, they can crumble and fall out.
  • Thin enamel.
  • Sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Good results can be obtained with baking soda and iodine powder. A mixture is used to remove stones. To prepare the paste into a powder, you need to drop a few drops of iodine and apply the mass to the interdental spaces. This is easier to do with a cotton swab, match or toothpick. It is recommended to keep the composition in the mouth for no more than 5 minutes, and then remove. This method has contraindications for people suffering from endocrine diseases. When choosing a whitening method using strawberries or lemon, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the product.


Many people who decide to start whitening teeth at home using baking soda are faced with the question of how to carry out the procedure correctly and not harm either teeth or gums. According to dentists, such manipulations require adherence to certain rules.

  • It is recommended to carry out whitening yourself 2-3 times a month. Doing the procedure every day is categorically contraindicated.
  • When applying the product, it is better to use soft brush or rub the mass with just a finger or a piece of gauze, a cotton sponge.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is recommended refrain from taking too hot or cold food or drink. If, after a few days, the sensitivity to temperature changes has not decreased, you should stop using the components as bleach.
  • To maintain the enamel, it is recommended to purchase fluorinated pastescontaining a high content of minerals, as well as use rinses with fluoride.
  • If bleeding gums appear, such a procedure should be abandoned.

It is advisable to start eating foods rich in fluoride and calcium before whitening your teeth. These include dairy products, cereals, nuts, apples. Also, the diet should include supplements or vitamins intended for bones and teeth. Proceeding directly to whitening, it is necessary to find out what is the reason for the darkening. It is advisable to eliminate these reasons, and then proceed to such manipulations.

The duration of the effect of the procedure will depend on how well the cause of the discoloration of the teeth has been eliminated.

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