Oral care

Rigel Whitening Strips

Rigel Whitening Strips
  1. Composition
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Review overview

Every person dreams of a perfect smile. But not everyone is naturally lucky to have snow-white teeth. The quality of nutrition, rare visits to dentists and inadequate dental care worsen their external condition. Whitening strips will help to correct the situation.


With the development of modern technology, having a snow-white smile is becoming more and more real - for example, with the help of such an invention as whitening strips.

Whitening strips are classified as oral care products. When used, the product converts into a gel that releases oxygen. With the help of it, tooth enamel is cleaned and plaque is destroyed. As a result, a person gets a snow-white smile. It also helps combat odors.

There are a sufficient number of manufacturers of whitening strips: Blend-a-med, Selebrity Smile, Crestal Bright White, Bright Light Night Effects, White Intensive, MeiTan and others. All of them differ in composition, brightening tone, duration of use.

The most famous company producing such strips is the English manufacturer Rigel. This product is produced in the amount of 28 whitening strips in one package, 14 pieces per top and bottom row.

Rigel strips are popular for their benefits:

  • plaque is destroyed in places inaccessible to a toothbrush;
  • allowed to use with increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • relieve an unpleasant odor;
  • the manufacturer gives a 100% guarantee of achieving the result;
  • fairly easy to use;
  • completely invisible on the teeth;
  • destroy germs.

In the production of a preparation for whitening teeth, a technology is used that corresponds to the European standard - Eureco HC.

Whitening strips do not contain hydrogen peroxide due to its damaging effect on enamel. Also, there is no carbamide, which also negatively affects the dental coverage.

Rigel strips contain the following components:

  • Phosphoric Acid (phosphoric acid);
  • Kollidon 90 F (Kollidon);
  • Glycerol (glieserol);
  • HPC-LM;
  • mint flavor;
  • Blanose 7LF;
  • Sorbitol T80 (sorbitol);
  • Potassium Sorbate (potassium sorbate);
  • Surcalose (sucralose).

Indications and contraindications

Whitening strips are for everyone who wants a crisp white smile. But there is a certain category of people who have higher indications for use due to a certain negative effect on teeth and tooth enamel.

Rigel strips should be used by people who often consume certain foods that negatively affect the tooth enamel, as well as have bad habits.

Recommended for use in the following cases:

  • frequent use of coffee or tea - these products leave a yellow coating on the enamel;
  • when eating foods high in sugar;
  • with nicotine addiction;
  • when drinking alcohol;
  • the use of fruits containing a large amount of acids (mainly citrus fruits), which destroy the enamel.

Failure to observe regular oral hygiene and the choice of low-quality dental care products leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. In these cases, the whitening strips will help get rid of plaque and protect the enamel from external negative influences.

There are some contraindications to using Rigel strips.

  • It is not recommended to use a bleaching agent for acute respiratory diseases.
  • If braces are installed to correct the bite, then using the whitening strips, you will have to wait until the orthodontic restoration is completely removed.
  • If any inflammatory processes occur in the oral cavity or there is caries that must be urgently treated, then it is strictly forbidden to whiten the tooth enamel. This can worsen the condition of the teeth.
  • Mechanical damage to the enamel, as well as intolerance to certain components that make up the product are contraindications for use.
  • Whitening strips should be avoided in all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • In the presence of severe diseases of internal organs or exacerbation of chronic diseases, the use of the preparation for bleaching is prohibited.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to consult a dentist before use.

Rigel whitening strips are easy to use. The instructions contain a complete description of the sequence of actions. Therefore, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with it.

Before applying the product, you must thoroughly brush your teeth. Leftover food may remain on the enamel without the expected effect.

The whitening preparation should be applied within 30 minutes after brushing your teeth, not earlier.

After the required time has passed, you should open the package of the whitening agent, take the strips and pay attention to the inscriptions: a strip with the inscription lower is intended to be applied to the lower part of the teeth, and upper to the upper jaw. The lower and upper jaws have different shapes, so the stripes differ in size.

On one side, the strip will be smooth, on the other there is a gel that contains active substances. This side must be applied to the upper and lower jaw so that the strip completely covers the teeth. Spread evenly over the entire surface using a toothbrush or clean fingers. The main requirement is not to damage the strip during use. If the strip is slightly larger, it is necessary to bend it into the inner part of the teeth.

It should be noted that the strip lies evenly: this is necessary to achieve the same whitening effect. To avoid irritation, spread the strip so that there is no contact with the gums.

Within 2-3 minutes, the substance on the strips reacts with saliva, begins to dissolve and becomes gelatinous. The constituent components begin to activate and remove plaque from the enamel without damaging it. The preparation brightens only teeth; in the presence of fillings, their color will not change.

If, when using the strips, any deterioration in the general condition of the body appears, further use should be stopped immediately.

In the absence of side effects, after following all the recommendations for use, a person can continue household chores or work. The strips should not cause discomfort. The main thing is not to touch the strips with your tongue or touch them with your fingers in order to prevent the preparation from moving. In this case, the bleaching process may not be uniform.

If the soluble gel enters the stomach, negative consequences are possible in the form of diarrhea. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to swallow the gel.

When all actions are completed and followed, the product remains on the teeth for 15-20 minutes, but no more than half an hour, so as not to irritate the oral mucosa.

After the recommended time has elapsed, you can rinse your mouth to remove residues.

For some time after removing the whitening strips, you may be sensitive to hot or cold food. This is a normal reaction, so it is recommended that you consume food and liquids at a temperature that does not cause discomfort for some time.

The whitening result can be seen immediately after removing the strips. To improve whitening and fix the result, the procedure must be repeated several times. It is recommended to use whitening strips for two weeks, once a day or 2 times a day for a week.

By limiting alcohol intake, quitting cigarettes, cutting back on high-sugar foods and certain fruits, the results will appear faster and last much longer.

Review overview

The popularity of whitening strips began to grow very quickly immediately after their appearance. The tool has a huge number of positive reviews. Even users with increased tooth enamel sensitivity respond very well to Rigel Whitening Strips after use.

Thanks to such a high rating and a large number of positive comments, the popularity of this tool continues to grow.

The population learns about the existence of these whitening strips from various sources: someone accidentally stumbled upon them on the Internet, some are deliberately looking for information on teeth whitening and end up on the manufacturer's page. Certain segments of the population receive information from friends and acquaintances who have already managed to apply this innovation on themselves and strongly recommend trying it.

Many people complain about naturally yellowish teeth. In such cases, Rigel whitening strips have become their salvation and made their dream of having white teeth come true.

Those who have already used this remedy respond positively to its quick action - after the first application, the teeth become a tone lighter. Thanks to its convenient small packaging, the product can be carried with you and used when needed.

This drug also received a number of negative reviews: buyers did not receive the expected effect of whitening. This may be due to the neglected state of the enamel. Continuous smoking, eating foods with a lot of sugar, or drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the whitening strips.

To prevent the acquisition of a fake, it is recommended to buy the product on the manufacturer's official website.

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