How to dress up an artificial Christmas tree beautifully?

It's hard to imagine that once people didn't decorate a Christmas tree. Many peoples had the custom of hanging various objects on trees, but they did it outside the house and not on New Year's. It is believed that Catholic priest Martin Luther was the first to bring into the room and decorate the tree in 1513.
In Russia, they began to dress up a green beauty in the 18th century by the decree of Peter I, but the custom did not take root. It became a tradition to celebrate the New Year with an elegant Christmas tree only in the 19th century - following the example of Nicholas I, who arranged such holidays for his family. After the revolution, the bourgeois custom was banned, the New Year tree was amnestied in 1935.

Much has changed in the world since then. People were able to make artificial pines and spruces with the maximum similarity with living forest beauties, thereby saving the lives of many of them. And Christmas tree decorations have evolved into a large number of all kinds of decorations that correspond to our time.
In their variety, we will try to figure it out, tell you how best to dress up a modern artificial Christmas tree.

Fashion trends in design
On sale you can find artificial pines and spruces of different sizes and types: from a small desktop version to a multi-meter beauty designed to decorate houses with a second light. Manufacturers are trying to diversify products with colors: they produce models in different shades of green, with a bluish bloom, golden sparkles or completely white, as if covered with snow.
They try not to cover the white spruce densely with toys, otherwise the feeling of contemplating a tree powdered with snow disappears right in the forest.
Toys choose discreet uniform shades.But if the design of the room requires, then bright red balls are also used.

As for fashion trends, they change every winter. Designers delight us with stylish models. The color scheme is often guided by the announced color of the animal, which, according to the eastern horoscope, refers to the coming next year, for example, 2021 corresponds to a white metal bull, and 2022 to a blue water tiger. That's why on holidays of this time period, preference is given to the winter version of a snow-covered Christmas tree with white, silver, blue and blue toys.

Quite a long period of time in the trend of monotony, and so far there are no prerequisites for the transition to colorful and flashy "outfits" for the New Year tree.
Also today Christmas trees are inherent in retro-motives. Faded toys (vintage value) are always welcome on modern holidays.
Jewelry in eco-style... Artificial spruce is decorated with natural cones, natural-colored nuts, dried fruits and dried flowers, wrapped in jutes like garlands. Sometimes even the tree itself is replaced with a vine, creating a homemade tree.

Choice of colors
The design of the Christmas tree depends on the style of the existing interior and its color scheme. As a rule, in the calm atmosphere of the room, you can choose an accent spruce that attracts attention. For a variegated interior, a tree with monochrome decoration is suitable. The combination of shades can be one of the suggested ones.
- Related. Toys are selected taking into account the adjacent tones on Itten's color wheel. For example, yellow is combined with orange, and red with lilac. Thanks to this combination, the spruce acquires special harmony and depth.
- Monochrome... When decorating a New Year tree, you should maintain the style and color scheme, but play slightly with shades, that is, work with one color, using its different tonality. Such models turn out to be especially extravagant and stylish.
- Contrast... The spruce is decorated with toys with a contrasting transition from dark to light, from bright to pastel. Such a tree carries an energetic charge of festive mood and active fun.

When choosing a color for decorating a Christmas tree, there are certain rules - the shades must be of the same intensity and depth. Combine well:
- blue, silver;
- Red Green;
- yellow, brown;
- lilac, blue;
- black, the color of fresh greenery.
When creating a classic Christmas tree, you should avoid a combination of colors: green with crimson, purple with yellow, red with blue.

Best decor ideas
Before you start decorating, you should remember: a small meter-long Christmas tree is decorated with small toys, and a lush overall beauty is decorated with large ones. Beads, balls and tinsel belong to the traditional "outfits" of the winter tree, but are not required. You can decorate the Christmas tree with everything that a person's imagination is capable of: flowers, dolls, puff pastry figurines. The symbol of the New Year in work collectives is even more interesting to dress up:
- decoration of the spruce by the fire department;
- tree in a medical facility;
- a symbol of a holiday in the House of Models;
- New Year at the gas station.

As for the classic Christmas trees, the following decorations are used to decorate them.
In the 17th century, spruce trees were decorated with thinly cut silver ribbons, which were called tinsel. Today this decorative element is made of modern, but no less shiny materials. A tree in gold color symbolizes wealth and prosperity, silver tinsel gives a feeling of freshness of cold sparkling snow.

With the advent of electricity, they immediately began to decorate the trees with garlands, forgetting about the horror of fires from candles. Today manufacturers produce a large number of New Year's lanterns of various shapes and sizes.... Garlands are used to decorate not only spruce trees, but also premises, building facades, courtyards and streets.

When decorating a New Year tree, balls are the most preferred around the world. They shine mesmerizingly with their glossy sides. But there are many other toys that make children especially happy. Kids are ready to spend hours looking at snow maidens, trains, dolls, houses and hares on the Christmas tree. In this regard, vintage toys are good, they often have a plot character.
In addition to traditional New Year's decorative elements, there are many other decorations.

The floral theme is considered a fashionable trend in our time. Christmas trees are decorated with artificial flowers or dried flowers. In any case, they look beautiful and natural on green branches, in the cold season they add warmth and comfort to the premises.

Edible decorations
They are of two types: those that can be eaten and that ceased to be edible after being treated with paints or varnish. The former include gingerbread, bagels, candies, chocolates, nuts, and whole fruits. They can be hung from the bottom of the tree for children to enjoy. Inedible options include sliced citrus rings: sugar, dry, and varnish. It is better to hang such a dessert higher away from children. As examples, here are a few "edible" symbols of the New Year:
- gingerbread tree;
- a tree with the smell of vanilla and orange;
- dough sweets.

The tree should be in harmony with the environment. For example, a minimalist tree will feel uncomfortable in a country, retro or Empire style interior. Decorating a Christmas tree can be of several options.
Decorating with balls in combination with light carved toys of golden and red colors is characteristic of the classical trend. The theme will be supported by fir trees, decorated with snowflakes, icicles, balls in white or silver tones.

This style is used by the owners of nostalgic retro interiors or those who have preserved old Christmas tree decorations. But if such a set falls into the hands of a designer, then from old shabby figures, icicles and balls, you get a stylish modern Christmas tree.

The loft Christmas tree is not distinguished by grace. Toys are selected large, hung tightly... Intense reds bring out energy in a setting and mood.

Shabby chic
In contrast to the shabby chic loft, the tree is decorated in gentle pastel colors, a large number of expensive antiques are used as jewelry.

The Provence style herringbone is light and homely. Antique paper and cardboard toys, natural materials, and a floral theme are used to decorate it.

Beautiful examples
We offer a selection of the most beautiful trees that have become the standard of the New Year's holiday:
- plot decoration of the spruce foot;

- herringbone in eco-style;

- forest beauties decorated with ribbons;

- New Year tree on a high leg;

- an unusual design technique - a spruce, enclosed in a ball of jewelry;

- coniferous tree in a glass with vanilla sticks;

- interior christmas tree in country style.

The tree should be harmonious and comfortable, create a holiday, bring a positive mood. If you get just such a New Year's tree, then you decorated it correctly.