Oral care

Whitening strips Crest 3D White

Whitening strips Crest 3D White
  1. Features and principle of operation
  2. Description of the assortment
  3. Which strips should you choose?
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Review overview

If you choose where to whiten your teeth - in the dentist's office or at home, the second option, for obvious reasons, is preferable for many. Therefore, special whitening strips have received such a demand. However, there are many nuances in this matter, and you also need to be able to choose the strips.

Features and principle of operation

Crest 3D White Whitening Strips belong to the home whitening system. The manufacturers themselves, without false modesty, write about them "legendary", because once the home system for upgrading a smile, indeed, became revolutionary. It has been shown to be effective and safe to use. Of course, the word "safety" is always perceived conditionally, because any bleaching in one way or another affects the enamel.

The manufacturer of the strips promises an annual effect, which is very attractive to the buyer: to whiten teeth for a year, and even at home - sounds captivating. Moreover, they also look not scary: thin and elastic strips impregnated with whitening gel. Hydrogen peroxide is the main ingredient in this gel. The whitening gel on the strip attaches to the teeth and thus acts on the darkened enamel as well as on the dentin (the layer under the enamel).

How it works:

  • the gel is applied on thin strips, which, attaching to the teeth, due to their elasticity, repeat their shape;

  • the composition of the gel penetrates into the enamel and dentin, due to which deep whitening occurs;

  • one strip can be used after another, focusing on the time indicated on the instructions;

  • strips can only whiten natural enamel, they do not affect the color of crowns, fillings, dentures;

  • if a person is wearing braces, they cannot use the strips.

Important! If you want to whiten exactly crowns or teeth, a significant part of which is occupied by a filling, you need to contact your dentist.

Whitening pads are considered safe because they are based on hydrogen peroxide, the same one used to whiten teeth in a dentist's office. Usually, those who come to the doctor for white teeth tolerate the procedure itself without any problems, but may experience some discomfort after it. This is due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide can increase the sensitivity of the teeth. This usually goes away by itself. The action of the strips is softer - although they have the same composition, it is not so concentrated. Therefore, an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth after using the strips is almost impossible. If only the person himself uses them incorrectly, abusing the whitening product.

Description of the assortment

The company offers a whole line of products in the "stripes" category, which differ in the purpose of use.

To maintain whiteness

The best product for this request is the system Crest 3D White Whitestrips Monthly Whitening Boost, designed for professional whitening at home. A noticeable result appears on the first try. The same strips will protect against daily plaque and future dark spots. The whole course includes 6 procedures. The maximum lightening can be achieved by 2 tones. You can use the strip 1-2 times a month, leaving it on your teeth for no more than 2 hours. One package contains 12 whitening plates, 6 pairs for each tooth row.

For newbies

Those for whom the experience of home whitening will be the first should pay attention to the product Crest 3D Whitestrips Classic White. It will give a noticeable effect in just a few days. Surface stains on the teeth are not an obstacle for him. The classic set contains strips for 10 whitening procedures.

For the fastest effect, it is recommended to use a strip a day. On the third day of application, the teeth will become noticeably lighter. You can keep the composition on your teeth for no longer than half an hour.

Another great tool for newbies, according to the company's experts, can be a recently launched product. Crest 3D Whitestrips Vivid White. The whitening course for these strips is prolonged, it is designed for 12 days. But you still need to keep the strip for half an hour - and no more. You can whiten your teeth up to 3 tones.

And finally Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Glamorous White will make your teeth noticeably whiter in 2 weeks. In terms of effectiveness, it is considered the average of all the systems presented. But for a beginner, a remedy is needed that will not be too active - nevertheless, the teeth also need adaptation before any exposure.

For sensitive teeth

If the teeth are sensitive, such enamel should be preserved. In some cases, you have to give up whitening altogether. But if the desire is so great, the company offers the Crest 3D Whitestrips Gentle Routine system. She perfectly copes with plaque remaining on the teeth after tea, coffee, wine, berries. In this case, the strips will protect the enamel, which is too susceptible to hot, cold, as well as sour and sweet. The whole course takes exactly 2 weeks with the condition of daily application of the product with a holding time of 30 minutes. Brightening effect for 2 or even 3 tones.

The product Crest 3D Whitestrips Sensitive White, which can remove even 15-year-old plaque, has become a pleasant new tool for the same category of customers. At least that's what the manufacturer says. The entire course is designed for 13 procedures, the strips are also applied to the teeth for half an hour. Obviously, everyone can find time for such a session. This product is also remarkable in that it promises whitening by 4 tones.

Maximum whitening

For maximalists who want everything at once, the manufacturer also has an offer. it Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit system. The result is already a starting application, and it is comparable to the result that laser whitening can give. The course lasts 3 weeks, during which you need to allocate an hour for the procedure. But the effect is stunning - teeth will become 6 or even 7 shades whiter. This is a breakthrough, as the manufacturer says, and it's hard to disagree with it.

Professional whitening

The company also has such a product, which the manufacturer itself equates to a professional whitening session in a dental office. it stripes Crest 3D Whitestrips Professional White. And also the developer assures that this tool has received excellent reviews from American dentists. The first lightening is noticeable after one session. The entire course will take 20 days, and the strips, as in almost all other cases, should be on the teeth for half an hour.

You can count on teeth whitening by 5-6 tones, which, in fact, corresponds to the results that can be achieved after visiting the dental office. Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects have a similar effect.

Express whitening

If there is no time, and white teeth are needed as soon as possible, you can try Crest 3D White Whitestrips 1 Hour Express. The entire course is designed for just 1 week. The strip is applied to the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, you need to keep it for 1 hour every day. You can increase the whiteness of your teeth by 3-4 tones. And if you want to achieve whitening by as much as 5 tones, you can take a closer look at the Crest 3D Whitestrips Professional Express strips, which are also used for 7 days and stay on the teeth for an hour.

Which strips should you choose?

It all depends on the start request, which can be different. For example, if the strips are bought by a family and several people will use them, the economy of purchase is important. You need to look for sets in which there are 84 strips at once, that is, at least for two people, the number of plates is perfectly divided. Moreover, each person will undergo a full-fledged whitening course. For example, such a request will satisfy product Crest Whitestrips Supreme Professional.

And also the choice of stripes is based on:

  • does the person have experience of using such products in the past (to continue the course, you can take a more powerful tool, but if this is an opening, the option should not be too active, and the course should not be too long);

  • what features of the condition of the teeth are relevant - so, for sensitive teeth only special strips with a mark of purpose are suitable;

  • how much time does the buyer have to carry out a home whitening procedure - some strips have to be kept in the mouth for an hour; if a person lives in time trouble, such a temporary resource is a luxury for him.

The best option is professional advice. The dentist will tell you where to start, how to use it correctly, what to do for those who have already tried the strips, but this experience did not seem positive to them. The doctor will not only provide targeted advice on what to take, but will professionally give reasons for the recommendations. Since the strips are not cheap, a consultation will definitely not be superfluous.

Instructions for use

The strips are as simple as possible to use. But the instructions are still worth reading to be sure of the correct implementation of whitening.

Let's take a look at how to use teeth whitening strips.

  1. Open the bag itself, take out the strips with clean hands.

  2. Remove the coating from the strip (it can be easily removed, it plays only a protective role). Each dentition has its own strip - this can be determined by its shape.

  3. The strips should be applied to the teeth in front of the mirror on the side where the gel is impregnated. The longest part is for the upper row of teeth, the shorter one is for the lower one.

  4. Again, without leaving the mirror, the strips need to be aligned along the gum line. They should be very tightly pressed against the dentition.

  5. Now you need to carefully draw between the teeth with a fingernail: this way you can achieve an even distribution of the gel. That is, the interdental spaces will also be filled, which will ensure high-quality whitening.

  6. After a given amount of time - half an hour or an hour - the strip must be removed.Rinse the oral cavity thoroughly with clean water, remove the remaining gel from the teeth with a finger or a toothbrush, whichever is more convenient.

  7. At the end of the procedure, no gel should remain in the mouth.

  8. The strips cannot be reused.

This method of application is as simple as possible. While the whitening product is doing its job, a person can go about their own business: reading, watching TV, learning about whitening on the Internet, and so on. Of course, you can hardly go for a walk with strips in your mouth, but you can plan some activities that do not require special activity.

Who shouldn't use strips:

  • pregnant and lactating;

  • children under 12 years old;

  • people with allergies to the composition of the product;

  • people with diseases of the teeth and gums (first treatment, then strips);

  • patients with bronchial asthma, malignant arterial hypertension, epilepsy, serious pathologies of internal organs.

Whitening bad teeth is certainly not an option. If a person is not sure that all teeth are healthy, this can be checked with one trip to the dentist.

During the whitening course, it is not recommended to use products that can paint the enamel: compotes, juices, and coffee. This can negatively affect the result. People with high sensitivity of teeth can use the product not every day, but every other day - this will not interfere with the effectiveness of the strips.

Review overview

The best tip is your own, when you just take a photo before and after. It is immediately clear whether the system is working or not.

What they write on the Internet about Crest 3D Whiterstrips:

  • works well, but no better than professional whitening at the dentist;

  • it is a pity that it is recommended to use only two sets per year, yet their effect is not fully calculated for a year;

  • you can be disappointed in the product if you take the first ones that come across, and not read the information for each category - there are no universal strips;

  • with very sensitive enamel, any risk of bleaching, even a special tool designed for such teeth, still spoils the enamel;

  • you need to take into account the individual reaction, there are people (although there are few of them) who have a panic attack if there is something foreign in their mouth;

  • if a person smokes, the effect of the stripes will not last for a long time - at least for a year it is definitely not worth counting on.

Crest 3D Whitestrips is a system that does not know many competitors, with a good reputation and decent advertising. Nevertheless, the choice is always individual, it is great if it is supported by the recommendations of a personal dentist.

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