Oral care

InoPro whitening strips

InoPro whitening strips
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. How to use?
  3. Review overview

A beautiful smile immediately attracts the interlocutor. To achieve snow-white teeth, modern dentistry offers a huge range of services and products. One of these are the whitening strips, which guarantee visible results after the first use. The Chinese brand inoPro recently introduced its products to the Russian market, but it has already established itself as a manufacturer of quality products for the oral cavity. In the article, we will consider the pros and cons of the brand's products, tell you how to use it correctly and review the reviews left by customers on the Web.

Advantages and disadvantages

InoPro Teeth Whitening Strips have become a real innovation in the world of dentistry. Their composition allows you to carefully perform the whitening procedure at home. The special technology ensures painlessness and increased efficiency of the goods. InoPro strips are produced using the most modern equipment, focusing on the Good Manufacturing Practice quality standards. This suggests that the brand carefully monitors compliance with all standards and uses exclusively high-quality raw materials.

Each package contains two strips: for the lower and upper teeth. These are small plastic strips of black color, which, when glued, take the shape of teeth, tightly adhering to the enamel. The top layer is covered with a special compound that has bleaching properties. This technique is developed on the basis of a patented American technology. The strips contain only natural active ingredients, due to which soft whitening is ensured, which does not harm the enamel.

As soon as the strips come into contact with the surface of the teeth, an oxidative reaction occurs due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide - this provokes destructive reactions within the plaque.

One of the main advantages of tooth enamel whitening strips is quick results. Visible changes can be noticed in 5-7 days. During this time, the teeth become whiter by several shades. InoPro strips have a fairly affordable cost, so everyone can carry out the whitening procedure at home. Ease of use - another plus of Chinese dental products. You just need to apply inoPro to the upper and lower teeth, then remove after half an hour.

An important advantage is the safety of using the whitening strips. The fact is that the whitening ingredients are presented in low concentration, so they do not harm the tooth enamel at all, but at the same time they are able to whiten it by several tones. Before the goods went on sale in the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, special studies were carried out, which showed that when used correctly inoPro according to the instructions, they are completely safe. The fact is that the active ingredients affect the tooth enamel only for half an hour, so they cannot damage it. Whitening itself occurs gradually, so there is no aggressive effect.

If you have sensitive teeth, the manufacturer recommends reducing the time you wear the strips or taking slightly longer breaks during the course.

InoPro strips, despite their complete safety, have some contraindications, which should be familiarized with before use. It is also worth getting a dentist's advice.

The use of products is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • under the age of 18;
  • the presence of caries, pulpitis or other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • the presence of defects in the enamel surface.

The inoPro cost depends on the number of kits purchased:

  • 1 course for lightening by 2-3 tones costs 990 rubles;
  • 2 courses for lightening for 5-6 tones - 1990 rubles;
  • 3 courses for lightening for 8-9 tones - 2990 rubles.

Of the disadvantages of inoPro, only an increase in tooth sensitivity should be noted, which follows from the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the enamel.

During this period, it is forbidden to drink too cold water or eat hot food so that there is no discomfort.

How to use?

The kit includes instructions for use in Russian and English. The manufacturer strongly recommends adhering to it during use in order to ensure safety for the tooth enamel and achieve maximum effect. Before using inoPro whitening strips, you need to brush your teeth with a toothbrush. You can use an irrigator that cleans the gaps between the gums and teeth, thereby allowing the active ingredients to completely whiten the surface. Rinse your mouth with warm water immediately before use.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening after dinner, as a sufficient amount of time will pass before the next meal, and the result will be better consolidated. After brushing your teeth, you should completely remove excess moisture. For this, you can use paper napkins. Dry your upper and lower teeth alternately, then proceed with the whitening procedure with inoPro strips.

The way of using the product is quite simple. Open the package and take out two strips. The slightly larger one is for the upper jaw. As soon as the products come into contact with oxygen, the active substances on their surface are activated. Gently apply the strips to the teeth and fix with smoothing movements so that they fit snugly to the surface. Keep the inoPro for half an hour.This is the time required for the complete oxidation of active substances that destroy plaque.

In addition to whitening, these strips will help eliminate age spots, as the components of the product penetrate into the enamel. After 30 minutes, gently remove the strips and rinse your mouth. For the next 6 hours, it is best not to eat or drink anything. It will take 5 days or more to get a visible result. It all depends on your individual characteristics and the initial shade of the teeth, as well as the desired result.

To consolidate the result, the manufacturer recommends refraining from eating foods that can aggressively affect the surface of the teeth. These include coffee, wine, tea, and red foods. And also cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited.

If these rules are not followed, the whitening result may be lost.

Review overview

Reviews of inoPro Chinese teeth whitening strips are mostly positive. First of all, users note the ease of use and the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home. And they also talk about the ease of use of the strips: just take them out of the package and stick them to the tooth enamel. And then the active substances will do everything themselves, you just need to relax and wait about half an hour.

InoPro products have increased efficiency - this is noted in 100% of reviews. Many people write that they managed to lighten their teeth by more than three tones. The first results were noticeable after 4 days for most of the people who left reviews. Among the advantages, the long-term preservation of the whitening effect was also noted, but only with abstinence from smoking and colored food, as well as with regular brushing of the teeth. Those who neglected the rules lost their teeth whiteness after a couple of months.

Of the advantages, the democratic cost of products is also noted: depending on the number of courses, the price varies from 990 to 2990 rubles. InoPro strips are available for purchase and can be found in many pharmacies or ordered online for home delivery. A big advantage of the product is the ability to independently control the whiteness level. When the desired result is achieved, you can stop using and stop there. For many, this turned out to be very convenient, since not everyone likes marble-white teeth.

Unfortunately, there were also those who were dissatisfied with the products of the Chinese brand... Not everyone was able to achieve the desired effect, and for some it was completely absent. The fact is that each of us has a different thickness of enamel, respectively, and its resistance to external influences also differs. The tool is not considered professional, it can be used at home on your own, without the supervision of a dentist.

In some reviews, customers complained about the increased sensitivity of the teeth during the whitening course. Immediately after the termination of the procedure, this effect disappeared, and the teeth were normal again. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal, since even despite the gentle effect, the teeth are still treated with active substances that remove plaque.

There were also complaints about the size of the strips - some users were not able to completely cover the entire dentition, they had to apply inoPro only to the visible part. For some buyers, the products slipped from their teeth, but there are very few such cases.

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