Oral care

Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Benefit and harm
  4. Rating of the best
  5. How to use it correctly?
  6. Precautionary measures
  7. Review overview

Teeth whitening methods can be conditionally divided into clinical and home methods. The first group is more effective, and the very fact of specialist control increases the confidence in such whitening. But the second group seems more accessible, and this is also a significant argument when choosing. Whitening strips seem like a simple, easy-to-use treatment for enamel that will result in a whitewashed smile. Another question is how effective it is, how long the teeth will be white, and most importantly, is it not dangerous.


Of course, it is not worth relying on the fact that stripes of yellow teeth, "finished off" by smoking, will make a star smile. The real limit of whitening that strips are capable of, 1-1.5 tones... These are thin, flexible plates, the main active agent in which is a gel. It is applied inside the plate, and then it reacts with the enamel. Sometimes such a product is called nothing else but American plates.

This is a name that has already gone into the people, so if you pronounce it, it's all the same whitening strips.

What distinguishes the stripes:

  • they themselves are made from a polymer film;

  • not the same in shape, since one strip is for the upper jaw, the other for the lower;

  • there is a protective film on each strip, as soon as it is removed, the action of the gel is activated, therefore it is impossible to remove the film in advance;

  • if you mix up the strips (use the one for the upper jaw, for the lower jaw and vice versa), there will be no effect from the procedure, since the strips repeat the anatomical shape of the jaws, they fit correctly;

  • the concentration level of the whitening gel in the plates is lower, rather than in those products that are used in the dentist's office, and therefore the effectiveness is not so high;

  • for successful whitening you need to do several home procedures with the frequency indicated on the package, without overestimating the number of sessions without permission.

The main advantage of these strips is their use at home. Even for the sake of seemingly harmless bleaching, people are afraid to go to the doctor, psychological attitudes are triggered, in most cases, very exaggerated excitement. At home, everything seems calm, more controllable in terms of emotions. Plus, a home procedure seems harmless compared to medical procedures. But everything is relative.

Benefit and harm

The first and main plus has already been named - home use. You can decide for yourself when and at what time to carry out the procedure.

Let's see what else strips are useful for.

  • Gentle impact. Oddly enough, whitening in the dentist's office can be more dangerous. There, the effect of the active substance on the enamel lasts longer (but the result is also more noticeable), at home the strips do not last so long on the teeth, the concentration of the substance is weaker. Whitening is carried out in stages, in several procedures.

  • The convenience of use. When the strips are on the teeth, this does not prevent a person from doing ordinary household chores, and you can also talk. A person can sit at a computer, work, do something around the house, and nothing will disturb him.

  • Simple maintenance of the result. The whitening cycle consists of several sessions. There is no need to wait for the teeth to darken again, you can reuse the strips as often as possible to maintain an optimal result.

The fact that the stripes are harmful can be heard and read often. But their harm is mainly associated with a violation of the instructions for use, with neglect of contraindications, with an unacceptable frequency of use. Alas, such violations are not uncommon. Moreover, problems can affect not only the teeth, but also the gums. After the first positive experience, there is a great temptation to enhance the effect - it seems to a person that nothing terrible will happen. And for the same purpose, users keep the strips on their teeth longer than necessary.

But all this is really dangerous.

The gel contains acids, they cope well with age spots on the teeth and, indeed, brighten the enamel, but if you overexpose them a little, the enamel begins to crumble. Porosity, cracking is a real threat of illiterate use of strips.

Ideally, a person should consult their dentist for guidance on the selection and use of whitening pads. This is a normal practice, because there are several types of stripes, and each case has its own choice.


It's worth starting with the fact that the composition and action of the strips may be different. And you should pay attention to this first of all.


The plates with a gentle action are intended for sensitive teeth, for special enamel that reacts to hot, cold, sour. They help to gently remove plaque, and delicately brighten the enamel, without causing pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane.

It is believed that such brightening strips will help achieve optimal results. after 2 weeks from the beginning of use. And the result, you can count on, will last for a long time.

But in order to achieve the perfect look, the strips will have to be used every day, which is a little at odds with the name itself - "sparing".

There are strips that do not use hydrogen peroxide, they work by using activated carbon. It neatly penetrates into the upper enamel layer, copes with yellowness and plaque without damaging the teeth. The course of using strips with charcoal is the same 2 weeks.


Most users are inclined towards this option. Allergic reactions to dental strips are practically excluded, plaque is removed thoroughly, clarification is achieved stably. Some of the strips in this category are intended for night use. The plates on the teeth are fixed before going to bed, their presence does not interfere with sleep. The regular effect will be quite long, but coffee lovers and smokers should not delude themselves - these habits are not combined with motivated whitening.

There is one negative point about such strips, some users complain that salivation increases in the first days of use. Not everyone is faced with this negative moment, but the stripes affect some people this way.

In this category, there will also be strips, the composition of which is as close as possible to that used in the dental office during the whitening procedure. The result will be noticeable from the very first use.

But the more active the composition of the strips, the greater the risk of an allergic reaction.


These products are commonly used by people who suffer from significant dental pigmentation. If the enamel has darkened strongly, and there are a lot of stains on it, you have to choose a more powerful product. The term of use of this product varies from a week to two, it all depends on the degree of darkening of the enamel, on the severity of pigmentation.

Strips, as a rule, are not just cleansing, they can cope (to one degree or another) even with old plaque.


The latter, a separate type of strips, is used by those who want to consolidate the effect obtained after professional cleaning. Some are suitable for daily use, but there are also strips that can be called prophylactic.

The first time using such a tool, you need to hold out for at least a week. And to just fix the effect, three days are enough. They cannot be used only if dental diseases, even not very pronounced ones, are found in the oral cavity. Better to be cured and then bleached... Not everyone listens to the rules of application, and strips, even the highest quality ones, receive unfairly negative characteristics.

Therefore, when making your choice, you need to make sure that there is a need to use strips, and there is definitely no prohibition.

How to choose?

As noted above, it is worth contacting a dentist - such a consultation will be the most correct, taking into account all individual moments.

Consider what lies at the heart of the choice of stripes.

  • Desired result. Many people prefer gradual changes, so they are ready to start with gentle, designed for relatively long-term use of strips. If you need to urgently, quickly and expressively achieve a change in the color of your teeth, turn to powerful strips.

  • Price question. Of course, inexpensive strips are in demand and expensive ones can be disappointing. Here, apart from the expert opinion, the appearance of products in the ratings (and different ones), there can be no other more significant selection criteria.

  • Confidence in the quality of the product. Certified, sold in a reputable place, not past expiration date - everything is standard as for other products.

Personal experience will give the most vivid idea of ​​the effectiveness of the strips.

Rating of the best

This list contains 10 products that are considered the most demanded in their market segment.

  • Megami White Xtreme 3D PRO. These whitening strips work well against fresh plaque. The composition is fortified, which is beneficial for the teeth and gums. Does not cause discomfort when used. The cost is about 1,750 rubles.

  • Supreme Professional Whitening... Suitable for those who struggle with strong enamel pigmentation. But if used for a very long time, the gums (not always) can react with irritation. They are classified as powerful. Cope with old plaque. We'll have to pay about 2,500 rubles for them.
  • Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe... A more budget-friendly tool for removing plaque, which cannot be removed with ordinary toothpaste and a brush. A grayish and yellowish coating on the enamel associated with smoking, coffee and wine is the main aim of these strips, which will cost about 850 rubles.
  • Global White. An even cheaper product (about 430 rubles) with activated carbon and oxygen gel in the composition. Effectively resists yellowing on the teeth. Even the interdental spaces are cleaned.The manufacturer warns that an allergic reaction is possible.
  • Crest 3D White Supreme FlexFit. A rare rating is complete without this costly yet effective product. The price of the product is more than 4000 rubles. Often recommended by dentists, the strips are versatile in size and ideal for home use. The result will be long, and in one package there are a whole 21 bags with two strips in each.
  • Bright light night effects... This night product costs about one and a half thousand rubles. Night - because these records are intended specifically for use at night, during sleep. A comfortable, non-satisfactory product. By about the fifth day of use, the result will already be noticeable.
  • ON WHITE Strips Kit. For 1000 rubles, you can buy a product that the top whitening products rarely do without. It is suitable for sensitive enamel, the buyer can count on a result that will last about 3 months.
  • Shomi Time White Express 7 Day. They cost 1200 rubles, the duration of the course is at least a week. Easy to use. Prohibited unless the problem of bleeding gums is resolved.
  • InoPro Charcoal. An almost professional product that provides both gentle cleaning and great results. Will cost 1200 rubles. Cope with old pigmentation.
  • Crest 3D White Glamorous White. The price of the product is 3000 rubles. A very popular product that promises to whiten teeth by 4 tones in 2 weeks. This, of course, is a rather optimistic maximum, but you can count on lightening for a couple of tones.

Korean, American, European - there is no clear definition of the geographical origin of the brands, no guarantee of quality. There are brands, there are reviews, there are expert advice, that's what you need to count on.

How to use it correctly?

In most cases, the strips can be used once a day, but there are options where morning and evening treatments are possible. Usually, the plates remain on the teeth for half an hour, it is already dangerous to keep them longer (unless, of course, these are night strips).

Features of use:

  • 5-10 days - average cycle of use;

  • after using the strips, teeth may remain excess gel, usually there is an instruction on the package, but the measure is standard - with a cotton swab, the gel is carefully removed from the enamel;

  • you can just rinse your mouth water every time after removing the strips, it helps to get rid of the feeling of the remaining gel;

  • during the procedure, of course, it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke;

  • do not reuse the same strip - it is unhygienic and pointless (all the gel remains on the teeth during the first session).

When using the strips, you should always carefully read the instructions on the packaging. And although the method of using the records is rarely different, there can still be some nuances. It also shows how to open the bag, how to take out the plates, how to remove the film, how to apply the plates to the teeth.

On the plates themselves it is written for which jaw (upper / lower) they are intended.

Precautionary measures

It is often impossible to use strips, and also to extend the duration of the action. These are the main rules, violation of which leads to problems from the enamel and gums.

As a rule, the strips should not be used:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;

  • for any gum disease (first heal);

  • with enamel with significant damage;

  • if the teeth have a large number of fillings;

  • in the presence of teeth with crowns (the gel does not work on an artificial tooth);

  • if you are allergic to the active ingredient of the whitening gel;

  • with a general negative physical condition, the risk of an asthmatic attack.

And also the strips are considered a prohibited product for minors.... The dentist will tell this category of patients how to gently whiten their teeth (and whether it should be done).

Review overview

And in conclusion, a few conclusions that can be drawn by studying a number of reviews about different types of whitening strips and different experiences of using them.

The following information is often found in reviews:

  • before use be sure to visit the dentist, a person may not even suspect that he has problems with the gums;

  • the buyer must study the composition, watch the instructions while still in the store, there may be nuances that will cancel the purchase;

  • strips cope relatively well with white spots on the teeth, here the problem needs to be solved from the inside (vitamin therapy, replacement of drinking water, etc.);

  • untreated, carious teeth incompatible with bleaching;

  • absolutely necessary read application timeif the exposure of the stripes is equal to half an hour, it means that the lightening goes by about 3 tones, and if you keep them prescribed for an hour - by 6-8 tones, but you cannot increase the time yourself;

  • always needed watch the expiration date;

  • no strong odors bags and strips themselves should not be published.

As a rule, little-known brands are blacklisted on forums. Popular products seem to value their reputation too much and carefully approach the development of whitening products.

Happy choice and dazzling result!

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